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Publication Date: 
March 9, 1960
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01370R000100120002-6.pdf94.78 KB
25X1A Approved For R eass.2A4 L_05/L5,: CID-RDP-80-0370R000100120002-6 9 March 1960 HOW TO (T BOOKS, MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS IN CIA 1. This Notice tells you how to order books, magazines and news- papers through your CIA Library, 2. The staff of the CIA'Library exists to assist you by providing the publications needed to complete various assignments. They too recognise the importance of publications which supplement the vast collection of intelligence documents maintained for your use. 3? In addition to maintaining the central collection for the Agency of books, magazines, newspapers and intelligence documents the CIA Library has developed an efficient procurement program for all types of publica- tions. It known how to and can procure what you need quickly and cheaply. If you have a publications procurement problem, the Library will be glad to assist you. 4. Building Supply Officers have copies of Form 1395, Request for Books, Documents and Periodicals, which you should use when requesting publications. The Library cannot take action on your request unless you tell it everything you know about what you want. There are in? structiona on the form itself, read them, It saves you time if the Library does not have to call you back for more information. _ 25X1 A usually ruest publications through their headquarters Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-0137OR000100120002-6 Approved For Release 200 ngtgr, 7049000100120002-6 component. 5. If you request the purchase of a publication, be sure to have it approved by your appropriately designated responsible official. This is required because of the cost center program (for details see Financial Management Improvement no. is, dated 10 June 1959). The CIA Library budgets for the purchase of publications in the over-all budget of the Office of Central Reference. Its estimates are based on what each Agency component thinks will be =eequired. The Library is responsible for reporting both to the requesting components and to the Office of the Comptroller the amounts expended for the purchase of publications. Unless the Library has an approved request for purchase, complete in details it is unable to fulfill its obligations. Each component in turn mot be satisfied that the request is an appropriate one, whether to be used for operational work or reference supports Some offices wish to keep records according to these two categories. 6. should procure publications locally wherever this will save money. Caution should be exercised with regard to what is true eeorosr: there are costs in processing a series of requests for publications. Even though a publication may have high initial cost abroad, it might prove more economical to purchase there rather than process through the many channels of headquarters. The choice is up to the field. Ihere security considerations prohibit purchase abroad, send your require- ments to the Library. 25X1A low &MM&AM6M Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP80-0137OR000100120002-6 Approved For Release 20 37Q8A00100120002-6 -3- 7, No matter how unusual your need for a publication MOV be, the CIA Library is ready to assist you. Though the Library is building a research collection the use of which nay anticipate your needs, it is geared to get for you any item which is.generally useful. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-0137OR000100120002-6