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SECRET Approved For Release. 2002/08/13: CIA-RDP80-01237AOOW010009-6 Tab B to USIB-D-3. 2/1 16 July 19 59 Part One. Suggested Basic Outline for Annual Report to NSC I. Organization, Integration and Coordination (Unification of community under USIB; Committee structure of new Board; significant developments in coordination, etc.: ) II. Early Warning Capabilities (Trends in early warning capabilities, parti:,--ularly in light of guided missile threat; developments in Tripartite Alerts System and critical communications fields, etc. ) III. Intelligence Capabilities by Area (Within geographic areas below, a treatment of principal collection production and evaluation developments, and major emergi .f,;- problems affecting capabilities in various functional fields, e. g. , political, economic, military, science and technology) 1. USSR 2. Communist China 3. Other Bloc Areas B. Western Europe C. Middle East D. Non-Communist Asia E. Africa F. Latin America Annex : Developments and Trends in COMINT and ELINT Fields Part Two: Instructions to Contributors General Suggestions 1, We expect to produce a report of roughly the same .length, or only slightly longer, and in about the same level of generalization as last year's final paper (IAC-D-55/13, Final, 2 September 1958). Approved For Release 2002/08/13 : CIA-RDP80-01237A000100010009-6 SECRET SECRET Approved For Releaasse 2002/08/13 : CIA-RDP80-01237A00Q10010009-6 POI ab B to USIB-D-3, 2/1 16 July 1959 That report in its final form was substantially shorter and less detailed than those of the immediately preceding years. For that reason, it obviously will not be possible to make specific mention or detailed comments, as we did in the past, about certain of the individual functional activities within the intelligence community which contribute to the over-all status of the community. Never- theless, we are continuing to solicit contributions f~ _rn as broad a range of committees. and other components as in past years in order to assist in assessing over-all trends and significa~_:.t i.r'ividual developments worthy of mention in the final report. 2. Contributions should therefore be cast in a form which would be most useful in production of a comparatively brief paper emphasizing major developments during the past year, as well as significant trends and principal emerging problems. Nevertheless, while is is desirable for contributors to submit generalizations regarding 'weir. activities appropriate for inclusion in a brief report, such contributions should also include adequate background data to support the generaliza- tions and to permit evaluation of their over-all significance. Specific Suggestions for Contributions I. Organization, Integration and Coordination Contributors A. Unification. of community and USIB IS changes in. Committee structure- B, Si;n;nifi-cant developments in c.oordina- DD/C; tioni (achieved through: Committees: or USIB /S; other:vris'e).not nieritione.d.else:whe:re.:. CODIB in. report: II. Early Warning Capabilities Update last year's treatment, particularly Watch Committee; in light of guided missile threat; include GMAIC, as ap- also developments in Tripartite Alerts propriate; System and critical communications Critical Communi- cations Committee Approved For Release 2002/08/13 : CIA-RDP80-01237A000100010009-6 SECRET SECRET Approved For Release 2002/08/13: CIA-RDP80-01237A00Q bl USIB-D-3.2/1 16 July 1959 III. Intelligence Capabilities by Area The basic breakdown of this section will be by geographic area, as indicated in the basic outline. Within eac 5. geographic area, contributors should briefly assess their intelligence capabilities for the various functional fields listed below in accordance with the relative importance of the function or activity within that area. In some areas, of course, a contribution may not be appropriate; science in Africa, for example, obviously is not worthy of treatment i,n a report of this length. Agencies and USIB Committees are re- quested to contribute within the spheres of their primary collection and production responsibilities even though not specifically listed below as a suggested contributor. Coordination and consolidation of contributions by relevant organizations and committees is encouraged wherever such is feasible. Functional Category Contributers P :`i6:icl State; CIA Economic EIC Military Army, Navy Air Force Science and Technology SIC; GMAIC ; JAEIC Biographic State; CIA; Militar? '.Ser',rices Annex: Developments and Trends. in Comint Committee -T~ COMINT, and FLINT Fields Elint Committee Approved For Release 2002/08/13 : CIA-RDP80-01237A000100010009-6 SECRET