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Wednesday - 4 May 1977
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LIAISON Sent to Rosemary, in the district
office of Senator Dick Clark (D. , Iowa), a copy of the Agency publication
entitled, "The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985" for the use
of a constituent,
2. I LIAISON Sent to Martin Sletzinger, on the
staff of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, a copy of
the "Reference Aid: Yugoslav Socialist Federal Republic Party and
Government Structure, " per his request.
3. LIAISON Sent to Linda Goodgame, in the
office of Senator Lawton Chiles (D. , Fla. ), a copy of the Agency publication
entitled, "The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985. "
4. LIAISON Sent?to Chairman Henry Reuss,
House Finance and Urban Affairs Committee, a copy of the Agency publication
entitled, "USSR: Hard Currency Trade and Payments, " per his request.
5. LIAISON Sent to David Ryans, in the
office of Representative John B. Breckinridge (D. , Ky. ), a copy of the
Agency publication entitled, "The International Energy Situation: Outlook
to 1985."
6. LIAISON G. Rosen, of Senator William
Proxmire's (D. , Wis.) office, called to request general information on
the Central Intelligence Agency. The material was forwarded to her.
7. LIAISON Jim Martin, of Senator Lee
Metcalf Is (D. , Mont.) office, called to request one copy of "An Analysis
of the Cyclical Dynamics of Industrialized Countries." The publication
was forwarded to him.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 4 May 1977
8. LIAISON Called Chuck Snodgrass, House
Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, on the secure phone, to tell
him that the Intelligence Community Staff was preparing written
responses to the questions he raised on a sensitive project on Friday,
but I gave him an interim response based on my conversation with
John McMahon, AD/DCI/IC, on Friday. I told Snodgrass, however,
that my interpretation of Mr. McMahon's answer was subject to
correction in the written response by the Intelligence Community
staff. Snodgrass said he understood and appreciated the interim
information which put him a little more at ease on this subject.
Snodgrass also mentioned that Jim Taylor, Comptroller, had
talked with him on the open phone earlier alluding to a budget amendment
for another sensitive project. He said he would like Taylor or me to call
him back on a secure phone to provide more details.
After checking with Mr. Taylor, I called Snodgrass and indicated
what the nature of the amendment was and said that as-Mr. Taylor had
suggested, we would be glad to have someone come up and brief him at
his convenience.
10. FBIS Per his request, I called FBIS
and had Mr. Mike Stone, in the office of Representative James Oberstar
(D., Minn.), put on the FBIS mailing list for the Soviet Union and
Western Europe Daily Reports.
11. LIAISON Met with Representative
Samuel L. Devine (R. , Ohio), Ranking Minority Member of the House
Select Committee on Assassinations, and went over the same grounds that
I had covered the other day with Representative Richardson Preyer ( D. , N. C.
Chairman of the Subcommittee on Investigating the Assassination of John F.
Kennedy. Mr. Devine was most understanding and supportive of our security
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 4 May 1977
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12. LIAISON Walt Ricks, Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence staff, called to indicate that Senator Robert
Morgan (D. , N. C. ) indeed would be interested in a briefing on Mexico
which I offered the other day. Arrangements were made with
Congressional Support Staff, for ORPA, to
brief the Senator at the Bethesda Naval Hospital this afternoon.
13. LIAISON Pat Carroll, House Liaison
at the White House, called because she was having trouble finding out
within the White House the basis for the President's statement that
former President Nixon is being provided intelligence material.
After checking with Messrs. Ben Evans, Executive Secretary, and
Congressional Support Staff, I left a message for
Ms. Carroll that she should check with the White House Situation Room.
14. LEGISLATION Talked with Jim Davidson,
on the staff of the Senate Committee on Governmental. Affairs, concerning
S. 2, the Sunset review bill. He indicated that the bill had been undergoing
several changes during mark-up. He said that the review period will now
be five years, that zero-base reviews done pursuant to a proposed Executive
order will be made available to Congress, and that the definition of "program
for review" will be made by the Congressional Budget Office.
15. LEGISLATION Called Robert Carlstrom,
in the Office of Legislative Reference at OMB, regarding the bill submitted
to Congress yesterday by President Carter on financial disclosure and ethics
in Government. Mr. Carlstrom said the bill was prepared by the White
House in lieu of an earlier draft Executive order on the same subject, and
that the draft bill had been sent to a number of Executive agencies and
departments for coordination, but not to the CIA. (Mr. Carlstrom said he
did not know why it was not sent to us.) Mr. Carlstrom made a copy available
to us. I checked also with Ron Kienlen, in the General Counsel's office at
OMB, but he said his office had not been involved in the preparation of the
draft bill.
16. LEGISLATION Called Janice Mays, on
the staff of the House Ways and Means Committee. She said an amendment
had been proposed in conference which would defer the effective date of
section 911 of the Tax Reform Act from January 1976 to January 1977.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Wednesday - 4 May 1977
17. LEGISLATION Called the Senate
Committee on Human Resources Subcommittee on Labor and the House
Post Office and Civil Service Subcommittee on Employment Opportunity,
and found out that there was no action pending on S. 481 and H. R. 5226,
identical bills to amend the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.
18. BRIEFING I accompanied
DDI/ORP.A, to a briefing of Senator Robert Morgan (D., N. C.) concerning
major issues in U. S. -Mexican relations. Senator Morgan is recuperating
at Bethesda Naval Hospital from knee surgery and the briefing was held
there. Senator Morgan also asked questions about Mexican history and
about Panama and was able to answer all questions on both points.
There are several follow-up items.
19. LIAISON Called Barbara Chesnik, Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and told her the Agency has produced
no gazeteers since the mid-1950's. Chesnik asked for one for the Committee's
reference files in order to look up the correct spellings of places which
are mentioned in Committee briefings. I renewed my offer of yesterday to
Chesnik to examine the maps available in CIA's map library but she was
20. LIAISON Invited Elliot Maxwell, Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to speak to the Senior Seminar on
20 May at 1:00 p.m. OTR, had asked for a speaker with
knowledge of the thrust of the Senate Committee's thinking on new intelligence 25X1
charters. Maxwell agreed to speak to the group.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5
Wednesday - 4 May 1977
22. THIRD AGENCY Together with a
group from the Agency, I attended an all-day series of briefings,
"Operation Dialogue" which explained the organization of the Defense
Intelligence Agency. It was held at the Defense Intelligence School.
Representatives from other agencies were also present.
23. LIAISON I called Clara Buchanan,
Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and set up an appointment to
see Norvill Jones, Staff Director of the Committee, to go over five transcripts
of recent hearings to obtain his approval for a number of corrections and
deletions. The appointment has been set for Monday, 9 May, at 10:30 a. m.
24. LEGISLATION At the request of the
Legislation Staff, I called John Ritch, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
staff, to inquire into the background on the recent amendment to the Case
Act requiring the reporting of agreements to State Department within 20 days
of execution.
25. LEGISLATION Called Annette Sherman,
Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and requested all of the amendments 25X1
that had been proposed to S. 1160, in response to a Legislation Staff request.
Legislative Counsel
Ex. Sec.
Mr. Lapham
Mr. Hetu
IC Staff
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Wednesday - 4 May 1977
1. (Internal Use Only - RJK) BRIEFING Anne Karalekas, Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence staff, spoke to a Records Management
Seminar held at She presented an excellent
background explanation for the Committee and its current working relations
with the Agency and the Intelligence Community. It was extremely well
received by the approximately =Agency Records Management Officers in
attendance. They expressed their concern to her about the Committee's
reluctance to grant the Agency permission to dispose: of a large volume of
records. Ms. Karalekas said she would communicate this concern to the
appropriate Committee staff members.
2. (Unclassified - RJK) ADMINISTRATIVE DELIVERIES Delivered
a letter for Senator Adlai Stevenson (D. , Ill.) from Admiral Turner. On
leaving the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence offices, I met Hal
Ford, of the Select Committee staff, and advised him that I had just delivered
the letter.
3. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Attended a meeting between Mark
Gitenstein, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and Robert Gambino,
Director of Security. Gitenstein is a principal staff member on a new
Subcommittee on Secrecy and Disclosure of which Senator Joseph Biden (D., Del.)
is Chairman. His purpose in meeting with Mr. Gambino was to discuss a
broad range of security matters. He also indicated he would like to have
Mr. Gambino give the Subcommittee members and staff a two hour briefing on
the Agency's security procedures. (See Memo for the Record)
4. (Unclassified - PG) LIAISON As a follow-up to the meeting with
Philip A. Locavara and John W. Nields, Jr., of the :House Committee on
Standards of Official Conduct I called Paul Daly, FBI Legislative Counsel, to
advise Daly that it appeared advisable to shift the investigations required for
security clearances for the Committee staff from DOD to the FBI.
had been in contact with Daly on this matter earlier, and Daly indicated to
me that this would not be a problem for the FBI. In response to my request
that he attempt to expedite the investigative phase of the clearance for Nields,
Daly asked that Locavara and Nields contact him directly on this. I agreed
and so advised Nields.
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Addendum to Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 4 May 1977
5. (Unclassified - PG) LIAISON I telephoned John W. Nields, Jr.,
House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, and advised him that
I had been in contact with Paul Daly, FBI, pursuant to the security clearance
problem for Committee staff. In view of the results of my discussion with
Daly, I recommended to Nields that he, Philip Locavara, Special Counsel of
the Committee, or John Swanner, Staff Chief, get back in touch with Daly.
Nields said he would do this right away.
8. (Unclassified - AM) LIAISON Sent to Mrs. Torbet, in the
office of Senator Quentin N. Burdick (D. , N. Dak. ), a copy of the Agency
publication entitled, "The Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985.
Legislative Counsel
Ex. Sec.
Mr. Lapham
Mr. Hetu
IC Staff
Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300040020-7