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Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIAIUQP80-01370R000 M0170015-7 26 February 1960 Type II FPA Procedures and Visit of FP1 Tom se of installing 1rpe II PPA procedures as prescribed in recommendations made with respect to nonexpe ndable3 property s visit to the Base between 5 February and 29 February 1960, . This memorandum summarizes the activities of the FPA team as and other matters reviewed or discussed. 2. A review of the Base's non-expendable property records indicated that a unique situation prevailed here for which the Type II Material Record Card was not completely adequate. Type n procedures contemplate that all non-expendable property is "in use" at a Station or Base. This principle also applies with reepact to this Base; however, it was necessary to recognize that the nature and size of the operation at this Base con- tributed to the number of units of non-expendable property on hand and to the fact that some non-expendable property was held "in stock" so far as the base was concerned. It was found desirable from the Bases point of view to have some record of the property "in stock" at the base as dia- tinguished from the property "in use" at the base. A modification of the stock record card was devised with concurrence of the Base's Logistics Officer, which provided the basic controls of monetary value of property "in use" in the field as contemplated by the Type II PPA as well as pro- vided the Hasa with an informal local control in a literal sense of the property "in stock" at the Use, A sample copy of the modified stock record card is attached as a part of this report. The physical, inventories described below were recorded on 3 x 5 cards, on which each line item was described as to name, model, or type, manufacturer and serial numbers as available and appropriate, without the aid of inventory nomenclature cards. The 3 x 5 cards were prepared and units were recorded by location of property (in use or in stock) so that as necessary and desirable,, memorandum receipts could readily be reviewed and updated from them. Upon completion of the physical inventories of all items and all areas, the count cards were reconciled with the Base's records of non-expendable property and changes made as necessary to nouns, norten- claturee, serial numbers, etc. Additional stock record cards were prepared as necessary for non-expendable property found for which no card had been on file previously. Approved For Release 2001/07/31 0-01370R000100170015-7 APR 1960 MR Approved For Release 20 Mann, to Chief of Base, sub j s T e II FPA FPA Tam, dtd 26 Feb 60 (Cent f d Ii. Acoomplia mxents of the FPL teem were as followe * (a) '%- current physical inventory of household goods tak by Base personnel was accepted and was wmmerised and entered can the stock record caards (b) A physical inventory was made of all office furniture, shop equipment,, automobiles and automotive equipment, and ordnance items. In addition, a physical inventory was made of all non-expend- able equipment in five warehouses both on and off the Base and in two houses off the Base not included in the inventory of household goods. A physical inventory was made of all technical equipsatent. (d) A modified stock record card was prepared as explained in paragraph 2 above. (a) The results of the physical inventories described above were recorded on the modified stock record cards as the opening inventory balances and the monetary value under Type II M. Prices were deter- mined from existing records when available* were estimated based upon research of catalogues, and upon technical advice. The cost of the Fhiloo System was obtained from Headquarters. Prices for household were based upon the price list recommended by Headquarters. (f) An opening inventory monetary value for the Base determined from the stock record cards, by materiel unit, an required by Type II FPA. (g) A transaction control register was opened with the total monetary value and was posted with the current non-expendable property transactions. The use of - the register was discussed with, and fully explained to the Logistics personnel. (h) A memorandum was drafted for release by the :"rase to Head- quarters to report the opening monetary value of non-expendable property by material unit. 2 ' -_ c . . 19 is o Approved For Release 200 (i) The prior non-expendable property stock record cards were removed from the kardex files and those records of materiel con- sidered to be expendable and which showed a balance "on hand" were segregated for Logistic personnel so that such records could be main- tained as a part of the records of expendable items. Note the recommen- dation in paragraph 6c below for instructions on the processing of such items under Type II FPA upon receipt from Headquarters. (j) The current stock record cards were set up in visible kardex files by materiel unit and arranged alphabetically within each materiel unit. This segregation of records by materiel unit is important to provide a simple, direct method for determining the annual monetary value by materiel unit as required. This arrangement will also segregate groups of records which are comparatively inactive such as Units 1, 2, and 6 from the other groups on which there will be more activity of receipts and issues in tome of either Type II EPA procedures or in terms of the Base's informal records of "in stock" or "in use". Records of like items were consolidated and one card sub- Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CIA-R t eemo to Chief of Base, subj z Type II FPA EPA Team, dtd 26 Feb 6Q (Cont Id) 5. A comprehensive review of currant records and procedures with respect to non-expendable property resulted in the following amplifications which should help to reduce the man hours required to maintain non-expendable property records under Type II EPA. sti toted where two or three cards had been used for similar Items. (b) Records of certain units of technical equipment were reduced to or picked up on one record card and its major components were listed thereon, thus one line it served to cover other items which were only components of the basic equipments The Philco System was treated `in this manners (a) Many items were considered by the EPA team as installed property, were dropped from accountable reecords, and were not picked up as part of the inventory records. For example, the electric generating plant including the generators, switching gear, control panels, fuel pumps,, fuel tanks, eetc* were considered as instal.leed. Water pimps, a chlorinator, filers, etc. were other examples of installed equipment not picked up. 19Ae60 Approved For Release 2001/07 Approved For Release 2001/07/31: CIA-RDP80-0137OR000100170015-7 Memo to ref of Base, subs s Type II F'PA Procedures and Visit of Team, dtd 26 rob 60 (Cott ad) (d) Many items normally considered as non-expendable at the time of shipment were considered as expendable because of their end-use at the 8.se. Items such as motors,,, blowers? a tplifisrs, power supp Tunits, eto., were in many instances considered as replacement parts at the Base in the same manner that spare parts would be stocked for the repair of an automobiles. See Recommendation in paragraph 6b below that the end-use should be given full consideration when equip- ment is received at the Base in order to keep the Type II PPA pro- cedures to simple as possible. 6. General recommendations to the Base, with respect FFA procedures are as follows s or Type II ?PA, non-expendable record cards should be prepared and placed in the file, or postings made to existing record cards, only upon actual receipt of the property. A few duplicate cards were removed from prior records. Some of the duplication appeared to be due to the fact that cards had been prepared at Headquarters and t to the Base in the early days of organisation; ho weever, when the shipments arrived,, a different nomenclature appeared on the shipping document and now cards were prepared without identifying and r a moving the original cards. (b) The Logistics Officer at the Base should give full con- sideration to the end use of an item and determine at the time of islivery whether an item should be considered expendable or non-expendable. This determination should be made regardless of the fact the cost of the item, exceeds 10, since cost alone is not a controlling factor. For ex. mple j motors, blowers, and travelling wave tubes acquired as repair and replacement parts for technical equipment should be treated as expendable items of supply and excluded from Type II FICA even though they may be shipped as non-expendable items by Heeadquarte3rs. Items received from Headquarters as non-expendable property, but which are determined by the Logistics Officer at the Use to be expandable, as recom ended. in the preceding paragraph, should be removed from the Type II P PA by the following proceduress upping document for property considered as expendable shall be entered on the transaction control register as a "wash entry", i.e., it should be recorded as a receipt (debit) and followed :immediately, on the next line with are ism (credit) entry with an appropriate certification that the end use at Approved For Release 2001/0 NNIMANWAIC Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : CI 0-01370 R0001Q0170015-7 Chief of Base, sub, s Type II PPA Procedures and Visit of FPA Team, dtd 26 Feb 60 (font Id the Bass was such that the item was expended. No postings to non- expendable property cards are required under this method. The item, or items will be considered expended for Type II FPA purposes and the "wash" entry on the register will provide Headquarters with a record of the disposition of the non-expendable property transaction for reconciliation purposes at the and of the property record year. The Base should use its stock record cards of expendable items for control if the item is placed in stock. (d) Antennass, antenna kits, and antenna mast units should all be excluded from non-expendable property reccsr ds to maintain simplicity of records. Antennas are always subject to modification, removal, or are erected (installed) for short to test purposes and returned to stock. Parts of a kit are used and the remainder left in stock. To have considered antennas and kits as installed upon erection but non- expendable upon removal would have created an added burden of paper work under Type I2 M. In view of the situation prevailing, the Base was instructed to prepare a "WASH entry for antennas and kits upon receipt and to maintain records an any units, parts or kits in same manner as kept on any expendable item. (ea) If prices are not provided the Use by Headquarters on non. expendable property shipments, 'thee Base should immediately request such prices by dispatch from Headquarters. In the interim, the Base should record the shipment in the register, except as to price. When the price has been received, it should be recorded in the register and placed on the inventory record card. Items entered on the transaction register but not priced for the Base before an annual report is due to be submitted to Headquarters presents a problem which must be referred to Headquarters. The FPA teem is sware of the importance of prices to Type II FPA and will reconend that Headquarters take steps to insure the prompt furnishing of prices and also furnish instructions with respect to the treatment of it entered on the control register without prices at the end of the property report year. (f) The stock record cards should be maintained by material unit and alphabetically within such unit, as established by the FPA team. Unless the cards are maintained by such units, the workload of preparing the annual monetary report by materiel unit will be unnecessarily increased. 19 APR Approved For Release 2001/07/31 V:#_4%W80-01370R000100170015-7 Approved For Release 2001/07/31: CIA-RDP80? 11370R000100170015-7 Memo to Chief of Buse, eub j t Type II TPA Procedures and Visit of FPL Team, dtd 26 Feb 60 (Cent id) Rent on the document should be entered on the register. The data record (g) The transaction control register should be maintained as required by Each document should have all non- expend-able items extended as to their total cost. The extended costs should be totalled and the total monetary value for all non-expendable equip- the r inter must include the minimum requirements for Headquarters value has been determined by the FPA town as an Opening inventory for pur-O to identify the transaction, but may include other data considered by the Bass to be essential for its purposes. (h) An inventory of non-expendable property and its monetary inventory should be adjusted and any additional equipment found. on a ub- se quent inventories should be picked up on the property records as pro- meat of the FPA procedures. res p W.. use of the term should be an memorandum receipts. It is also rsocmmenaded that responsible officers obtain hand receipts from individual users actually in possession of guns, cameras, slide rules, field glassees, and similar categories of equipment* (j) After all memorandum receipts have been corrected or up- dated, they cards used for inventoring the technical equipment should be turned over to the technical personnel. These cards contain identification of equipment assigned to them and even though hand written, such cards would provide a record not heretofore available for reference by this group so far as the FPA tames could detesrmin se. (k} The 3 gissticses Officer should, when ractic , establish one property record card for a major unit or-4quipment'- -a nd list establish its jorte a components on the reverse side of the card rather line item (card) for the basic item and one for each of its major com- ponents. See paragraph 5b for simplification provided in the establish- scribed by th (i } The inventory records (work sheets and cards) should be used as the basis for reviewing, correcting and updating memorandum t in-s xpe Rdable>R equi rmient "in use" in terms of the Base (l I The non-expendable property records previously in use d bee retained for a period of a app' oximately one year to provide fe ,~. references to shipping documents or other transactions as may be necessary. They should not be permitted to became active in any way. 19 AP Approved For Release 2001/07/31 : Cl 1960 Approved For Release 2001/ }1emo to Chief of Base, subj s Type II TPA Procter FPA Tom? dtd 26 Fab 60 (Counted) 7. With respect to the workload on the Base to operate under Type ii FPA procedures, it is the opinion of the Team that FPA am be maintained with no more man hours than currently used on non- expendable records, and possibly less man hours. The only possible additional workload will be the preparation of the annual monetary reports but it is believed that this can be spread over a reasonable period of time no that it can be absorbed. This opinion is based upon the simplification of procedures accomplished and rea>end.ed by the FPA team. The total number of cards on non-expendable property were reduced by approximately percent. The maintenance of the register will be simplified by the posting of a single monetary total for each document. The register for the last seven months shows the receipt of ninety (90) documents representing 154 non-expendable iitems. Some of these items would of ~heb rscxnmendation thatuthe~ arid eenoi' i.~`ble records by appl be given careful consideration. 8, other Items discussed or reviewed with Base Logistic personnel were as follows $ hie stock record cards and existing procedures respect thereto were reviewed. (b) Assistance was given in reconciling the vehicle status report (forwarded from Headquarters) by a physical inspection of the vehicles on hand and as listed on the Stock Record Cards by :tV and by serial numbers. Differences noted will be discussed with Headquarters upon return. 9. The team personnel wish to express their sincere appreciation to the personnel of the base,, both Logistical stit n nd ttechnical- assigned would cooperation the generous and eextremely helpful have been impossible. The s~auxtes~iesde~aded e~hsa~e-dee the thee'visit appreciates the mWW F'ed` to this Base more pleasant. 25X1A2e 7 19A PR Approved For Release 2001/07/31: CIA-RDP80-0137OR000100170015-7 Approved For Release 2001/07/31 R,tRDP80-01370R001 00170015-7 Memo to Chief of bare, subjt Type II FFA Procedures and Visit of EPA Team, dtd 26 Feb 60 (Coated) Attachments Revised Stock Record Card, Form No. 16B Distributions 25X1A6a 2 ? w/att 1 - _ r - 1 - Comptroller, (Attn: Chief, TAS) Watt 1 - CL (Supply Div) (Attu t Chief, Supply} w/att 1 - NE/ Admin w/att 19 11969 Approved For Release 2001/