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50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO04400030029-1 CENTRAL --INTEtt1GENCE -AGENCY ? - - - - REP INFORMATION REPORT CD COUNTRY 1tSSR CASE DATE DISTR. lb SUBJECT Location and Deagcri -ttton of Kitchen-Factories NO. OF PAGES Vii, PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRE DATE OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C., 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- NIB ITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IB PRGHIBITee big Kitcb@m-, '(1) Kit henmFaoto y of the Vyborgsky District in I nizen ., Kltc:ben-fact ,a;y of the indtui triaJ_pl nt oll m sic i _is extra large (3) Kit asen- ,story on Novokuznetsky Street, a few blocks f~tom the tspsky Market in Moscow; Kitehen-Factory of the Qorkovs , Molotov ?s A4ut bile Plant on t Volga River a Thtre are sm Ler d it .en.-?Fa?tories in Poltava, They do not call them Kitchen-Factories but Rea taurtmts9but &,~ta icy they ere the amt. (1) Kitchen-Facto y at the industrial plant "Metal" located a few block fc the Kiev Railroad Station, Poltava; (2) Kitchen-Factory at the Spimaing Ca bizat, between the Kiev Railroad Station and the military Airport Po l? ea , . 9 (3) Kitchen-Fa-tory at the military base at the Airport,, Poltava,- (4) Kitchen-Factory at the Locomotive Depot at the ilroM CLASSIFICATION PIflL,/US OFFICIAIS OX &-Ea NO. OF ENCLS. 1, (LISTED BELOW) (A) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO04400030029-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO04400030029-1 1EFOPMAT'1*91V tJ a the cue nts .for cleaning ve etables had one to fmur s g whine fo`a' pota,'toeb one to twee machines for cutWmg a bbage, beets, had o?3 g ~ tir potatoes ~ The, ~~t de ent eta The bi Factoriehad conveyers gr ndi lorg Iii chen , st` to `fir big machines es foa meat i o In the e t i Factories , teats of tozL ir~~ate Fats; 'bu er. and vegetables" canbe stored. 8o a imee the D zector~s of the large Ktchen Factories were engineers but usu ,ly the engineers work at the Tryst and are responsible for all the Kit act. ?ies$ and Restaurants of their pa icular Tausto All, Kitchen-Fa,ctories bad. a bookkeeper (u. uaUy highsa hool, education); a std a epeor? (usually elementary educatioan.)_ who was the secretary of the local Ccam-nittee of the C u at Party; a chief cook (u al elementary eduction) who almost never was a Party member and usually opposed to the gave a at a As a rule, all the erectors and. storekeepers were dishonest and, could not be trusted. CONFIDENTIAL/US OFF IC ~I~ALS O /' f?l I + 0' T : N As a rzle,. the. Kt?tc enDFactories are located in industrial districts and 50X1-HUM sew a number of ineta ,bons, or they are located just inside an industrial plant and supply the workers of that plant only. Practically every big plant has its own Kitchen -Factory. Towns like Moscow or Leningrad have many-Kitchen-Factories and several huge Eitchen.mF- which supply the smaller oneso 50X1-HUM The plan of-the Iat neffi 4actories is More or less standard. If it is a one story bidIdjng; the distribution of the shops would be as shown on the attached sketch. However., there :La no law of standardization and. there can be' 3s ' deviations. If it is a two or three story building, t be food storage department is in the basement, or on the first floor, it there is no basement, and. the working shops, kitchen, and eating hal~l.o are above the storage rooms and the administration and the l 'b~aratory on the top floor 0 The room for storage of meat and milk products have refrigeration in the Kitchen-Factories in the large towns like Moscow, Leningrad, and Gorki. The -cooling agent armed is amtaonia0 The Factories in Poltava did not have any refrigeration at all but they did use ice when they con The kitchen always had a very large range burning coal or wood, and, from three ? to 10 s iaa-~heattd pots bolding ' 003.500, rya a q a? 're: were - a 7 V ys several "reserved" pots in ti kitchen which could be used for feeding soldiers in. the time of warn !Fn e kitchens yen also equip d with d .sh hing' mach s The large Kitchen Facte r i ,sly have fps a two to-five eating hall e, ees ' u g y j ? each sea'ting up to 200 people o personalities engaged in Kitchen l) D actor of .tchen-Factory at C Must Poltava was ? ed " ect~~r of dS&,tR'?h'f?n'a 'di 6F ~?tory at dF~EJ' 6dtria,i? P.1xII61~ tlq~~? YY Poltava, 6~ ,, wai~ panned Ld.chosh 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00926A004400030029-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO04400030029-1 curnm?w tiFFi ~c err BJ4M1~~ ' 50X1-HUM 3:ef cooks: SteiW= 8 ? tikov Depot, Poltava.. urn ' ltavao of these, i:ndi' id l,s were members of the C st Party. ey art of 0M 1, 1i.vin in Poltava and working as cooks o the Kit sn s~ ts~ries in one town are under, a central. nag ent called "T at." .in turn, is other the Town or District Trade Council. The supplies t ss all the foods to the Kjtchen'Factoriea o . They obtain meat from the slaughter house, silk and milk products from the.dairy, and vegetables: f rim the Trade. Council which buys them at the, Collective Farms No ache Fa tort' is allowed ~ o. n ' , to buy anything from private citize foods. er s sed, to be inspected before they a sent .to the ?] itc en?F cto~ries, ff?o~a. the. slaughter houses, dairies, etc.. ter, iva,l ;. Ki chh* ;,YYcto,ry they are usuaUy ell eked by the storekeeper and if he, not~:oes awrtbl~g s picious, he ,notifies the Sanitary, tor. Very frequently, the Kitchela-Factories. accept foods which are ctically moiled beca~u~ae they. do not expect to obtain bet-ter foods or, there; ,;. B 3va Cages for the key personalities of the Factory. . S times the food spoils at the . Kitchen Factory for Lack of refrigeration. laboratories..asxe intained to prevent food poisoning outbr . . Every town and each district of the town has a Sanitary Inspector whose duty is `to 'ohegk the foods .and dri*ing water. Usually a technician of the. Sanity Laboratory comes to dhe kitchen-Factory unexpectedly. This' happens about once a mouth. If he finds bad foods, his duty is to destroy them. But he must be. eztre eiy careful, for if he destroys food without sufficient cause, he. might be sent to a concentration. tpo The report concerning the destroyed foods is signed by the Technicians the Director of t .Kitchen: Factory, the chief cook or the store ro The laboratories of the Trusts usually are one for a small town or one in a district of a loge. tow,. It is usually located. in one of the , . . Kitchen ;ctoriea o The head of the laboratory is usually a chmic l engineer. These laboratories do about the. same work as the Sanitary : Inspectors o . Not every. t `rust has a laboratory. For XA1W yes gol ara bad ;no laboratory a the _ Sauit=? Inavedtor. F ___ 1 In spite of.all the a nib, e. are many cases of food poisoning for the laboratories do not ,.h ve. ssufficient workers for thorough inspections o When they do find spoiled food., they often do nothing about it for fear of a concentration comp. ENCLOSURE (A) A sketch thawing the d .a rihr , .on, of the . Departments or s, o ne ya Cory Kit hey y 's. f:,o y, CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS OI1LY/ 3EY..s , ;L1 INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00926A004400030029-1 '- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO04400030029-1 -HUM F TIC` n'. "?S6; REF (A) Col 7ID NTIAL / OF Ic Al oNLY/SNctR: T ` JRMA ^N A SKPICH OF D ISTR B `'ION OF IRE ' AR''1 N' , 33 A ONE STORY K. ,Y...~6rrb..73S ", PIA 11& M BAS. p DEPT 'FO~ MEAT 'EVART OA' s I Is I MILK r=% IsmR TDRAG u?oN ~A ,JU3 O IT!,77. A' ONTa:~ ~n Fa''~" C O.Rt :*T .ON Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO04400030029-1