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Publication Date: 
August 8, 1955
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CLASSFFICATION - " - CENTRAL Approved For Release 2008/05/22 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007400330011-5 COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Rail Freight Traffic through Bast Germany Border Stations PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. s,.. a.. s~,aw-..,us ~rs~ ~r,,n~r..rsu~,aw ~P4RT No. 25X1 DATE DISTR. 8 August 1955 N0. OF PAGES 3 N0. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Date im ~r zprea~a B~nber and T,~e ~f Ctrs r n ~ Lend Frem ~.~ 14 3.2 t ~: parts Chemnitz ~5 ~,t B~ Lsrsiasd Guben ze s N 16 42 Oars ~ g+~sds Frankfurt~Oder 8 F ~aetkinery parts Leipzig I7 I3 F machinery parts Chemnitz 11 F (tsAVas-sswred Cuban 22 B ~ehie2es~ preattmab~,y armfred personnel carriers uadetos~ined 2 F 5 truck trai~rs 10 E sew Halle 7 F wheei seta Z9 8 T undetermined Cuban 32 T undetermined Cuban 50 B undeterained Quben 20 8 T Zmctetermined Aaben 2; l B' 6 F 6 ~?aded tracks Frankfurt~Oder 22 28 T empty Huhland 2~ 44 T enptar Huhland 25 16 B asdeternined l[erseburg 8 T undetermined 46 B ureaium ere' ZwS.ckau 26 I2 T undeter~i~d Frankfurt~Oder 27 30 F i~ew ~ truclrs ?arl.ekan 32 B os~,vl~es~#:aod 4 F i.nsr~r Parts 28 1 B, 50 F 50 sew truca~ Fraakfurt~Odar >~ 6s 1 ~ ~ * ~~~~ ~ STATE ARMY Approved For Release 2008/05/22 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007400330011-5 ILLEGIB Brest Twip:ig Juet(erbeg Brae! Brest A~.tengrabew 2 Brest ; 7wipzig 1 3ieiadoburg I ~e~6 Leipsig 31- Jueterbeg Guben 1 Guben 1 Brest Brest 4 Erftirt 5 Best 6 ~e~'6 7 7 ,ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2008/05/22 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007400330011-5 25X1 3o i2 T 31 8 F i June 1 B, 50 F 3o F 12 T 2 " 8 F Z8 B 6F 3" 4oF 4F 16 ~ 12 B 45 ~ 38 F 46 8 4 " 60 cars ~j0 F l0 B 3o F ~ F 2p undetermined new ?zcawairors ~aew tracks new trucks undetermined machinery pasts undetermined machinery parts sew trucks mauhin?ry parts undetermined tu-de torminod empty S4 raw trucks machinery parts ursatium ere machinery pasta and iroh censtractieas Fiankfurt~Odor Herdhausen Frankfurt/Odor Leipsig (~uben Chemnitz Leipzig Leipzig lerseburg Highland Zwickau ?ariakau Iwipzig about 'j4 new tank trucks BScankfurt~Odor Date !n Humber and Dead Iis,T '$+~o of Csacs 14 9B, aoF 7 June 2 H BB 25X1 25X1 aamanition gapfn Brst Best w 9" 5B y p M 27 B " w " hl " 4 B military goods ~,laengrebow " Leipzig 1 Brest ~e~'8 7 Brost 7 Aresden 1 Brest Brest Brest 6 (~uben 1 )~rq st 6 Brest 4 Hreat directs?n of Fd].kenberg 7 Brest 6 3, On 1 Juno, a train of 8 flatcars with lead ozceoding standard meaeurementse 3 conver en route-from B~enkft~rt/odor Ba,tskern 4. shipments dispatched from Fran]cttiirt~Qdar includ,od 25X1 ens n ? scars ammw~itien and 16 bezcars as crashoars to Jueter? 25X1 beg-,Lltos Lager on 6 Juneil0 and a train of 22 flatcars with lead ezaoeding .. standard mea~w~ement ? to Ferat 9Ginna en 7 3bune 5. 1, Comment. Continued shipments of armored peraennel carriers. .f3smmo_at. Deliveries sf East Gorman railroad oar factorioo to the II133a. vi~t~g~auge wheel sets serried along will be used 4. Comment. IIranium ere shipaeents frem the uranium x~ t? the U858o 5. 25X1 25X1 25X1 ore mining district in 25X1 osibly deli~r~ort ,~' win. lh~l to ~Biaders3~I~, Mine flatcars with 25X1 'oad ogees - sender asuremen s s c e rem sse ?ide.Oranienburg to Satzkern en 1112 Juns 25X1 Comments Probably ,crude oil shipments frem the II3SR to Bast German regenatien plants and empty tank cars returned to the DSO Approved For Release 2008/05/22 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007400330011-5 6. 7. Approved For Release 2008/05/22 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007400330011-5 Csmment. F,kport deliveries. _~ Cimmsnt, Shipments csnnacted with the motor vahiclQ ezohangn prsgram? 9. Commosnto Possibly aircraft orates returned to the IISSR from ~Lerbat airfield, 25X1 25X1 25X1 10? Csmment? ~naursition deliveries from the IISSR to the ammunition depot25X1 at Jueterbeg and return of empty shells t? the USSR? 25X1 ~,Ciamwnt. pre The shipment to Sauk?rn was 25X1 roportid praviot~ely Rio shipmsnt to First ?dnna is roperted for the first time and was probably consigned to the 7th Qda Tank Cemmont.. 73eliveries of ~.st Oerman hydrogenation plants to the 25X1 ~'l~~tll~g Probably T?g4 tank shipment, 25X1 the shipment was dispatched across the berdero heroi"ere it 1,25X1 beliejred that Basaenheida.Oranienburg was forwarding station rather than the dispatching station sf the shipment. D3.v Approved For Release 2008/05/22 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007400330011-5 Approved For Release 2008/05/22 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007400330011-5 CENTRAL ITI~TELLfGE , t3~1 REPORT ~N~'~RMle1?~'1011~ REP~R'~" cD rv0.. ?u>!vTR~r East Germany SUBJECT Rail Freight Traffic through East Germar~ Border Stations t'IACE. ~.C~UIREt~ iGATE 0t= 6 ~VFO. L...w...N...~.~,.a+~..,.~...~.. w m wwu rover mwir ire rr +rr eaporMe .ar n 11. r. C. ~~ rr ir, M ~ IIr 1WIMrArIM N lie /lYe{4T1011 O~ f!t ~~ ? rw MNrlr 7r M rMrlMrl~r sur ri Mo.~ ~~ R ~.. ~rrefMr M 1rM /M~ O /rININfeR DATE Dt5TR? 8 August 1;55 NO.OF PAGES ~ N0. OF ENCLS~. SLI,,sTEO SElOYIn ` SUPPLEMENT T~ REPORT N0. ' THIS IS UNEVALUATED tNFORMATfOM ?.;:3,~3" S~dG,, i::atT':~r,,.l~te .~ ~ , ..~-!~;;'n r'~!1 rr1F?-r :t cl. i;.: iJl:l .1t ~~e~ f'` - p? ~i~;lts:~k].:: ~._-:~xj3Z'~:56 n.TL~i:1T1 ~:.~r1.G~1 '~._.i'';gc.~.~;;~Ls.. ri'.. .lA ~.X. ~~ i 3.V 8 ~~'. _r._..:~~' ~roi" Car. g. ~~ 1;, ~~ ~~ ~( ~+~~ ~.._ 2~ lb ~. ... `s3 i~ ".. ~ ?~ ~,, T !, . `S' S1 i~6 )~ B~. ~ .~ 2~s ~' ~~ti ~' 1> ~~ S~i .; T Y ,I _ ': 7 a~,:. ~ ~.~:` Fy w e 5u ~ sa~h~.rsaa~q ~:a?'~~ u~d~~eYn:~nc~d ~t ~.3 tsxy g~nods ana.upl t, ne sy ~e,s t ~a ~schinEr~ par~B ~.:E.~CXa(98`8?-,triV6?Y'v~t~ ~~vt~~.yy~~ ~6h1C.f.Q ~,~ ~x~i{Y.}1.Lluca U~','J_ a~az~~3 p~z~s~an~~e: e;arr~~::-~-, ~rida~~:~~.;~ rxs~~ ~,~i~ ~-i13~9~i _~:= : b ,.~zldv t8 11ace ~ ~:Yrtde t~t~?m~. n~~ 3 :UT>,~~.i?'~4d ?I'1tt. 713 d~. 6 ~,assi~r~ r.ru~;ks~ ~axP`~~ ~.mg ty ;artd+~ ~ e rm~n~~ d ?~~.n~~tQ emf n~c? 5~~a ~~~ ~r,a.>~; ~. iuF~.~r.ti-:~~tty:t:Y ,~ocs: ,.~ti nen, ~.ze border, herefore i t i s 25X1 be;lie?~~~,d that ~T~sesenheid?~=.Qranienburg ;ras forwarding agitation rather than the diapatch3n.~ station of the shipc:ent~ SEC Rl'~ Approved For Release 2008/05/22 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007400330011-5