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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 1999/igh7~4 'IDP80-01065A000100050008-4 c MV"rIOS COO RD A1Ti D W SHITRGTON, D. C. October 14, 1953 7ie~ ee$ t t' _ re. r 9, it Tames pr 1. At position of PWS? its. as hid work out a detailed die- ,ch?d enclosure irxiicateet 'a regarding e P pale Approved For Release 1999i0912 ? di" 01065AO 0 ,44-e--d-~.- M, SECRET } Jt rr, recor SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release I 99 /&C -RDP80-01065A0001( ~P0 8 OPERATIONS COORDINATING BOARD WASBi1 Tt , D C. 10/13//53 t R papers tech B..' D.2 5 f.?b D40 D-12 D-: 5?. 2 25X1C D. 6 a Prom ,psrceded or Task Panel NA" List of Problems FS3 Organization Role ofB Directive Terms of Rot. Pawl "Ce TO for B, Rat issued Repatriation of 1:: Refugees, hes A TO& Panel "C" D-17d ub3 1 re W+ .p( D-174/lff Terms of Rot. for weapons C,. R-17d 2 Publicity re Weapons 8..11 Terms of Bet., Phase B D-180 PlamiW Take U..1 ,/3 PM. Rpt., Phase A 1..1 a/4 Report re Erse B D-188 "5 Re t 154 D-19 U 'V. of Besouross X19 Blackman %atics porn for which member ager-efy o chi tit responsibility be 25X1 C SiZM Approved For Release 1999 and should be dropped: D40 US.UL"Aremb Disarmament Proposal 821,1 Term of Rat. 1 "?" U-Z/2 F for Berlin D-24 Stain's Passing Ouidsnce re StSIin'e 25X1 C D-25b D-26 D-28 8?.29 Bs30 D??32 D-33/1 D..34 D-35 D-36 D6.37 A D-46 7 Peaeia BW Ftopagarft Campaign Terms of Reef. F Tom of R+ef'... Status Apt. of the PSB Social Science Research Report an Beatri l Warfare - B Report to R F Report to NBG' uation R C Acid 734d(3) POW Tabs %whaWe of Sick Vietnam, Cambodia & }: b Report to NSC I 427,EIC4- RDP80-01 25X1 C SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 199x114-RDP80-01065A000100050008-4 8-39 ft3.fitled through a reporting meahcnis" A to be mas tt lned by 0GB C will A-W 25X1 C prepare a draft paper for 00B on this matter. D-43 Armed Forces Implementing responsibility assir by QCB to De `e-nse with OC8 is coordinating responsibility fulfilled t_ hrc h a reporting o niaa to be maintained by 0GB Rep -rt$ Staff. Deft nee win prepare a draft paper for COB on this matter. :oordinati D-7c Korean C" Fire 0CB Secretariat should maintain continuing reisemrttativesss to ins a, li i with enc r Strategic Concept Implement responsibility assigned by OCB to Papers assigned to 0GB fret points of contacts p a W 'W" y that developing contingencies relating to this plan a properly coordinated. D-8b Pay. opal. ing niat should maintain on, with agency representatives as poirtss ontact a this approved paper {:/i, Breakoff Korean Armistice 7/25/52)1, to insure tirel revisions, as needed in exist' i a by USIA, with time responsibility or, *tion plans. The ring will be developed of, and within the B Secretariat. COB Secretariat should maintain continuing liaison with agency representatives, as point of contact, to insure timely revisions, as rued, in the interdepartmental implementing pl e. COB Secretariat should maintain continuing icon with agency representatives to insure that developing contingencies relating to this plan are properly coordinated. 17 Approved For Release.A%% P80-0I065A000100050008-4 T If.P h 4: I SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 1 99914 3 2-SE TtDP80-01065A000100050008-4 tt should maintain continuing Mison with agency representatives as Dints or contact, utn Secretariat can bring ageno representatives topther into a Working Group chaired by 003 to resolve problems an inter.. agency character, xy. Papers assigned fir; groups Chaired .retariat for coordination primarily through worms agencies# 008 Secretariat will continue present inter- Group chaired by State FJerperttent^withhen 008 officer as Executive Secretary, O CB Secretariat will c 25X6 Group chaired by State 8 nt w . officer an Executive Secretary, COB Secretariat will contit present inter.. Group chaired by State Department with an officer as Executive Secretary, 25X6 reta iat will contivue Present, in t rint chaired b StteTDe nieut it officper as Executive nt with toe Secretariat will departmental coordinat -_ ... . a OrMP c=haired by State De nt with an officer as cutive Secretary. ;signed to OOB Seoretarlat, pending 1SC decisiont for coordination 25X6 B-35b COB Secretariat will cont ni n: group chaired by 003. Revision of the basic plan fails within the Jurisdiction Of the B Plating Board, Plan should continue to be efftctieely implemented until replaced by NSC action, 003 Secretariat will continue present mater. d epartnl coordination by means Of a work group chaired by OCR. Revision of +v- W plan falls within the jurisdiction of the NSC Planning Bad. Plan should continue to be effectively implemented until replaced by NSC action., Approved For Release i-1 dental coordination b TODP80-01065A0001 es SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release s 1,9A9 MTCIA-RDP80-01065A000100050008-4 25X6 ?3GB Secretariat will coordinate this paper, as died by 000 by mans of a working group chaired by OCB. distinct (B considerations to Passing 'meat S Secretariat will continue pr" departmental coordination by me-no group obaired by 0GB. Revision of t plan f llls within the 3 isdiotion of Board, Plan ehould continm to be effective irplemflnted imtii replan by R actin. OGS shall be req*eted salidation of these PSB pa' roup whieh is Studying the Secretariat viii chain' the e this consolidation. -king Group as chaired b a are needed for W Plsuresr: orking Group will de-mlop m tions will, continue the coordination or appropriate actions fulfilling the plans' objectives as they now exist, B Working roblems arising h the CCB# the Approved For Relg d -0 ~`TII A-RDP80-01065A000~60~04 ._, ECET IA-RDP80-0 ~ e ' ? ~ O~ ~R~ C~~iE~ l~R~~b S For the Intraoffice Use of OSO and OPC Only-as a Cover Attachment to lorm No. 38-13 Detaching orm 1 o. 3 - 3 for fhe purpose of securing this form to top secret docu- ments is prohibited. ATTENTION.-Access to top secret material is limited to those individuals whose official duties relate to the material. Each alternate or assistant top secret control officer who receives and/or releases the attached top secret material will sign this form and indicate period of custody in columns provided. Each individual who sees this top secret document will enter date of handling and sign his full name in the proper columns. Officer designations should be used in the "To" column. Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the "To" column. Each officer should sign full name before further routing. FROM: CONTROL NO. TO ROOM DATE OFFICER'S FULL NAME COMMENTS - NO RECEIVED FORWARDED 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. M E D P I G E A F 91409 ; 38-13A C aPa 18-01700 1 PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO REGISTRY TOP SECRET