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Approv "For Remise 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A0 00070025 1 ': , 1'i, :91, a t3L J` .1 OE Suggestion Mo. 2727 A to of SuggeationA 9 January 1956 ' 1957 DLP SR Researcher IS-9 a. Suma of the u et on : phi g ster proposed that faeces be reinstalled in the ton's rest -rooms in Buildings 1, J, K and . 11. Evaluation of the Concerned Office t Chief, Administrative Stafff OL on. 12 February 1957 stated the foll owing s "For reasons of his own the PBS group Superintendent did not. feel that oscillating fans were necessary. However, he agreed to furnish them after the SW Branch/OL convinced him that fang were an absolute necessity." Follow-up action will be taken to ensure that these facilities are installed as quickly as possible. Hepre- sentatives of the SMF Branch will check rea iniug Agency occupied buildings to determine Nether or not fans are provided. "The suggester should be given a ncrosinal cash award based on intangible benefits which will accrue to Agency personnel." Re ec en .tion of the Executive Secretary s Apprcrial. Award of $l0-25 based on intangible benefits. (slight- local) Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 Approved or Rele 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000 070025-1 IA X USE ONLY : Feb'; -y 1957 Suggestion. Soo 2763 Date of Miggestion s 23 Ja nuej 1957 Office of Research and Reports Uec rapby Division GS-l3 A, Sugge-Atiotil "Are the compilers of certain national estimates relying too heavily on classified sources of marrow perpective and too little on open sources of broad parspectivel "Nova' accurate an esti. ste on a relationship Important to us security can the Soviets be expected to prepare from open sources? "It is suggested that an attempt be made to anever the above and other clme]y related questions by having separate groups work independently* on the saws estimate--one group to use all available sources one classified. sources only, and one open sources only. *on a one shot experimental basis" B. Evaluation of the Concerned Office See attached evaluation of Deputy Assistant Director, National Estimates dated 13 February 195?7 C. Rec ndation of the Executive Se etarj: Disaapproval o Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 10: EXECUTIVE CRETAR" FROM: Od 5 CCIA-RDP80-00832A000200(WO025-1 ACTION RECOMMENDED I. ADOPT FOR USE. (IMT1 /1i0/TU INDICATE ACTION t. ALREADY IN EFFECT BUT THIS SUSPESTION MAKES ADDED CONTRIBUTION. (*PJCI/T MLOV) RECOMMENDED BY a. DISAPPROVED FDA ADOPTION. PLACING ACTION 4. ALREADY IN EFFECT AND NO PART OF THIS SUD?ESTION MARES ADDED CONTRIBUTION. NUMBER IN ^OX s. REQUIRE FURTHER STUDY. (L ftCTIO PATS Of IGN 9. OTHER (l!/CIf7 1if.O ) 7. REFER SUNEST ION TO DIVE ) REASONS FOR RFtnM%WNOATION In order to guide the Incentive Awards Caddie; in asking flail Mtet inutiDn, aw analysis of th. anticipated first ear ?s r v n a ^nd/er ether benefits Should be shown hare. If applicable, indicate and explain below pro. posed sposit one savings as (1) ailetgent savings, (2) Increased output at same Cost of (3) application of resources saved to seas other necessary activity. If Suggestion contains in V811 00. such as morale, safety, etc., please indicate the extent of the area which yu thtsl the s .a an will affect, i.e.: the im- mediate area, office-wide, Agency-wide. Attach addItl.nal skeet if awry Space I. needed. The paint made in this suggestion is really tt>,ofel&D The suggest-or's first question deals with our proper use of open sources. We resogriise that there is a constant dangsr of applying undue value to classified sources. Therefore, the suggestion of parallel groups strikes at a reel problem and is constructive. 8owever, we do not believe there is any subject on which it would be more than an academic exercilse, Moreover, any separate group working on open sources would have to ease from people who do not see, and have not for acme time seen the classified sources. Hence, it would be almost impossible to conduct a valid experiment. In short, vs daft see that it would be worth it, The second question is essentially one of US information practioes, and is Quite different from the first. In the stnnter of 1951, this office conducted an experiment along the suggested lines by having a group at Tale University prepare an estimate of Certain critical e1o*tents of US strength. The eaperiatent was never coWletely evaluated but did indicate - as might have been eugpectad that a remarkably detailed picture could be attained. We do not believe that it would be desirable or necessary to repeat the eigeriment, Obviously, ?..!,e Soviets could do much better from open sources concerning the US than we can on the USSR, 13 Feb 57 CeITIas?S sa ATTACags Soggy _ 11TWOuaiTZ~iit~YfB illyielA - aas..M71 ZITITj Deputy Assistant Director, Nat. Estimates FORM I MARNa 'w h iWSIF$s'FD AO/08/15 :CIA-RDP80-008 Approvel?For Relate 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A00070025-1 tion Division and is considered to possess possible merit, but in view OFi-I7'f Suggestion No. 2767 Date of Bu a stion: 28 January 1957 21 February 1957 DID/P FB/5 case Officer f3-i1 The $tatggaestio! "That the existing Form 804 be rubber stamped in the. Remarks column to provide a block for the reviewer to eve the restriction on the document being cleared. "The 'Request for Clearaae to Review Restricted Dents' fox% (Form 804) is filled out by RI, attached to a restricted docu- ment and forwarded to the branch which applied the restriction, for review and approval or disapproval of clearance for review by the reaj estora I have found that many documents ana a requiring restric- tion should now be unrestricted and in some cases, custodians have made remarks that the document should not have been so c3assifiedo Yet the instructions on the sheet do not encourage the reviewer to remove the restriction, although this could be done with no additional effort "If the form is so stssped, and the document removed from the restricted classification it will save further dnplicatica of effort on the part of RI, personnel making name checks and the reviewer. "It is understood that all restricted doente are scheduled for periodic review, but this is non-priority job for branches that are weighted dawn with operational priorities and judging from the date of some of the restrictions, docent review is - not kept current,. In view of the above I believe that Fen 8O if properly stamped 'could' assist in do nt review by encr aging removal of the restric- tion and thus avoid the return of the document to the branch for formal review." B. Evaluation of the Concerned Office: Chief A RI on I,P February 1957 stated the followingsA 5;W "The subject suggestion t as been reviewed in the Records Integra- Vi ~~Htb UI"alS7m s 4 muw; WOWS L UMVW MU IM 4iURS '"RS n "In conjunction with the adoption of maeblue tec iques and eppli- cations in RI, the icataar System is to be extended to the Document Charger System As a result of this, the present clearmee will be affected. The result may be the installation at a complete new cleaar- anee procedure." r Jgj~ijq 00200070025-1 Disapproval. Approved,For Rel 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A00 2Q D070025- '% NWP `'~ .eb,ry 1957 Io,, 2771 of qua%rration 29 January 1957 Office of General lounnel Attorney Advisor (3-I 'ti > sumac 0-L the aalritan s ` e suggestion quoted bel cmr: It o .awry to Le, after about four years in the D/A - DD/S a of the ,easy, that the Age y ` a&dnistrative dispensation I naves a g t deal to be desired,, Therefore,, respectfully I suggest that begi n thought be given to clearing a sufficient number of Prepres tatives of a reputable management ecwsultant firm as would be neoersea * to n ke a survey of the Agerny"s administrative system and reec3m ndations for its improvement. The central focus of such a survey could be on the DD/S c lex, and x ee tip resultantly obtained could be applied elsevhare as appropriate. I do not believe the Agency itself to be sufficiently professionally equipped or pre- disposed to do the Job from within. "A recc nrlatim generally similar to this one was =do in the Hoover ComonissionOn report on the executive brarmh of the federal establishment as a whole., So far as I kncer, the Veterene Adminis- tration was the only executive agency wb-tch took it to heart. From what I have been told and fro. wriat I have read, the results, obtained ftow Vie, Allen & Rewilton, were something short of a if icent a" 13, Evaluation of the Cc ceerned Offlee: See attached evaluation of Chief, Ahnagement Staff dated Feb a* 1957- C:" fteccem x ati on of the motive Se rtt ^tr: D approval. Ct'lA _ Al I ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 Approve 'for ReI a 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A00 0070025-1 .r .f~ X. .. ?.S `.. .d~8 +~Sy`? 4''? ~E: g_nY 2 :7~t"1 't9~f"r tfl5`)' r?:- st .on 2I'(1 -tip W;0. .. 'ihil a ?,figt e;3ty.on is pM3erly referz ed to ? he Chief E r u =?Fa?.3: x _ x a :n ?xm LK3"i3 abler i2'LI~T$.'ver fi~'L. he t~3'`~. g!,'.~$ Fi oia t o W?. v r? s. ?a3t-Lee, Y;-,av if it &m e s it ref?r t e above etwgztion s' d the a'?'~i?d: ' hie hL ~t3t2 to the PD A G c.:~ita rec3.e ,r to ghat tht Su c ate g eK ?. '.e a ~a u D7 ap c = r ., . A cysa adDdrdstrative di sxGy :3: t on' , so, I s a : r clwmlr or trF On 1'i of My I23terp:'et';tiori of a~a sons' o tL?e ?3'? L ?. aS srC xi't; f. n r:3?,';=1 in effect 1 hr.r -'he '? ;`oet?c"t?$ C3., i tT ntaf u ss, o t> tE?. F : o F3tudyI3'3 ; and re C!C +3i'?,3[ .r" "?' e K3 ' ,'83T iz itic c. i .- "_._ r ' e? ft? to do its .2?, with }e a^ss'l.t ~' 'a to the s ~~t Lo '. ?-p IIA'' 0 5o C+i b(.'.lers'E e I d t ode t :f;'8ff_nl't 1.1 find a criterion. d^ Sei in dr..x eanz. requird?s $t ":War' LcFTs 3 .St i+" i iat 1 call =?,9ni2a4ion "f 3r' (especially Within in my this call's for i the of , ici ?atjon the o gat of r w::c is here. I would ?t think of r ec j rdRne the Hooz :. Len d .'Ltod coats to satin , this figs. rejuir ment v +~r t -Hie Money employed an outside, ealsu1 tent In 1951 to eft "k r :rr l-F;-in rrf ur ; bD/S e l % e e , but ner l Smith (CC!) really ac ttle4 ti'e tter for hi:ex2 Want yen have Is the iweod c k; of C neral : x Ath s ith d In the face of some r nibili.ties o ded by 11-1a eonanltRut. E aric is a taido senior co mince, have also aub,i ted Age y 1? := P''F#i tent to Scrutiny. The d:on' itte'e ire: `s~~)..i t~- orrtJac y i.ttee fl.lark Ctna- .ttee :sto,ittle C?ittee t;.y ?iie, only real. t uPs?C isr> :net 9 ?se in re to t to s 1/B acoiu - tfis-s,-vis the ATenoy is that of centralized vs. decentralized s utpo t . "his su'b~j t her been kicked Hound within ray kns r1 "ge `o Ghe iaf?It SIX < ' ?a , and no outside en .ne , except the Lord himself,, is going to be at ?U is gate in the 4;5 , 10010-rg tc rdl yt tiu else thin n what we now h we'a a 5- -:' to alig! rents within the rn i o: field LZ;Re fp the preaent C=' tx a had plneed bofo:'r. 11--kkn coe iderr3c-!=Trw of otter possibilities. It GO he 2"ikes chat he has r r? ado AAdmittin ; the o iris:, that a prophet h. ,'Ch no hoocr in his own =1k. yard,. auxear)- prophet hw3, newer e1e s, -t 0 Ise persuasively fry Approvedr.'- e 0 / *R>91 ( ONinvited in out 0! _ is outer da :'c sees 1, vmo~ Appr6%wd For Kase 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A1200070025-1 r `OMI&k, U T-13 O Li :axti .ei 21l. , s x year 1.B a.. abLo t to subject evjny' Sent' o s say ve 3r w& anve eady had app ed, aid. eves t is excludes t' e :sect' coibOic e by the ' t c tutee in vbUla care am prosent recto , s az~ a tiele -p%vt: c#, ' . It is t~ MMr to leave the 4? fl ti= al me r,fS r+'enT:'i y 1957 Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 Appro YFor Re a 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A0t 00070025-1 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 20 February 1957 SU99gS f& figs 2779 Date of Suggestion' 31 January 1957 S mMaIY of the Sua a on: Suggester proposed the use of his car to deliver material going to different parts of the Washington area. A parking space at Gate 15 now marked for "Visitors or Government cars" is seldom used and suggester feels he could park his car in this space with no inconvenience to anyone. He felt that he could save the Government at`least $100 per month by his proposal. The Office of DD/P on 12 February 1957 stated the following: "If all of DD/P operational offices were granted a parking space who are required to use taxi or Government owned automobiles for operational trips to State or up town, we would be required to make the total space now available for use of those only. This is not possible at all." STATINTL C. RIggMendat;on of th~ Executive Secretary: Office of DD/P Clerk GS-4 Liaison Group Disapproval. Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : (1,1-F4R93DM813MaU=0070025-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 ljw~ Approve or Rel&x a 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A00 0070025- .a, %DJENT .AL sn A%ard;; Commlittee .; qa ; iosa was presented to the Committee at v~mber 1956 meeting and the following action was ,::ages ticn 2279 - Defer pending receipt of a .s2o'e precise estimate of benefits derived from :pis sP4 iestion. Executive Secretary to obtain h s from RI or invite RI representative to brief P11 tteea The Chief, RI advises that the tangible savings f:.h adoption of this suggestion is approximately $900.00 ar or approximately ninety (90) man days work at the a a GS -5 Clerk=-Typist. This report is dated 4 Feb- u y 9 . This makes a Tangible Savings of $45.00. Pre- . fssly ? -.e intangible benefits had been fixed at $50 (,slight Of local application). These figures tie in with ! .. al recommendations Of the Executive Secretary as ;:gut in the Br .ef presented at the November Meeting. urxgeLga~-tcc~mapdYs Exec S/~ introduced: will be his 25X1A 9' p ;ulmgei'lt as a Committee I*Dbero . s &0 CozaaLttee approved awards in the smunte shown for ollowing employee saggestions* '128 053 1102 z -x,121 1 ,tiiaatsd fYrst-Yr0 Tangible 425M 75000 .15011 00 215~,J0 (2/3 or 4143.33 ?to `;rn Rounds and 3/3 6767 1533 ]500 or 01,67 to Mr. Belk- nap) a 1826 35000 i948 25,00 22 0 25,0 f Based on adoption in DJ'I To be reopened if t31don V in 11)8, D13P, or Agency 'wide) o Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 . I% NOW Approved Fo Wease 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832*60200070025-1 =R Conat It. o Estimated First'. u estio l Not. Award -S-2V98 _ 231 15a0 3 2368 10000 2517 Letter of appreciation 2539 25{,00 2560 100000 2574 10.00 2575 Letter of appreciation 2621 15.00 2651 Letter of appreciation 266? 100000 2691 Letter of appreciation W-2732 30.00 (415.00 to each of $ 36 2 suggestera) The Committee recommended the action shown below on the following suggestions t a0 13761 1847v and 1937 - Decision deferred, Executive ;ooretary requested to invite evaluators from RMS, W1, and OC or Cable Secretariat to (1) Prepare arendun giving proportionate cones tribution made by each suggestion to total benefit derived by Agency and further esti., tec of benefits including all now estim- able. (2) Brief SA Committee in person at next meeting to perait decisioona by 2131 r- Approved letter of appreciation and. interim 25X1A status report to saaestere agreed OC iculd continue negotiation with NSA and attempt to interest them; in accepting this suggestion as an R&D project. Be estimated final i0plementa ' tion may require 5 years which will keep this suggestion on the books for at leant that period, ca 2249 - Approved letter of appreciation and interim status report to suggester., To be reconsidered when OLt a revised R and a" published, 25X1 A dp 2328 - Deferred pending resolution of certain questions involving Bureau of the Budget and 0,P,0', agreed to check with RMS evaluator and report to Com .tteeo Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 `b oved Fc Wease 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-008327 00200070025-1 e, 16 Approved interim statue report to suggestero suggested that TAS be requested to submit am evaluation. 5a The Committee approved the reoommendation of evaluating offices for non adoption of the following suggestions s 1279 1513 2126 The meeting was adjourned at 1150 a.m. Executive Secretary 25X1 A ~. r c-u$gestion Awards Committee jjj~sns, Suggestion AW ses Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 Novo, Appro`llyed Foielease 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A00020007001 24 January 1957 SUBJECT: Meeting of CIA Suggestion Awards Committee The CIA Suggestion Awards Committee will meet on Thursday, 31 January 1957 at 10:00 A.M. in Room 2601, Curie Hall. FOR THE CHAIRMAN, SUGGESTION AWARDS COMMITTEE Executive Secretary Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070025-1