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d For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070 I-For INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE BIOMETRIC SOCIETY SiMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL OE RIOMETRIA Campinas, 4-9 July 1955 PROGRAMME PROGRAMA ? g IP, ? VIP 900070 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 vailable Approved For Release 2002/07/29: CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 ? t? Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 4.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following institutions have kindly con- tributed to the financial support of the sym- posium. CAMPANHA NACIONA, DE APERFE.COAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NEL SuPERIOR CONSELHO NACiOhAL DE PESQU,SAS F6NO0 DE PL84J.:SAS DO .NST,;?.00 A4RON60.00 vOHDU DE PES0J.8A8 DO .NST.TUTO 01OLOG;00 06EC RLSEARJH 'WI '.U? 'HST:TUT? BRA8.,E.10 DL GED0A0; A A ESTAr0C:CA !NST:TJTO 8RAS.,E.k0 00 +Air ?LAB DE SAO PA4,0 ItO?AEFULLR f.04.000ATIOM 8001k0AJE ROIAL BRAM...2144 SIMPOSIO DE Reston? do BIOMETRIA Programa 2a. feira, 4 de julho 10 horas - Sessao Inaugural Discurso de saudacio pelo Exmo. Secre- tirio da Agricultura de So Paulo Sessio preperatoria do Simposio. Amisos Discorso inaugural pelo Presidente da Sociedade de Biometria 14 horaa - Beuniao da Cbmissio Organiza- dora 15 horns - is. Sessio - lliometria Geni? tica. 20,30 horns - Cmnfereincia do Prof. 1h. DoEmhansky 3e. feira, 5 de julho 9 horns - 2a. Sessio - &lineamentos perimentais para Planpas perenes. 14 horns - 3a. Sessio - Lelinemmentos ex? Perimentais.. 17 horns - Visita no Prefeito de Campinas 20,30 horns - %unlit) para a organizagio da Begiio Brasileira da "Bicmetric So- ciety?. ? Approved For Release 2002/07/29_: CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 .0?11.1, Approved ForRelease,2002/07/29 :CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 e: 4a feira, 6 de julho 8 horas - Excurs5o a Piracicaba 10 horas (Ern Piracicaba) - 4a. Sess5o - Mesa redonda 7obre detineamenos expe? r.menta-s para Oan:as perenes. Regresso noite 5a. feira, 7 de julho 9 horas - 5a. Sess5o - Apl:s.acaes de es? tw-isti;a a extP.-mn+os corn atuunta? cdo de art;mal:. /4 horas - 6a Sess5o Tinisas de amos? tragem. 21 horas - Reuni5o Social no Tenis Caube. 6a feira, 8 de julho 9 horas - Visita ao Instituto AgronOmico e Estac5o Experimental Central 13,30 horas - 7a. Sessao Ensa.1- 16,30 horas - 8a. Sess5o - ES*a*isca mi? d 7a. ho.-as - Reuniao So.ial na SocirAade Sabath). 9 de julho 9 horas - 9a. Sess5? - Me-2 s4b?-r er7a 77 1.,/,14,7:Ds. 11 hora; - Sesstio de encerramento . 15 horas - Visita a uma fa7enda de cafe The International Biometric Symposium is spon- sored by Biometric Society, a section of the In- ternational Union of Biological Sciences. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE C. I. BLISS F. G. BRIEGER W. G. COCHRAN F. J. CROW D. J. FINNEY C. G. FRAGA J. A. RIGNEY P. V. SUKHATME COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS G HHIFGER P. MEW) FREIRE F. PIMENTEL GOMES A. GROSZMANN A M. PENHA W. L. STEVENS C. G. FRAGA, Executive Secretary Approved For Release 2002/07/29:,CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 ?11- ?ved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A0079001 ???? PROGRAMME OF THE MEETING ?ved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900 .f ed For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A0079000 I MONDAY, July 4 10.00 a.m. Welcome address by the State Secretary of Agriculture, Or.R. Cruz Martins. Business session and announcements. Inaugural address by the President of the Biometric Society, Prof. W.G. Cochran. The 1954 poliomyelitis trial in the ? United States. 2:00 p.m. Meeting of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium. 3.00 p.m. First Session - Biometrical Genetics Chairman: Prof. F.G. Brieger Sir Ronald Fisher: The role of biome- trics in plant improvement. E.R. Dempster. Genetic models in rela- tion to animal breeding. F.G. Brieger: Plant genetics: behavior of autogamic populations and heterotic genes. H. 'Callous: Some genetical consequences of cyclomorphosis. ,4 42....g C' ..... 4r...4_ 8:30 p.m. (m. Ebbzhansky. -Genetic& e heterose". 7144 d For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900071 ?ved For Release 2002/07/29: CIA-RDP80-00926A00,79001 TUESDAY, July S s, 9:03 a.m. Second Session -.Agerlmental Desi? gns for Perennial CmOn. Chelsea: Pref. LG. Cadmic S.C. Pearce: (The specific problems of experimental design and techni- que in perennial crops. A. Canagin and C.G. Frage.fgesiga and analysis of experiments on cof- fee. F. Pimentel Gess- Analysis and in- terpretation of specific- emperi- ments involving graded levels of application to perenmial crops. B. Amaral: The estimation of miss- illg.04*OALMIltilliat 2.00p.m. Third Session - EkOevimmintel De? signs. airman: G. G.M. Cax:.Pecent advances in expe- rimental-deti*vvith particular reference to estimating responses to rates of applisation. ? Yauden..Expesimestal desigp in the physical sciences. 5:00 p.m. Visit to the Mayor of Campinas 8:B0 p.m. Meeting of officials of the Biome- trio Society and local scientists to discuss the binning of a Bra- zilian Region el thelleciety. -d For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A0079000 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 WEDNESDAY, July 6 ? 1:11113SMY July 7 CC a.m Fxcursion to Piraci.-.aba by bu6 am. F.,-)?-?ri-s. Session Pane D? scuss^.% 7. Apt ntai DRrm fn r Per(:n7r. CLairman W L. Stevens Visit .o a sugar mill and to the Es- cola Superior de Agricultura 'Luittzte (}ueiroz' Return to Campinas " !'th S.-ion ? S"; 4-7 at)p/:ed ' 4711r:zi!. Feeu vinen+v Chairman Vi F B IV P?st; Homeyer Te aae ani sources s of variation in ..z-i:?.t1 f,???ding Experimenting with pastures n the ? tate of Sao Paulo. G 0. Mott The grazing trial for measuring the output of pastures. Sixth Session ? S?t-,rri Iry Tec,ln:ques Chairman Miss S.?,1 Flores M.H. Hansen The control of response errors in surveys P.V. Sukhatme Sams e techniques for estimating the c. .f sea fish. J.Mteto de Pascual *+. ,ondl morbi- ' &to/ survey indlikrico AL. Stevens and S.Sci?atan The ',40-sttz **sapling of coffee for forecasting harvests. E. Cansado Sampl in without replacement from finite popt4stions. 9.00 p.m. Social evening at the Tenis-Clube ?roil) Approved For Release 2002/07/29IA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 - ? For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-09926A007900070 FRIDAY, July 900 a.m. Visit to.headquarters of the Insti- tuto Agronamico and to the main ex- periment station, 1.30 p.m. Seventh Session.- Bioassay Chairman: Sir Ronald Fisher C.I. Bliss: Measuring the precision of bioassays. D.J. Finney. Experimental design in bioassay, 0.0. Bier and J. Freiwe:.Aplication of bioassay to complement fixation. 4.30 p.m. Eighth Session - Medical katistics. Chairman: JAY. Fertig J.0. Irwin. The study of the physio- logical effects of hot climates. J. Manceau: Application of covarian- ce analysis to the comparative study of two anthelmintics. A.E. Brandt: ?Design of a clinical investigation of very high voltage sources in the radiotherapy of can- cer. A. Vessereau.,Utilisaticn de Pans- lyse discriminatoire pour ? n. diag- nostic medical. 9.00 p.m Social evening at the Sociedade Hi- pica (Informal). or Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A00790007000 SATURDAY, July 9 9-00 a.m. Ninth Session - Panel Discussion on Bioassay Chairman: A. Linder 11 00 a.m. Closing Session 3:03 p.m. Visit to a dairy and coffee farm. 4 ? -d For Release 2002/07/29 ? CIA,RDP80-00926A0079000 2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 SECRETARIA DA AGRICULTURA DO ESTADO DE SAO PAULO INSTITUT? AGRONOMIC? DEGRETO IMPERIAL DE 27 DE JUNHO DE 1887? LEI :STADUAL N2 2752, DE 2 DE OUTUBRO DE 1954 CONSELHO TiCNICO AUXILIAR COMISSOES TEGNICAS DIRETOR GERAL ASSISTENTES DIVISAO DE AGRONOMIA DIRETOR SECRETARIO sEccAo oe ALGODA0 seccio DE CAFE ..? oaccAo m GANA DE ACUCAR sEccao of CEREAIS sEccAo DE CITRICULTURA smut? of FRUTAS OE CUMA TEMPERADO sEccAo Of OLERICULTURA E FLORICULTUR A 1 i?ccLOO? DE FRUTAS ANTAS TROPICIUS FIBROSAS FUM71. PLA41T- AS INSEMDAS E MEDICINAIS mod? m LEGUI4INOSAS SECCAO DE OLEAGINOSAS suzcao so 1 PLANTA S TROPICAIS meals co RAI1ES E rust 'somas SECCAO VITICULTURA DIVISAO DE 1310LOGIA DIRE TOR SECRETARIO SE ccio DE BOTANI CA sEcCi0 OE FITOPATOLOGA SECCLICE 1 I soscio ce [ aroLoGIA i I GENETICA 1 SECCAO OE ENTOMDLOGIA sEccio DE FISIOLOGIA SECCAO OE INTRODUCAO DE PLANTAS sEccAo cie VIROLOGIA SECcA0 DE TeCNICA EXPERIMENTAL I SECRETARIO FUN DO DE PESQUISAS sEccAo CUMATOLOGIA AGR(COLA COORDENACAO DA DIVULGACAO TaNICA EST LIP CENTRAL DE CAMPINAS DIVISAO DE SOLOS MECANICA E TECNOLOGIA DIRETOR SECRETARIO sEccAo AGROGEOLOGIA SECCAO. OE MECANICA AGRicOLA SECEi0 DE I I secao OE CONSERVACAO OVMICA U0 Will) MEAD cc FERTILIDADE DO SOLO SECCAO OE IRRIGACAO 1 SE:7'4.4.0' DE TiEsMOGIA u LA SECCIO DE TECNOLOGIA DE FIBRAS DIVISAO DE ESTACAES EXPERIMENTAIS DIRETOR SECRETAMO LEST UP DE EAplio sopirro EST EXP. OE IPANEMA IPIT COP r- --C 0 C XP DE &ma EST. EXP. DE MONTE ALEGRE EST UP OE PIKDAMONHANGABA EST FOP OE PINDORAMA EST EXP. OE SANTOS EST. EXP. OE sAo ROOUE 1 1 I I EST EXP DC TATO( EST EXP. DE 1 FP.'7'( PIFtACICABA TIET? FST IMEIRA LOP Of EST. LIP DE EST HOP CC R PRUDENTE UBATUBA L EST EXP OE MOCOCA LOT. COP. OE RIB. PRETO EST. EXP. DO VALE DO RIBEIRA RECEPCAo MUSEU SECCAO OE BIBUOTECA DIVISAO DE ADMINISTRAOAO DIRETOR SECRETAIO oaccAo OE PROTOCOL? E ARQUIVO saccAo DE EXPEDIENTE SECCLO OE CONTABILIDADE SECCAO OE PESSOAL SECCIO DE ItIAT E RI AL 0001 CO AAAAA --A-rrprovad 0207I29 . - TESOURARIA 0 FICINAS GARAGE rPra0,28-A00-7900!70001-9 PORTARIA EXPEDIGAO SABINE TE OE DESENI40 GAMETE DE FOTOGRAFI A PUBLICAGOES TIPOGRAFIA -70 ApprovggVilatibkige NA?'.417t2,9 f;b1A-RTeri6E14641,16Ao67#0cie(fb%o1-9 1. Alberte Sousa queiroz do Amaral. 2. Edilberto Amaral ....... G. Hernando Aniunes Filho 4. Spencer Correa do Arruda 5. Charles A.';inking ..... 6, Chester %);lies 7. ...... "114.0.0 ....... 8. V.G.Brieger 9. Luis de Ft-vitas Buena 10. 111Audin flarvalhoira 11. "lliam G.CerbrAn 12. riortrade CO% 13. Besse II.Day L. Antonic Neto 11. Lverett :11.7)(11.pstlr IC. 17. lir::,110 1;mreia, ncxte S*340000 11.C. neA?Pi7:ale. 000000 raria Aor;:s Jus5 Wrio ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 0 C 0 ? 9 COO 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? ?? e ? fle ? ..... ? ? OG ....... 6?0050??????? 1:011 0000000S0 ? CLOOXVId", CO?00000,04000.9 170 r-- 1103,,1 y Alui- T JO '.0.thur LimIer ? ... ..... ?? ? ...... ... ? ? ? ? AI ? ? ? ? ....... pria 300?8???0?? Li.haes ..... .??? ? 3f1. F1O.,vio Faustn Yanzoli f14. Rv1):-m Ilarkln; ............ Fret:no ' (e Senhora) 2aulo 7,:retre :-7trig4 liem6ria llobeyto Meirel,f4 de Miranda crne;t Mitiaeri are:to ..:40art4 Jf,*(1'. Nieto e ral 1a I.0live. H.Pahst ..arve Ariuilw Mr, ' Prizoto AlL'rto IreAe Venteado Fernonde Costnvi- JoZo Batistn de rvres Pimentel. Irederice '2imentel Goma* ....... 49. to 9. 50, ???? /30110/lap 0?04146.004CakJA;03?e3440.4.0 (t.R.Raseh C000 ..... 00?00410.641114.00 Bernarje Itemere Rojas Humberto Rangel .... Werner H.A.Scottler Aay :7. Jose ;-";oulsi,7z,e 1 ho 5t3. Wilfre 66. 61. W.J.c-len 52. 64. G5. 66. 67. 68. Sib Paulo Institute Agronamieo do Sul, Pelotas Institute Agronbmico,'Campinas Institute BielOgiro, Camoinas U.S.Arny, Washington, ::)C T.(14r1P Yale University, .2k U.S.Atemic Energy, 'C.S,A? Agr. Luis de PiractEabaP- Universidade de So Paulo, Acicar e do Alcool, .Paulo John Hopkins University, Blltimore, U.S.A. N.C.State College, Raleigh, N.C., U.S.A. Bureau of Ships, U.S.Nalry, 'hi.ohi6gten, DC Ciene.Econ.da o PaLin University of Calif6rnia, Birkelry, C. USA Agr. Luis de Queirez de Medicina de .7Ulleiril7b Preto naiv-rsity n.17 Aberdeen, (ran lretsnha 1:nivrmity, Gran /ircianha Ministio de Saila* Piblica, Ile;xico 3Err,'..Nacional lc Pesq.Agron., %le 'c JAneiro Seer.Agric.le Porto Alegre, R.G.S. Inst.Interam..le Cienz.Agr., Torrimlbi, C.R. trEc Research Institute, S.raillo I04 3tate College, Ames, Icrre., U.S.A. Steiletiral Research Unit, Lon:lou, Gran Bretnnlut Agr. Luis de 1/Juarez , Pi:cacicaba Kyuellu University, JapZo as So Paulo, S.Paulo Inst.Agronmiro to Norte, Bolin, Puri Uni\a.rsit; de Genive, Genive, Suisse Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC Facade Cien.Euon.da So Paulo Esc.Agron.s Veteringria, Porto Alegre Institute Butantan, Sge Paulo Institute Bioldgico, Sgo Paulo Univ.Rural do Minas Gerais, B.Horizonte Zootecnia, Campo Grande, DF Agr. Luis de '.ueiroz, Piracicaba--- Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., U.S.A. Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro Min.(14, Economia, Dep.Amostr., Mexico C.Nac.Agron., S.Tecla, El Salvador, C.A. U.S.Navy Dept., Washington, DC, U.S.A. Eamt Mailing Research Station, Kent, G.B. Agr. Luis de Queiros , Piracicalm Serv.Necional de Peig.Agron., Rio de Janeiro Serv.Nacional Is Pesq.Agron., Rio de Janeiro Nordewte, Recife, Pernambuco Arr, 1u di tztoiroz Pirasicaba India tati4tical mat5, f!mirutir, India State Serum Inst., Copenhagza, S.Pintmarca Estatisl:icm, ;togotS, ColaMbia Inatituto Butantan, So fault) Institute Butantan, So Paulo Inst.Agronlimico do Sul, Pelotas Inst.Agrongmice, Campinas Universidade de Ste Paulo, S.Paule F.A.O., Romm Inst.Nat.d Etudes Demographiques, Paris,Franga Nalional Bureau of Standards,Washington DC, USA uric ;Zzeroni ......... .......... Secretaria de, AgriculLura, S.Paulo Antonio Hitaneeurt .... Institute Siol6gico, S.Paulo VietGriA .Rossetti Institute Bibitigico, S.Paulo Hermane Vaz do Arruda Inst.Agr.,Campinas, Est.Exp.Ribeirgo Preto korrid ).Hansen U.S.Bureau of Census, Washington, U.S.A. Carlos P1. vie ArnAtiritbAltilKor Release.2002407abr:i6KtRfrimlookietAoelimit69949 CasPinas Remands Vaiversidide do Lisboa Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 Uarta Guibourdenc Instituto de Investigaciones Cienti? ficas, Mendoza, Argentina 70. Jacques Noel Monceau Servico Especial de Sade Rio de Janeiro 71. Georges 'darmois Faculti des Sciences, Paris, Franca 7. ,--rnando Andrea ' Medicina e S.Paulo ). Cansado, I.A.Training Center for Fc. e Fin. Statistics, Santiago, Chile ? Universidade San Simon , Coehlbamba, Bolivia ? Andre Vesserea . Institut de Statistique de I'Lnlv,,.4ti de Paris, trance. Glad:,tone A.Drueneend .... Se:sautes Agrocsres S/A, Jacar47inho Pr. 'intOnio Garcia di Miranda Nate Eoo.Nac.As Ci;n.Estatisticas, IBGE, R.J. kntonio Morales Instituto Nol6gico, S.Paulo 7on5tantino G:Fiaga (Jiblier) ? Instituto%Agriniamico, Campinas ? , , Arman,:o Conagin'' Instituto?Agronmico, Campinas ; r !a R.T.Id.Cduagin Institut? Agronomic?, Campinas ',11t6nie JosC Teixeira Mendes ' Instituto Agroamico, Campinas '.1-1(s'r..7111,tils Sakati ...,... .. . .. ,Intgituto Agronamico, Campinas I. :ott,. Z.Toledo .4,.... netituto.AktonbMico, Campinas . :.17.1,. S.T3erquo .-..- .4.. ,...;.B.Ilenriquef.7 ....... . Adolfo Fart ins Penha ........ . . .. aig-.P:Ra4ac PU d blica e S.Pnulo lnotitute',brtautan S.Paulo stituto,Biolkico, S.Paulo 40-.A4 stitut0:4016gico, S.Paulo Istituto loI6pico1 S.Paulo a Farm oia,f Odontologia, S.Paulo ad,;de, S.Paulo , s Ipanema .AgroU'41eNordeste, Recite, Pernambuco hitituto,.Aiyrianmico, Campinas Instituto*Agronimico, Cam;.inas Maurie io :tocha e_ Silv Otto I31er ? ? ? ... ? ? E? 'iPon Galva? ... ,,,.. ',./-ilcmith-..,.,.... . Entevom Strauss ., Cl. :/alvo !lattos Docle ,. ? , , ;looco l'into Vier;a 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007900070001-9