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Publication Date: 
August 8, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-00810A007500280001-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Receiver Installations of the Deutsche Post PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. TH iS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C.. 51 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. -- ..~.._,._--- -_._ ~-7F ~. -- - --~-- ---- ----, --~--- ~.~,.-,~. - - - - 25X1 tztsclie Post i p to# a famia - DATE DISTR. 8 August ]i955 NO. OF PAGES z NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Elsholz on the previous site of a multiple unit (Musa). During the war, a Wehrmacht radio station had been located there. Receiving conditions were very good. For undetermined reasons, this plan was cancelled. In' April 1955, the immediate construction of the radio station near Elsholz was discussed atFunkamt Beelitz. Funkamt Beelitz was to remain in charge of the Telegraphic communications, while the Elsholz station was to take over the measurements and technical surveillance of radio traffic. No official statement had been made in this respect. It was assumed that some personnel from Funkamt Beelitz would be transferred to the new station in due time. Wehrmacht radio station, the so-called Engfllsburg located on Templiner See near Templin, was to be put into operation again. The plan was postponed 2. According to plans which had been discussed in April 1954, the former X but allegedly not entirely_abidoned. It was believed that the monitoring station at Elsholz had priority over the Templin project and was to be carried out soon. at Funkamt Beelitz. The unit was not put is* " . After additional instruments had arrived in April, Funkamt Beelitz had a total of 6 complete sets of measuring instruments for field strengths, each composed of four "U 50-307't type receivers with bobbin frames (Spulenrahmen) etz of. One set was installed at Funimmt Beelitz, another set was given to Funkwerk Koepenick, probably as a production model, and he emai i four sets were installed in IFA trucks of the Deutsche Post Personnel were instructed in the operation of the instruments. The mobile measuring stations, designated "District Broadcast Interference Protectors" started for Erfurt, Schwerin, Potsdam and Burg respectively allegedly to measure the field strength of the broadcast stations in these areas or districts. It was rather believed, however, that these mobile stations were pimarily in charge of the accurate measurement of the field strength of West- required for an offective jamming. Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-00810A007500280001-1 a new measuring instrument for field strength arrived Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280001-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280001-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500280001-1 CENTRAL INTEL LICENCE A; RF,ORT INFORMATION CD NO. COUNTRY East Cerr^r SJ3JECV Receiver installations of the Deutsche Post PLACE ACQUIRED !DATE OF' INFO. 5.3. C" 31 W r ". its "mom to ""S "M" OR "T t'ixv"A"C" dF M CTfs'iTs181'3i7 t!S AM "me TO " SMAGtfORtZEO PARSON is no. iN vita'3T "W. mono 11O or MW FORM to PROUI$1T D DATE DISTR.: 8 August 1555 NO.. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION In ';'ia:-ch and May 1954, the Radio Receiving and Monitoring Service of the Dcutcche Post had p3.enned to establii:,ji a -radio monitoring station near E1...'ho z on the pre ious site of a multiple ~anit (Musa). During the war, a 11'ehx-macht radio station had been located there. Receiving conditions wci:c ' cry good. For undetermined reasons* this plan was cance11eds In "+_955: tie immediate construction of the radio st~Aion near Elsholz wa.J a i:~au: ae~d. Ft1nkamt Beelitz.. Fux .tint Beelitz was to remain in charge of he ftlegraphic communications, while the Elsholz station was to take over? the easuroments and techni-:~aJ.. surveillance of radio traffic. No c~a;r'ica. kl statement had been made Ia this respect.. It was assumed that song parsonnel from Funkamt Beelitz would be transferred to the new s"t;,ti.~n in due time. 2,, A coo' a`cng to plans which had been discussed in April 1954, the former 'z o hrrz,.acht radio station, the oo-aa ..ed Eaage".sburg located on Templinsr See noa-r '?emp1?1n, was to be put into operation again. The plan was postponed bar: allegedly not entirely ab?'idcnea.. It was believed that the monitoring station at t!lshols had priority over the Templin project and was to be carried OU's ,oar. f . drily a.L charge c, i;hc , .. :, Cer a Li'o 1dG r t 7'. : ` i r~ ,~!. t c rec utrec. for :1.n jamming, R.x mi,1411arch 1955, a new measuring instrument for field strongth arrived {" :'?~ ', TC ,';;c air'