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Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 This is UNEVALUATED Information CIINTRAI IN TELT ICZICE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET 25X1 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revel- ation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. COUNTRY Nast Germany SUBJECT State Budget Plan for 1954 and 1955 DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRE DATE ACQUIRED REPORT DATE. 0I51 R. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO, RD REFERINCE.S 25X1 11 August 1955 15 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE. ARPRAISAt OE CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 25X1 .25X1 Analysis of the State Budget Plan for 2.215 A. Total Budget 1. The State Budget Plan for 1955 was formulated in accordance with the tasks set down in the Economic Plan. That part of the national income incorporated in the State Budget will be utilized 'to implement the Economia Plan. The balance for the 1955 State Budget Plan shows a surplus of 28.8 million DME. T- Topther with the surplus from 19540 the total budget surplus will amount to 19137.5 million I. During 19540 the Besirke accounted for 20.4% ; -1 expenditures of the budget. In 19550 the Besirke share will be 24.2%, in this respect, the Besirke budget volume is to rise by 10638.3 million DME or 22.6% over 1954. 2. The State Budget volume is to increase 3.4% in 1955 ovb-.1 that of 1954, al- though the national income is eaected to rise 8% ,cn_i_rreAtly The fact that the volume is not expanding ai-Firidly as the income is due to the effect of the price decreases in 1954 (which, as every year, bring a relative decline in volume as opposed to national income growth.) More particularly, how- ever, it is due to the introduction of the system whereby nationalised enter- prises use their profits to finance cm rcl, z.czet6inmments (Umlauffaittel- sublehrungen) and investments. A comparison with 1954 on the basis of the financing methods which exited in 1954 would show an increase of 4.1% in the State Budget volume. . The smaller growth QC .4udget volume's' comm. pared to national income, shows the 1955 State Budget include" a relatively smaller share orAheNnational income than in 19549while the portion f---T1-61711, qv x STATE #1 x 1 ARMY XJ NAVY 1.?notnn " Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 25X1 25X1 ? -7-- Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 Avis retained by the populaticwkddrectly is relatively increased. This implies a further increase in the living stamiard of the population. 2. Iitionalised,Egonomy Income from the nationalised ecoummy . :As an ever hmeadening segieut of the total -income of the -State pedget Plan. In 1955, it ii-41rimmrease br 11.1% oVer 1954 and amount to 3040 of t4e total budget income. However, it *WU he noted that increased Inseme from the nationalised economy results Ortialy from the expindedintroduction of the production tax (Produktions- *blabs), i.e. from a changed method of calculating income. On the other band, there is a &reline in income frau the nationalised economy due to use of not profits (1sttegesintle) of nationalised enterprises Per financing eurreut as, seta reouiremeakeh and investments. In terms comparable with 1954, the income from national1000 dcanoMY incribseesby 14.90 in 1955 over 1954. Itxpenditures in 1255 are to decline about 36.4% over 1954. This is dme to redectioris in plant costs (Solhetkestemeenkmng) in enterprises which roo*Uml. state idies to promote their prodoctiak and to the price ohanges for Schwirsnetalle which led to i decrease of *ow 250 million BK0 in eubeidies nairariRRTSFecal enterprises. 16 allitECCaltr.47Dirsetell0 ' The planning of budgetnmaptsand expenditures in the nationalised industry sphere was based on a goods production of 31,687.9 million IINg at faetery-baleo prime Oisessiabob=1;, Plant cost redactions amounted to 440 for the oeutrally, industry as a whole. This results in an Ablation figure of 4467.6 million, DNB, 14.0% mere than in 1954. This increase stems from arise in goods production and wider introduction- ofthe production tax, as yell as from 1,358.9 million, DO ? reductions. in plant costs, among other reasons. 44142 million 2.11 ef the smirprofits of nationalised enterprisegwas,to be utilised for finanOing 'current asset j requiressntssand investmeits. As a result there is ? . but Aldnanclation of 8,026.4 miilismilla"tropLthe omatroOlardirected nationalised industry. AsilOalisesslarAWabened,. the Akkmenlatima tasks set down in the Economia nen and in the State Budget Plan oan only be performed if the measures denuded by the 20th and 21st Pima of the 312) Central Committee are consistently carried out in the State apparatus mod in the economic direction: 2? !ME ihs'state laciest Plan for 1955 anticipates a payment of 996.8 million EMS (cleared) into theTreasuvrfrom all trade enterprises. The IMMO& develapment is planned as follow in the individnal trade segmental a) Wholesale, de 0 . lie *Mtmomar-fn,oholesale trade during 1955 will increase to the 1954 turnaver. The 1955 plan anticipates a cost of 54.111100* 300'11111 abdieiala trade tumour, identical with the settanIX9511 omit. However, the 1955. plan is still for behind the stipuft Iatiodrof the 1954 plan which anticipated. a cost or 5.20 DM per 100?1211 whasealwtrode %reamer. Me planned cost per 100 DNB turnieer in 19,5 to partial/A, dm, to the fact that wholesale trade Aineftglignr?Agge naw-fuestiams, faredemObeldbaairt.Aatimery to the m and transport and paehaging arta, ahieepla 195 ,:re the cost of wholesale trade. A I:quirt Ifflglogn1414ant-et 499.1 minim EN is anticipated in Wholesale trade in 1955. MdgaMet- - The turmseer in state retail trade, calculated in ounrent prices, is to inssease in 195W,1044.7010?719511. cirCulation caste aistuletienskasteetYla,robefids are to decline by 6.09% as coma pared to 19544 Apart of the soot reduction is due to the transfer of tom" 101814104,110 Wildultometiene from state retail trade to the sbeinsala tied* *Milli A 110,40 NAMlegion_ of 504.1 minion INS asieitigated in stets. retail _trade. MICItar Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 25X1 425X1 .1' 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 34, MakL_ The oontributimot tram Deurr,,ne liotti,L4t4i-,AkAn Itrx .t,955 is to be 108% of that of 1954. Tbetoperarting costs are to de,clint by :?E4)%. The average income per passenger kilometer is to increase to 4,?Jo pfAav.14 as opposed to 4.17 pfennig in 1954. These three facts lead to tn inoeol*se of 18.9 million DME in Deuteoheibdobsbann payments into the State Tretsury over 1954. 40 iroost and Te1eooigtios be DeutachePostlentrIrorin 19;55 ts to be 104.4 of that in 1954. Reduotimes in operating costs are set at 0.7%. As a result, the badget,AkWam4_cgmnwill lamellae by 15.9 million DNB. The decrease in postal rates on 1 October 1954 leeds to a decline of 26.3 million DME in income in 1955. As a result, Deutsche Post payments into the State Trealsurr will he reduced by 1004 million Mrs making the 1955 payments 192.1 milllon ONE. 26.9 million DME of the net profit are to be utilized for the financing of investments. C. ,Aerioulture (Eltionailedemeteetive and Ptteetel a) Artiormlized Fem. (Ms) Produotion by nationalized terms is to increase 78.8% over 1954 arltual yieldsv The Economic Plan antibipates a reduction in operating costs of 31to llseanavo or the new prices mtultiT:t iL ,a reduction in subsidies (alemesillat 1932. million DME /95? Beceeee Of the introduction of new prism far agricultural products nationalized farms, the loss subsidies mill 4eollee4 ? further 15703 jam Int ifiVae;as, rtabitist..6g 71011 z,ppe4.r kagabonber,940,47aw adjustment for the na onalized farms). The total asememetwarermrtionaIrsed farms amount to 8503 *Ilion EIME in the 1955 plan. b)t.M.e......MELALegrwite 11.5 million DME more in subsidies (olearerOare planned for state forestry enterprises in 1955 than in 1954. The subsidy increase iba*wd 03_,the in- crease in output through roadbuilding and forest protection and r.s reduc- tion in profits as a result of lees wood cutting. 1101-4-2toloStaM420e. (MTS Expendituree of 77009 million DME are plenned tor the machine tractor stations in 1955 - 12.9% more than in :4954. The increase of MIS expenditures results from a 32.4% increase in pertormance Anita reduction of 17.7% in operating oasts (that is, 158.7 million DME. d) MationalizeditaelkomiNCEnterpriees (VE/C 2,959.9 million DME have been made available for price supports in 1955 for the buying up (Armour) of agricultural products under terms of the Economic Plan. e) .......i.gLfteiffiretioL.hitkOth""_1151nit 45MANTI 577.8 million DME have been net *side for the remaining measures to further agriculture in 1955. The Increase, in expenditures results from the expenditure of 93.3 million DMR ..;promoting the conversion of label agricultural enterprises into poomteetlan'cooperatives. it is also due to in- ores expenditures for general veterinary matters, for zoological-technical advisory service, for-:- 'rrtt 1,1)4bleiMA0 . - &penal tUnetai,Ste, .14 ,4M.'4411:44,), 1;4E, ts-,4,1mn,76 ortii be reduced by 8 million DME as compared to 195kea1nce it Isrpeematnd necessary to use up the local reserve stooks of irretrierA, on hand- Ertpenditures for milk supports will be reduced by 18.9 miltlm pmn over the 1954 figure to induce the Minis' for Agriculture and Verestrv to rt4c4a*O41ANiel eltiLt1208)=-pthRearling system of financing investmerre and ereeselow edilerotHprivate and coopera- tive dairies. MCRE Page 3 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 810;b14 25X1 17.7 million EME are planned in the State Budget for immediate prolotioh of the agrioultural production cooperatives (vsterinae7caMov.,6.4..wl, schooling, etc.). In addition, 10.5 million DME are set aside for porchssing the first dairy cow for former farm workers who enter production cooperatives. The 1955 plan does not inolude the following expenditures made in 195k, which resulted from pnvisional y decrees of the Council of Ministerss a) Cost of crop stake (Ernteeinsatz) b) Crop salvaging costs (Erntebergungskosten) c) Payment of workers' wages and tn"for agrioultural enterprises during state admindearstion. (In 19540 22.6 million DME from the State aidget were available for theme purposes.) In 1955, 308.9 million DME are available for agricultural production 000gera- tives under the long-term credit plan, 15.0 million are available for EBOri and 116.5 million DME for dairy cooperatives and private agrioultume0 'Thus, the production cooperatives have 80.0 million DME more available iii 155 than in 1954 and private agrioulture 70.8 million DME more. 2600 .million WM aft. anticipated in the long-term credit plan for J.J. 5to(A ,Tr (Viehbessts) in the former loo* a agricultural enterprises. D. Investments The State Budget Plan for 1955 anticipates 2.9316 million DME for financing c.c. investments and 220 million INE forgrojact draft?ing t;'::c),J,,ngl,' This is1491407 million DME less than in 1954. The decrease of budget expenditures for invest- ments results from the finanoing of planned housing construction by DIB (Deutsohe lnvestitionbank) bonds and the introduction of net profit utilization for invest- ment financing. 470.6 million DME in net profits are being used directly by enter- prises of the nationalized economy for investment financing. Taking these amounts into account, there is an increase of 675.9 million DME in state expenditures for Investments over 1954. E. Taxes The State Budget income from taxes in 1955 amounts to 38.7% of the total budget income, as compared to 4209$ in 1954. Tames on wave amount to 3.4% of the total budget income in 1955. F.e____tExnenditubes for Cu1ture1.0 PtEpmee An increase of budget !Undo of about 2.5% - 10,857.3 million DNB kitbout invest- ments) as opposed to 10,58509 million DME (without investments) in 1954 - is an- ticipated in the cultural, social and paillic health fields in 1955. With this, the total set in the Five-Year Plan for this area is fulfilled by 111.9%. 1. Expenditures for education, science and culture increase, by 211.6 million DME or 7.5% to a total of 36030.8 million DM& Included In this is an increase of 1.3% for general kb * - Among these schools, the funds for high schools (Obereobulen)/flrcr,sa.d by 3.3%, particularly for financing an in- crease in the number of high school students by 3,855. Special schools and " instruction courses receive an increase of 20% for training (QUalifizierung) cadres in technical sohoolit (Fachschulwesen). In this connection particular attention is paid to training agricultural cadres. An increase in the number of tocbiliaskit:dify-T students (Tagesfachschtiler) by 5,423 is also taken into account- bare. Compared to 1954, university and co/loges... 1 ex- penditures are increased - in 1.955 there will be 55 million 1141r (or 13.20 more to increase the average nO0her or/lel-time ..uniweraity. Akwie3lte,b3r, 16.6% or 10,190 students. Expenditures for natural scientific-technical re- search increase by 12.1%. Contributions to the theater are reduced from 112.5 million to 107.4 million DME. 2. Expenditures for kbor and samisamattars in 1955 will amount to 4,780.0 million DME. T11 funds for workmen', .r protection increase by 29.6%, those for vacation, nursing and welfare homes by 10,9% with an --------------- SECRET, Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 Page 4 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 increase of capacity by 3,633 On the other hand, funds for social welfare will decline by about 20. million DMZ or 10.2% and funds for householdrelittf ,!.by 10.3$ because of a reduction in the number of reelpients of rellifi?ad'peawfaaeo, aocial insurance pension peomeats will increase by 1.6% or 534 million DME. In 1540 678.0 million DNS more paid out for sickness benefits, hossehold and 11,1ht,74 man W4 in 1955, gay 641.6 million nmg are armilable. In Ms iionnection, it is antioloOfeed that the average sickness rats in the 14 *Birks will demise* tram 5.24 1111954 to kJ% in 19550 and in 'Narita from 6042% to 5.65%. A rise of 3.00 or 216.1 million DBE is anticipated in the income from obliOntagy social insurance contributiona>ta a result of the espectod increase in the gross wage figure. A contribution of 1005600 million DEE through the social insurance as compeneation'far public health affairs is anticipated in 1955. 3. Expenditures for public health matters will be increased from 3,387,8 to 3e:91.1 million DME ).1% Included in the increase is an addition. of 675 beds in permanent installations, 30 polyeltame ant, 28 rural dispensaries (landambulatarien). EXpenditnrea-for initallations for mother and child protection increase by 164-hi1lion DMZ or. 24.7% with a growth in the :Ember of place* in nurseries and permanent homes for infants and small children by 11,255. 0. tWIExpenditures for CommanallOptallnticms and for highwaye -e , An increase of 192.2 million DEE la anticipated for communal iostollotiom. 9.4 million DME more has been set asidein 1955'forhie,htfaye than was paid out in 1954. Expenditu'oes for drifting 'offices (Entwurfahneros) increase' from 116.0 to 136.5 million DM, while the income from these drafting offices increases from 128.d to 143e9 minion DOB to 1955. X. Administrative Costs The State Budget anticipates no incaftee in national administrative costs Over the Jamotuit ? registered in 19544. Administrative coats for the local organs wil1 PIO* by only 0.3% Compared to actual expenditures in 1954. In 14955, administrative costs amount to 7.6% of the total expenditures of the State Budget as Compared to 7.0% in 1954. 25X1 Commentl Bae'uerliche Hinds13-Gancia6asischa4a* ( farmers? trade cooperatives) SICCRET Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 Page No. 6 (All figures In millions of DNB) Budgmt___iza 03 initration 04 Foreign Affairs 05 Interior 07 Planning 4110 Finance iiiglevy Industry MMobine Construction Light /industry Jibed Industry Agrieulture and Forestry Fereist and Domestic Trade TrOdo A:Supply Freouremeat & Purchasing 14 Libor 19 Public Maith 10.1boational Training 44 &dila insurance 22 Automotive boatel? and Highways 23 Post and Telecommunications 24 Construction 251Haumition 26 Asti** Sisk Cleximmy Achieved Plan 1953 1954 Fulfillment of the State Budget Plan for 1954 According to Individual Plans and Areas Bezirke Aohleved Fulfill 1954 Nowt 1954 _ Plan ? -???? 14.3 c08 15.1 2803 597.7 511.2 378.3 338.3 181.o 141 0 44.3 26.4 31.8 o.8 971.8 0.5 4.893.9 6.3 324.2 .7 18.3 18.7 1 ter .cation 25.4 'en eta bagmen (including arrears from 190793.0 1952) 300.0 29 Pate Dottrel 0.3 14.6 1.0 8.2 29.2 421.3 742.8 523,0 451.3 138.2 177,4 59.9 9003 4201 001 9e6.9 0.5 5,370.6 18.5 3o5.9 .1 11.9 13.9 1.1 12.5 40.7 34901 71906 449.3 336.8 10700 186.2 45.2 77.0 47.4 0.1 980.7 004 5023701 18.3 367.4 77.3 12.0 20.1 21?8 23.0 21.5 18*625.8 19,393.2 99.3 110.: 152.4 139.4 9209 96.9 85.9 74.6 77.4 105.0 75.5 85.3 3.12.6 100.0 99.4 80.0 97.5 98.9 120.1 87.7 100.9 1o8.5 9305 104.1 100.0 97.2/./: 82.8 143.8 58.4 10.8 118.8 9906 59.1 132.1 10200 291.7 149.1 12.5 100.9 8o 0o 10700 345.3 113.3 87.1 65.6 116.6 8406 103.2 33.3 25X1 25X1 Achieved Plan Achieved Fulfill 1953 1954 1954 ment 168 A?.1 1954 Plan 1953 4.2 2202 1.2 203.8 OD OM 2o4.3 100 0.2 59.5 145.7 1100 499.7 4202 9.6 22.1 76.6 1.9 49339.4 CID 22.,5 2.2 0.1 167.9 4112 318.9 - 3.6 0.1 6303 136.0 9.4 517.5 22.3 906 17.1 73.0 1.6 - 40831.4 .No Page so. 6 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 27.8 123.6 661.9 1.7 77.3 7.7 0.2 2000. 16.7 2097. 124,9 102.9 CM, 319.5 100.2 156.4 - - - 5.4 15o.o 54o.0 0.1 in000 50.0 66.2 1o4.6 111.3 13o.4 95.9 89.5 5.9 62.8 53.6 510.4 9806 102.1 29.5 132.3 69.9 1.8 18.8 18.8 63.7 372.5 288?2 68.6 94.0 r9,6 2.0 125.0 105.3 - - - 40622.7 95.7 10605 00 41?111 Ole 25X1 30 Culture 31 Idterature & Publishing 34 Vedic) 35 Phionisal Culture & Sport 36 "Ilmot 37 Cowen" Economy 38 /tat Deserves 39 Neter llicoonary 42 Shipping 43 asilread getters 45 Looal Mona. 4611kerime Court & State Attorney ,Oaneral Profit-listianalized Economy Total ludgat Adjustmuct /last Geraany/Sesirke gpeetal Ithonoce Adjuortment - Met Geremny/Dealrke headolpta 28,01503 28,547.5 ADqvanditures fl1209 285348 _2eLe9i7_10.1.3_____1O3_ Excess cor reoeipta over expenditures 92.4 12.7 17.2 - Dalastee on 1 January 1953 and on 741.0 833.4 833.4 - 1 January 1954 Planned Delano* for 31 December 1954 - *Awl balance an 31 December 1953 and833.4 U 31 December 1954 Achieved 1953 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 AO*? Page nOo 7 ANIPL_A =apt 1021111111/ Plan Achieved 1954 1954 e Fulfill l 1954 Achieved Plan ment %s 3953 1954 Plan 22.0 0.8 2.2 1.6 2.9 174.2 0.1 21.5 28.2 de 26.7 28.7 1.3 0.5 1.3 1.0 1.9 3.9 Gle 1900. 228.1 20.0 21.7 156.1 111.2 CM, 0.1 107. 5 130.5 38.5 62.5 77.0 45. 4 203.5(?) 243.8 dor 120.1 130.9 10805 100.9 71.2 394.5 Cfn. 1954 ;ezirke 25X1 25X1 Achieved 1954 Fulfill . 1954 ment %s Acilla';7:6,rnerincL: 1954 t; Plan 1%3 57.0 68.4 1.7 3.3 4.9 503 192.0 198.9 200.4 CAB die 188.6 77.7 IMP dad 3.4 6.6 202.7 el? 151. 5 113.6 136.3 Old 103,0 124.5 101.9 de 200. 0 13407 105.6 AIM MD W-3 75.6 28,002.9 28954705 28,910.9 4.4 8. OM 10103 OM 103.2 6,100.6 22208 6,66100 6,569.8 98.6 542.8 544.3 100.3 436.0 19406 de 107.7 244.3 44.6 28,910.9 101.3 103.2 6,759.4 7,203.8 6,83005('?) 7,20107 71.1 2.1 59.5 268.9 198.0 198.0 q;338.7 IC1.5 7,249.2 100.7 10801 106.1 846.1 IMP 850.6 200.1 197.8 257.5 Page No. 7 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 03 Adminietration 04 Foreign Affairs 05 Interior O7Plai oa 10 * Industry 11 Mis Construction 12-Ut.Industry 43' 14 AgrioUlture and Forestry 15 Fbreign and Domestic Trade 16 Trade and SUpply 17 Porcurement & Purchasing 18 Labor PUblia Health 20 Vocational Training 21 Social Imuraaae 22, Am*emeties Traffic Higkosys 23 Poet and Telecommunications ca Oametruotion 25 gepeetion 26 Jaatiao ? 27 g(gber Xducation 28 Abgebsn J.noluding arrears from 1952) 29 State Control W, Approved For Release 2007/11/05 : CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 MOM; Page 8 tiqxt Pep 25X1 State Aabieved 1953 Plan 1954 Achieved 1954 Fulfillment $ 1954 Pltr 11.111fiamoss 25X1 ' . - ,I, t 1 --- 0 l't5%.1?*- 18.5 - 36.5 41.7 114.2 125.4 0.8 100 1.4 110.0 137 5 37.3 10.4 29.5 29.3 4009 139.6 138.6 801.5 511.2 589.2 742.8 558.8 719.6 9409 96.9 69.7 14008 378.3 523.0 449.3 85.9 118.8 338.3 451.3 336.8 74.6 99.6 181.0 1638.2 107.0 77.4 59.1 345.3 496.3 505.7 101.9 14605 44.3 59.9 45.2 75.5 102.0 27.4 93.9 82.4 87,8 300.7 32,o 42.2 47.5 112.6 i48.4 60.3 63.4 66.3 104.6 110.0 /0117.5 10122.9 19111.1 99.0 99.4 13-5 9.9 6.3 63.6 54.8 5039306 50888.1 58747.5 97.6 106.6 47.5 40.8 4708 11702 100.6 333.8 315.5 369.2 117.0 110.6 110.8 105.2 141.0 134.0 127.2 94.9 84.9 80.6 94?9 84.9 20.6 25.4 21.7 23.0 23.8 21.5 109.7 93.5 115.5 84.6 230132.4 230457.2 240015.9 102.4 103.8 300.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 100.0 3303 Paw 8 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 11112114P...9 MU A (ocuipustien of P.M 7) API" Alba 31) Gahm -1.1.*Emececcit 11411.W --,-- 4111141111a 011164we spa, 3111111101: (1.131ffarjr-B1' a Oats lirtschaft) IP "ig Adidaved 1953 79.0 otaL 7.8 0.1 2144 Ilitteee 28.2 1410.4 ompri am. ? tar 31 Stioesesse 1934 as 31 istosaise 103 4031.2 aid am 31 Sessabor 1954 - Plan Achieved 1954 1954 - 1044 1.3 0,5 13 1.0. 11.2 7.3 5.3 6.6 )01.9 2011.7 NOLO 2118.1 80.0 21.7 156.1 111.2 1%.5 354108d5 3%400.7 548.8 544;3 a. 19146 3sams 3oomp.6 36.11e.9 14.8 1.181.4 76.71 1,031.4 1,046.2 1..X010. Fatubsent %1954 111.8 301,5 n,o 440.4 s 120.t. 108.5 71.2 80.3 100.8 100.3 41?10..11.11 n54-ichievement: mos 101.1 ratio to /944 _ 1314,7 % 0.5 45.4 221.2 844 105.6 130.9 100.9 39403 75.6 104.0 2346 43.8 "RAU rAqs*3 104.0 7 -- Peg* lo. 9 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 25X1 tion Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 at* Fast Ge " mnuti?ures Page 10 Bezirke 25X1 Timm Achieved Fulfill- 7eve 1953 1954 1954 ment %8 19,4 Plan 1953 1954 1954 ment Sa 1954 Plan - 01 Vtakeyertre .0411 1' ..)1JAA.n 5.2 4.9 94.2 w000 2.3 2.9 2.2 75.9 9507 - 02 President of Republic 03 Administration 1.9 236.6 2.5 162.5 2.5 142.1 100.0 87.4 136.6 60.1 113.9 409.8 ('z) 49903 - 97.9 25X1 04 Foreign Affairs 20.9 26.1 30.0 114.9 143.5 0.1 05 Interior 10098.9 1,285.9 1,295.4 100.7 117.9 422.8 900 6.0 66.7 1.4 7/ Planning 13907 158.6 66.4 41.9 47.5 21.5 18.9 17.5 9206 81.4 08 ritat100 7,059.4 6,276.1 5,276.1 84.1 74.7 392.0 248.4 219.6 88.4 56.0 39 Coordination elf tetal finance neonomy 0.1 0.2 0.1 50.0 100.0 Ylo 00 10,81aVy ihdustry 1,434.0 10561.9 1,603.4 102.7 111.8 00 00 00 1,0 11 Niabina Construction 712.2 590.0 686.9 116.4 96.4 10 SIN 12 Light Industry 122.9 232.7 224.2 96.3 182.4 OP - - - - 43 Food Indust*? 15705 154.6 217.8 140.9 138.3 00 - - - - Agrioulture and Poretstry 1,177.7 1,547.7 10506.6 97.3 127.9 471.9 345.3 470.7 136.3 99.7 15 Foreign and Domestic Trade 2,082.2 3,36100 3,612.4 107.5 173.5 0.3 - - Tradn And Supply 154.3 141.9 198.5 139.9 128.6 39.2 41.5 43.7 105.3 111.5 17 t and Purchasing 1,828.5 2,059.6 2,255.6 109.5 123.4 29.9 13.7 13.1 95.6 43.8 18 486.7 481.6 455.5 94.4 93.6 453.2 478.6 443.4 9206 97.8 19 Public 167,00 168.8 154.4 91.5 9205 1,140.7 1,285.5 1,248.3 97.1 109.4 20 Vocational Training 20.3 20.8 17.7 85.1 8702 240.5 267.0 244.9 91.7 101.8 1:=,-p.;vianoe 59011.8 %244.6 5,298.1 10100 105.7 521.5 514.1 50965 99.1 97.7 '22 Automotive Traffic and Highways 25.2 29.1 27.7 95.2 109.9 259.6 263.8 296.0 112.2 114.0 23 Post and Teleoommunioations 113.2 116.7 159.7 136.8 141.1 4.2 - - - - 24 Construction 299.5 141).5 164.1 109.8 54.8 165.8 130.4 200.3 153.6 120.8 5./Iftestion 172.8 95.7 94.6 98.9 54.7 1,313.6 1,379.8 1,348.9 97.8 102.7 Justioe 101.3 49.1 44.0 89.6 43.4 5.7 5.6 5.3 94.6 9300 .27 Higher liduoation 394.8 502.8 478.7 95.2 121.3 - - - -*State Control 15.4 24.0 12.9 53.8 83.7 - - - - Ciature 88.4 144.6 129.5 89.6 146.5 183.4 247.3 255.4 103.3 139.3 111111MIIM"'"ww"-- - Page Nu 10 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 25X1 Desianation Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 25X1 25X1 SRCRET Page No. 11 AMU East German/ Bezirke Achieved 1953 Plan Achieved Fulfill- i4 Achieve- -1Abhieved Achieved 1954 1954 went %: nent:vAio tto 1953 1954- 1954 Plan Fulfill- went %a 1954 Plan _ ratio erVe 31 Literature and Publishing 2.5 34 Rsdio 45.7 35 Physical Culture and Sport 37.1 36 Films 16.9 31 Communal Economy 5.2 52.0 37.4 1.2 64.7 175.7 1.5 19.8 2,484.7 556.0 2.5 48.1 49.4 95.0 36.7 98.1 0.8 66.7 63.5 98.1 188.4.. 107.2 93.3 17.7 89.4 2,850.2 114.7 84.4 Arrears from 1953 700.0 125.9 100.0 108.1 98.9 127.8 271.1 76.6 O. %CM 28.0 1201 236.4 OP OD 192.0 567 . 6 OP AO. 39.0 15.6 295.1 0.1 169.0 921.3 OM 39.4 14.5 296.9 0.1 27600 798.1 41?1 6.0 ?O 101.0 92.9 100.6 100.0 163.3 86.6 140.7 119.8 125.6 OP 143.8 140,6 State Baserves 38 169.9 %) Water loonamy 24.5 42 Shipping 49.7 43 Rellxiced Netters 69.5 451S1 Mom. 010 46 Ilegnose Conn me Mats Attelesey MOIMPAt 58 billahilmfts 3,720.2 haft at the /Mete Treanor at tbe 00 ilaststiam Notembenk Total e1,264.1 beiget Adjustment 27,992.0 542.8 401. 28,154.8 544.3 194.6 100.6 100.3 103.3 244.3 44.6 6,818.1 4.4 8.0 7,201.7 7,249.2 OP 100.7 000 OP 106.3 222.8 at Osvesmy/Besizios Smola Pinson Adjustment 436.0 Sas% Oermany/tesirke ilbyanditures 27,922.9 28,534.8 28,893.7 101.3 103.5 6,830.5 7,201.7 7,249.2 '107.7 106.1 Page No. 11 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 25X1 Desimmtion Achieved 1953 01 Volkavertretuni people s repre-7.2 02 President of Republic sentation) 1.9 03 Administration 04ors1ila Affairs 95 or 07 Planning 08 Finance 09 Coordination of total finance soomalf 10 Nora 11 1pConstruction 12-idlat Mesta 13 NMI 2ndustry -14 tore and Fornatay and Doinastla and Nigply t and Purchasing Bealth 4101111**Sanal Training 21? abaisl Insurance* SIR Automotive Traffic, and Highways 23 Poet and Telecoommieations -24 linustmotion 25 sailoation ?26 "Moo 27 *Orr likluoation alivAlleatio Control 30111eilture 350.5 2009 1,521.7 161.2 7,451.4 0.1 1,434.0 712.2 122.9 1.57.5 1,649.6 2,082.5 193.5 1,8584 939.9 1,307.7 260.8 5,533.3 284.8 117.4 465.3 1,486.4 107.0 394.8 15.4 271.8 611M11117 Approved For Release 2007/11/05 : CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 rage no. J.2 jggpandittlrell State Budget AMEX B (continuation of Pose 10)- Plan Achieved 1954 Fulfillment 15547!Ach1evernent s atioto 1954 %2 195. Pkan f.1 64.5 .3 415.1 124.9 1 .5 6,524.5 0.2 1,501.9 5,0.0 7.1 2.5 641.4 30.1 1,301.4 83.9 5,495.7 0.1 1,603.4 686.9 87.7 100.0 95.4 115.3 100.5 47.3 84.2 50.0 102.7 116.4 98.6 % 131.6 183.0 144.0 85.5 52.0 73:8 100.0 111.8 96.4 224.2 96.3 182.4 (?) .6 I3.7 1, .0 217.8 1,977.3 140.9 104.5 138.3 1-19.9 3?101.0 3,612.4 107.5 173.5 03.4 242.2 132.1 125.2 2,c/73.3 2,268.7 109.4 1224 00.2 898.9 93.6 95.6 1,454.3 1,402.7 96.5 107.3 487.8 262.6 91.2 100.7 5,758.7 5,807.6 100.8 105.0 92.9 323.7 (?) 110.5 113.7 ;16.7 159.7 136.8 136.0 279.9 364.4 130.2 78.3 1,475.5 1,443.5 97.8 97.1 54.7 49.3 90.1 46.1 502.8 478.7 95.2 121.3 24.0 12.9 53.8 83.7 391.9 384.9 0.2 141.6 ancRe Page No. 12 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 Designation Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 _ RWMailditures Annex B. (Continuation of Page 11) State Budget Achieved Plan Achieved Fulfillment 1954 114 1954 Plan 31.14terature and Publishing 34 Radio 35 Physical Culture and Sport 36 Films 37 Communal Economy 38 State Reserves 39 Water Economy 42 Shipping 43 Railroad Matters 45 Local Boonow 46 Supreme Court and State Attorney General 58 Investments Funds of the State Treasure at the Deutsche Rbtenbank Tbtal Bt4get Adjustment East Germany/Besirke Special Finance Adjustment East GermanyAszirke Expenditures 1953 1954 2.5 5.2 45.7 52.0 65.1 76.4 29.0 15.6 230.4 .995.1 169.9 1.2 24.5 0.1 49.7 64.7 69.5 175.7 192.0 170.5 19.8 4,287.8 3,40.o 556.0 2.5 49.4 76.1 14.5. 296.9 0.8 0.1 63.5 277.4 17.7 48.1 95.0 99.6 92.9 100.6 66.7 100.0 96.1 107.2 162.7 89.4 3,648.3 107.1 84.4 Armors from 1953 700,0 125.9 a974 AchiGverient: ratio to 1953 100.0 % 108.1 116.9 50.0 125.6 127.8 271.2 144.5 411, 85.1 34.002.2 35,193,7 227.2 542.8 444.0 35.404.0 544.3 194.6 100.6 100.3 103.9 239.6 43.8 34,753.2 35,736.5 36,142.9 101.1 104.0 sac* Pail No. 13 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 13 25X1 25X1 25X1 Designations 01 Volkavertretung e:)plees s er 02 President of Depublio t&t on 0$ Adidnistration Ctit Foreign Affairs 05 laternel Affairs 06 State- deourlizr Fimunkag 08- Pinance 09 Coordination of Total Mono. Icanony 10 Heavy Industry Maabine Conetruotion a Usk* 1;adtastav anti Italtestry 'AgPisaltorto and Porestry Ihitijin and Dameatin Trade TS* and &wig Preourfseant and Purchasing labor and Voostional Training ,is Mlle "With 21 Social Insuresoe Transportation Affairs .23 Post and Telecomunications -24 Onostruction A5411Ipastion Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 ----?rrow we 14 Plan 454 15.0 12,361.9 950.0 9,841.2 29,244.2 421,275.4 742,826.9 523,041.2 451,257.1 1Y3,193.6 177.379.6 59.892.2 90,365.3 42.o84.4 629.3 986,859.9 5,370,584.4 194,610.1 305,894.2 88,132.9 11,927.0 20,076.9 MLA state Sulget P &wording to Indi (All figures for 1955 1 Plana, with Development thousands of DAM) 11?04Rtss (?) lbgresdit4kre, Aeldeved 1054 1955 Plan Achieved 1954 Plan 1955 1954 5.1 12,580.1 1,110.3 33.823.0 40,716.1 349,130.9 719,593.4 449,256.0 336,803.1 107,026.7 186,142.9 45,210.5 76,947.6 47,464.7 513.1 980,682.6 5,237,134.3 151,227.8 367,364.7 77,282.7 12,028.7 21,754.8 7.1 11,965.5 1?712.0 1,853.6 IND 56,914.7 1,186,094.3 658,701.6 327,199.4 272,932.2 132,152.6 101,096.1 21,783.9 224,274.7 (?) 25,857.0 850.9 1,012,057.9 5,431,095.1 247,317.8 230,531.0 55,969.4 8,694.2 20,050.3 5,226.3 2,501.0 143,20049 18,158.4 85.173.5 1,219,900.0 158,604.0 6,332,295.9 165.5 1,508,59504 589,975.8 232,680.3 154,629.0 1,591,099.0 3,360,455.1 141,911-3 2,050,550.3 502,403.4 140,793.0 5,244,607.0 269,607.3 116,720.0 149,562.7 95,651.5 49,113.6 4,958.4 2,492.3 125,643.3 21,361.6 91,969.1 1?219,900.0 66,42040 5,328,605.3 125.5 1,550,96103 686,877.7 224,158.0 217,817.6 1,551,212.4 3,612,033.9 198,477.9 2,255,567.9 473:203.6 128,027.9 5,298,061.6 279,559.8 159,747.5 164,119.6 94,653.5 44,050.9 5,162.3 2,924.5 136,164.4 21,056.4 20,32800 1,267,492,7 108,742.0 7,522,54402 133.0 ison,2930o 387,977.7 .65,568.5 156,530.1 522,140.0 3.867,124.5 177,798.0 3,148,591.2 451,012.3 116,176.0 5,372,676.8 278,569.7 70,249.8 113,206.4 90,623.4 47,021.4 86CIIKT Pate so. 3.4 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3 Designations Receipts Plan 194 R'T Higher Whxcation 22,992.7 28 Abgaben 18.625.764.7 29 State Control 127.3 30 CUlture 26.71502 31 Literature and Publishing 1,352.8 , 34 Eadio 1,259.2 35 Physical Culture and Sport 1.872.7 . 38 State Reserves 190,000.0 Alo Iona Economy 1p6 Sepreme-Cburt and State Attorney General 28.8 ? ihmestments Z010044mMots (1953 remainder) ? Inientments (Suppleientary in Machine Construstion) ; sEopz AMEX C ',Continued) Page No. 15 Expenditures 25X1 Achieved Plan Plan Achieved Plan 1954 1955 1954 1954 1955 21,547.8 21,719.5 502,771.6 478,717.2 512,544.3 19,3930201.5 189361,845.0 306.900.0 57.7 101.5 23.996.3 12,481.0 14,817.9 28,671.3 220461.3 134.861.7 1200209.6 139.536.8 483.0 404.9 5,179.9 2,526.8 3,132.9 1,007.3 518.5 52,027.2 49,378.7 57,381.0 3,892.4 1,658.2 37,371.4 360641.7 360142.7 228,126.3 1,211.4 819.9 129,811.4 33.8 48.0 1,500.0 1,426.4 1,682.0 61.2 37.5 19.787.1 17,653.8 19,433.4 214849700.0 2,850,0707 1.463,100.0 84,361.8 10 State Treseuxy Funds at Use Deutsche Noten- beak 10 OD 55 6 0000.0 700,0000 ibtal East German Budget 28.547,546.1 6,661,008.0 280910,881.4 6,569,785.0 28,337,895.7 8043,923.1 27,991,995.8 7,201,686.0 28;154,771.2 2,243.222.6 Besirke Total Padget Adjustment 359208,554.1 542,757.3 35,480,666.4 544,298.8 194,602.0 36,6819818.8 1,0240481.7 4609583.8 352193,681.8 542,757.3 130 effir 35,403,993.8 544,298.8 194,602.0 4111. Rest Oermany/Bezirbe Speeial Rinanoial Adjustment uit German share of Production Tax -? Expenditures Mmes. of Receipts over Expenditures 35,751,311.4 36,219,567.2 36.10.5011 6 38,166,884.1 38.7.38442a 35,736,439.1 36,142,894.6 ?36.736.439-1 14.872.3 76,672.6 0,732.0 81241 -7 Part No. 15 100,000.0 27,765,588.8 8,887.498.0 360653,086.8 190249481.7 46%58;06 38,138,152.1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00810A007600100007-3