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September 30, 1955
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Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
East Germany
Neuruppin Airfield
30 September 1955
PAGES 4 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) 2 sketches on ditto
1. The following air activity and aircraft were observed at Neuruppin airfield 25X1 25X1
between 9 August and 3 September 1955:
gAu get: At about 0800, one Li-2 crossed over the town of Neuruppin at an
altitude of 500 meters flying from west to east. At 1015, one Yak-14 made a
local flight. Between 1300 and 1800, 10 MiG-15e with auxiliary fuel tanks were
involved in air activity. Six MiG-15s individually practiced approaching ground
targets while gliding at an angle of 45 degrees from an altitude of 900 meters.
Four MiG-15a practiced formation flying,
10 There was no air activity. At 1710, 25 motor vehicles and 180 to 200
Soviet officers were observed in front of *Sohlossgarten".
1111 Aucunt. Between 0700 and 1900, there was sit activity by 13 M1G 15s and 2
U-MiG-15s, which were used as towing aircraft. Four MiG-15s without auxiliary
fuel tanks practiced approaches on sleeve targets in the Wulkow-Zippelsfoerde-
Krgngen area. Four MiG-15s practiced the approaching of ground targets and
another four MiG-15s flow in flight formation. At 1835, 2 MiG-17e took off.
2e_l3, and 14 August. There was no air activity.
14 August; Two MiG-15s with auxiliary fuel tanks were parked at the eastern apron
of the runway, 1 11-28 was parked at the field, 1 MiG-15e was ja rked at the
take-off point, and 27 to 28 MiG-15s or U-MiG-15e were observed in front of
the hangars.
15 August, A formation of four aircraft practiced flying.
17 August. There was no air activity during daytime. At 1850, 4 MiG-15s were
towed to the eastern apron of the runway. A ground searchlight was transferred
by truck to Genta-Strasse and emplaced there. At 1900, night air activity started.
18 August. There was no air activity.
19 Aumut.At ]045 and at 1310, one formation of 26 MiG-15s each crossed over
Neuruppin airfield from east to west. The formation flew in two waves of 12
MiG-15s each andluo U-MG-15e followed at a distance of about 300 meters. The
distance at the two waves was about 500 meters. Each wave consisted of three
formations of four planes which flew in wedge formation. The aircraft ImOM
individually after di ap
August, Porn aircraf practiced formation 25X1
One Po-2 made two to three local flights. At 1700w one MiG-15 was
~,ked at the easteru runway apron, 2 I1-28s were parked at the field, and about
30 MiG-15s were observed in front of the bare.
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
2 Between 0700 and 1000, 5 to 6 MiG-15s practiced firing at a
g et. The aircraft made a left bank at an altitude of about 1,000
met distance between the individual MiG-15s was about 1,000 meters.
Appr over Gents-Strasse, the planes approached the target while
gliding at ss; angle of 45 degrees and, at an altitude of about 500 meters,
the plane!-~11. 3 to 4 rounds. At an altitude of about 150 meters, the
MiG-159 fla out. Between 1000 and 1600, several elements of two
MiG-15s pre tarmation flying and left the airfield for some time.
Two additional )SO.l$s practiced aerial combat at an altitude of about
3,000 meters.
24 August. There we = air activity,
25 August. Between O?Md 1800, about 10 to 12 MiG-15s with auxiliary fuel
tanks practiced flyiwg Is formations of two and four and left the airfield
for some time. Aceordi to the duration of flight, the planes presumably
intermediately landed at other airfields.
26 August. There was no air activity.
27 August. At 0700, 0730, and 0800 each, 8 to 10 MiG-158 took off and
headed toward the east. These aircraft flew in flight formation at an
altitude of about 3,000 meters.
28 Ate. No aircraft could be seen at Neuruppin airfield, and no trucks
or tank trucks were observed.
29 August. Neuruppin airfield seemed to be evacuated. A construction gang
of 8 to 10 men worked at the middle third of the runway. It was known, that
there were large water pools at that place after rain falls.
30 Ault. The airfield appeared to be unoccupied. At 1100, one Po-2 made
a local flight. A construction gang of about 12 men worked with air hammers
and two steam rollers at the runway.
3 September. The same construction crew was still working at the field. The
aircraft had not yet returned to the field. No air force soldiers were
observed at the airfield or in the town of Neuruppin. Soviet dependents,
however, were still occupying their quarters. At 1250, one Yak-14, coming
from the east, landed at the airfield.1
2. On 3 September, the following radio and rydar installations were identified
on Neuruppin airfields
One single-mast radio station, about 18 meters high, in the northern most
revetment at the northeastern corner of the taxiway;
one Token and one Fit set remained unchanged at the northern edge of the
field; one single east radio station at the "Holahof";
and one single mast radio station near Nietwerder.
The Kniferest set, which has so far been observed at Klappgraben on the
southern edge of the field, was no longer seen. This set was presumably
dismantled on 27 August.2
3. On 26 August, a shipment consisting of 13 railroad tank cars was observed for
the last time at Neuruppin railroad station. No fuel shipments have been
observed there since that date.
4. Between 2 and 25 August, there was intensive air activity by M1G-15s at
Neuruppin airfield. The following detailed observations were made:
2 August. Take-offs and landings by MiG-15s were practiced. In the morning,
26 MG-15s were parked south of the eastern runway end, 2 MiG-15s were parked
at the alert point, 8 MiG-15s, 2 U-Il-28s, and 2 Li-2s were parked in
front of the hangars.
17 August. Between 0730 and 1900, there was intensive air activity by MiG-15s.
Between 2000 and 0100, approach flights at sleeve targets were practiced
while searchlights were in operation,
18 August. The same observations were made as on the preceding day, A sleeve
target which was ready foyr lifting, could be seen from a distance of 30
meters. The iron ring on the front semtMw of the target had a diaoster
of about 1 meter. The t&bric 5ecton of the target had no special bracings.3
7SECNBT 1 J- - 25X1
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
6. Recently, it has been noted that the cap bands of air force officers have
a multi-point golden star, similar to the "Hohenzollern"-star, on a white
background instead of the old red five point Soviet star.
7. A new wooden building, 12 meters long and 8 meters wide, with b oof was
erected near the alert shack, which was located at the eastern #W the
23 August. Between noon and 1700, several take-offs, landings and flights
in elements of two aircraft were practiced. During that time, 12 MiG-15s
practiced formation flying.
25 August.. Firing practices at ground targets were observed. The aircraft
took off individually, made a left bank at various altitudes, coossed
over the lake, turned toward the field, pitched down at altitudes of
1,500 meters, 1,200 meters, and 1,000 meters, and, while gliding, gave
a short burst with its weapons from an altitude of about 200 meters.
After firing, the planes climbed back and leveled off.
runway. On 25 August, the roof of the wooden building was complt*40LAW
19 August, the alert shack was transferred on a travelling base
eastern and northern edge of the field. This shack presumably will
used by the personnel employed at the radar station.5
8. At about 0545 on 26 August, tarpaulins were removed from the jet fighters aM
two n-289. Soldiers and tank trucks were observed near several aircraft. At
0800, these planes took off. At 1800 on 29 August, the aircraft had not
returned to Neuruppin airfield.1
9. At about 1000 on 18 august, 6 MiG?-15s and 2 I1-28s were parked in front of 25X1
the hanbars, and 26 MiG-15s were seen south of the eastern runway end.1 25X1
1. iCa mnent. The transfer of the Neuruppin fighter regiment to an undetermined
location was reported but there is discrepancy as to the 25X1
exact date (26 or 27 August). This fighter regiment is presumably involved
in army exercises and was transferred to another airfield. During that period,
repair work was done on the runway.
~Cc mnent. It was previously observed, that Kniferest sets were taken along 25X1
with the transferred fighter units.
Comment. For sketch of sleeve target, see Annex 1.
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
Since April 1955, the felloving crate shipments to Neuruppin have been
on 21 April 5 flatcars
on 24 April 20 flatcars
on 21 June 17 flatcars
This tabulation indicates a total of 42 flatcars. Since the possibility
exists that not all of these flatcars carried aircraft, it is believed
that at least 30 MIG-17e have been shipped to Neuruppin. The required
strength of a fighter regiment is believed to be 34 aircraft. Although
outgoing shipments of old MiG-15s have not been observed, several crate
shipments from the GDR to Brest-Litovsk via Frankfurt/Oder have been
recorded. Thus it may be assumed that MG-15a are being transferred out of
the GDR.
. For location sketch of the new alert shack, see Annex 2.
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Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
' sleeve Target Towed by MJLG-15
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4
New Alert Shack
Annex 2
0 X
1 - Now alert aback
2 - 03A alert shack -
moved on travelling
Base to Token set.
Approved For Release 2009/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008200890003-4