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Publication Date: 
September 5, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008000640014-1 COUNTRY DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES- PAGES ENCLOSURES REMARKS___2 20 F 36 T 6F 38 B 12 F 15 F .25X1 -25X1 August 12 13 14 15 16 17 LACE OBTAINED REPORT NO. LDATE PREPARED 5 September 1955 (N0. & TYPE)--: new trucks fuel new trucks undetermined, new trucks betwean 12 and 28 August 19558 From ..To Leipzig Boehlen Leipzig 24 B undetermined 46 B uranium ore 30 BB undetermined 32 cars machine parts 58 cars about 40 new trucks Including B. the load of boxcars was undetermined 20 F new trucks 6 locomotives deactivated for scrapping 24 G empty Zwickau Erfurt it Frankfurt/Oder Leipzig Cottbus 12 F iron constructions Leipzig 19 and machine parts 34 T 2uel 38 B with ammunition flag 16 G used as crash cars 12 F empty boxes 28 B undetermined 14 T fuel 46 B uraniumore 34T fuel 52 cars military shipments CLASSIFICATION SECRZ Frankfurt/Oder Chemni tz Huhl and .tao 8oehlen koenigs Al usterhausen Brest-Litovsk 'V 25X1 25X1 25X1 Magdeburg 4 Brest-Litovsk 1 Poland via Horka 5 Brest -Litovsk Altengrabow Brest-Litovsk Frankfurt/Oder 2 Brest'-Litovsk 3 2 Frankfurt/Oder 4 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008000640014-1 CLASSIFICATION East Germany Date in Number and Type Load, Soviet Rail supply Shipments B_-Boxcar; B&-Heavy-Duty Boxcar; F -Flatcar; T-Tank car; G'Gondola Car; RRY=Heavy. D t F t r T G y u la car;. Eo ucp esj rain oacheIt 25X1 shipments Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008000640014-1 SECRET Leipzig 8 new trucks machine sections 48 care undetermined load Frankfurt/Oder including large crates with load exceeding standard measurements 2 B, vehicles covered with Frankfurt/Oder 22 RRYm tarpaulins 22 12 F iron constructions Erfurt 23 25 32 T fuel 46 B uranium ore 10 F new trucks 46 B uranium ore 50 F about 50 new trucks 1 B escorting personnel 39 care mach'_ne parts 48 B undetermined 26 15 F new trucks 10 E new material 8 P wheel sets 27 12 F net' trucks 26 T unretermined 8 B 18 T final 2 F eh:! p boilers 8 F accessories Boehlen Zwickau Leipzig Zwickau Frankfurt/Oder Frankfurt/Oder Leipzig Halle Leipzig Frankfurt/Oder Ruhland Riesa Brest Litovsk 1 Ballgow 7 Magdeburg 8 Brest Litovsk Magri"burg 4 Brest Litovsk Jueterbog Brest Litovsk 1 40 F 40 new trucks Frankfurt/Oder 20 B Qundetermined 28 50 B uwdetermined 1 Jueterbog 10 Frankfurt/Oder Brest Litovsk Jueterbog 4 Grosskorbe tha Gubesa 2:, The following shipments were observed passing through Muellrose railroad stations d_ ~11gj, 32 flatcars loaded with 4-axle trucks with driver4 s cabin over the front wheels,, coming from the direction of Frankfurt/Oder and heading toward ttb 4 C us: c &aAV& at a A shipment consisting of 3 boxcars with personnel and 13 flatcars loaded with vehicles covered with tarpaulinso presumabl? 2 tanks, coming from tl2 direction of Frankfurt/Oder and heading toward Cottbus.: 5X1 25X1 The. following shipments, all dispatched from Frankfurt/Oder to Satzkorn Augusts th load exceeding standard measurement 8 25 Augusts 1 shipment with load exceeding standard measurements 26 Augusts 27 .Augusts I shipment 4 25X1 2bA11 It was announced on 27 August that a shipment of vehicles with load exceeding 25X1 standard measurements was to be dispatched from Frankfurt/Oder to Fuerstenwalde,,71 io C , A,. FYport deliveries by GDR motor vehicle factories 3 boxcars,, 13 flatcars. 8 Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008000640014-1 Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008000640014-1 2a 3-, SECRET, ~ ,omm ent_ Export deliveries by GDR hydrogenation plants: Shipments to the USSR from the uranium ore mining et In Saxony, Commento Incoming shipments of new motor vehicles and outgoing shipments of deactivated motor vehicles within the framework of the current motor vehicle replacement program of Soviet units* 40 60 IQ 9:-~ Continued outgoing shipments of deactivated locomotives o o and, ~Commeent,, Incoming ammunition shipments for the known ammunition epot~at Altengrabow,, Comment Large crates with load exceeding standard measurements aeeme t indicate incoming aircraft shipments, This assumption may appear doubtful in view of the fact that Dallgow is the receiving stationo Comment, Continued shipments of T-54 tanks,, All shipments were reported for the first times in spite of the fact that the shipment observed on 21 August had no load exceeding standard measurementso 25X1 25X1 25X1 Comment Export deliveries by GDR railroad car factories, Comment. Incoming jet fuel shipments to units of the TwentyJourth 25X1 Air Army,, Comment1 It remains to be seen if T-54 tanks or heavy tractors 25X1 were involved in those shipments,,, Approved For Release 2008/05/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008000640014-1