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DD/S 72-0136 Approved For Relee 2000/09/08: CIA-RDP80-013A000200010006-2 V E-MORANDUM FO.R : Director of Finance SUBJECT : Revised Ceiling Allocation for FY 1972 and 1.973 1. Attached for your information, guidance and action. is the Executive 1)'rec*_or-Coniptro1ier's memorandum of 7 January 1972, which transmits ircctorate ceiling revisions and provides policy guidance for FY 1972 and 1973. 2. Revised personnel ceilings for your Office are as follows: FY 1972 FY 1973 25X9 Staff Contract Staff reductions of 2 in 1972 and 9 in 1973 indicate the effect of Presidential "5 pcrceiit reductions. The reduction of 2 contract positions simply reflects the policy change whereby co-ops are charged at 1/2 ceiling positions each. There ?evised ceilings will be used both in the FY 1973 Congressional Budget and as the basis for projection of your FY 1974 Program. 3. The last paragraph of the attached memorandum of 7 January 1972 r}ffers the lower of two options regarding promotion authorizations. In practice, However, this will limit promotions in your career service to those within your 25X1A pproved Career Service Grade Authoriza Robert S. Wattles Assistant Deputy Director for Support Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010006-2 Approved For Relee 2000/09/08 CIA-RDP80-013002?1 Q0 90006-2 72 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT: Revised Personnel Ceiling Allocations for 1972 and 1973 1. As you are aware, during the past few months we have been negotiating with the Office of Management and Budget on personnel '.imitations to be imposed in accordance with Presidential directives on cutbacks in numbers and average grade of employees. We have been given considerable relief from the original directives. The personnel ceiling reduction of 5 percent to be taken by 30 June 1972 can be taken over a period of 18 rather than 6 months. In other words, it must be accomplished by 30 June 1973. More significantly, we have been relieved of the requirement to roll back average grade of employees ' v . 1 is FY 1972 and an additional 1 in FY 1973. 2. We are now at that juncture in the program and budget cycle when plans must be made and actions taken to reach the new and reduced personnel ceilings. Your statements concerning the impact of the reduced levels have been given careful consideration. Unfortunately, we don't have much flexibility to provide relief. We can, of course, make a more gradual phasing of staff reductions between 1972 and 1973, and we can give some relief in contract ceiling. Your revised ceiling allocations for both staff and contract personnel for FY 1972 and 1973 are provided in Attachment A. The distribution of these positions is essentially in accordance with your submissions. You may make adjust- i-rents within the totals assigned to your Directorate. O/PPB should be advisedl. promptly of any changes you wish to make. The forthcoming 1'l73 Congressional _gt be prepa:red_ in consonance with the levels he attachment after appropriate adjustments are made. P.Ci in a 't. . ,...~,.._. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010006-2 Approved For Relee 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-013000200010006-2 3. Revised staffing complements to reflect the new FY 1973 year-end ceiling should be prepared for each component under your jurisdiction and submitted to the Office of Personnel not later than - . tpYril 1972 so that we can begin FY 1973 with a current position ,t:ructure. These reduced staffing complements must be established at an average grade no higher than currently authorized. Exceptions will be rare indeed and can be considered only when the strongest of justifications is presented. When one office within a Directorate reauires a slight increase, an offsetting reduction in other offices should be planned. You need not prepare staffing complements based on the revised FY 1972 ceilings, but the levels provided will serve as goals for reduction in on-duty strength to be achieved by 30 June 1972. 4. I believe that escalation of on-duty average grade can be adequately controlled by limiting promotion rates to approximately the same rates experienced last year. You are, therefore, authorized 'co promote to the extent that your Career Service Grade Authorizations will allow or up to 25 percent of the General Service (GS) position strength in your FY 1972 ceiling, whichever is lower. 25X1A L. K. White Executive Director-Comptroller Attachment As stated Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010006-2