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Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007400650006-6 CEKTMZ 3NTBtJ10BSCZ 1(NC! WMATIOIAORT COUNTRY last GOMWW SUBJECT LW COnOW01% the 1955 State Daft" P2M DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIR DATE ACQUIRE This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revel- ation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 26 July 1955 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATION$ IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT 18 TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 25X1 lw, Prepareli the *ieiatry fir linen.. of sat Oirnq, on the State Dad st far 1955? S!e lw, to stir with the State Budget Plan, rls eensidered b the Coradl at Ministers an 15 Ney 1955 and oanfisrd bpr the Zest German Tambilaw en 28 *e/ 1955. ' 1. Confirmation of viii Stet. Budget Plan She State Budget Plan of !Yh titiaiiiiiso Demseratie aapablio for the yew 1955 L confirmeil as follows 3boon 38, 366.9 nil3ias 66 Blipendituree>i 38:1.90.1 !&113E ..CMS 1X08" of income ever aspemditures in 1955 28J willioie Snrplas frm the yew 29% 2!il aL 3 n Surplus at the emd of 1955 1,337.5 million no 2. Confirmation of the Budget Plan of the R.pmb1ia Incoip 266798.5 minim Dot T~p.e~dl ,~s 28,790.0 mil3laft P Excess of income over expenditures in 1955 8.5 mi11t Swplas from the yrs. 1956 850.6 million an surplus at the end of 1955 859.1 million L 3? Confirmative oaf -'bIR' Budget 11 PP+MM 111. No Besishs STATE ARMY NAVY AIR I& I 1 AEC Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007400650006-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007400650006-6 rlaans for tbi-pct for the year 1955 are confirmed as follows Tlsr n+dga'M? Besfrk Income Exp (min nom) (mi enditures l3ios-.~_._. Sue plns an ~._.- Rmtosk 558.4 541.9 420 4 16?5 112*5 ee~mrim nbise d ~.1 . 192.3 14.8 g s 1srabrasn Pow" 608.2 589.4 18.8 Fr. nkfurt,/0a.r 3%.8 381.1 11.7 3 Cottbus 3699.9 ~Z.l 21. 4 Ha g 834.9 806.7 26.2 17 g srfort 557.6 539.9 o 6 1 owe 2 12.4 2367 7.7 su 752 3 24.2 ssdsn Dees 77 5 . 1 621 . LeipsiH 5 0 768.4 44.4 24.0 l 1,889.5 1 ,848.1 41.4 4. Confirmation of the Pinanos Ply for Mationalised Hoo,,oq The Finance Plans for the nationalised soaaagy for the year 1955 are sonfirmede a with pe~yments into the State Treasury of 13,654.6 million D!i b with contributions to the Director's Funds of 552.0 miliiea as e with payments from, the State Budget,partioularl7 for investments to expand the nationalised 5.055.1 million us (t ) eroonasy, of 5. Confirmation. of the Budget Plan for, Social Insurance f*UONS The Budget Plan for social Insurance for 1,955 is confi e6 3 minim 99 Incamr 5,887.9 million as tnmres d (Zwsckgebunden) success of U0010 6" million no ova. aapenditures for 1955 6. Confirmation of the Long-?am Credit Plan The Long !Srm Credit Plan is confirmed with 1#370.0 million 1115. 7. The Dsutsehe Investitiomsb=k is sopo Bred, an the basis of the mortgage bonds held by it in legal Mote P (in tochtstrae gers lPpotheken Sohuldversabtreibumgen), to make psymen up to 700 million 115 to t savinp arkaaseen) and to use the eglpiveleat for finsneing Planned 8. Financing of &SAM and Comity t"res 1) To finance expenditures not, covered by their ow inoosoes, the 2mairint s a share of the production and i v greiie and nose'ties reoe i-- 7tP iar" umd Disostloist ) !from the local. natia~-alised ecouas_ a share from the national ta-ass teuien), and allaoatiorr from the budget of the Rapublts. Those local state organs wddich include the flames plena in their 1Nidgf 0 retain in full the net profits, the oaepaeatioa, turnover, appd tradb tam of the local nationalised sconmW and the predrsotion and services teases of the local nationalised eoonaq. The Magiotrat. of Ols'Beelin receives a 1. share of the prodiatisa and tiamali*Sd eeano1e4? 1 na Service tames of the lsoa- and trade faeces of 3) The 1 -- receive in fun tag courm tice, ~o~'ti the state trading onpoiaatiams CM) and the eoasumer oooiperritiv .v - , The UMLda also rrhe we su at Other dstsra ns the ippc ver'tret> of the 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007400650006-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007400650006-6 of the taxes from the HOs, the consumer c-)operatives and other coopera. titres to the City and Land K. 3i:o and the City Des irks. For financing such Bezirk,a expenditures not covered by income and the share of national taxes,, nor by the production and service taxes of the local nationalized economy (as per paragraph 2 and 3), the Bealrin receive further shares of the taxes from private economy and the taxes paid" by the employed. 5) 6) Taxes from Toun from private sc anomW the eeylol ed- Rostock 1W % schwa-in 3.00% 100 5 Neubrandenburg =0 100 S Po4,sda 5 200% 2005 rrankftwt/Oder 200 % 1W % Cottbus 300 5 300 % 2W % 200 % 8 100 5 n% Irf rt 200% 78 % Oera 200% 22 % Suhl 200% 57% Dresden 80% 31% L.ipsig 75% 23 5 tarl?JMars-8tadt 555 29% Berlin 57 5 245 The City and ,seise and the City Desir sham in this tax appcrtiosiiag. ~AM The Volksver ermines the extent of the sharing. The you kay r of the sus leg are authorised to determine the City and r! shaie3 of the income from the Machine Tractor Statiae. For ;t~g expenditures of Beakko whose own income and the designated shares of the national taxes (according to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 ) are inadequate, allocations will be made from the national budget. Besirk Lllocatioet (in million I1E) Rostock 193. 6 (?) Schwerin 166.0 Neubrandenburg 237.3 (?) Potsdam 103.0 Frankfurt/Oder 1,47.7 Cottbus 64.9 (?) Magdeburg 80.8 (?) For financing expenditures of any City and Landisria. whose own income and designated share of the national taxes (according to paragraphs 9 and 4) is inadequate, the P: Volkstreartretuna will determine the allocation from the Besirk budget. 9. The Vo3ksvertretuna of the Besirke, Yrese? cities and communities are authaclsed, when voting on their budgets, to decide upon additional expenditures, expecially for value received (Werterhaltung) as long as these expenditures can be covered through supplementary income. The established excesses and surpluses of the budget plan cannot therebly be altered and no additional expenditures for investments and personnel expenditures can be decreed. 1) Award funds (Praemienfonds) are to be created in the administration and installations, in the administration of the nationalised econ as well as in banks, savings institutions, insurance companies7and national lotteries to the extent of 3 of the planned wage and salary funds. 2) The award fund can be utilised to the extent of ij% of the wage and salary fund registered with the registry organs of the Ministry for Finance. 3) Local welfare and service enterprises which are financed completely from the budget can utilise the award fund to the full extent of the planned walp and salary fund. Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007400650006-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007400650006-6 no IN m dstry loot Fiaan0s will issv the *.ptlations for aarr7in$ Mt the abovS. 12. This isv is affsstive as of 1 J ar7 1%5? 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007400650006-6