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?I 1313-Ci72.
Approved For Release 2006/08/16 : Clgke912019:01
PErirlY Mrtwoun
Miss Lernoux is South American correspondent in Bogotd
for Copley News Service. .
. Dogoid
Within the comfortably middle-class headquarters of the
Chilean Communist Party, one is easily lulled into the
belief that, yes, a bloodless revolution is possible. Well-
dressed companeros hurry to and fro, carrying black
attache 'eases, and you think, this is just like Italy. No
beards or khaki here: these are sophisticated lawyers
..and economists who 'speak English, French or Spanish
with equal fluency. Maybe Salvador Allende has a point
when be says that the Andes are not the Sierra Maestra.
. Yet anyone can see the storm clouds gathering. Chile-
.ans of all. classes are armed and organized into "self-
defensive" vigilante cominittees, .and former friends who
Used to enjoy politicalarguments will no longer sit -down
I& the same dinner ?table. "We've saved this food for
the bad days," said a Santiago ? housewife, opening a
well-sfocked freezer. "There will come a time .when my
maid asks for payment in food, not money." Even Presi-
dent Allende has begun to admit the possibility of civil
war. ?
Allende has brought Chile a long way on the road to
socialism in the two year's since he was elected Presi-
dent, bu the disaffected Left insists the pace has been
much too slow, that Allende has ? only been playing at
revolution. "Changing economic systems is like changing
a company's business management," explained a Mary-
knoll priest from the United States. "There are bound
to be some difficult adjustments and a lot of snafus in
the beginning. But much of this talk about civil war is
just that?talk."
The Chilean press is certainly waging verbal warfare.
If One believes .the Communist El Siglo, the local oli-
garchy is planning to assassinate Allende, while such
opposition papers as Segunda headline the slightest
incident as further proof that the Left is about to put
the conntry to sword and fire. Yet, during the recent
.twenty-six-day strike which paralyzed transportation and
much of the country's commerce, both the Chilean peo-
ple and the armed forces showed considerable restraint.
Had such a prolonged strike taken place anywhere else
in South America, it is probable that the government
would haVe fallen and that the list of casualties (four
deaths) would have been much longer. Even at the.,
Ti?T c-rbetThol
height. of the strike, which' was supported by 'all five
opposition parties, pro- and anti-government demonstra-
tions .had more the air of a carnival than of a serious
class confrontation. Unlike ? Colombia or Ecuador, for
example, where the mobs mean business, Chileans
demonstrate by dancing in the streets.
A class struggle is taking place, of course, but it. is
. a peculiarly Chilean one. Allende, the hemisphere's first
elected 'Marxist President, has kept his . promise to re-
spect congress, the judiciary and a free press. The op-
position and the 'Right may complain about expropriation
of industries and farmlands, but there were laws, some
dating back to 1932, to authorize such take-overs. ?
In the View of his enemies, Allende's chief Sin has been
his failure to live up to a supposed gentlemen's agree-
ment not to change the rules of the game in Chile, The
way they tell it, the Chilean congress, which is con-
trolled by the opposition, never would have confirmed
Allende in. 1970 if it had known what was going to
happen. (Under the constitution, congress must confirm
the winner of a Presidential race if he has not received'
a majority of the votes. Allende won 36.3 per cent in
the three-way race.) There must have been a lot of
wishful thinking at the time because Allende's platform
described exactly how he intended to socialize Chile.
In attempting to redistribute income?, Allende
naturally has awakened class hostilities, No group ever
willingly gives up its property and privileges to the have-'
nots. In Chile that goes for the illiterate peasant who
owns 6 acres of land and for the. corner butcher, as well.
as for members of Santiago's golf club. Chile's middle
class, variously estimated between 15 and 40 per tent
of the population, depending on the politics of your in-
formant, already knows it will be the first casualty of
the revolution. But despite the vigilante committee and
talk of civil war, the class struggle in Chile has not yet
progressed beyond a debate over *economics. Members
of the militant Movement of the Revolutionary Left
? (MIR), which harbors disgruntled refugees from all of
Chile's left-wing parties, give Allende's administration
fair Marks for trying to improve the lot of the poor.
Now the laborer has a little money to buy a few con-
sumer goods when they are available, say the Miristas.
However, MIR sympathizers are as scathing as the Right
in Their comments on Allende's management of the econ-
omy. And it is in the most awful Mess.
Allende, who was elected by a six-party coalition
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Common people's common foe
The word "Kennecott" is a touchstone of the common
interests of U.S. and Chilean workers, for Kennecott is
their common enemy. Kennecott exploits Chilean and U.S.
copper miners and ? through its ownership of Peabody
Coal ? U.S. coal miners as well. ?
The name "Herbert Klein" is another touchstone of
the common interests of U.S. workers and Chilean work-
ers. Klein, head of the President's Council of Economic
Advisers, is one of Nixon's chief economic hatchetmen.
He is the same Herbert Klein who a year ago, following a
jet-propelled tour of Latin America, called in Washington
for the overthrow of the Allende government. He meant
what he said. Two days after his call, the CIA-inspired
"march of the pots" erupted in Santiago to provide a "pop-
ular" cover for the attempt to destroy the Allende govern-
ment. "
The common interests of the U.S. workers and the
workers and peasants in the developing countries go be-
yond the specific rapacity and putschism of ITT or Kenne-
cott. The common enemy is monopoly capitalism, imper-
ialism. The united strength of the enemy should be con-
fronted by the common action of the American workers
and the peoples of the developing countries, all exploited
and oppressed by U.S. imperialism. The place to begin is
by supporting the right of the Chilean people to dispose of
their own wealth, to organize their life as they see fit, to
free themselves from imperialist exploitation, and to
elect their own government.
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Approved For Release 2000/C184fg ?V*RDP80-01601R00841301261X1.01-2
U.S* stateimonopol-Lot5 en-peed.
President Salvador Allende Gossens made a notable
contribution to the defense of Chile and, by extension, of all
Latin America in his speech at the United Nations. His ad-
dress was also a major blow in the world anti-imperialist
struggle, inscribing in ineradicable lines the exploitive and
repressive nature of U.S. and world imperialism.
Exposed to .world view by Allende, International Tel-
ephone and Telegraph and Kennecott Copper denied every-
thing. U.S. Ambassador George Bush, the Wall Street
Journal, and the pro-imperialist Spanish-language daily,
El Diario of New York, rushed to the defense of imperial-
Bush hurriedly called a news conference to proclaim
to the world: "We don't think of ourselves as imperialists."
The Wall Street Journal complained yesterday that
Allende had offered a "new definition of the word 'it-riper-
ialism.' " It did not say whether. it liked the old definition
? by Lenin ? or some other definition any better. El Dia-
rio aligned itself with the boss man, adding anti-Soviet and
anti-Cuban slander to spice the dish which Bush had pre-
Understandably, none of them mentioned the dirty
words, IT&T or Kennecott. They were well advised to
stick to the high-minded road. Actually. it was not Allende
on Monday, but Jack Anderson. Washington syndicated
columnist. last March who bared the documents showing
that IT&T and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency had
plotted to stop the election of Allende in the fall of 1970.
The plotters approached select members of Chile's armed
forces to incite an uprising. They caused the assassination
of Gen. Rene Schneider, army chief of staff, who stood in
their way.
The evidence which Allende presented is irrefutable.
The Export-Import Bank, the World Bank, the Inter-Amer-
ican Development Bari:, the U.S. Agency for International
Development ? all U.S.-dominated ? as well as the pri-
vate banks in the U.S. and Western Europe are engaged in
a concerted effort to strangle Chile economically by cut-
ting off financial credit. Kennecott has undertaken a world-
wide effort to prevent Chile from selling copper, its chief
export product. abroad.
By October 1971. IT&T had worked out, and forwarded
to the White House. the total program of economic ag-
gression which is now being pressed. The aim was to cre-
ate "economic chaos" which would convince the armed
forces to "step in and restore order." as IT&T put it.
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Approved For Release 2000/010,6y:
19 OCT 1372
World front vs. monopolists
The crisis developing in Chile is the direct result of
the attempt of U.S. monopoly capital to destroy the
Allende government. This was initiated two years ago by
International Telephone and Telegraph Company and the
CIA, which attempted to prevent Salvador Allende Gos-
sens from taking office as elected president. The present
phase was incited by Kennecott Copper Corporation. In the
field of international finance, the U.S.-controlled World
Bank has barred loans to Chile at Kennecott's behest.
The ramifications of the struggle are worldwide. Peru,.
Zambia and Zaire have joined Chile in calling an extraor-
dinary conference of the Inter-governmental Council of
Copper Exporting Countries in Santiago, Chile, next month.
Eight Latin American nations, in a statement to the Uni-
ted Nations Conference on Trade and Development, have
united in support of Chile's right to "freely dispose of its
natural resources."
French and Netherlands longshoremen, in Le Havre
and Rotterdam, have refused to unload a shipload of Chil-
ean copper which Kennecott is attempting to seize through
the French and Netherlands courts. The instructions of the
Dutch Transport Workers Union to the longshoremen of
Rotterdam was to "follow the example of the dock workers
of Le Havre who said they would not touch the tainted
The longshoremen's actions represent international
solidarity with the copper miners and working class of
Chile, and with the anti-imperialist course of the Allende
The developments in Chile represent, in the words of
Senator Luis Corvalan, general sec.Tetry of the Commu-
nist Party, an "escalation of sedition, a coup d'etat in the
making." The inspirers of the projected coup are ITT, Ken-
necott, reactionary circles in Chile, and the CIA. Uphold-
ing the anti-imperialist, liberation course of the Allende
government is the Chilean working class, led by the Com-
munist and Socialist parties, and the anti-imperialist and
democratic forces.
The government of Chile, in its fight to retain the
country's natural wealth for its people, in its fight to main-
tain democracy against U.S. imperialism, deserves the sup-
port of the American people whose enemy is also monopoly
capital. We urge strong protests to our Senators and Repre-
sentatives, insisting that they demand the U.S. Govern-
ment abandon its support of the ITT-Kennecott-CIA inter-
vention in Chile.
The workers of Le Havre and Rotterdam have set a
noble example of international working class solidarity
Approved ForlITOMegyit/ppltepe? i4e0otaliNIMIN#0260001 -2
ted Steelworkers union ? to emulate them.
Approved for Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000400260001-2
OCT 18 am'
E 104,849
$ -122,459
Forcing Socialism On Chile
After two years of trying to convert
(Chile to socialism by so-called "peace-
fill reform.- the regime of President
; Allende has resorted to brutal Marxist
tactics to force feed his economic for-
mula to the people. The severe hard-
ships being experienced can no longer.
. be blamed upon ?'Yankee imperialists."
The leftist government that took over
huge corporations. as inevitably hap-
pens when this type of economic revolu-
tion occurs. tannot. generate the initia-
tive to take the place of what has been
wiped out. There is widespread dissatis-
faction, resistance to further govern-
ment control. And the only way it can
,then be managed is through political
and social revolution that rules out free-
dom and democracy.
Feeling the pinch resulting - from
government takeover of the backbone of
,Chile's economic life, workers. consum-
;. ers. small business owners and profes-
sional groups are fighting against the
?advance of Allende-regime control. This
is no IA-inspired uprising, but a
gtoundswe test nrir cat---TOTri y
come of deep-rooted frustration and
: Opposition to Allende's tactics broke
ut dramatically from time to time in
e past. and portended the massive
Vement that the arbitrary leader now
m t . cope with. Housewives have
sta ed demonstrations ? against rising
prick and last August nearly all of
Chile's.136.000 stores closed for a day to
decry policies that threafen the nation's
small capitalists.
Now, there has been an extended ?
walkout of truckers and shopkeepers
who are demanding a modification of
centralized government that is stran-
gling them economically and as citizens.
Sympathy strikes have been staged by
students, physicians, civil engineers and
bank employes. Violence in the streets
has accompanied demonstrations
against such plans as a government
truck fleet that threatens private .
The nationwide sympathy strike was
declared by such groups as the Business
and Small Industry Confederation. taxi
drivers, construction men and small
independent farmers. The disruption
brought about declaration of a state of
emergency with filling stations running
out of gasoline, bakeries closing for lack
of flour.
Liberties are being trampled upon by?
the government, with Allende declaringi
?martial law. Radio stations were taken
over by the government, which is broad-
casting only propaganda. The president
of the truck owners association has
been arrested. And there have been offi-
cial threats to requisition stores which
were not re-opened.
Allende is using repressive meaSures
more suited to a state of war. this is
standard procedure for imposing strict
socialism upon a nation.
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Approved For Release 2000/Crii3Y:tAORDP80-01601R0004
1 OCT 1372
,g? iefr, 1
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With whom Chile coratent15
Two years ago the International Telephone and Tele-
graph Company prepared a program of military action to
prevent Salvador Allende Gossens from taking office as
president of Chile. Cooperating in this venture were agents
of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. and reactionary
Chilean officers. However. Allende became president.
That did not put an end to the efforts of the U.S. cor-
porations and of the CIA and of the Nixon administration
to overthrow the Allende government. Another campaign
was initiated last year. It was a folksy revolt of house-
wives. Middle-class women and wealthy women pretend-
ing to be housewives were mobilized to thump pots and
pans. and denounce Allende for the rising cost of living.
The campaign was a fraud: it was a front for the big cor-
porations, especially the U.S: companies. and local reac-
tionaries whose policies and agitation are responsible for
Chile's serious economic difficulties.
The U.S. multi-national corporations whose proper-
ties in Chile were nationalized have instigated a world-
wide campaign against the Allende government with the
backing of the Nixon administration. They are attempting
to establish an economic boycott of Chile. to wrest from
the people and the Government of Chile the constitutional
right to dispose of the nation's natural resources.
Kennecott Copper has takCn the lead in the latest at-
tack. getting a French court to order the seizure of a ship-
ment of Chilean copper to a French concern. This concern.
a cartel of French fabricators, is the only customer for
foreign copper in France: copper is Chile's chief export
As part of the campaign the U.S.-dominated World
Bank has refused to grant Chile any loans, alleging that
Chile is involved in a dispute with another member country.
That is false. There is no dispute between Chile and the
U.S.. legally or officially. There is a dispute with a mono-
polist corporation ? Kennecott ? which seeks to restore
its imperialist exploitation of Chile.
Beyond the seizure of exported Chilean copper. or the
attempted worldwide boycott. or the denial of loans is U.S.
imperialism's attempt to destroy the Allende government
by counter-revolution. That is one facet of monopoly cap-
italism's determination to crush the anti-imperialist move-
ment throughout Latin America.
The Republican Party has expressed that outlook
clearly in its election platform. with Cuba as the immedi-
ate target. Its search for support of counterrevolution in
Cuba. in whose Preparation the CIA never rests. is typical
of the. Nixon Administration's policy with respect to all of
? Latin America.
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Approved For Release 2a001118116 t1AAN566-01601
...Editor's Note: The Cuban people are fed a
particular image of the United States by some
gifted political propagandists. After a month on
Castro's island, correspondent Wallach pro-
?vides an inside look at the anti-American bar-
rage in this, the seventh of 12 exclusive _alai-.
-News American Washington Bureau
A machine gunner pops out of the multi-
tiered wedding cake at Luc' Baines Johnson's
nuptials and mows down the White House
...guests. Nazi firing squads .punctuate every
: clause of Martin. Luther: -King's "I have A
-Dream" speech with. a %;olley of rifle shots.
A bad dream?'" Someone's perverse hallu-
tmapons. No,ihey are scenes from "LT3J,"
rent "don'inentary" ? directed by one of the
world's best camermen and :most powerful
political propagandists, Santiago Alvarez. His
newsreels are screened in schools, on television
and often preceding the main feature in almost
every commercial theater in Havana.
"LBJ" alleges that the murders of ? Presi-
dent John F...I