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Approved For Release 2003/10/2. 1065A Q0500130060-3 ~o .t oi' U alu . iwa a Ootober 1950 ~, Titled "Thc, h C )lof;a o? the Dad. e~r~denCe ref Kare regai,d to Ito rr 4; a ~a a ~,r -: and of 2! C3'` ' ' 194 1 v;wr'i& 3.,c o,) Ye, and oo de red the ropOrt! 0:" tho Milt ,3d ~w:: v:Loflfl (~E~n 1 . .~' ?_fi7 poi os ea y since"u . o?' ha I act that the objectives vat fog =;h f it : r? reao1ut?ons rcw Or.. ad to have not been fully acoow li rt ad ; : rt 3 P a rt ',-..3.'v ",i' a t. t:.e *zr'.1S oat iOr of Korea h w r , t -et h-,en achieved and that an att:enpt has beer, mace by ag armed attack from No ',sh tore?.. ,o on ttin ,ti.iah by ti once the Gc ierL en:J or vhe Republic of Korea Reoall: ~.ts colas ti on of 12 i ecembery 1948 that , 7e Ye" . $a a .a a t;ablished a lawful government (the C a vern- i- enb of the Rop,ab1,iO of Korea) having effective control arsd j .ir Iodic tiof over t`n .t part of Korea where the Unites, Nations Tav3poeary Commiss:.el `on Norea was able to observe ant. ooxwuit d in which the grant majority of the people of Kori a resido; that this Govar', t is based on elec tiorss which were: a v e lid expression of the free will of the electorate of that party of KKorea and which wc)3?a observed by the temporary commi sign.. and that this i ?0'{e only such Government in Korea;; Hav in m.i.:sad that United Nations armed forces are at p.C-e4e ra' Mn Koroa in accordance with the re,:,oamonde. 1950, oubariquen t;i.ons of the Soaur .qty Cry+wicS..l of 217 June ,, to Its resolution of 25 June, 1950, that members of the Ltbii tod Nations furnish such assistance to the Republic of Korea as may be nooesaar y to repel the armed attack -nd to rectors inte rnatxo .l peace and security in the area,,., Recall that the essential objective of the resolu- t;~.r~nso'.!~' l~e~neral. Asa randreiemaor democratic goverr~raentiof- wont of a unif ied,, independent Korea;, Recommends (A) That all appropriate steps be taken to ensure conditions of stability throughout Korea; TYIS-15 State Department review completed Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500130060-3 Approved For R e 2003/10/22 : CIA-RE 80-01065A0Qa00130060-3 (.3 } `, tW tr a" i on t t tiu .i2 L ac *-s be takenM r. e zd ; the t:o.ic.rng o.2 ? . a 1r, .ona . a11Cx'sr tho at-tapea,oes of the iJ i.t:ec atione for the tc b7 5,sh er. iu" of .?c tut fiFd.3 indopendc.::nt rnd dc.:ooratio f; :x`!e 'i'~Eont; in ~,;hG aovexoign Mate' of Tore ; (C lax . 4:1,1:1' . ieotifi,Nna 'and ropro3entation bodies of f" a' poptala. ton :.~ Korea, ou?+h and o Ih be Invited' to uc o eraLe id.tth tlw; orgaru; of he United Nations in the ra 3 toration of rerico in the fold` ng of eleo tiona cni iv. he os tabliahr.:-A:F;t; of a unit icd gove.rnrent Former sub - p ragrapha (C) attri ;D) become subparagraphs (D) and (E) respoctivol.yt'k (Ti) That cTn`,.tod P?ationd forces should not remain in may part of Koraa o9herw1ao than so far a. 31eeeaaa ?y :{'or at; ' c it the e~b ,:ctives specified at (A) 9n-'I 03) abcze (E? ` hwj alb. :tecessar'y measures be taken to accomplis h the economic Ye'aa' } i ba tion of Korea, Resolve, That (A) A oomdnnission oon3ietin9 of Aost *altav, Chile, No t.t~.crlandu,,. Pakistan, Phi? ippinos,; Turkey and one more member to ?,c, app.pai n ed, to be known as the United Nat .Iona Commission s'ox' the b.nification and Rehabilitation of Korea be ealabl.sFiec to (i) assume the funotione hithitrrto exercised b the present United Nations Commission in Korean (ii repro je.,at the United Nations in bringing about t'hes of a an if ied, independont; and dumocrutic government of all Korean, (iii) exercise such responsibi litie In connection. with relief and rehabilita- tion in Korea at be determined by the General Assembly of tern r'ec vivar.-ki- t A- 3 ooommendationa of the Economic and Social Counci.; , 1':; -a }sited, Nations Commission for the Uri ..i'i.catina and of urea should proceed to Korea find b ~ , a t-c carry out Ito functions as soon as. pass i.b.e Pending "'he arrival in Korea of the United Nations Cor nisaic n for the Unification and. Rehabilitation of Korea,, Govern :its zepreoero ed on the commission should form an interim committee oorposed of their permanent representa- tives a the ;#oat of the United Nations to consult with and advi.:ao the United Nations unified con and in the light; of the above recommende tions ; the interim committee should begin s*o.. fu Uian ..r.,ediateiy upon the approval of this rosolat,ian b: the ,.Y=eneral Asa? vibly ; :i.1"'! IS =-1 1.), Enclosure 0 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500130060-3 . Approved For. R se 2003/10/22.: CIA-RI;?P80---0106t5A0 00130060-3 MW _4 %P No) The e, rr'~ esi.QSr ehan render , a report to th.3 ri .xt reg lar session c.f the (Gner'a1.. Assembly and to any p =tor . special seas 5.oi v h j,oh might be nailed to consider th. stub., jest matter of ta.a present revolution, and shall render such interim r.opcrvs as it may deem appropriate to the secretary Genair al. for transmie s ion to members g Tilt GENT i;! L 't .,3S .BIY furthermore, Mindful o th) fast that at the and of the present hoots t- ea the talk of rahabilitating the :Korean economy mi:i1 be of grey t ra -? gnittide; Re? uee to 'ne ~coraorji ; anti ;social Council in cox auita- tion w3 e apuc ,.a11.zed agencies, to develop plans for re'? lef and rek mb 11. vatioa on the termination of hostili- ties and to report to the General Assembly within three weeks of the a)ppro~ti,91 of the resolution by the general As eembly 0 Also P.eco3nrmends tho Economic and Social Council to exiled' e e o _ 5f lehr eterm measures to promote the economic dovelopa.eat and social progress of Korea art meanwhile to draw, the attention of the authorities whiale decide requests lo,,:, technical assistance to the urgent and special necessity of affording such assistance to Xore dresses its appreciation of.the services rendered by the me'~ eera of :;ha United Nations Commission on Korea in the perform nce of their important and difficult tasks Re uests that the Secretary General shall provide the co issi ter ad-