Meeting with General Counsel of Comptroller General

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Publication Date: 
November 19, 1952
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OGC Has Reviewed Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP80-0137OR000300060156-1 25X1 C4E ORD (Wednesday) 1. Mr. saunders a T saw W. Lyle Fisher, Gen l Co el to the Co ller G rml on`piloblenis arising in connection with our proposed legislation and related mat e We asked, among other things, for informal comment on the possibility that pUt additional people in one area of the Agency on unvouchered funds on the `of itficiency and economy rather than security, which had been our normal ~tezion. Be felt that this was a matter for good judgment and would have no Q1i t fn,the decision were made on sound basis. In my opinion, technically the o* ` ller General has no legal authority to object to such a transfer, but in all. pir lings with his office, with one exception, we have used security as a basis using vehered funds rather than vouchered and we feel that discussion of e points greatly increases the trust and confidence which Mr. Fisher has shown a nistration of our authorities. Consequently.. I am pleased that he agrees auX approach. HA9A arutive proposals. 16 we Aiseuseed taus other points concerning our legislation with Mr, er, Ge t9. Counsel of the Comptroller General., and particularly such matters t n the leave law, exemptions from the Efficiency Rating Act, and the pay- nn if attomeys. Mr. Fisher said he might or might not be in on the coordination tti` Mof the Budget, but in all probability he would be requested for f'ts from the Committees of Congress. Consequently, he appreciated the advance bile . OM felt that there would be to objection from his office to any of the 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP80-0137OR000300060156-1 MIA