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25X1 Approved For JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 26 April 1977 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1.1 1 LIAISON Per I request, I called Dale Schmidt, on the staff of Representative Robert W. Kasten (R. , Wis. ), and told him the Agency released the unclassified version of the Soviet energy study yesterday and we would be sending him a copy, per his request in a conversation withi last week. Mr. Schmidt thanked me for the assistance. 2. LIAISON Per I I request, I called Steve Sims, on the staff of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, and told him the Agency released the unclassified version of the Soviet energy study yesterday and we would send him a copy, per his request in his conversation with I -last week. Mr. Sims said he enjoyed Admiral Turner's talk yesterday before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power and appreciated our sending him a copy of the study. 3. LIAISON Charles Murphy, of Representative Jack Edwards' (R. , Ala.) office, called to request six copies of "The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985." The copies were forwarded to him. 4. EMPLOYMENT REQUEST In response to her request of yesterday, mailed to Sally Phillips, in the office of Representative Robert Edgar (D., Pa. ), an application and brochures for a constituent. 25X1 25X1 25X1 5. LIAISON Mr. Hodges, of Representative Thomas Harkin's (D. , Iowa) office, called to request one copy of "The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985." A copy was forwarded to him. Calls - 31 helease 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941A0300030004-6 0 SECRET Out s - 11 of Representative Samuel Stratton's (D. , N. Y.) office, called to request a clerical employment package for their constituent, of this office, will send out the package. 25X1 STAT 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300030004.6 d1n tr 80-00941 A000300030004-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 26 April 1977 7. LIAISON Ken MacKenzie, of Representative Lawrence McDonald's (D., Ga.) office, called to request one copy of "The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985. " A copy was forwarded to him. 8. LIAISON Sent to Alvin Lodish, on the staff of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade, a copy of the Agency publication entitled, "The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985. " 9. LIAISON Robert Foust, in the office of Senator Claiborne Pell, called to ask for unclassified information on Mexican oil reserves, estimated potential and what their production rates may be through 1985. CSS , procured figures from OER. Foust also requested three more copies of "The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985." In discussing his request, I suggested he might also be interested in "Soviet Oil Production for 198511, which he had not seen; he said he would be. All of these items will go to him by courier on 27 April. 25X1 10. CONSTITUENT Jim Van Nostrand, in the office of Representative Don L. Bonker (D., Calif. ), called on behalf of constituents writing in to ask the basis for CIA's activity in making estimates relevant to the oil crisis. Office of Public Affairs, provided 25X1 a copy of the DCI's statement at the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Manpower, on 25 April 1977. After conferring with F- I CSS', I read excerpts from the Director's statement to Van Nostrand, who thought they might help him meet the problem. I am sending him a copy of the statement, plus a copy of "Prospects for Soviet Oil Production, " by courier on 27 April. I noted especially that the estimates (he has "The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985") were a part of CIA's routine program of analysis, not something done for the moment. Van Nostrand was grateful. Approved For Release 2005/08/22: CIA-RDP80-00941A000300030004-6 Approved For Rel+ Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 26 April 1977 11. LIAISON Rosemary Ripley, of the office of Senator Daniel P. Moynihan (D., N. Y.), called to request a copy of The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985." A copy was forwarded to her. 12. CONSTITUENT Maggie, in the office of Representative Charles Vanik (D. , Ohio), called on behalf of a constituent who is about to graduate from college with a major in environmental studies and seeks leads to jobs in "policy-related" areas. I explained that CIA had no "policyrnaking" functions, but was interested in the collection and analysis of foreign environmental data as a part of its charter to provide information to the policymakers. I suggested she advise the constituent, if CIA might be of interest to him, to write to the Office of Personnel giving a thorough description of his background and his interests. On that basis, he could be given some idea of employment possibilities here. Maggie was grateful. 130 1 IAISON Called 25X1 Congressional intern in Representative Jonathan B. Bingham's (D., N. Y. ) office, and confirmed his employment interview with the Director at 25X1 4:00 p.m., Thursday, 28 April. I Isaid he had no specific requirements for Mr. Bingham at this time and would be flexible for scheduling of several interviews with Agency officials. I subsequently called I OP, and he contacted and set up a number of 25X1 appointments for the latter part of this week. 14. FOIA Left with Alice Smith, secretary to Jim Cline, Staff Director, House Judiciary Committee, documents of the now defunct House Un-American Activities Committee which that Committee provided to the Agency. I explained that the documents were surfaced in connection with Privacy Act and FOIA requests of the National Lawyers Guild and Alger Hiss and requested that Mr. Cline review the documents and advise if there are any objections to release. Ms. Smith said she would check with Mr. Cline and he would call me. Approved For Release 2005/08122 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300030004-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Release 2005/08/2 E IDP80-00941 A000300030004-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 26 April 1977 Page 4 16. LIAISON Met with Jim Smith, Senate Armed Services Committee, in response to his earlier call. Smith said he had asked OLC, to check .Agency indices and determine if Senator Jake Garn's (R., Utah) personal staff representative on the Committee, David Fitzgerald, holds compartmented clearances. Smith said checks were negative and he will double check with Fitzgerald as to when the clearances would have been issued. I confirmed with Smith Agency policy that the Agency discusses compartmented intelligence only with cleared permanent staff members of the Committee. Smith understood and said that this policy will be maintained. He added that Fitzgerald has been pressing to sit in on Committee mark-up sessions and that permanent Committee staff object to his presence. 17. 1 LIAISON Tom Srneeton, Minority Staff House International Relations Committee, called to request biographical information on He 25X1 indicated that he would like to have.the information by the end of the day. I called Congressional Support Office, who said that she would get the information and have it taken to Smeeton's office by courier. At the end of the day, I checked with Smeeton and. discovered that he had not yet received the information. I told him I would check and try and get it to him first thing in the morning. Approved For Release 2005/081 RDP80-00941A000300030004-6 Approved For Release 2005/08/23"P80-00941A000300030004-6 ~ ~'E lw Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Tuesday - 26 April 1977 18. LIAISON Colonel Steve Harrick, Office of Secretary of Defense /Legislative Affairs, called to relate information his office has received in connection with the investigation of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. He said that a month ago they received a request for Top Secret clearances for Staff Chie4 John Swanner, and two other staff members which they are now processing. Just recently he has received a request for Top Secret clearances on 17 more staff members. Today, Swanner called Harrick's office and said that in addition to Top, Secret clearances, he would also like Compartmented clearances for all 20 staff members. Harrick was calling to ensure that OSD and CIA were not duplicating effort in this matter. I told him we have had. some preliminary conversation with Philip Lacovara of the staff and ultimately planned to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Committee. We agreed that we should coordinate our efforts with respect to Committee staff clearances to avoid duplication and I promised to keep him posted on our relations with the Committee. 19. LIAISON In response to Mr. Cary's request, I called Paul Daly, FBI, to discuss a query the Agency had received from Senator Sam Nunn (D. , Ga.) on behalf of a constituent, had sought the Senator's assistance in obtaining a 149-page FBI investigative report on the assassination of Martin Luther King which had recently been released by the Department of Justice. Senator Nunn had referred I request to the Department of Justice but had received a reply from the FBI Director that, since the material sought was CIA information, the FBI was taking no action. Senator Nunn had, therefore, referred the action to CIA. I explained this background to Mr. Daly and stated that knowledgeable Agency officers had assured me that the report in question was not a CIA product. Mr. Daly stated that the report had been issued by the Attorney General, apologized for the unnecessary work this had caused the Agency, and suggested that the matter be referred again to the Attorney General. I have accordingly prepared letters for Mr. Cary to send. to Senator Nunn and the Attorney General. Approved For Release 200510] RDP80-00941 A000300030004-6 ev 25X1 Approved For Rel4 ase 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300030004-6 r T Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 26 April 1977 Page 6 20. LIAISON I talked with Paul Daly, Legislative Liaison, FBI, today and he stated that the Bureau has now received requests from the House Select Committee on Assassinations for background investigations on six staff members. He understands that an additional 30 are in the pipeline. The first six may be the "handful" identified to six or seven weeks ago when they visited the HSCA as those staff members who had previously held clearances. It was noted that they would be the first group submitted, in the hope the background investigation could be done quickly. 22, LIAISON Lynn Kennedy, Congressional Research Service, called requesting copies of reports dealing with conditions, etc. which were reported to a program called "Intercultural Exchange" by academic types and/or businessmen who traveled, to the Soviet Union in the 1960's. I passed her request on tol of our office, and he will follow up. 25X1 25X1 23. LIAISON I called Donovan Gay, Research Chief of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and advised him that we had a new FOIA release dealing primarily with background on Lee Harvey Oswald. It was arranged that Mr. Cummins, of our office, and I will meet with Mr. Gay in the House Select Committee on Assassinations offices during the afternoon of 28 April, when the material will be turned. over to Mr. Gay. 24. LIAISON Pursuant to Mr. Cary's request, I sent a copy of the Memorandum for the Record covering our first meeting with Philip A. Lacovara and John W. Nields, Jr., both of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct staff, to Sam Hoskinson, National Security Council staff. (See Memorandum for the Record.) Approved For Release 2005/08/2Q :-,CL &J DP80-00941A000300030004-6 Approved or Release 2005/0 RDP80-00941A000300030004-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 7 Tuesday - 26 April 1977 25. BRIEFING CIA congressional intern working in the office of Senator Pete V. Domenici (R. , N. Mex. ), called to arrange for the briefing of the Senator on Zaire, and possibly Senators James A. McClure (R., Idaho) and Henry Bellmon (R., Okla.), for 3 May, 8:30 a. m. 26. LIAISON Called. Grenville Gar side, on the staff of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to close the loop on the geopolitical briefing that Senator Henry M. Jackson (D. , Wash.) had requested. Garside was aware that the DCI had called Senator Jackson, but no firm date for the briefing has been set and they will let us know. In response to my query, his thoughts were that this briefing would cover such questions as access to Middle East oil, implications of Soviet shortage, implications of financial problems caused by high oil prices, and the strains in world relationships likely to result. Further refinement of the scope of the briefing is possible. 27. LIAISON Spoke to Bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, concerning the Committee's session with (See Memorandum to DCI, 27 April, OLC 77-16Z4.) 28. LIASION Called Dave Finnegan, on the staff of the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, who said that there would be a slight delay in obtaining the transcript of the briefing held before the Subcommittee on Monday, 25 April, but assured me that he would provide us a copy as soon as it is returned from the reporting firm. 29. BRIEFING Spoke to Dorothy Fosdick and Richard Perle, both on the staff of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, and arranged to cover an update on Soviet strategic forces, possible damage assessment on the Boyce/Lee case as it may affect SALT via disinformation or nullification, and technology transfer at 2:00 p.m., 28 April. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 ^Glfi$R{ 1P80-00941 A000300030004-6 25X1 25X1 Approved or a ease 2005/08/22 : 1 -00941 A000300030004-6 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 26 April 1977 Page 8 25X1 30. LIAISON Received a call from Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who asked about his request for a meeting with DDO officials on technology transfer problems. I told him I did not think the Agency had any information on American companies violating export restrictions. He replied that his real interest was to make sure this problem was adequately followed somewhere in the government. He knows from his years with the CI Staff that this information was formerly received in quantity. He has already spoken with officials at the Department of Commerce. I agreed to try and set up a meeting, although one of the principals is away. 32. LIAISON Spoke with Anne Karalekas, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, several times regarding her requested unclassified response to one of the questions submitted to Admiral Stansfield Turner in connection with his confirmation hearings. By the end of the day, I was able to read to Karalekas the response as approved by Admiral Turner. Karalekas also asked me the status of our commitment to provide reports to the Committee on incidents reported to the IOB. This was agreed to in Mr. Knoche's 21 January 1977 letter to the Committee, but has not been implemented pending approval of the new administration. I told her I would check on this and let her know. Committee on Intelligence staff, and gave him the answer to the question he had-asked me on 25 April on a particular covert action project. 34? LIAISON Talked with Audrey Hatry and Spencer Davis, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to work out final arrangements for the Director's appearance before the Committee on 27 April to discuss the open budget issue. Approved For Release 2005/,4/22 CIA- 7.T G't',tr . 1 Approved For Rele4 se 2005/08/22 : CIA- DP80-00941A000300030004-6 VT- Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 9 Tuesday - 26 April 1977 35. LEGISLATION Brian Walsh, on the staff of Senator Lawton Chiles (D. , Fla. ), balled regarding S. 1264, a bill just introduced by the Senator relating to Federal procurement policies. Mr. Walsh said it crossed his mind that this bill might affect the CIA, and he would be interested in any comments we might have. He requested in this regard that an Agency officer involved in procurement contact him so that he might better be able to evaluate our interests in this legislation. 36. LEGISLATION Called Dan Wall, Legislative Director to Senator Jake Carn (R. , Utah), to inform him that the language in the S. 305 draft report which Stan Taylor, on the staff of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, had made available to us yesterday, relating to Agency amendments was acceptable. 37. BRIEFING DIA, called 25X1 and advised that he had talked to Dick Kaufman, Joint Economic Committee staff, who said that the Committee would want CIA and DIA to come up around the last week in May. I told we had received a letter late 25X1 yesterday from Chairman William Proxmire (D., Wis.) asking the DCI to appear on 27 May at 10:00 a. m. on "Allocation of Resources in the Soviet Union and China." He said this was the same thing he was referring to. CIA will appear one week and DIA the next. 0 said 25X1 that DIA has approved Kaufman for SI and TK but that George Krumbhaar, Minority Counsel, was sent forms about ten months ago and has never returned them. He said both Kaufman and Krumbhaar were told last year that they had to have these clearances in order to sit in on the briefings. said he will be taking some analysts up this week or next to talk to Kaufman to get a better feel for what is required at the briefing. I told him I would pass this on tol 25X1 38. LIAISON Called. Beverly Lumpkin, House International Relations Committee staff, and asked if we could change the meeting between the Director and Representative Donald Fraser (D., Minn.) from 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 a. m. on 5 May. After checking she said this would be fine. Approved For Release 2005108122- CIA-RDP80-00941A000300030004-6 pprove or elease 2005/08/22 : C Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 10 Tuesday - 26 April 1977 39. LIAISON Called Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, and told him that in his appearance before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence tomorrow the Director would state that he had no objection to a single total intelligence budget (NFIP) figure but would leave the final decision up to the Committee and the Congress. He would, however, object strenuously to any further disclosure of intelligence budget figures. 40. LIAISON Called John Swanner, Staff Director, House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, to tell him that in checking on the status of his clearance request in DOD we learned that his clearance is being processed for Top Secret only (not in accordance with DCID 1/14). I urged Swanner to contact DOD to make sure that they consider his clearance under DCID 1/14 (TS - SCI). Swanner said he would. 41. LIAISON Called Sam Hoskinson, National Security Council staff, to advise him of the position the Director would be taking tomorrow with the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the subject of an open intelligence budget. 42. LIAISON Received a call from Representative Jerome Ambro (D., N. Y.) who asked me to drop by his office tomorrow so that he could see me on a sensitive matter. I said I would be by around 2:00 p. m. 43. LIAISON Called John Ford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, to advise him of the action the Director had taken today in accepting the resignations of two current CIA employees who had been involved with Edwin P. Wilson. I told Ford the Director was trying to reach Representative Charles Wilson (D., Calif. ) in the absence of Chairman Melvin Price to advise him 25X1 personally of his decision. cc: DDCI Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Lapham Mr. Hetu SA/D070 IC Staff Comptroller NIO Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300030004-6