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acv I October 13, 1952 -Approved For Reuse 2000/09/11 CIA-RDP80-01,5A000100020010-4 i?T0R.n''1DU?4 FOR: SPPCIIIL ASSIS'; T.7 FOP '?It?iPTS EiIS1 PROG1 iIS SUIT Cm: Co +ments on SPP Fro ~ sio.i~1 Evaluation of INSC ^aild Other l'olicia ?.ie ui 'ing A~ teratio ~. 'i''TT A;C ST? Staff Study, axiie subject, undated 1. In accordance with the undcrstanding rcached between lajor Glowa and 11r. Watson on 10 October, the SE' Division requests that for your next draft of re erenCe staff _tl'-(ay,' tIe ?)T'cseiil`, --,gc .9 be withdrev,i anal. the --ol.'o'.,rtnt" h substitutes: J "J NSC Policies In general, the SE Division has bec,i. given all the policy i t rer-ai.res for its present operations into the Balker_:,. As these operat'_-__s ;'u-,ture, however, policy statement of U.S. - d objectives in this area will become ncceseary. At this time, such a statement would be useful, but is not an urgent requ:l. 3rlent, "L. Inter-De ~a.rt_?~ntal Policies In order that the S Division may plan for its projea role in regard to Ire or small scale operations nerriiia .forces in the event of either general or limited war in the Balkans, the Wisnr-r-Laclurc ^.Lreement should he reviewed m d- brought up to c.,,te. M. Internal A--Pr(,v Policies A policy statement defining the exact relationship between the Agency and. the ITCFT, is needed by SE, which continues to find some difficulty in operatin.,c- through that org,~.nization. n ?. The S-' Div_^ion is convinced that while the Amoy- sli-JA d t a i ,olicy 01idance, it must itself accept full responsibility for the fc'r:1uls.tiono e it own missions and Tans. However, in the General sections of the paper (pages one throa~t five), the Division feels that the general tole is such that a, reader could infer that the Agency is askineg for some external authority to map out its exact reissicns, block out its programs, and othorwise monitor its operations in some detail. Since this ss felt to be neither c'esirable nor, for that iatte_r, over. feasible, it is s:igFFeted to SPP that these general paragra?ails be -ore over again with. a view toward eliminating both requests for pirogram aidance and the various suggestions for specific actions which sou d. 'kp J W, aiprorriate1y ccvcred in a staff study of a different chc.recter. 25X1A ~r wwn. 7'isti'i bo %i on: .. ddressee -- Orjpi~-i/FT - 1 Se/:? - 1 Chief, SE Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020010-4 Approved For F ease 2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP80-0 65A000100020010-4 TOP SECRET 11 October 1952 Policy Aevision GMT KRAL C. Internal Agency Policies: As a matter of internal administrative policy, all actions regarding policy, management, administration, budget, accountability, and .paper work at all levels of covert activities tends to create a top-heavy administrative system which: 1. Creates serious security risks; 2. Produces some policies and directives not based on clear objectives; 3. Loads operational personnel with repetitive paper work, 4. itequires reference of minute details up a long line of approval, greatly restricting the capabilities of operational personnel in the field, foreclosing the exploitation of targets of opportunity and tending to create some unrealistic and dan- gerous action. IpP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020010-4 SECRET *PPI Mud 8 585A0001 00020010-4 INSTRUCTIONS: Officer designations should be used in the "TO" column. Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the "TO" column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. This Routing and Record Sheet should be returned to Registry. ROOM NO. PCT 13 1952 NO.51-10 1950 FEB F OFFICER'S INITIALS SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020010-4 m PT SURE' RECO~ ~ OO ATMENfi"~Ff~~t -- - -- FOR THE INTRA-OFFICE USE OF 030 & OPC ONLY Detaching Form No. 38-13 for the AS A COVER ATTACHMENT To FORM NO. 38-13 purpose of securinthis form to Document's is Prohibited. Top secret - ATTENTION: ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATE- RIAL. EACH ALTERNATE OR ASSISTANT TOP SECRET CONTROL OFFICER WHO RECEIVES AND/OR RELEASES THE ATTACHED TOP SECRET MATERIAL WILL SIGN THIS FORM AND INDICATE PERIOD OF CUSTODY IN COLUMNS PROVIDED. EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO $EES THIS TOP SECRET DOCUMENT WILLENTER DATE OF HANDLING AND SIGNHIS FULL NAME IN THE PROPER COLUMNS. OFFICER DESIGNATIONS SHOULD " BE USED IN THE "TO COLUMN. UNDER EACH COMMENT A LINE SHOULD BE DRAWN ACROSS SHEET AND EACH COMMENT NUMBERED TO COR- RESPOND WITH THE NUMBER IN THE "TO" COLUMN. EACH OFFICER SHOULD SIGN FULL NAME BEFORE FURTHER ROUTING. FROM: S p CONTROL NO. Z 8 S S p 6 r 7 ROOM DATE OFFICER'S TO NO. RECD. FWD'D-. FULL NAME COMMENTS 1. ;D 12 ok -,:~01 "Z " 7, , .~ t ~~~'`.~"n 0.J 3 ? . om,- . i4 ~V e 5. 7 t 6. A., 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM N0 THIS FOR M MUST BE DETACHED PRIOR TO TRANSMITTING TOP SECRET MATERIAL OUTSIDE OF OSO OR OPC. . 38-13A TOP SECRET PLEASE RETURN THIS JUN 1949 9'7 #" FORM TO REGISTRY Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020010-4