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Approveco"`MRele 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000010009, award to be worked out Executive Searetax yl L Agenda A* Unfinls'_iW. Business es_tlon Nom 2176 - Report by th1?jf. ?a. A' reonner rocu ent al; aatona o Chief of Clerical P ruitmont Branch, (Brief of s: g os..on is in 27 September .9 S ends) ostion No-, 97O - Report by par cuXP,rLy on vie ae con terL ded di, t ibution of hh ara d within Coro n 37 $A Com iittea has agreed n'1 t Cha mAnf Honor Awards Board that SA & ittae should ice action on this case. Afta-w Cor+ . ttae diacus?+ion, method of anti 1)n No., 25 OR - (Brief In 27 September 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved or Release '1001/07/31 :CIA-RDP80-00832A00030 010009- Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 ApprovIC WFor Rele 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000'9(b010009` Suggestion No. 2078 Date of Suggestion: 22 October 1956 A. of the quaretion SugWoter designed an incinerator for use at an Overacas Field. Station. B. cutive Secretary's Report of this case: Chief, Cc o Security Division evaaluated the ice. Briefly he stated the incinerator proposed vas p u t in use a n d is d o i n g t h e job. Reccownds a nominal aac* based on intaible benefits. C. Rec tiof of the utive 3ecx~t~x~r: A oval.. Award of $50 based on intangible benefits. I Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Apprd%wd For ReF ,se 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A0( 001000 -4 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Suggestion No. 1636 Date of Suggestion: 25 1955 24 October 1956 Office of Deputy Director of Intelligence Be I al uatLon of the Concerned Office a Main, Lest. GO 12 Recom d placing canndy.eigarette,and "cote" vending n achines in Ad SL.nistraf i on Uui.ldin& West Wing, first floors of the Sul stion i A. The Office of Logistics in October 1956 stated the following s "Ihe Office of Logistics advised us that the Vending Machines had been installed after the Office of Security had arranged for escort procedures for servicing the mac ,neso Logistics recomwnded that the suggestesr be recognized the suggestion as it has been adopted." the suggestion was subirrttted in 1955 and disapproved as recomendsd by OL due to the security hazard of servicing otter of apprecia.tio based on recommendation of Mr0 im d not stern from her suggestion per - of STATINTL C Div jOL CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 STATINTL award was based on a known mor a ac r if suggester is not recognize& G. Recommendation of the Executive Secrete: the machines. Further follow-up with r *eal.s die suggestion was put into eff as a result of a request by a --h- of the DCI Staff A recom adation for Approved et'r Release 01/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000306ikOO09-4 ' SEC` Sugg;ost .Of Pon 2313 Dal ,,a Sauggestio : 27 Aril 1956 Off c, . Comptroller F scat Acco uit t A otant G S-59 the Sig rt3oag ugeetton is attached to 2 Aug set 1956 Agenda* E e uat ons of the Office conccrneds Evaluations of the Office of Coontcoller dated. 21 June 1956 and 20 July 1956 are attached to 2 .Aug t 1956 Agc aw 5k No to: At the 2 August 1956 Conn ttee ra e` thO r a e?t ,o was deferred at the request of Who felt iaat greater savings were inVolvedo A reevaluation by the Office of the ComptroUer :L.13 attacheda C. Ro diat1 n of t5 dative `art A,ppro 'al3 Award of .65a f>9O for tangible cavin'ge of $2600 plus intangible savings of 675 ('Local npp' cation slight to moderate degree of benefit). Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 t rte! EVALUATION OF EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION 14 3 TO: EXELUTI VE SECRETARY. FROM: Chief, Technical Accounting Staff; INCENTIVE AWARDS TT Qffl,c-k Of the CQUmtrQ11ar ACTION RECOMMENDED I? ADOPT FOR USE. (AATZ ADOPTZD ) INDICATE ACTION 2. ALREADY IN EFFECT NUT THIS SUGGESTION MAKES ADDED CONTRIBUTION. (SPJCIfl D .OI) RECOMMENDED BY 3. DISAPPROVED FOR ADOPTION. PLACING ACTION 4. ALREADY IN EFFECT AND NO PART OF THIS SUGGESTION MAKES ADDED CONTRISUTION. NUMBER IN BOX S. REQUIRE FURTHER STUDY. (WSCTZD OATS OF COMPLSTIOM ) Q 9. OTHER (SPiCIPy M MOW) EFER SUGGESTION TO 7 ? (071155 C01f r REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION In order to guide the Incentive Awards Committee in making final determination. an analysis of the anticipated first e~~ar'__s ? v n and/or other benefits should be shown here. If applicable. Indicate and explain below pro- p disposition o savings as (1) allotment savings, (2) increased output at same coal or (3) application of resources saved to some other necessary activity. If suggestion contains Intangible value, such as morale, safety, etc.. please indicate the extent of the area which you think the suggestion will affect, i.e.: the im- mediate ores, Office-wide, Agency-wide. Attach\dditional sheet if more space is needed. 1. In re?ponse to your request of 4 September 1956, Employee Suggestion No. 2343, to expedite preparation of Finance Division posting documents for Machine Records Division processing has been -reexamined, with particular atten- tion being given to the intangible benefits which might accrue to the Agency from adoption of the suggestion. 2. Intangible advantages were described in paragraph 3 of the 27 June 19% statement of evaluation and-Were given an evaluation on 20 July 1956..- 3. The suggestion refers to intangible savings in other Sections within the Accounts Branch and to savings to Budget Offiqers in other components of the Agency, due to reduction of transcription errors. However, reduction of trans- cription error is a rather nebulous problem on which to make a determination with any degree of accuracy. The extent of such savings has, nevertheless, been exeadned again and the additional. information obtained indicate# that this phase Of the suggestion may have somewhat broader application than previously stated.. 4. several budget officers were requested to give an -estimate of tkW' advan- tages (savings in man-hours) which might accrue. to them as a result of add ion of the suggestion and elimination of transcription type errors in their accounting statements. Three of the foieofficers stated that there would be little effect as most adjustments were made for other reasons. The other officer indicated that -? for his purposes there would be some advantage because several adjustments had to be prepared. for transcription errors. The information obtained seems to indicate that not too marV transcription errors occurred or that if.errors were more frequent than shown, the errors were not being detected by the budget officers and correc-, tions made. If this latter situation is true, (i.e. errors. made but not corrected) then the elimination of transcription errors would improve' the accuracy of the accounting records, regardless of whether errors were detected and corrected or not. [a ON ATTACR[a 10119T T x sea I YY ATE iATu W9 9F u N Weld AX -(IF04 53115 45111 .111FIN) ? . . ,: i?: 1. FTTBHk:.I f: N4':: E Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009- oPr s, IF THEY AR FORM NO. 244b REPLACES FORM 37.1944 (431 I MAR s'Approve"U'Por) e'fea'se'2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31: CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4. EVALUATION OF EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION USE LETTERER TO MAKE NOS, COPIES, IF THEY ARE ~..---g-_ UPI Rim SUGGESTION NUMBER ?3L+ rTO:_ EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. INCENTIVE AWARDS COMMITTEE INDICATE ACTION RECOMMENDED BY PLACING ACTION NUMBER IN BOX FROM: Chief, Technical Accounting Staff, Office of the ?omDtrol i er ACTION RECOMMENDED 1. ADOPT FOR USE. (DATE ADOPTED 2. ALREADY IN EFFECT BUT THIS SUGGESTION MAKES ADDED CONTRIBUTION. (SPECIFY HELOA) 3. DISAPPROVED FOR ADOPTION. 4. ALREADY IN EFFECT AND NO PART OF THIS SUGGESTION MAKES ADDED CONTRIBUTION. S. REQUIRE FURTHER STUDY. (WECTED AMTS OP COWERrION ) s. OTHER (SPECIFY RAT W) 7? REFER SUGGESTION TO REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION In order to guide the Incentive Awards Committee in waking final determination, an analysis of the anticipated first Year's savings and/or other benefits should be shown here. If applicable, indicate and explain below pro- p id spoait ono savings as (1) ^llotment savings, (2) increased output at cane Cost or (3) application of resources saved to some other necessary activity.' If suggestion contains Intangible value, such as morale. safety, etc., please indicate the extent of the area which you think the suggestion w ll affect. i.e.: the im- mediate area, office-wide, Agency-wide. Attach additional sheet if more space is needed. 5. Budget Officers contacted were generally quite complimentary to the ?,j1b being done by the Voucher Preparation Section, especially on the allotment verification function. This situation should be.further. im4Proved with ccc fete implementation of the suggestion and is another intangible benefit. 6. The information obtained cannot be interpreted.as conclusive one way or another on the extent of transcription errors due to the old methods. How- ever, in order to give the advantages of the suggestion any benefit of doubt, the "intangible" advantages have been reevaluated as having local extent in their application and as being of slight to. moderate benefit to the Agency. These terms are in accordance with the terms a definitions stated in guidance chart, previously furnished this office. 7. This evaluation supersedes the. statement -af 20 July 1956 and may be. of tt513istance to the Awards Committee in determining an''dpppropriate award for the s ;gestor in addition to an award as may be?-justified'on the babis of the cash % savings stated ono27 June 1956, F CONTINUCI ON ITTACHED SHEET DAT - E . - SIGNATURE-OF cvAL-uTi1TNICb7Y1-ETAL trot FORM No. 244b REPLACES FORM 17.1648 1 MAR dpproved for Welease''001/07/31: CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Appr6 p1 For Re ease 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A00 00100( 4 SECRET Suggestion Noe 205 Date of suggestions lh August 1956 25 October 1956 Office of the Comptroller Finale Assistant Ad Su n g of the gestions Suggester proposes that arrangements be made with 3 BM so that each employee card of an employee under contract will be punched with the- termination date of the contract, This will reduce the no, of overpayments of contracl, employees. B. Evaluation of the Concerned Office: The Office of the Comptroller on 19 October 1956 stated the followings "The suggestion was not adopted as submitted.. The problems of overpayments resulting from failure to stop salary' payments upon termination of a contract has been the subject of much discussion by Finance Division, Possible solutions to the problem .have been almost a constant subject of review and discussion. Review contributed suggestion at this time might have indirectly to development and adoption of the card index ofcontract termination dates, It is difficult to say whether suggestion was a contributing factor because of the in+m tensive efforts made to resolve the problem.. "Any benefits or savings which may accrue to the Agency from use 'of the card index are quite intangible and cannot be specifically evaluated. Mere is no set pattern of overpayments resulting from overlooking termination dates in the payroll process which would permit a determination of a given savings. Of course any savings,9 large or small, would be advantageous. In the absence of a better yardstick, the suggestion may be qualified as of "slight" degree of benefit, and of "limited" extent of. application, in accordance with standards established for intangible benefits." C. Recommendation of the Executive Secretarn Approval.. Award of $10 to $25 based on intangible benefits (slight benefit.-limited application) F or Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-- E 1-00832A000300010009-4 1jk~ ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved FFr Release 2601/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 25X1A AT.TSHTION 25X1A SUBJECT ! Award fi REFACE f Memorandum to Executtva Secretary. Suggestion. Awards Ooaatttee, fres Deputy Director/PP8/06, teas subject,. dated 2 October 1956 (with attacbamnts 1. Review of available information in 'this oftioe ?refleate that, Agency representatives previously disaweed'vith the appropriate 25X1 C officials of the possible personnel probleas reg xding esp1o ees of that instAtla suggestions e=nsting from'this installation be disauaeed with.the 2. It is strongly reccamended that the prooedure for huAI ing 25X1C appropriate -- - - preseatati $. If you Approved For Release 2001/07/31 C:IA=RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved F elease 2N1/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300d'l 009-4 "w Approved For Release 2001/0 832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2Q1/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A0003000"fi09-4 Suggestion Non 2102 Continued "Vie are, pleased to receive suggestions for improving the bulletin boards beo4use of their is rtance as one of a very few means of Agency-wide management-employee relatlonso It is unfortunate that the suggestions at hand depend upon the assignment of manpower that simply is not available for t` Ls purpose. It is our hope that the control and use of our bullet to boards can ba effect tzI ve3,y centralized when we relocate to the new building." Office of Security" concurs with office of Personnel's aluation, They further feel that when the new building is set-up then perhaps con- trolled bulletin boards will be in orderer C. Recommendation of the q. ecutive S dreitar Disapproval CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release DO1/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300Q '1009-4 CIA I1 'rERNAL USE ONLY Suggestion No, 2429 .on'U Office of Securi1 concus with Office of Personnelf s uat .on? They further feel that when the new building is set-up than perhaps cox. trolled bu.letin boards will be in order, C, Reo p endat .on of the Ececutive Secrecttaa r~: Disapproval Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 DESCRIPTION OF SUGGESTION (Attach Additional shoats if nscosaary) Approved For Re-Fe-as-e-0-01/07/31 - - 001-4 Supp1--ant tot ..29 The following information was submitted by telephone by suggr.ster to Executive $ecretaxy, Suggestion Averts Committee an 23 July 1956 to supplawat his suggestion 2429 whiad is now being evaluated by ON Please add to paragraph 6 of. this infatuation and consider it as pert of my suggestion. All telephone calls concerning notices which ee loyees want posted are to be made to one umber in mployees Services Branch of OP. Ow person would be assigned, to service this telep..one, give out infoamation concerning posted items, and serve as a alearisg house for. all such call either from sellers or potential buyers. All advertisements would be cmbered, and the responsible iloyees Services Branch would be charged with the duty of keeping the s, aster file current. The original poster of adds would be responsible for notifyi* 8irvioer Branch when the items was sold oar nor lcmger a'vaiiafili `f6r`i7l tiiiireasono This information would be immediately posted to the master copy of the notice in Services Branch, and at the and of the month the notice would be cleared from the bulletin board. Thus, all calls concerning posted notices wouldbe made to one point with consequent reduction in ntaber of calls received by the seller after the item vise sold or rented.. This feature should provide for better service to both buyers and sellers, a significant reduction of telephone calls and a state mretbod at keeping posted information current. This should also decrease the .aeaurity hazards under the present system. Another by-produbt wound' be the fact that notices would receive wider distribution In all buildings instead of just in those which the posting lee would visit personally. . "ORM NO. ~~~ REPLACES 37. 144 OCT 54 ?NICN NAY BE USED. Q COMTINUEO ON REVERSE Slot 1111 +it -A Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Releasd+001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300 0009-4 GOi7I 'fIAL Suggestion No0 25214 Date of Suggestion= 12 September 1956 1956 Office of Personnel Personnel Clerk G&6 A? -- . The SHMGSt .an: Suggester proposes that a de-top receptacle for classified waste be supplied for use, Tajo receptacle would be about 2/3 the height of the present "Secret Classified Waste Only" bag and be made of paper. BUluation of tho Cc-;; d Office t The Office of Sec uitr on 22 October 1956 scat the tbllbwings "The regulation white paper bags with r d b d , e an lettered with the legend "SEORET ~CLASSIF'IFD WASTE ONLY," were deoigned for desk 6r table top use,, either by individual e:aployees or by office groups!. "These bags can be modified by cutting off the white portion above the red bawd and will then fulfill the four requirements of Employee Suggestion No, 2524 in all essential points. "The only difference between a cut-down bag and the model subzdtted with Suggestion 2524 would be in height a matter of five (5) inches. This is not considered to be of sufficient advantage to Justify the purchase and issue of the suggested bag." Co Recomsnendati,on of the Executive Secretes : Disapproval, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For I'Mease 20W7/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010QQO-4 Suggestion No. 2541 25 October 1956 Date of Suggestion : 24 September 1956 CoOomicationea GS-13 A. of the f estion: Financial Property Accounting Procedures establish a method whereby depot property accts are checked by accounts maintained by finance officers. The caea rison of the two accounts pertaining to the saw stock and the subsequent search for causes of disparity have cost way satin-hours. Industry controls its production through data obtained by sampling. 14Wy iner?4ctions are based on ee les. The reliability of the data and the best Wtbods of ling are determined by statistical studies. Same organizations are applying to their stock and inventory problems controls developed by statistical analysis. nt and consultant engineers have given this matter considerable attention. I have heard that one such consultant firm, the John I. Th son & Con act was hired by MA to straighten out the (not ours). It is suggested that methods of applying statistical controls to stock record accounts be studied, hiring con- sultants if necessary, in order to improve the costly tim- consauaing procedure now in effect. 8. Executive Secretary's Report of this case: It in assumed that suggestion pertains to Financial Accounting Procedures for property as covered by 25X1A which is applicable to field activi- ties. The mechanics of accounting for property, an established by Agency regulations end. impleeeenting hand- books, are consistent with normal practices throughout Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved Fo elease 2W/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A0003000'09-4 ~ji 26 1956 $ t S SflG AWAM WOUT.CC smw=s fu stian ~o, P-2k53 Me su ction vas returned from "Rom. Robin" with requests by all three Camttt, a mw2mrs that min resins for rejection of this ice.. Execultive secretary SugpstAon Awazte O Ott Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-R 832A000300010009-4 Approved ForRelease 2901/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 M MWNDUM 20 Jun. 1956 T~' h1.s Pereornel Division,, FE, Support Baas SLB.;Er.'119 Sc..l rye. S'4g.sti on 1Q ` ? suggest that the Agency expand the use of `abbreviations in cable!n to iuolnd? e, cods letter, or letters, for coaeunonly used phrases, A survey -4 Support Bass cables indicates a great quantity of cables Which really esouzat to form letters. World-vide the Agency must send thousands of Arrival cables alone, with similar, numbers of Departure, Shi.ps-ent of HIiE, " other, "tfarsP notices. The Commercial cable and telegraph companies use a similar idea in their cut-rate Birthday Greeting and other "stock* Mes sag" 20 Sufficient data is not available here to determine the best means of applying this idea to our specific purposes, but for illustration pur- poses only a simple letter code each ar the. following wild permit. the savings indicated on the attached three sWleez Arrived this post Departed- this. poet C - Cence post Differential D - With Dependents F - Wlvyee last paid through. F - Future Salary to be paid to' .a sa e Allottee G Will arrive your post H - Home Leave I? etc' (AAR, AB, 'AG, etc, if necessary.) Approxf.aately 759 of the m isfgs can be reduced to a few letters with the use of such "form le.tterw type of cables. Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 EVALUATION OF EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION TO: l_XECUT I VE SECRETARY, INCENTIVE AWARDS COtv1ITTEE NO? USE LETTEREX TO MI' COPIES, IF THEY 4I' REQUIRED. -- F' 2L1c Chief, Communications Security Division ACTION RECOMMENDED 1. ADOPT FOR USE. (DATE A PTBD ) INDICATE ACTION 2. ALREADY IN EFFECT BUT THIS SUGGESTION MAKES ADDED CONTRIBUTION. (SPECIFY BELOW) RECOMMENDED BY S. DISAPPROVED FOR ADOPTION. PLACING ACTION 4. ALREADY IN EFFECT AND NO PART OF THIS SUGGESTION MAKES ADDED CONTRIBUTION. NUMBER IN BOX S. REQUIRE FURTHER STUDY. (EXPECTED DATE OP COMPLETION ) a] 6. OTHER (SPECIFY BELOW) 7. REFER SUGGESTION TO - REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION In order to guide the Incentive Awards Committee in making final determination. an analysis of the anticipated first ear's savings and/or other benefits should be shown here. If applicable, indicate and explain below pro- posed id sposition.of savings as (1) allotment savjnga, (2) increased output at same cost or (3) application of resources saved to some other necessary activity. If suggestion contains intangible value, such as morale, safety, etc., please indicate the extent of the area which you think the suggest on w ill affect, i.e.: the im- mediate area, office-wide, Agency-wide. Attach additional sheet If more space Is needed. 1. The suggestor proposed that the Agency expand the use of abbreviations in cables to include the use of code symbols to replace commonly used phrases. The suggestor particularly emphasized the use of symbols for administrative type cables which many times are repetitive in nature such as ETA cables, shipment of household effects cables, and so forth. We believe that the idea of reducing repetitive phrases is fundamentally a good one and should be-actively in effect by all originators of such cables. However, we have found that rather than establish "a code symbol system" a severe editing of such cables will produce better and amore practical results. 2. The problem of reducing text is a continuing one and has only recently resulted in the major components of the Agency with the Signal-Center introducing a cable writing course. This particular suggestion win not aid the program in a:iy way. Chief, Communications Security Division Approved For Relea 2001/07/31 CCIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 'ORM No. 24,?b REPLACES FORM 37?Ia4B 1 MAR SS WHICH MAY BE USED. J (4 1 Approved or Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300W0009-4 w Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For F ase 20QV07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A00030001 QW9-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For lease 09'1/07/31: CIA-RDP80-00832A0003000 009-4 i 24 v+ b**r 1.956 Su s iOn So. i Dot of Su,g stion: 29 Mw~ch 1955 hR Division Operatime t 'fiosr'(P') GS-14 mammam Fta SUaammQN AwAM COMTM: inm attached su stion has been proceei n for time Mnd is considered by us to be a problem- Nobody MOM wii. to adopt it, and a Consi-ttee nedmr did riot aSM to di. p- provina it for adoption when circulated on Round Robin. it is lu sted tl the Ommittee rss review the attached material and reeomend to the cuti Secrsat a disposition of the sugeti . )br reaction is that the idea has fails to "Sell" itself to the point of being adopted afar* rule air- csulati.an rind therefore e+.zwld be rejected. It sses to be a gpA idea p which cc es before its tit., as no one will it even on a trial ba3ia. Executive Se tery sv4pation Awarft Oo ittee Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80CM-000832AO00300010009-4 25X1C Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4 ce, 1VlemoricnG Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000300010009-4