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Document Release Date: 
November 17, 2000
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Publication Date: 
July 12, 1971
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d.fprr, .Release 2001/03/04: ($ LDIRID-01601 R FREE PRESS DETROIT, lvlrcH. - ..s rI - 530,2bt4 - 578 254 WW "e,} i , I fl F S k 000. THE CENTRAL Intelligence Agency, it is reported from Washington, has warned President Nixon that the Vietcong's peace proposal, presented in Paris last month, was designed to embarrass the President and encourage the opponents of South Vietnam's President Thicu. Ali so. Thanks to the analytical brilliance 1 of the. CIA., we can now see the report for what'fLis A diabolical. scheme to make Mr. Nixon stick to his promise. The President's promise was that Y.J.S. troops were staying in Vietnam only until all U.S. prisoners of war were released and until the South Vietnamese had a "reasona- ble chance"'of defending thciriselves. So the Vietcong proposed that U.S. with- drawal and the release of prisoners be si- "lie only coinInitted slaughter; you committed indisciretion.,, rp U F1, a . C- :, tic" rniiltaneous, and that the U.S. "cease back- ing-the bellicose group headed by Nguyen Van Thicu at present in office in Saigon, 'and stop all maneuvers, including tricks on elections, aimed at maintaining the puppet Nguyen Van Thicu." Considering that the administration in- sists that it's. playing no favorites in the October elections in Vietnam, that it has never played favorites, Mr. Nixon has inet that Vietcong demand. And snore than once the President has- told us that the Saigon government has a reasonable chance. After the invasion of Cambodia last year, he said the Vietnamese army "can hack it." After the invasion of Laos lie announced that- "Vietnamization has succeeded." What we fail to understand, then, is why the best- response that Ambassador David Bruce could make at Thursday's session of the Paris peace talks was a request for a "restricted session." All the meetings are restricted in that they are closed to outsid- ers. What Mr. Bruce wanted, lie said, was a forum without the need to make public statements, "except to the degree we mu- tually agree upon." Since no one is required to make a public statement, the proposal amounted to a re- quest that the Vietcong and the North Vi- etnaine~e don't say anything. As such, it is nothing more than a stalling tactic. Mr. Nixon needs it. The President, we imagine, is not.spe'nd.. ing his vacation at Sal) Clemente chasing golf balls or watching sunsets. He was, already undet heavy pressure from the American public to end our involvement in this disastrous war. The disclosure-s of the Pentagon papers increased the pressure. And now the Vietcong proposal. Mr. Nixon, we imagine, is worrying hard. I-low can he get off the hook? With iio io v of course. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP8O-01601 R000300360093-1