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Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 ODP COMPUTER. INSTALLATION PLAN ~4~ / ~q 1,-7~ O - O/vv3 4 .15 September 1976 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 I INTRODUCTION II OBJECTIVES AND DIRECTION 3 III PLAN DETAILS 4 - Phase I TASKS 5 - Rhase II TASKS 6 - Phase III TASKS 8 - Phase IV TASKS 10 APPENDIX A Teleprocessing Support 11 APPENDIX B - Computer Usage Projections 12 APPENDIX C - MBO - Major Milestone Pert Chart 14 General Center Configuration ' 20 and Backup Capabilities - General Center 21 Machine Utilization - 3350 Disk Configuration 22 ATTACHMENT Xl - VM Projections ATTACHMENT X2 GIMS Projections ATTACHMENT X3 - Batch Projections 24 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 I. INTRODUCTION This paper describes the plan developed by Engineering Division for existing and projected computer systems and networks within the General and Special Centers over the Fiscal Year 77 time frame. The basis for this plan is threefold: A) Acceptance by the Agency of the OJCS Five Year Plan of January 1975 calling for the acquisition of 4 IBM 370/168s. Policy guidance from the DD/P/ODP concerning the use of CPUs over this time period, and C) A three day planning session held at - on 8 through 10 September 1976. This plan represents the first attempt to address b ODP Computer Centers as a single processing entity. It is felt that taking initial steps in this direction now will aid the planning effort in the future. The period covered by this plan is September 1976 until November 1977. It superceeds the existing 18 Month Plan and the draft GC-03 Computer Installation plan dated 27 May 1976. The major points of interest during this time frame are the arrival of the 168-3 and a fourth large scale machine, the conversion of ASP to JES3 and MVT to MVS, an enhanced VM processing capability, and an improvement in GIM availability. As of November.1977, ODP will have the full capability to back up all major systems with limited impact on other systems in the General Center. A T-.bar switch will be installed in the Special Center to permit sharing a pool of unit record devices among up to four CPUs at a time. The concept of a "single system image" for the General Center was reviewed in light of the increasing complexity and found to be still viable. The primary reasons for this assessment are that any disadvantages wrought by adding CPUs to the network are offset procedurally by the greatly simplified switching configuration and the economies of scale that are realized in a large spooling environment. The single system image allows. CPUs to be added to a network without a linear increase in number of operators, RJE links and printers required. (1) Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 This plan is, divided into four phases with Phase I ending 30 September 1976, Phase II ending 31 January 1977, Phase III ending 30 June 1977 and Phase IV completing the plan on 1 November 1977. Appendix A contains plans for Teleprocessing support- during this time frame. Appendix B contains workload projections for the major systems which will be supported by this plan. Appendix C represents the implementation schedule of this plan in terms of a Management by Objectives (MBO) approach. Appendix C also contains the initial and terminal CPU configuration for the General Center together with the design for the 3350 disk implementation, and a Gantt chart of machine utilization in the General Center during FY77. Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 (2) Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RfEWH)1003A II OBJECTIVES AND DIRECTION The plan presented in this paper is designed to meet our projected requirements in the General and Special Centers through Fiscal Year 1977 and to improve the level of service to the user community in terms of response-, throughput and availability. Specific objectives are outlined below with respect to each Center: General Center A. Conversion of ASP to JES and of MVT to MVS. B. Smooth transitional period while new hardware and software are introduced. C. Installation of a fourth large scale CPU as a single enhanced VM processor. D. Backup capability for each major system with limited impact on other production systems. E. Data Security and Integrity. F. Degree of isolation.for the GIM Production system. Special Center Obtain specific requirements for CPU power through coordination with DDO personnel. B. Perform feasibility study which surfaces issues impacting on the installation of a larger CPU in GC47. C. Install a T-bar switch which permits unit record equipment and terminal controllers to be accessed by any CPU in the center. Knowledge gained from this experience will be a basis for improved switching configurations in both centers. D. Install Comten 5 to support the CRS DRS project and migration to a fourth CPU. IT) CS Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-OJ903A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 III PLAN DETAILS The implementation of this plan is divided into four phases. Each phase is summarized in a paragraph below. Key milestone dates are enumerated by each center in the charts that follow. Phase I _is largely preparatory in nature as the General Center is made ready for the arrival of the 168-3. A study will be conducted to inform management of issues concerning processing of Z tapes or non- labeled tapes under MVS. Phase II addresses the period beginning roughly, with the arrival of the 168-3 and ends as it completes its role as the MVS/JES3 Production Test machine. During this phase most batch work will be moved to the 168-2 and GIM Production to the 195to provide a backup capability for the MVS Global machine. A study will be conducted to determine the feasibility of inter- facing VM/370 with TMS. Another study will be under- taken to surface the logistical constraints associated with an addition of a fourth large-scale machine in GC47. The tradeoff between HASP or ASP for the Special Center will be analyzed. A benchmark study and an RFP for the fourth large-scale CPU for the General Center will be prepared. Phase III begins with the implementation of an MVS/JES3 Global as the production-status replacement for the ASP Support system. The GIM Production will be provided with an enhanced degree of isolation from other major systems in the General Center. A plan for the installation of an Uninterruptable Power Source (UPS) in GC47 will be completed. The Special Center will implement the TMS-4 Tape Management System. Phase IV includes the arrival of the fourth-scale machine and the implementation of an MVS Local Main in the General Center. VM/370 will migrate from the 168-1 to the fourth machine. Either HASP or ASP will be implemented in the Special Center Blue depending upon the decision made in Phase II. 4 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-0 0 3A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 PHASE I Current - September 30, 1976 General Center 360/652 360/195 370/158 Special Center GIMDEV CAMDEV 370/168-1 General Center 1. Order 370/168-3 - Establish firm ship date 2. Order Resource Manager for VM system 3. Complete ODP S/L Tape study 4. Complete 168-3 site preparation 5. MVS/JES3 Activities - Complete MODS 3 - Complete initial operator training Complete training guide/procedures - Complete MVS test plan Special Center NIPS Batch 651 3601651 1. Complete upgrade of tape drives to 6250 BPI. Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDFFfl i 1D03J 000100120001-1 01 October 76 - 31 January 77 General Center 31. October 76 360/652 360/195 370/158 360/652 GIMDEV CAMDEV CRS GIMDEV 2250 CAMDEV 370/1681 370/1682 370/1681 ASP GIMP VM Batch MVS rod/test. 1. Implement TMS Rele ase 4 (11 October 76) 2. Implement Comten I V (26 October 76) 3. Provide additional GIMP 3330 Di sk (26 October 76) 4. Update Master Addre ssing Pl an (31 October 76) 5. -Complete 370./168-3 installa tion (01 November 76) 6. Complete VM/TMS st udy (15 November 76) 7. Implement 168-3 as full VM back up system (15 November 76) 8. Implement 168-3 fo r MVS/JES 3 Pr oduction/Te st (15 November 76) 9. Implement Updated 1 68-2 I/O Gen (15 November 76) 10. Complete installat ion of 2 PDP 11/45's (30 November 76) 11. Update GIMP disk a ddressing (30 November 76) 12. Implement updated 195 I/O G en (06 December 76) 13. ASP and GIMS to 19 5 (13 December 76) 14. Implement VM Relea se 3 (13 December 76) 15. Gould Plotter to 1 68-2 via 2914 switch (13 December 76) 16. SIS complete 370/1 68-4 Benc h Ma rk (MVS/VM) (03 January 77) 17. CMB complete 370/1 68-4 RFP (03 January 77) 18. Release 2250 (31 January 77) 19. N/P hardware backu p capabil itie s (31 January 77) 20. Reconfigure tape p 21. MVS/JES3 Activitie ool s (31 January 77) - Batchmon RSCS te st versio n (01 November 76) - MVS/MVT catalog solution (01 November 76) - MVSDEV 1581 bloc ktime (Oct. - 01 Nov. 76) - MVS/JES3 weekend full cen ter testing (30 January 77) 31 January 77 x360/195 1 370/158 1 ASP GIMP 370/1682 370/1683 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP> (3g1003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 PHASE II 01. October 76 - 31 January 77 Special Centel 158 Blue 158 Red NIPS Batch 1. 370/1.68 or equivalent study 2. SVS local level I 3. Install new Patch Panel 4. Install Comten IV 5. HASP or ASP decision 6. Complete 360/65-1 Contingency Plan 7. Complete implementation of T-bar switching unit (15 November 76) (15 November 76) (01 December 76) {01 December 76) (03 January 77) (31 January 77) (31 January 77) (7) Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 PHASE III 01 February 77 30 June 77 General Center 01 February 77 360/652 .360.1.95 GIMDEV ASP CAMDEV GIMP 370/1681 1. Implement 6250 BP1 drives for VM Bkup & GIM DDUMP 2. Implement MVS/JES.3 Global on 168-3 3. Implement MVS/JES3 Global Backup on 168-2 4. Isolate GIMS Production on 360/195 With GIMS batch work - With stand-alone capabilities 5.. Implement GI.MS Release 4.0 6. Install 415 UPS 7. Install IBM 3350's for MVS/JES spools 8. Complete. MVS conversion plan 9. Implement VM Resource Manager 10. Upgrade patch panel 11. Expand Comten I and Comten IV 12. Complete VM/VSAM requirement study 13. implement Mini computer base hardware monitor system 370 1.683 MVS Prod/test 360/652 GIMDEV CAMDEV 370/1681 30 June 77 .360/195 370/1 8 GIMP 370/1682 370/1683 MVS Global Main (01 February 77) (28 February 77) (28 February 77). (28 February 77) (07 March 77) (28 March 77) (28 March 77) (1.7 April 77) (30 May 77) (30 May 77) (27 June 77) (30 June 77) (30 June 77) (8). Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 MVT Main Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 PHASE III 01 February 77 30 June 77 Special Center NIPS Batch TASKS : STAR 1. Complete UPS Conversion Plan - Provide support to CAMS 2. Implement TMS on Red/Blue systems 3. Complete user TMS Conversion Plan 360/65-1 (28 February 77) (25 April 77) (25 April 77) Approved For Release 2000/06/01: CIA-RDP80~ Q 1003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDPRA79~0g3J000100120001-1 01 July 77 - 01 November 77 General Center r 60/652 GIMDEV CAMDEV 01 July 77 37011681 _170/1682 .MVT Main 370/1581 652 GIMDEV CAMDEV 370/1683 MVS Global Main .370/168 1 MVS Local Main 370/168 4* VM 01 November 77 360/195 370/1581 370/1682 MVT Main *or equivalent TASKS: 1. Install IBM 3350's for VM mini disk space (25 .2. Install 370/168-4 or equivalent (01 3. Install IBM 3350's for VM/VSAM space (31 4. Complete move of VM to 370/168-4 (01 5. Implement 370/168-1 as MVS local main and online global backup Special Center (01 _15R_-B-1 ve_ 158 Red- _3601.65J NIPS Batch TASKS: 1. Implement ASP or HASP on Blue system 370/1683 MVS Global Main July 77) October 77) October 77) November 77) November 77) 0 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP8-0 003A000100120001-1 STAR : CAMS Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1A P P E N D I X A Teleprocessing Support Plan At present all GC03 Comtens access our major systems - VM, GIM production, and GIM development. Comten 1 and Comten 4 provide RJP support for ASP. Comten 2 and Comten 3 provide support for CRS. As of August, 1976 the Comtens supported 544 terminals (excluding RJP devices). The Comten l expansion which went production in September added 48 terminal ports for a total of 592. In October, when Comten 4 goes production, an additional 144 terminal positions will be added. This will bring our total to 736 ports in GC03. In June 1977 Comten 1 and Comten 4 will each be upgraded to add 64 ports. This will increase to 864 the number of asynchronous ports. This number represents an increase of 320 ports over our August 1976 configuration. There are approximately 80 terminal requests outstanding. The expected rate of terminal requests is 130 per year. We therefore project that terminal growth well into FY78 will be covered. Comten 4 will be a backup for ASP/JES RJP. OC has to relocate or eliminate the analog line drivers used on the Northrop-Page circuits for Comten 4 to provide backup for these lines. The June 1977 Comten 1 and 4 expansion will utilize the new Comten DLC MIM. This MIM (Modem Interface Module), provides expanded capabilities. JES3/MVS testing will be supported by Memorex 3. Eight bisynch lines will be available for testing. Comten 5 will be received in November for support of the CRS DRS project. Comten 5 will have 3 channel interfaces. This will allow for easy installation of an additional CPU in GC47. Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 APPENDIX B Computer Usage Projections To insure that sufficient processing power will be available to meet ODP requirements during FY77 each of the major categories of service were analyzed. The major ODP categories of service are: 1) The STAR system in the Special Center. 2) NIPS and Batch Processing in the Special Center. 3) CAMS in the Special CEnter. 4) GIMS production in the General Center. 5) GIMS Development in the General Center. 6) VM in the General Center. 7) Batch Processing in the General Center. The STAR system is currently run on the Red 158 in the Special Center. This on-line system has recently been the subject of an optimization study which resulted in improved response time characteristics. Although additional functions are planned for this system. its' requirements will not exceed the capacity of the Red 158 in FY77. The Blue 158 in the Special Center is used for NIPS, Batch Processing and as backup for both the STAR and CAMS on-line systems. This machine will be sufficient to satisfy these requirements through FY77.. The 360/65-1 in the Special Center is dedicated to the CAMS on-line system. Both the 65-1 and the Blue 158, in the backup mode, provide sufficient processing power for this requirement. The 360/65-2 in the General Center provides service for the GIM Development System and some small on-line functions (SANCA, MILTEL, 2250, etc.). This machine is capable of meeting the processing requirements of these applicatio-ns through FY77. Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP801011%63A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 The remaining applications, VM, GIMS production and Batch Processing are run in the General Center. These service categories are characterized as growth applications with significant increases in processing power requirements over time. Attachments X1, X2 and X3 present, graphically, CMB's projections of requirement growth for these applications through FY77.' The VM projection is presented in terms of the number of concurrent users logged on during peak periods. These period are typically, mid-morning and mid-afternoon of each working day. The?ODP FY77 plan calls for this requirement to be satisified by the 168-1. This machine, with the added software enhancement of the Wheeler Scheduler, should be able to provide good service for up to 160 concurrent users. Should demand rise to the 1'80 concurrent user level projected in this plan, some degradation in response time may be expected near the end of FY77. The GIMS Production Projection is presented in terms of number of transactions per day. The GIMS on-line transaction day is measured from 0800 hours to 1800 hours with weekends excluded. The 360/195 will be more than sufficient to process the maximum projected demand through FY77. The final service category, Batch Processing in the General Center, will be run initially under the ASP scheduling supervisor. When the MVS system is ready for production use, in the spring of 1977, this work will be run in the MVS/JES3 environment. Batch Processing in the General. Center is measured in terms of 360/65 equivalent hours. The 370/168 is rated as capable. of producing 4 360/65 CPU equivalent hours per hour while the 360/195 is rated at 7 360/65 CPU equivalent hours per hour. The 168-2 and 168-3 in the General Center will be capable of meeting the projected demands for this service in FY77 and allow for some MVS development time as well. Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP 3gfl 003A000100120001-1 OBJECTIVE AND ACTION PLAN 0@JECTIYE ove F A p NO. OBJECTIVE 1. Implement TMS Release 4 in General Center 2. Implement Comten IV in General Center to provide RJP backup and additional VM and GIM lines 3. Update General Center Master Addressing an 4. Complete 370/168-3 site preparation Increase ODP computer processing capacity, availibility and reliability. Complete 370/168 or equivalent study for tudy in Genera Center Complete 370/168-3 installation in Genera Center Implement updated software system for the 370/168-2 in the General Center 10. Implement updated software system for the ? 360/195 in the General Center 11... Move ASP Support and the GIMS Production Special Center. Implement Update system software SVS Loca Level I in Special Center system in the General Center to the 195 01Y20b9 "' ?1'RCI ESTIMATE PERIOD SEP - OCT~ NOV - DEC I F MAR - APR MAY _,,.1111) _ } F%CECDING PLAN MEETING PLAN < CEHIND PLAN - " FEl1 ` ARC j I' FA7CT~ t a j t o (, S f? fi- ~n,- V u'-. J 'j LA Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDF 80-01003A000100120001-1 OBJECTIVE AND ACTION PLAN Apps F PER I I IS A LI)'8 Jul A1,f1 SEP ? Oct FY 77 Cont 00A.101 R " 1 ibb 12. Install additional Patch Panel in the Special Center 13. Install Comten V in the Special Center 14. SIS complete 370/168-4 Bench mark MVS/VM l5. CMB complete 370/168-4 RFP 16. Provide backup hardware capabilities for the N/P area T7._ Reconfigure the General Center tape pool to add the 6250 BPI drives and as required by updated functions. 18. -Complete,study for HASP or ASP decision in the Special Center 19. Complete 360/65-1 contingency plan for the S ecial.Center 2 . Implement 6250 BPI tape drives for the VM and GIMS system 21. Implement MVS/JES3 Global system soft- ware on the 370/168-3 in the General Center 001f 0120 'l RI nuRc, fsi IMA TE MYR 1 0OLLARS Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP180-01003A000100120001-1 IYE'C"" -57 MAr. MAC th'' Ylr*/ ~ uti 09JCCTIVf OFFICE RCSPONSItjLF OFFICER ~~ 1'1 RI:RUR(.T C rIMATE NOA rved or a ea0/0 010 1200 1 PLPI n I Tnl'+ pp MiA aoI 1 nR^ Ar~~ TIVE 707LC IP .Anr1 f __.. .IAN t r' fl . ? MAR pI II MAY ? JUN F L*CF.FnnNG PLAN = MELTINr PLAN < CF.'IINO PLAN ACTION PLAN (Milestones) COMPLETION MONTH: SCHEDULED O; ACTUAL X acT N ~~' DEC. .3ra..~ r MAQ- flr'!t- Ihn/ ,un. Jam /4u(, ~~ c F j FY 77 Cont 22. Implement MVS/JES3 Global backup capabilities on the 370/168-2 0 23. Isolate GIMS production system on the 195 in the General Center 0 24. Complete plan for installation of UPS-in the Special Center 0 .25. Implement updated GIMS software Release 4.0 0 26. Install 415 UPS in the General Center 0 27. Install upgraded disk, 3350 for MVS spools and additional VM mini space 0 28. Implement TMS in :the Special. Center for the Red/Blue systems and complete 0 conversion plan 29. Implement VM resource manager 0 30. Upgrade Patch Panel in the General Center 0 31. Expand Comten I and Comten IV 0 :320. Complete VM/VSAM study 0 F ORM 3629 7. 7% Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RD~80-01003A000100120001-1 OBJECTIVE AND ACTION PLAN 33. Install IBM 3350's for additional VM mini space 34. Complete 370/168-4 or equivalent site preparation in the General Center JAN FER_J MAR APR MAY 4 EXCEEDING, PLAN = MEETING PLAN EEHIND PLAN 0E`I MI i% Mn' I1)1?9- 1 "(13*j1, 1JUL IFUG Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 Y R;ORCF ESTIMATE 0426 -, IMPLEMENT A ? __UP.,9 P roved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-tq(3~000100120001-1 MVS USER CONVERSION PLAN (G14 GENERAL CENTER FY 77 MAJOR MILESTONES M_V SIL~GlO 684 G20 ._.LNSTALI PROD-1683 G1 M P L E KHL-~GG LOBAL 15 ITE PREP (1684) 1683 BKUP !G11 UM SYSTEM GLOBAL ISOLATE GIMS;'G12 1 1684 ;Dl?NCH MARK (VM/MVS COMPLETE (1684)--M IMPLEMENT 3350'2 FOR MVS SPOOLS IMPLEMENT 3350' 2 G19 OR-VM-mIITr`SVAcE COMPLETE VM/VSAM REQUIREMENT STUDY Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : C1A-RDP80-01003AO00100120001-1 TMPI FMFNT f G05)BAICHLGOULD, 195 10 GENE /TO 1682 MASTER ADDR rr-n' 1MPLFMENT (rnr, \ PLAN \ ) 1682 10 GEN`\ TO 195 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 SPECIAL CENTER FY 77 MAJOR MILESTONES LOCAL LEV I ASP/HASP DECISION 651 CONTINGE PLAN CH "" COMTEN V PANEL IMPLEMENT -T Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RD~80-01003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/03e Ac FMRW003A000100120001-1 Configuration and Backup Capabilities Current (PHASE I) GIMDEV CAMDEV 2250 SANCA a6Q/195-1 Batch SIM 370/ 1682 ASP GIMP ASP Bkup Night VM Night Batch GIMP Bkup C.C. Bkup C.C. Bkup 01 November (PHASE IV) GIMDEV CAMDEV SANCA 36Q119 379L158 ._ 370/1681 GIMP GUI Batch CRS SIM MVS Local Main SIM Bkup 3,Q682_ 370 1683 MVS MVT Global Main Main Night VM VM Bkup ' SIM Bkup Global Bkup C.C. Bkup CRS Bkup Global Bkup GIMP Bkup Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RD[80-01003A000100120001-1 370Z158 370/1681 GIaNERAL CENTER Approved For Release 2OI`OZ INW-.: CFP IR@E#M(F-OW$ 3ff0Q?p00120001-1 TIIASE I PHASE II GIMID/CAMD/2250/SANCA/SHOEBOX CRS 1581 NIGHT i BATCH/S 105 ASP/GIM 1~I BKUP ASP GIMS SI BATCH BKUP PHASE III GETS/GIM BATCI1/SIM TTAIN ATCH 1682 ASP/GIM' B SIM/BAT H BKUP ASP/GIMS BK P GLOBAL/GIMS/SIM BKUP :1681 (1.684) MVS PROD/TEST VM BKUP ,?l INNS GLOBAL/MAIN q PHASE IV Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : C1A-RD,P80-01003A000100120001-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 3350 Disk Congifurations for FY77 MVS Spool Pack Configuration (March 1977) 1681 1682 16$3 1581 STRING SWITCH 1681 1682 1683 1-581 A2F C2F C2F* VM Mini.. Disk Configuration (July 1977) MVS VSAM Configuration (October 1977) 1681 1682 168 Equivalent of 24 3330 Modls Equivalent of 24 3330 Modis Equivalent of 24 3330 Modls *Used for VM until VM string is installed in July 1977 **Used for VSAM Data Sets until VSAM string is installed in October 77 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-0100U;;01 00120001-1 180 -0 120 0 J 80 Jan 76 VM Appr&63 M Release 2000/06/0 . 00pgq(7120004-1 I ~ E I Apr Jul Oct Jan 76 76 76 77 Apr 77 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 Jul 77 Oct 77 Jan 78 GIMS 4J9 Fl elease 2000/06/0] : CIA-RDP80-01003A0p 1 120001-t Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 78 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80.01003AO00100120001-1 O Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan 77 77 77 77 78 Approved For Release 2000/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-01003A000100120001-1 GENERAL CE N 7 FAQ BA T C P or { ease pprov e ag E C 7 I A;/06/0 - 80-01 OO3A0gglp9120001- Peak Days pvera9,e pays