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Publication Date: 
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25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070028-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070028-8 Ap~ved F&Aelease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A 00200070028-8 14 .Tarnw ry 395? 25X1A Date rf A. # t i%4 wO asuic4tioia triald h -1 .A~ Sucros of:.he_:osti Sagga ter proposed that the originator of weather trafffo make the fo11iwing changes when poking and processing v'essagee for encipherment and transmission: a. Substitute dash symbol for comets symbol and space, ba Substitute slant symbol for "NIL." c ~ Substitute three slant symbols for "EST NIL." d o Substitute word minus for minus .symbol., e, Substitute word dash for dash syabolo Three suggested changes would, by measurement, save the originator enciphering approximately 45,000 groups per month and thereby reduce the relay stations handling by 90?000 groups per month considering deciphering and reaiphering 0 The saving is accomplished by keeping text in upper case thereby reducing use of function keys to a minimum especially where dash symbol is substituted for comm symbol and space as function key m f'igures' would not be needed when next -group toin upper case. It is realized that elimination of space after comma symbol would accomplish some saving, however, from habit operators automatically strike apace bar after comma symbol therefore a definite break or change to desirable? B. Evaluation of the Ronaerned Office; 25X1A 25X1A Case presented verbally at 29 November 1956 Suggestion Awards Comiittce Meeting by OC, who submitted attached memorandum0 A OC which is attached as memo dated 20 C0 Recommendation of the Executive secretor: Approval. Award of $215 ($65 for tangible, $150 for intangible benefits (moderate local) 2/3's of award to 1 Appr ved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070028-8 SECRET Committee deferred decision pending further report by 25X1A Approved Fec Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80 00832A000200070028-8 2 1mUM FCRs Suggestion Awards Oamtittss FR%ft DC Msaber, SAC. Q* , RMa Suggestion SF 1121 25X1A The aorrsspondsms regarding ST lIa was initiated by sowaos other than the originatar of the basic stion and dea, so ribatian w ioh was mode by Ci8'12, 25X1 A Div D. whilo th Their ooatribaUen is as follows, they worked eat a bd-igpssl (Chins., and English) oondensatisn code for the handling of a apieifio type of trafflo. (A saadenaatiou . cods, as the new. implies, i s a moans of soodonsing information into a shortsnod fors for transmission pirposes. It has no asourity in itself and must ba sucipbaarad.via ssisting oryptographi.c facilities.) The as, at this sod, asx.lstaly sl*dnat d the used for a translator who bad pm LT worked four hours a day, soy days a wed an this traffic. As a rssnlt, the translator was, able to divots full time to other tranalatiag daties. In additi(m to this saving -too actual processing time for this traffic was sat frsa fellow hairs to sppresdaately 45 .Antos, This is a most sigoifioant change because the inforertia) being tray .- m ttsd is if a perishable nataors. In view of the seutribation made, I reecomind that a? ward be mode for this joint effort based sn the fallowing tangible ad intangible beaed1tss Tangible: 1U..nati0a if translator time (yearly salary $leCO,) $ 900.00 Saving of sea. .lark processing time 600.00 $1500.00 Iatasy~sbssss The ougg?stisa is of meftwets bassfit with lord ypplistisa. Based an one normal scale of wards it is ansesamstidsd that NO total award be $215. ($65 for tangible and $150 for intangib~- r boosfits). It is ttrthsr that the awnt be divided with two 4 hirds being givaaz to - and one-third to 25X1A 25X1A fI-7r 14 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070028-8 Ap ed For Releaje 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070028-8 Officeiyiemiranaum a UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO : i:aecutlve Secr'e`.ar : u gestio~ Awar ~s DATE: ^t-ai ttee pLOM : LL,'S Representative, SAC. CSD 6- SUBJECT: S- 121 1. At the 29 No'er!ber fr-eeting of the Comadttet it was 25X1A -ieter-*~'.ned that an award shoi] I 1e wade to , 0c; 25X1A a, nlL for the development :nd use of a of -1:i.g'aal cor der:.sation code. The use of this code dispenses with the requirement for a translator, speeds up the processing of tare_fir an. saves groups ir. the transmission of traffic. There wore tuo items .} ich we were abked to check the and repcrt to the .Executive Secretary b3 memorandum. ? two i tene? are s.) does + : prcpose~ division of the award 25X1 A ~~~~- ~`irde tc adequately ref,?~? ;, the efforts expended uy each of the men, and (b) is there is ar iw;eoiste increase of traffic which right re- flect larger tangible and intangible benefits to the Agency. 3. Further investigit'on shows that the proposed division is fair and there has not been, nor .:o we expect a substantial ir1cr,wese in this traffic. !i. It is racoraner?ded that the Committee approve the dis- 25X1A 25X1 A 4 r -"tton of the # 2l' award with two-thirds going to are one-t}irQ to 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070028-8