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NES, 3 ivERK Approved For Release 2001/03/014 xi/ZIA45104A9T614641R Celebration in Salzburg Into the great banquet hall of the Schloss Leopoldskron trooped a stately procession of dark-suited guests. On the balcony, a string quartet interrupted its concert of Mozart chamber music, and Thomas II. Eliot, the white-haired for- mer chancellor of St. Louis's Washing- ton University, stepped before the enor- mous marble-and-tile fireplace. "This seminar," he told an audience that looked like a miniature Who's Who of the Amer- ican and European intellectual establish- ment, "is an act of faith, which we hope, but cannot prove, helps make the world better." After the U.S. ambassador to Austria read congratulatory telegrams from President Nixon and Secretary of State. William P. Rogers, a covey of blond girls in green 'dirndls gaily broke out champagne and the 200 guests strolled through the landscaped gardens beside the mountain lake. With that, the silver-anniversary cere- mony of the Salzburg Seminar in Ameri- can Studies came to its dignified conclu- sion. There are hundreds of seminars in the prestige-conscious firmament of aca- deme, but few can rival the eminence of the Salzburg program. Six times each year, a group of distinguished Americans ?people such as Chief Justice 'Warren E. Burger, poet Robert Lowell, anthro- pologist Margaret Mead and Yale presi- dent Kingman Brewster?journey to Salz- burg to lecture for three to four weeks about the United States. Their students are a scrupulously screened collection of the most promising young minds in Eu- rope: the 50 to 60 students in each sem- inar, most of them in their early 30s, must be well-educated, conversant with English and accomplished professionals. The topics of the seminars are defined with bedeviling vagueness ("Problems of Cities," for example, and the current session, "American Law and Legal Insti- tutions"). But the lectures and discus- sions are so stimulating, recalls one Aus- trian politician and former student, "that night after night we sat in the library de- vouring thick books. The seminar has brought no business to Salzburg's bars." Twenty-five years ago, there was rea- son to doubt whether the seminar would survive long enough to accomplish even that. The windows of the war-battered, 236-year-old castle were blown out and only a few of the bathrooms were in working order:. the first contingent of 110 students and teachers bedded down in sleeping bags and, in'occupted Austria, even finding food was a daily problem. But just as the Marshall Plan helped fa- cilitate a postwar economic recovery in Europe, the Salzburg Seminar helped spark an intellectual revival. Today, says a U.S. diplomat, it remains "a sort of tuning station where our intellectuals try to establish a common wavelength with the up-and-coming European elite." Critical Eye: In its early years, the seminar occasionally was marred by war- fanned chauvinism; once an enraged Yu- goslav pulled a knife on an Italian col- league. Even now, the school's deter- mined policy of recruiting nonconformists leads to shouting matches between right- ists and leftists and pupils and professors. But one factor that holds the partici- pants together is the relentlessly critical eye that the U.S. faculty members turn on themselves and their country. "There ry.t,!,,,,,,7T.,,,!,711r,tr:V--,q7;,,,,r7,,FV.,r:,,,PSrt.,./1 p, .1 IVTVIKW.7477,71; ? is never the least suggestion that Ameri- cans know all the answers," says Austrian editor Hubert Feichtlbauer, a former Salzburg student. This tough-minded ambiance has largely dispelled a lingering European suspicion that the seminar, which is sub- sidized by the U.S. State Department and private foundation money, is a hand- maiden of the CIA. In fact, Communists from all ? of the Soviet-bloc countries except East Germany and Russia are joining the roster of Salzburg Fellows in growing numbers. And with some 7,000 alumni?including members of parlia- ments, editors and lawyers from around the Continent--the seminar has inevita- bly had a salutary effect on the' U.S. image abroad. Among these former stu- dents, says Thomas Eliot, who has been the seminar's president for nine months, there is "a far greater readiness to un- derstand American attitudes." If. nothing else, notes one U.S. diplomat, "the sem- inar shows that not everything my gen- eration did after the war is outdated." Yale's Brewster and Chief Justice Burger at Salzburg: 'An act of faith' Approved For Release 2001103104: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100150001-7 'Approved For Release 2004/edteibIA-RDp80-01601 re-f, / 'is t F 0., A ty.1 qi t t t r " " ? t t 3 A t AH4.4\ t, 101'1 STA-RN:FL ,.. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100150001-7 VA"\ Approved For Release 2001166e. tIKAEITP,M0416111.R0 5 OCT. `071 -'10[ - , ? (air-) 6-.1) -1 Trr 11' 1'1 ft .11 in) ""-i! i.,-"r> r- Lu?,L, .1.F,,.tt.d..h..11 6[3 Y. CL).,,,LAL '1,13 vi) 1.1 0 61' i) . (1,2. [ -13y GENE 0)5111 Washington, Bureau of The Son Washington?The Senate voted yesterday to require the Presi- dent to give Congress a full ac- eountincib of the currently secret war in Laos and to limit expend- itures in that country to $350 million?the amount the admin- istration says it needs for this year. 'While the measure Ni;ould not have any effect on current Unit- ed States expenditures in Laos, it would establish for the first time a congressional ceiling on ? the war in Laos, which hereto- fore has been carried on mostly , ton said, the air war over rforth- ern Laos?which does not in- clude the bombing of the Ho Chi. Minh trail?will cost $113.4 mil- lion, for a total of $490.2 million. As originally drafted, the Symington amendment would have cut the $190.2 million to $200 million. But Mr. Symington modified Lis amendment to exclude the air war from the spending coil- Mc; and also to raise the limit to 050 million, a move that ena- bled him t) get the..[ppart. of Senator John . Steimis with secret funds funneled [Miss.), chairman of the Armed through the Central Intelligence Services Committee, and most Agency. of the members of the commit- The amendment to the mill- tee. lacy procurement authorization Mr. Symington said on the bill, offered by Senator Stuart .floor the reason he modified his Symington (D., Mo.), passed 67 amendment was that it did not to 11. have a chance of passage in its The Senate also approved by a: original form. Ile further noted 65-to-4 vote an amendment to; that? by the time his amend- provide a pay increase to mem:: ment becomes law, fiscal 1072-- -.bops of the armed, forces total-1 which began on July 1?would :ing, $381 million a year, in addi-! be half over and at least half ot lion to the $2 4 billion alread tl current] authorized ? On the other hand, Senator' Stennis asserted that passage of: the 'Symington amendment would amount to ."legislative recognition that these funds are needed:" It was this point that caused some critics of the war in Laos to back off from the amend- ment. Senator J. Ful- bright (D., Ark.), chairman of the Foreign Relations Commit- tee, supported the original' amendment but voted againstttie modified version. ulbright said he was fearful that the Syniington. amendment would not be viewed as a restrictive amendment, but rather as congressional authori- zation for conducting the war in Laos. [ Senator Harold "I[..]. Hughes (D., Iowa) said that, while he sutpported cutback in funds for. Laos, "the principle of establish- ing some ceiling is even more urgent that the precise figure." . . ;,, i.e. . Y ? ? -------- --enacted as part of the draft ex, amounts already will have beep Itension act.- I spent. The pay-raise amendmenl,i , ' [.which could be compromised in, Interlfretations mixed a House-Senate conference coin- ' The interpretation of what the mittee, also would reshape the :modified Symington amendment approved pay raises. so that - would accomplish was mixed. more of the money would go the Mr. Symington defended it as -a lowest grade enlisted ranks. step toward placing congression- The amendment pertaining to . al controls over the war in Loas, the war in Laos originally was which isstill being financed drafted to cut expenditures in Laos to $200 million for fiscal 1972. According to both adminis- tration ? and congressional esti-. mates, the amount that the Unit- been any public accounting of ed States -expects to ;spend in how the 30,000-man irregular: Laos in fiscal 1972 lot' economic, ? forces in Laos or the large con; aid for CIA-directed military op- [ tingent . of Thai "volunteers"-- erations and other programs! estimated now at' 5,000 to 6,000 will total $310.9 million. 1 . In addition,. Se.nater. Sy-ming-1 largely outside the usual author- ization and appropriation proc- esses of Congress. Por example, there never has y, 6:1 "r',Z) \MI cTJi STAT] NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100150001-7 Approved For Release 2001% A ? ral-l7(1) Crl I ? I I FRED FARRAR IChicnuu Tribune Press Su/vice) WASHINGTON, Oct. 4---The Senate today voted, 67 to 11, to impose a ceiling of $350 million on . United States spending in the war in LaQS in the current. fiscal year: s The cation also requires That in the future the administra- tion report regularly to 'Con- gress on how much it spends in Laos and. what the pootey is used for. . (./ The vote came after Sen. Stuart Symington ID., .M0.1, sponsor of the amendment to ? ,,!Ff!; i it I l it TO ' '01 TYN :11 'CrIA, -RDP80ATI-01601R STNTL 1.1)9 ? rt;) ? but not those against the Ho Chi Minh Trail; The cost of strikes against the trail are considered by the Pentagon to be part of the over-all Cost of the Viet Nam War. Fulhright Opposes Plan 'Symington said that the present administration, as well as previous ones, have hidden much of what has been spent in Laos by funneling the mon- ey thru the Central Intelli gence Agency or using money from other funds. He, said (hat the reporting provisions of his amendment were designed: to prevent this diversion. . Sen. J. William Fulbright [D., Ark.), who voted against the amendment, said . that while- he was in favor of it in principle, he ..1t,ias not *con- vinced that the administration would abide by either the ceil- ing or the spirit of the report- ing provisions. ? The Foreign Relations Com- nittee Chairman noted that last year Congress passed tile Co op er -Church amendment which banned the use of Amer- ican money to -introduce troops the - military procure ment au- ? thorization bill, altered his amendment to raise the ceiling from $200 million and exempt the cost, of air s' trikes in north- ern Laos front the ceiling in addition to air strikes against ;the Ho Chi Minh trail. Matches Planned Spending The change brought the ceil- ing in line with :what the ad- ministratioii. had asked for in military spending in Laos. for this fiscal year and won foe the hmendment the support of Sell. John C. Stennis [D., Miss.], chairman of the Senate Armed Services Comnaittee and floor manager of the $21 military procurement bill. ? In agreeing to the ? change, Symington said: "I believe the prineiple in the long run is more important than the amount of the ceiling." He was referring to. the prin- ciple . of congreSsional control. over the Amount of American military spending in Laos-, control which he barged was herotofore been lacking with- out Congress or the public be- ing aware ? of exactly how Much this country has been :spending there. - Costs Disputed lie charged that altho the Nixon administration has said it only planned to spend $221 million for military assistance to If,aos in this fiscal year, the ? from another country into Laos or Cambodia, but Fulbright contended that the. administra- Hon got around this by paying Tahi mercenaries to fight in 1. Laos .and describing them as j "native Laotians.", - The Senate is in its third ; week of debate cni the military procurement bill and a final .vote is eXpectod Wednesday. Following the vote, the bill will go to a House-Senate confer- ence. ? committee to ? give the House. the opportunity to ex- press itself on the Symington amendment. actual fi ORtigUrit is? LA1?120-111111E161k He said thittplv yr Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100150001-7 of air strikes in northern Laos, . ? ? STATINTL sTAR STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/053101: t114-RDP80-01601 \\\ - 4 \ \I r)l; II - Th Senate, disturbed by CIA meat, if enacted, would preveni involvement in a guerrilla war, a major U.S. escalation of the has voted to clamp a 11c1 on the wax. And it represents the first steadily increasing cost of de- fending Laos. .attempt by Congress to control ? In a corn promise worked out. the CIA's role in the eonfliet?a between the Nixon ?admini.stra- role that nc-,v has boon .acknowl- flop ' and Son. Stuart Symington, edged by the administration. 3)-Mo., members voted, 67 to 13, The CIA-directed guerrilla yesterday to impose a :MO . almv in L m aos cqudes Lao ir- lion coiling on U.S. support foil .-- allied forces fightingn L?aos ? regulars and "volunteers" from including paramilitary troops ,neighboring Thailand. who are trained, paid, fed. ? Symington said enring the de- clothed, a.dvisedaand supported bate that many of the `I'hai vol- by the Central intelligence. An . unteers are professional soldiers ency. The admepdment, a ri ( m K der t') fic U'. Thai army. Re said the of supporting them is 25 the .:21 military procure.. cost meat bill, does not affect U.S. percent higher than the entire air support for Lacs, which costs] U.S. outlay for the Royal Lao .abol.it $140 million aural ally. Ner I ? army, the regular ferce that is does it restrict the bombing of I the Ho Chi Minh Tvail Viat leads suopertet:1 under the official U.S, through Laos into Scaith Viet- military assistance program hut nam. that has not proved effective in resisting the North Vietnamese Would :Ban Escalation and Pallet Lao rebels. The administration decided American ground troops have, not to figlit the restriction since been barred from fighting in $3ii0 mi1lic i apparently was all it Laos sine e 191A by act. of Con planned to spend anyway. gross. But there has been con- But the Symington amend- cern that the growing :U.S. aid prograinand CIA ? involvement?which has in- creased American costs 20-fold in the last nine years--could es- calate into a Victruim-hke war. ? CIA Role Unveiled The CIA expanses, like most of the other 'appropriations for the agency, normally are disguised by hiding the outlays in padded appropriations for other agen- cies. The Symington amendment recognizes the CIA's involve- ment in Laos for the first time. ,Sen. J. William Fulbright, 3)-Ark., warned however, that the amendment may be used by the achninistration in the future: as evidence: that Congress was authorizing the CIA to continue. its work. -? . Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100150001-7 S 15'162 STATINTL Approved Fof(Preceige4-40Oti,iO3I04(4;i9A---atiPtiV01601R00 Mr. ALLOTT. Now, Mr. President, ?I am ready, if the distinguished Senator from Mississippi, the chairman of. the Committee, is ready, and I am perfectly willing to ask for a quorum call to be taken out of both sides. I want to be sure that .we have a recorded vote on this matter, and when we have enough Senators in the Chamber, we can ask for yeas and nays. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The yeas and nays have previously been ordered. ?? Mr. ALLOTT. If they have been or- dered, Mr. President,. I think we should have a short quorum call. I suggest the a.bsenceof a quorum. . The PRESIDIN Cr OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. ? The legislative 'clerk proceeded 'to call .? the roll. ? Mr. ALLOTT. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the ..order for the quorum call be rescinded. - 'The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is. so ordered., - Mr. ALLOTT. If it is agreeable to the chairman of the committee, the man- ager of the bill, I am willing to yield back the remainder of my time, if he is Willing to yield back his, end we can then proceed, the -yeas and nays having been ordered, to vote on amendment No. 430. -:. Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, if there no one who wishes time, I am ready to yield back the remainder of my time. Mr. ALLOTT. I yield back the re- mainder of my time. The PRESIDING OF.PICER (Mr. DITNT- sEN ) All remaining time having been yielded back, the question is on agreez lug to the amendment No. 430 of the Senator from: Colorado, as modified. On this question, the yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call - the roll. ? The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. I announce that the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. Hu-a- pical); the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. Elyria), the Senator from Idaho (Mr. Cn?ue.en), the Senator from Missouri (Mr. EAoLin:orz); the Senator from Mis- sissippi, (Mr. EASTLAND) , the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAvni.), the Senator from Michigan (Mr. HART), the Senator from Indiana (Mr. HARTHE), the Sen- ator from South Carolina (Mr. Hoe- LINOS), the Senator from Minnesota (Mr. HummiREy), the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. Lorca), the' Senator from n Washing- ton (Mr. MAGNUSON) , the Senator from Minnesota (Mr. lk..lioneALE), the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. RrincopT), the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. Mc- INTYRE) , the Senator from Alabama (Mr. SrAludimAN), and the Senator from Nevada (Mr. CANS-on) are necessarily ab- sent. ? I also announce that the Senator from Wyoming (Mr. Meau), the Senator' from New Mexico (Mr. MONTOYA) , and the Senator from Georgia (Mr. TAT.- milecie) are absent on official business. I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from North 'Dakota (Mr. )iiui-1mm), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAVEL), the Senator from Washington (Mr. MAGyoson), the Sen- ator from Wyoming (Mr, MeGEE), the Senator, from Connecticut (Mr. MEI- . coer), the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. McINTyash the Senator from In- diana (Mr. HARTKE), the Senator from Minnesota (Mr. Iiim,ranny), and the Senator from .New Mexico (Mr. MON- TOYA) would each. vote "yea." ? Mr. SCOTT. I announce that the Sen- ator from Utah (Mr. ThameTT) is absent on official business. The Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. Ilemino:,7), the Senator from New Hamp- shire (Mr. COTTON) , the Senator from Kansas (Mr. DoLE), the Senator 'from Michigan (Mr. GRIFFIN), the Senator from New York (Mr. JAvrrs), the Sen- ator from Illinois (Mr. Fancy), and the Senator from Texas (Mr. TOwER) are. ricceszarily absent. ? The Senator from South Dakota (Mr. Murrar) is absent became of illness. The .Senator from Tennessee (Mr. BRom), and the Senator from Con- necticut (Mr. WEroxua) are detained on official business. If present. and voting, the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. )iriocE), the Sen- ator from Kansas (.Mr. DoLE), the Sen- ator from New York (Mr. JAvrTs), the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Piamy), and the Senator from Texas (Mr. TowER) would each vote "yea." The result was announced?yeas 65, nays 4, as follows: . . [No. 247 Leg. YEAS---05 Fannin , Nelson Fong Pac:twood Gambrel! Pastore Goldwater Pearson Gurney Pell Hansen Proxmire Harris Randolph . Roth Saxbc Schwoiker . Seott Spong, Stafford . Stennis Stevens Symington ' Taft Thurmond 'Burnley - Williams Young Aiken Allen Allott ? Anderson Palter Beall Bentsen Bible Boeirs Brooke Ducl:lc.y - Byrd, Va. Case Chiles Cook Cooper Cranston Curtis Dominick Ellender Ervin Fulbright Kennedy Bell mon Bennett Brock. Burdick Byrd, W. Va. Cannon Church Cotton Dole Eagleton Eastland Hatfield - Hruska Hughes Inouye Jackson Jordan, N.C. Jordan, Idaho Mansfield Mathias McClellan McGovern Metcalf Miller Moss Muskie NAYS--4 Smith Steven .5011 NOT VOTING-31 Gravel Griffin Hart Hartke Hoilirmgs Humphrey JavIts- Long - Magnuson McGee McIntyre Mondale Montoya Mundt Percy Rib icoff Sparkman Talmadge Tower \Volcker SO MB. ALLOTT'S amendment (NO. 430) was agreed to. Mr. DOLE subsequently said: Mr. President, thiS morning I was unavoid- ably detained in returning to Washington from Kansas end narrowly missed the rollcall on the amendment sponsored by the distinguished senior Senator from Colorado (Mr. ALLOTT) Had I been present it would have been my privilege to join with the overwhelming majority of my colleagues in approving the Senator from Colorado's proposal to provide sub- stantial pay increases to members of the armed services. Having voted in favor of the ? earlier, Senai E.B.S1011 pay increase, 1 was gratified that Senate approval of this measure was achieved today. It is important to keep in mind that raising military pay scales is a matter of high national priority for two very crude reasons. First, by inn-easing the pay of our men and women in uniform we fulfill an obligation to recognize and reward the contributions they are making to the maintenance of onr national defense. In many eases their pay is woefully inade- quate and totally unjustified in terms of the responsibilities they bear and the obligations they one to themselves and their families. And second, by putting Military pay in closer competition with STATINTL civilian wages we take a significant step toward ending the draft and creating an all-volunteer military force. For, only by making a military career attractive and secure monetarily, can we hope to draw to it the type of individuals needled to fulfill the requirements; of modern na- tional defense, I commend the Senator from Colorado for his leadership in seeking to upgrade the pay scales of the Arinecl Forces and for Ins longstanding concern and devo- tion to .the men and women who v.,e.ar 'the 'uniform of the- United States so proudly and with such great distinction to themselves and their Nation. ORDER. FOR STAR PRINT OF S. 2020 Mr. MOSS. Mr. Pr esident, I ask unani- mous consent that a star print be ordered for S. 2620, the East-West Trade Ex- change Act of 1971, introduced by the Senator from Washington (Mr. MAordru- sox) on Thursday, September 30, 1971. Due to an inadvertence, an incorrect text was attached when the bill was intro-. dueed for referral. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. BriNTsEN). Without objection, it is so h...ohcleur od. MILITARY PROCUREMENT AU- - -THORIZATIONS, 1972. The Senate continued with the con- sideration of the bill (H.R.. 66E:7) to au- thorize appropriations during the fiscal year 1972 for procurement of . aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat vehicles, torpedoes, and other weapons, ' and research, development, test, - and evaluation for the Armed Forces, and to prescribe the authorized personnel strength of the Selected Reserve of each ..Reserve component of- the Armed Forces, 'and for other purposes. AMF1NDMENT NO. 434 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. STEVENSON) . Pursuant to . the previous order, the Senate will now proceed to the consideration of amendment No. 434 by. .the Senator from Missouri (Mr. SYILING- ' TON) , Which the clerk will report. The assistant legislative clerk read as follows: The Senator from Misouri (Mr.. SY:?.YING- TON) proposes amendment No. 4:34 as fol- lows: At the end of the hill add a new section as follows: "Slvc. 505. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no funds authorized to be Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100150001-7