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sAN FRANAraroxivi for Release 2001/03/
E - 208,023
S - 648,231
OCT 24
op -
-11 II IL) (z 0
WASHINGTON ? (LDE) ? She is, even by
? the . standards _ of the late Jan Fleming, a most
, beautiful spy.
Her story is a complex one..
- Certainly, if the world has heard the last of 26
sear old Jennifer Miles, it hasn't heard the full
facts. ?
This week Jennifer Allies was named as a Cu-
ban spy and arrested by the 11-3I for her activities
in Washington. ?
- At the same time it was suggested that she
; ? had information about the Quebec terrorist organi-
zation, the FLQ, which had murdered, Pierre La-
porte and still holds British diplomat James Cross
a prisoner.
-Today she is somewhere in South Africa ?
apparently a free woman. Her interrogation by the
FBI effectively ditched her Cuban contacts One
spy ring has at leaA be-e;i'-s.lie was the bright and intel-
; Jennifer Miles grew into
tall, leggy adulthood in Kim-
berley, South Africa's hot,
:dry, diamond-mining c it y.
:She was shy but friendly, the
typical "girl next door" to
her numerous boyfriends.
She as a popular and effi-
cient secretary at a large
;Kimberley 'garage and was a
Istage-struck member of the
.local amateur theatrical
Says Goodbye
suddenly, the small ton
girl, her hair :cut urchin-style
to ? emphasize her boyish fie ,
gure, said goodbye td her
parents and friends, went to
Britain and found a job with ,
a market research company
in London.
Then, in 19(35, she sailed for
Canada and from there head-
ed for the United States
where she set out to conquer
She got a job at the South
African Embassy, and quick-
ly became "political secre-
tary," responsible for ;the is-
sue of visas to Anericans.
She threw herANP MYR
11,3W life with vigor. By day.
ligent and decorative secre-
tary ? at night she showed
up at scores of diplomatic
parties and in the Smartest
night spots.
With her scores of compan- ?
ions, she showed an inex-
haustible appetite for infor-
mation about Cuba.
Her inquiries were the
stuff_ of which espionage is
made. And Jennifer's spying
activities (her code name
was 'Mary") were exposed
when she was _photographed.
contacting the man who was
"running" her. ?
His code name in the DOI
the Cuban secret service
? was "Jo s e." His real
name Is Rogelio Rodriguez
Lopez, Counsellor of the Cu;
ban mission to the United
The "drop" to meet Jose
was a shabby bar in the As-
toria section of the New York
borough of Queens.
On Oct. 3 Jennifer rendez-
voused. at the drop with Jose.
The photograph the FBI took
of them leaving the bar led
f &II 200 / 3
\\hen s1i r1 F ui 11 e
Washington she Ithd jem ,
04: CIA-RD
shadow. The. Advice
her activities to the Shite DeL I
But . jennifCr . offered . re-
formed the South African potters , -?
embassy that she was meet- 4 '-'''loyshould direct their
ing a Cuban epy:
, questions about her activities
. !. to the chief of BOSS, the BIE:
? EMbarrassed - i, eau
of state s e'c it r it y _
The, South African embassy f South Africa's secret police.
was described as surprised, I It got a laugh. BOSS and its
I embarrassed a n d coopera- , officers has never been ,
live. ? known to answer anyone's
. .- So Was Jennifer. She ,gave (111?stIons?
lead to the expulsion of her einbassy in 1Vashington say
it knew about her activities
before she was taken by the :
FBI? Sorely no embassy .
would tolerate a junior menu-
her of their staff knowin, her
the FBI enough evidence to! Why did the South African 1
i contact and Cuba's thief spy
,o in America. .
i She told the FI31 she had
spent -four months in Cuba
!.where she had been recruited , .
- by the Directorio General du i I? be Working for metersts
- Inteligencia to spy in Wash -I, inimicable to the host state?
ington. She told the FBI she i And what was she doing in
was motivated by .ideological : Canada after she returned
; sympathy rather than money . from Cuba? That has , not
or love. ; been satisfactorily explained
, .
She also gave theme corn- either. . .
plete a c c o unt of names, , ? Cuban Role . s
dates and places of many dip- ' One thing is certain: *Cuba
lomats and , State Depart-: .
merit officials -with whom she already is playing an impor-
had had contact. Several- of itant role in African terrorist
a c ti vi t y against Rhodesia
them were "liberals" hostile ' and South Africa. Somecap-
to South African interests,
Those are the public facts. ..tured terrorists are known to
But there is another mystery; have gone to Cuba for guer7:
11- t?-? ? '
in the Jennifer story. I ,-?
Wh ' did tt C -e .,e When the revolution broke
genre Agency leak ,a- report Out an Zanzibar deeesing the).
on the events, when the FBI: ' old sultan in 1954 and allowe
, South Africa it big Communist revolutionary
had pledged
would be hushed up? -- 1 7-7 movements to gain their first
foothold off the coast of.Afri-
t Angered?,,,, ea, Cuban ad visors and,
-- Was it because, as Is 'stler:- a r in e d Cuban mercenaries
gested in Washington,' the' were sem in the forefront of
_C_L j1 was angered, not be-, the African takeover. of the.
cause the FBI had alloWed a Arab-ruled island of spicesei
Cuban .spy to escape jus-tied;se Cuban methods are being.
but. bec,seuse it permitted ae I used in Africa to drive the
South .A` ri.
frican spy to whites out and it is vital to .
home. ,- I South Africa that iLknows.:
Was, in fact, the beautiful ! what. is going. on in Castro.'si
Jennifer a double agent? : Communist island. '
Her confession to the. FBI ? Negligence,
has harmed not only the Cu- If Seuth Africa does not,
ban cause but also prominent have agents planted onthe..:
anti-South Africans inside the Cuban s, then that ? would'
American State Department sMack of :the kind of:ineffi-
ciency and negligence which.
hardly squares with the ree
cord of BOSS. -- ?
No one can pove that ..Ten-
nifer was a double agent 7-
but it's difficult to find any-
one in Washington or Jo- -;
hannesburg who docea't be-
Certainly, if she wasn't, i.
is unlikely that she could be
livitne; in South Africa out of
It could not have been'. a.11eat-
er operation if it had .been
planned., The question still
un-answered is: Was it?
When the Jennifer story
broke in South Africa report-
ers hurried to her ep aulet.
She \\7-as away but returned
Thursday with a burly Afri-
keener to pack a bag Of
She described him as her .
tilvcsfore- ro'?[:!:9$. 11L',101090 !".;:?'\:\111i-Sro
r o fn. .a _eirl who hes no . ?
? and was driven cif b.r him Afric.7.,.n fou her
Approved For Release 2000GIDMa : CIA-RDP80-
N.K9 17 ?6h
by Robert Wiedrich
? ' ?-????????? ' ?=4
o THE INSIDE SCOOP: Those who think that bearded
warrior lurking 90 miles off the Florida coast iS just a nice
guy with only his peoples' best interests
at heart should heed this: -?1777,1
After months of the type of cloak and
agger work you usually read only in
paperbacks, the CIA has reportedly
determined that Fidel Castro is operat-
ing 43 camps on his tight little island
where some 19,000 terrorists frorn.Asia,
Africa, ?,the middle': east and The
Americas are being trained in the fine
arts of subversion ana sabotage.
Just in recent weeks, the United States
has learned that some leaders of the -
Palestinian guerrillas who hijacked
international jet liners last month and
then threw King Hussein's Jordan up for grabs were graduates
of the Castro schools for terrorism.
The camps have been in existence for about two years,
financed by 600 Communist leaders from 83 countries who
attended a 1966 Tri-Continental Congress sponsored in Havana
by the Soviet Union. At that parley, the Red chieftains agreed
to finance the recruiting of terrorists from their nations with
Cuba selected as the training ground. ?
Couple this news with our disclosure some months ago
that Cuba had beco'me a vast staging area for pumping heroin
ind cocaine into the United States and it becomes obvious
Castro is indeed a most busy fellow, hardly one left with time
to worry about his peoples' best interests. It's small wonder
the S.D.S. had to lend a hand in harvesting Castro's sugar crop.
Affairs Revolutionary: In a recent issue of Rebel Youth, a
Communist youth organ published in Havana, Black Panther
defense minister Huey P. Newton made it abundantly clear
just where the Panther leadership gets some of its philosophy.
In an intervievi, Newton rattled off, the names of Castro, Che
Guevara, 110 Chi Minh, Kim Il Sung and Mao Tse 'rung, pIus
the Palestinian guerrillas, as people who had had great
influence and inspiration on the Black Panthers. And when
he was asked to define the party's ideology, Newton declared
that the Panthers had transformed successfully the ideology
of Black power, a sociologist ideology, to Marxist-Leninist
ideology. . . . FBI director J. Edgar Hoover noted in his
Fidel Castro
, ?
October message to lawmen that 561 police officers had been
slain from 1960 thru 1969. Then he added, "When a iaw
enforcement officer dies at the hands of a killer, part o'f our
system of law dies with him." Amen.
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Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-
E ? 42,661
oci 1
ckev Sent ack.
Last week Fidel Castro unex-
plainedly and unexpectedly turned
over to U.S. officials a hijacker who
had forced a TWA plane bound for
Philadelphia to fly to Havana.
There were two "firsts" in this
incident: It was the first time Cas-
tro had permitted any U.S. officials
inside Cuba, and the first time any
of 80-some Cuba-bound hijackers
had been officially returned to the
United States by Cuba.
Nobody figures Castro is setting
any precedent by this action. But,
at the same time Castro reminded
the United States a few years ago
his delegation at the United Nations
offered to negotiate agreements on
hijacking with individual countries,
whatever that means. Of course his
propaganda agencies also were .
claiming that some of the hijackers
were CIA agents.
In?Eircase, if Castro is willing
to make some type of deal, it would
be worthwhile finding out what his
terms are. This hijacking epidemic
is such a dangerous menace that any
steps which might curb it would
seem to be essential. The certainty
of prosecution would deter most
would-be hijackers.
? In this connection, what has be- ?
come of the proposal to get hijack-
ing on the United Nations agenda as
"an urgent and important matter?",
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For IMper23,99a9M: CIA-RDP80-01
1 Oct 1970
CASTriO'S While the U.S. Coast Guard is
patrolling the Eastern and Gulf
CIA coastline to prevent anti-Castro
exile groups from invading Cuba
from the U.S. mainland, the State Department and
the Central Intelligence Agency are clandestinely
aiding a Cuban exile clique in Florida, who pur-
portedly are trying to recruit and train guerrilla
fighters to invade Cuba.
This group is headed by Rolando Masferrer,
known as the "tiger" in the Batista regime in
Cuba. He once unsuccessfully tried to pull off an
invasion from Haiti. His record for treachery is
well known to the FBI, CIA, Naval Intelligence
and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Commander in chief of the alleged expedition-
ary force is Gen. Eulogio Cantillo, who delivered
the Cuban army to Castro. The project is called
the "Torriente Plan" in honor of Jose Elias De La
Torriente, former manager of the Spry Bottling
Co. in Havana, and who is now an American
citizen, reportedly working for the CIA.
Recruits for the invasion army are required to
fill out an application stating the names, addresses
and occupations of all of their relatives in Cuba.
The only person needing this information is Fidel
Castro, so be can hold them as hostages.
The CIA has been reluctant to assist this ob-
vious set-up, but has had no choice in view .of
orders from the State Department backed by
Henry Kissinger.
NOTE: As this issue goes to press, WO learns
that double agent Masferrer has been arrested
by the FBI. Hopefully, this arrest and WO's ex-
posure will stop the obvious trap.
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M ? 62,423
E ? 29,872
S ? 73,507
SEP 28 273
_7'3? 11
\Li ?1_,./.;1...a.
INTRIGUING possibilities are seen in
Thursday's action of the Cuban government
in turning over to the U. S. an American
-:Army private accused of hijacking a jetliner
to Havana last month. -
. The suspect, Robert J. Labadie, 27, is the
first accused hijacker to be handed over by
Cuban officials directly to American authori-
ties, who were allowed to fly to Havana for
,exchange of custody.
- Whether the action presage.s a change in
Cuba's policy on hijackers is not certain.
An attorney appointed to represent the pris-
oner in la U. S. Federal Court preliminary
hearing said he believes no change in Cuban,
attitude is intended. He 'explained that La-
'badie had inforined Cuban officials .he want-
red to come back to this country.
"Labadie was held under prison-like con-
ditions" by the Cubans, the attorney said his
:client explained. "Ile was not afforded good
-treatment." - ? - ,
To government authorities trying to.
read anything favorable into the action, half
'a loaf must be better than none .at all. The
iCubans, whatever their move means, depart-
!ed considerably from their confirmed prac-
:tice. If they allowad any of the earlier_ hijackers to leave Cuba the accused usually
i:.filtered back- into the 'U.S. via Canada.
--' This country has been seeking without .
7: m ark e d success to induce all nations to sur-
render airplane hijackers to the trial jurisdic-
tion of Ny ha te ver country marked the scene
of the aerial takeover. Cuba is one of the
,countries that declined to go along with the
0 0 -
???"..--??? ?
Labadie's manifest disenchantment with
the Cuban reception also might affect the
screwball thinking of some others tempted
to essay a role in continuing the wave of
hijackings to Havana. The box score now
shows 122 commercial airliners were divert-
ed to the Communist island since May 21,
Cuban security police announced List
week they had discovered agents of the
Central Intelligence Agency, posing as air-
craft hijackers. The official Cuban .news
agency Prensa.Latina said the CIA, nses the
method in efforts to `.`infiltrate the'CoUntry."
. "Cuban security force S have not -wasted.
much time in discovering- them and the 'soy
ends his adventure in jail," lila agency
, Possibility of such infiltration, of course,
has. not been lost on many observers, since
information is gathered in devious v.-a-vs hv
all governments..It is not considered tinlila-
ly that some of the Cubans v.-ho elect to
enter the U. S. on the daily "freedom air-
lift" are intellicrenc _agents of Castro's gov-
ernment, and -diet) me others are identified ,
with Russian a Red Chinese espionage
rings, -
At .that, the cal lated risks of the airlift
ma y be counter) anced by its humane. ,
We can hope at the Cubans, having -
made one conces! 1, will find additional
concessions easier. 'hat eventuality might
tip the scales tosva international deterrents
against sky piracy.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Re.eate"2' : -_DP80-016
26 SEP 1970
C.), 9
,1 9n s rennin. OA MEM
By James Nelson Go-Ascii
Latin Am erica correspondent of
The Christian Science Monitor
k break in the United States-Cuban im-
;se over skyjacking may well be in the
This is the reaction in Washington and in
arnational aviation circles as a result
the return to United States soil of an ac-
;ed skyjacker with Cuban Government
-mission. State Department authorities
re quoted as saying they "note with satis-
tion that Cuban authorities are return-
this man to the United States."
:The individual in question, Robert J.
Dadie, was brought out of Cuba Sept. 24
)ard the second of the two regular refugee
lifts from the island's Varaclero Airport
Miami. He is the first accused skyjacker
3e handed over by Cuban officials directly
American authorities.
Vhether this action marks the start of a
Approved For Release ?IRMPIR4ggJA-100040001-5
25 SEP 1970
(UPI.1---Cuban security forces
have discovered agents of the
United States Central Intel- 1
ligence Agency posing as air-
craft hijackers, the official
Cuban news agency Prensa
Latina said today.
In a dispatch from Havana, I
the agency identified most
hijackers of aircraft to Cuba as
C. I. A. operatives, disgruntled
Cuban exiles and "common
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Release 29124/9R94T:196k-RDP80-0?triki00500040001-5
2 5 SEP 1970
CUBisi 21111E1IDERS
0.1. Handed Over to Officials
- in First Such Case
? satelai o The New Yo: i T:Ittes
The Cuban Government, in the
first action. of its kind, returned
an American airplane hijacker
to the United States today.?
- Robert Labadie, an Army pri-
vate who hijacked- a jet over
Indiana on Aug. 24 and forced
it to fly to Havana with 86
passengers, was handed over to
United States officials this
The officials?a Public Health
Service doctor and a, deputy
United States marshal, both
from Miami---flew to Varaclero,
70 miles east of Havana, and
returned on one of the two
daily refugee flights that Carry
Cubans to the United States.
On arriving at Miaoi, Laba-
die, who is 27 and absent with-
out official leave from an Army
psychiatric clinic at Valley.
Force, Pa., was brought b-efore I
a United States commissioner!
for a perminary hearing.
Labadie, who was ordered
held in $500,000 bond, is un-
der Federal indictment issued
Sept. 10 by a Federal District
Court at South Bend, Ind., for
air piracy and kidnapping and
will .presumably be transferred
there to stand trial.
Robert ? J. McCloskey, the
State Department spokesman,
_said the United States had
.notedt he Cuban action with
Officials said the action had
- been unexpected ancitT hey de-
dined to predict how Cuba
Might handle future hijackings.
The officials suggested that
the Cuban Government had act-
ed on the basis of information
passed through the Swiss em-
bassy, which represents Unit-
ed States interests in Cuba.
The information dealt with the
history of Labadic's psychia-
tric disorders. The United
N a ..cicririgtOPRiasieti
in its possession about hijack-
ers for the Cuban Government's
When Labadie hijacked the
plane, a Boeing 707 of Trans
World .Airlines, h told a stew-
ardess that he was "Captain
George" and that he had a
bomb and an accomplice
Others Left Voluntarily
While noting that this was
the first time the Cubans had
directly returned an American
hijacker to the United States,
officials pointed out that Cuba
had previously permitted about
14 to return voluntarily, prin-
cipally through Canada and
Mexico. About 70 hijackers
have still not returned to the
United States from Cuba.
A report issued ? in Mexico
City by the Cuban press agency
Prensa Latina has said that
most hijackers are agents of the
Central Intelligence Agency!
whom the Cuban authorities.
quickly detected. Other hijack-
ers, Prensa. Latina said, were;
disgruntled Cuban exiles . or,
common criminals.
This was said to be the first
time the Government of Pre-
mier Fidel Castro had permit-
ted . United States officials to,
fly to Cuba on one of the;
daily refugee airlift planes.1
These have been operating'
since 1055 between Varadero
and Miami and have brought
out an averane of 3.500 Cubans
going into exile each month.
The officials noted that while -
the Cuban delegation at the
United Nations Offered last fall
to negotiate hijacking pacts
with individual countires, a
United States response to Cuba
is still under consideration
nearly a year later.
Albert L. Carricarta, a Miami
lawyer assigned to represent
Labadie by the United States
Commissioner, Ed Swan, told
reporters that Labadie had in-
formed the Cuban Authorities.
that he wanted to return to the
United States.
"He was not afforded good
treatment" Mr. Carricarta said.
"He, was held under prison-like
conditions and he wanted to
come back to get some kind of
treatment for his psychiatric
or psychological disorder." ? .
The Cuban government
agreed, the lawyer added, and
the United States informed it
two days ago through the
Swiss embassy that it would
accept Labadie.' The Swiss em-
bassy thereupon made the ?final
01/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
E ? 43,427
SEP 25 19-70--
Castro Frees a Hijacker
' Fidel Castro has permitted an
American serviceman who hijacked a
TransWorld Airliner to Cuba Aug.
24 to be returned to the United
States. His action could be a harbin-
ger of the cooperation necessary if
, air piracy is to be eliminated. The
? importance of this latest episode is
that it is the first time Cuba has re-
leased for return to the U.S. a hijack-
er as a result of direct request from
our government. Whether the hijack-
er's disenchantment with treatment
he received from the Castro govern-
ment was also a factor in the release
will have to be determined when au-
thorities complete their, interroga-
Another tiny particle of optimism
lies in the fact that American offi-
cials were permitted to pick up the
hijacker in Cuba. In previous release
cases, Castro has acted through other
governments, mainly Canada and
While it granted the release, the
Cuban government, through its con-
trolled press, could not resist some
obfuscation by charging that most
American hijackers were either spies
of the C.I.A. or common criminals.
The remarks could be only a tempo-
rary smokescreen. If there is another
hijacking and the perpetrator is
again returned under the same cir-
cumstances, then prospects for ,
change would be much brighter. Di-
rect and immediate cooperation from
nations where hijacked planes are
forced down is the genuinely logical
way to end this criminal activity. It is
to be hoped that this episode will
help engender the right atmosphere
elsewhere so that innocent people
Can travel about their business in
comfort and safety, but most of all
free of misgivings.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Release 2001/03104: CIA-RDP80-016MMAn0040001-5
SEP 1970
0 0 11 11 .
=.1 11,1 TIEACIM Irka'aisLf
Thai charter plane was hi-
jacked and forced to fly into
North Vietnam by a gunman
tentatively identified as an
American with a police rec-
ord in Arizon, Thai authori-
ties announced yesterday.
Bira Air Transport, owner
of the. single-engine Cessna
Wren, said that the hijacker
rented the plane on the pre-
text of scouting locations for
a motion picture. The
plane's pilot, Sangiem Po-
oniketkaew, said that the
American Friday pulled a
gun and forced him to fly tc
a beach between Vinh and
Donghoi in North Vietnam.
.".rhe American left behind
an American pr.ssport bear-
ing the name Bob Kesee, of
Phoenix, Ariz.
Authorities in Phoenix
said that a man with a simi-
lar name, Sgt. Bobby J. Kee-
see, had stolen a light plane
in New Mexico in January
? 1962 and flown to Cuba,
_ where he asked political asy-
? Sent back to America by
Cuban authorities, ' Keesee .
testified at a trial for auto
theft that he was. a CIA
agent and that his flight to
Cuba had been part of a
scheme to parachute two
anti-Castro guerrillas into
.that country. He was con-
victed of the charge.
(OctiTO VY
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Release 2001/0/04 : CIA-RDP8 STATINTL
ri 0 0'
L7) LI Ili 114 r;-.1
light plane was hijacked Friday
and forced to fly to North Viet-
nam by a gunman tentatively
identified as an American ex-
convict who has a way of turn-
ing up in trouble around the
Press reports said an Ameri-
can posing as a film producer in
search of locations forced the
Thai pilots of a chartered Cess-
na to land him on a beach at
Doug Hoi in North Vietnam.
The pilots, Sanglem Poomket-
kaew and Manee Aroor.sawasdi,
said Vietnamese irregulars fired
on the plane as it was taking off
on the return flight but hit it
only once, in the tail assembly.
The Bangkok Post said the hi-
jacker left a U.S. passport bear-
ing the name Bob lieSCO of
Phoenix, Ariz., in the plane.
Held in Cuban Jail
. (Authorities in Phoenix said a
man with a similar name, Sgt.
Bobby J. Keesee, an alleged de-
serter from the U.S. Army, stole
a light plane in New Mexico in
'January 1962 and flew to Cuba,
where the asked for political. asy-
(Denied asylum, he was held
for 49 days in a Cuban jail, then
returned to the United States to
face 153 criminal charges, rang-
2 0 SEP 197D ?
'sae-a 0 0
The Pilot
lug from cashing bad checks to
(Keesee was convicted of
transporting a stolen car across
state lines and served two years
in prison.. The other charges
were dropped.
(At his trial, Keesee claimed
he was a CIA agent participat-
ing in a scheme to parachute
two anti-Castro guerrillas into
Cuba. He said Cuban fighter
planes forcedllim to land in that,
Named as Hijacker
(Last June, Keesee was one of
53 persons held captive in a ho-
tel in Amman, Jordan, by Arab
guerrillas demanding army re-
(His brother, Ike, of Phoenix,
id he has not heard from Bob-
y since May, when Bobby said
he was going to take a flying job
in Alaska. Ike Keesee said his
brother served 15 years in the
army and was -wounded in Ko-
country. An employe of the Manorah
Hotel said said a "fat, short man
with a crew cut" who gave his
name as Bob Kesee arrived in
Bangkok by plane from Manila
Aug. 31 and registered at the
hotel Sept. 2, giving his age as 35
and his occupation as "pilot."
Leaves Personal Effects
The hotel employe said the
man left Monday, telling the
desk clerk he was going to Hong
Kong but would return to Bang-
kok in a 'few days. He left a
large black leather bag contain-
ing cosmetics and several novels
in his room.
A spokesman for Bira ? Air
Transport Ltd., which owns the
Cessna, told The Post the hijack-
er chartered the plane in ilbon
Friday, saying ho was a produc-
er desiring to scout locations for
a film about Thailand and said
he would be using the plane for
several days.
The pilots said their passenger
produced a revolver about 20
minutes after taking off from
Ubon at 9 a.m. and ordered
them to fly, across Laos to North
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bTi . I9TO
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EN. STEPHEN M. YOUNG, D-Ohio, was talking about a
"plane that was hijacked to Cuba and grumbling. aout how, no
Swiss Embassy official appeared to tell Americans that any
attention was being given to their situation. Then he said this:
:"This points up the grave blunder President Eisenhower made
closing our Embassy in Havana. We lost a listening post there.
We are dependent on the Swiss Embassy to serve American
Interests. They have failed us. Now, after 12.years, Fidel Castro
seems more entrenched in power than ever. We have Embas-
sies in numerous Communist countries. We should resume di-
plomatic relations. A listening post in Cuba would he important
to us. Surely, a Cuban ambassador and staff in Washington
could not endanger us. We would gain by an ambassador with
his staff, including the usual CIA agents, on the spot in Hav-
ana." Well, that's certainly spelling it out.
_ . . _ .
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i*SiiigU;I:Pli STAR
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Magazine Claims
Increased Soviet
Activity in Cuba
NEW YORK (AP) ? Ameri-
can intelligence analysts are
growing more concerned about
Soviet activity in Cuba, Time
magazine says.
In its current issue, Time re-
ports that the United States has
increased surveillance flights by
U2 aircraft and satellites to one
a daY, the highest number since
the missile crisis of 1962.
The weekly news magazine
says that since April, Soviet
TU95 bombers have made six
flights to Havana, probably on
reconnaissance missions and to
deliver military supplies.
"The flights may also be an
effort to test the U.S. response;
since there was no reaction fol-
lowing the first two flights in
April, four more followed," the
magazine says.
"Three or four Soviet aircraft
are now appearing on U.S. main-
land radar screens every 24
hours, the largest number
ever," Time says, adding there
have been reports of Soviet Ko-
mar-class missile boats off Key
Biscayne, Fla. The boats were
"outside the 12-mile internation-
al limit, but well within their
missiles' 15-mile range of the
Florida white House," Timel
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18 July 1970
0 lenDs tUcint U.S. ilellp
On April 17 (the anniversary of the
1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco) the Cuban exile
military organization Alpha-66 landed
13 commandos on the east coast of Cuba.
They allegedly were captured, but if so
only after Fidel Castro threw an esti-
mated 25,000 troops into the fray. Cas-
tro lost several men as well.
Then on May 6,Alpha-66 "naval units"
sank, in Cuban waters, two of Castro's
high-seas fishing trawlers (used, as well,
for spying and infiltrating guerrillas into
Latin America).
These two actions set off a chain of
events in Washington that would have
done credit
ministrations. With Castro massing his
mobs for a circus of protest, the State
Department hit the panic button and on
May 13 called together representatives
of federal law enforcement agencies to
figure out ways to protect Castro from
further forays of this nature.
What really teed-off the State Depart-
ment was a momentary aberration by
Alpha-66 to trade 11 crew members of
the fishing vessels for the freedom of
survivors of the April 17 landing. They
soon thought better of it and sent a tele-
gram to the Red Cross giving the loca-
tion of the men and asking that they be
returned to Cuba.
'CIA Invasion' .
Meanwhile, Castro staged a''clemon-
stration in front of the former U.S. Em-
bassy in Havana, which is now being
'used by the Swiss government. He charged the Swiss, who regresent U.S.
4 /1nterests in Cuba, with complicity in
what he called a "CIA invasion" by
Two Swiss employes were pre- '
vented from leaving the embassy for
two dais. Thr strategy was to mount
Ssiss pre?,sitre on Washington to-
track down on the Cuban exiles._tt
? morketi, obviously, and the State
'Devartment again danced to a Cas-- ?
(ro tune.
The demonstration was also used to
Greater attention was given to files
"welcome" the returning fishermen,, containing the names of contributors.
who were soon to land at the airport in,
These held special interest because the
Havana. But the fishermen were late'
wording in the warrant found "financial
in arriving.
.contributions and disbursements to oh..
'leave his island in small boats), -they ?
'found them literally in rags.
Shoes were patched with palm bark;
shirts and trousers were in tatters. ?So,
before setting them free, Alpha-66 pro-
vided the men with shoes and new cloth-
ing. When the men arrived at the airport.
in Havana, they were divested of their
new goodies and forced to don old worn
clothing. Some, we are told, protested
The bearded dictator took, the oc-
casion of the "welcome" extended the
fishermen to announce that the 10-mil-
lion-ton sugar harvest was a failure.
Despite closing down factories, schools
and offices 'and marching the people
out to the fides, the harvest on which
Paul D. Bethel, .1 prmer U.S. Foreign Service
Officer, serves as 4.-xerririve director of the Citizens
Committee for a Free ('uba. A contributing editor
of Human Events., Mr. Bethel has also written on
Latin America for the Reporter, National Review,
the Hearst Headlino Service and United Features they nappy .to see their contributions go
down the drain when overzealous fccleral
s t.
Can the State Department be
serious? If this section of the law
were applied impartially, how many
Jews would today be under indict-
ment for openly soliciting funds for
the purchase of bellicose materials
for a foreign nation?Israel?
How many senators and congressmen
would today have egg on their faces
for participating in fund-raising func-
tions, publicly organized and propagan-
dized, for that very purpose? That is how
the Cuban community sees the matter.
This author has no particular objec-
tion to fund-raising by Jewish groups in
the United States. Cuban exiles certainly
do not. Indeed Cuban Jews in exile have
contributed substantially to Israel's war
chest. They are furious when they, as
Cubans, try to do the same for the libera-
tion of their country, only to find adouble
standard raised against them. Nor are
Castro had placed "the honor cif the officials seize equipment belonging to
? Back in Miami, federal agents acting , groups called to his office, the repre-
on State Department interpretation of sentative stressed that "the spirit as
antiquated neutrality laws entered Alpha-? well as the law" will be upheld. He is:
? 66 headquarters. The search warrant ' ?
! alleged that there was evidence that
s 1) ,Alpha-66 had launched its attacks
from U.S. territory; 2) Cubans were.
? raising funds for bellicose pur-
poses; and 3) all of this was being done
to attack a nation with which the U.S
is "at peace, to wit: Cuba."
II Revolution" failed to materialize (in exile groups.
.1952, 350,000 guajiros cut and ground
But what blew it for Miami's 350,-
7.3 million tons in 100 days; Castro has
000 Cubans was an "edict" read to them?
had twice that many working and pro- 000
the hapless State Department repre-
sentative in Miami.
. days).
According to the heads of exile action'
said to have told them that fund-raising'
for a bellicose purpose is definitely out-,
side the law and warned them not only
would they be prosecuted should they
launch an attack from the U.S., but
would also be stopped from using an-
other Latin American country for that
Of the 37 items impounded, those of
military significance were "one.. large
carton filled with military-type web military-type field
pack...and one large cardboard carton
filled with plastic military-type can-
teens." With such evidence, Army-
Navy surplus stores could be indicted.
They were late due to an unforeseen
need to change clothing. When Alpha-
66 rcscued the crews from the sinking
vessels (turn
have had the iediamphidsla.pirsspiap
'as Well :is ordered
the shooting of thousands. seeking . to
tam n boats and other supplies" possibly
prosecutable. , .
ase 2001/03/04: 80-016FaclePtidteliati4
The exact wording in the instructionsj
from the State Department reads: "We
would like to make it clear that if therei
is sufficient evidence of activity basedi
in the U.S. for any such military expe
dition, then the fact that a third country'
is used as a staging area would not pre-
elude the U.S. from proceeding to en-
force its laws."
: When the story of State Department
policy hit the streets, the Cubans ex-
? ploded. Cuban students from the Uni-
versity of Miami and Dade Junior Col-
lege (Dade's 20,000 students comprise'
8,000 Cuban students) marched on the .
?flan lawyers;
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01
WEEKLY - 6,130
ook On Commtnist Threat
Syracuse, N. Y.
To the Editor:
. A remarkable book on the
Castro-Communist threat to
our country has just been
issued in paperback by Twin
Circle Publishing Co., of New
York City. It is entitled
"American Policy Failures in
Cuba" with the subtitle "Drag-
ger in the Heart."
Its author, the renowned
Latin American lawyer, Dr.
Mario Lazo, was imprisoned in
Cuba at the time of the Bay
of Pigs and threatened with
execution. His life was saved
by his wife, who also helped
him escape to the United
States. Then, with the col-
laboration of ten former Amer--
:an Ambassadors, two direc-
tors and two deputy directors
of the CIA, and 14 U. S. Ad-
mirals and Generals, he de-
voted seven years to research-
ing and writing his dramatic
: story. The completely docu-
- mented book abounds with in-
formation never before pub-
lished. For the first time, the
real truth is told about how
and why Cuba was lost to
Communism, and while pin-
pointing the blame for Cas-
tro's ascension to power, the
book reveals that there had
? been several democratic alter-
? natives to Castro. Dr. Laze has
given a revealing account of
the Castro era, and of U. S.
policies that have given world
Communism a staging plat-
form of fearful military and
subvesive power in the Carib-
bean?a dagger pointed at
the heart of America.
Dr. Laze recreates the Bay of
Pigs invasion and the Cuban
missile crisis; he reveals why
the invasion failed, and why
the missile crisis ended by
guaranteeing Castro a pro-
tected sanctuary in the Carib-
bean. Dr. Laze gives the his-
tory and background of Fidel
Castro, and he writes of a
conversation with the Guevara
in which the letter remarked:
"The Castro regime and Yan-
kee imperialism are engaged in
a death struggle, and we both
know that one of the two must
die in this fight."
Former Ambassador to Cuba
Spruille Braden says that
"American Policy Failures in
Cuba" should be required
reading for every American
citizen. and I agree. Dr. Lazo's
book will help the American
people to awaken to our ever
present danger from Commu-
nist China. ("American Policy
Failures in Cuba" retails for
$1.45 and can be obtained,
post paid, from Twin Circle
Publishing Co.. 88 Riverside
Drive, New Work City, 10024).
In a recent NET "Twin
? .
Circle Headline" broadcast, the
author spelled out the awful!'
arithmetic of the Castro era:, ?
22,481 Cubans executed, 121,00ok
In prison and forced-labor'
camps, an estimated 2,100,'
deaths at sea trying to reach
Florida. "Everything in Cuba
today is rationed, including
sugar and tobacco," said Dr.
Laze. "The sole exception is
'hate America' propaganda.
The meat ration per person per
week Is what Americans eat in
one hamburger. Shoes in the
black market cost $50 a pair.
A doctor's prescription is '
needed to buy milk. The World
Bank reported in the pre-Cas-
tro era that the Cubans were
among the better-fed people
of the world. The country ex-
ported many items of food.
All this means," concluded Dr.
Laze, "that the Cuban farmer .
is fighting with his best wea-
pon; he is producing no more
than what he needs for his
own family."
Asked whether there were
missiles under the surface of
Cuba. Dr. Laze said, "Only the
Soviets and the Castro broth-
ers could answer that ques-
tion. What we do know is that
virtually all the Cuban cement
production has gone into vast
underground installations.
?Mice Hanchett
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29 JUNE 1970
S Faces I
kJ orism Issue
Star Staff Writer
Foreign ministers of mem-
ber nations of the Organization
of American States are in
Washington for another diffi-
cult confrontation with the is-
sue of terrorism.
Once again the Latin Ameri-
can diplomats are going
through a ritual battle be-
tween the gavilanes and the
palomas (the hawks and the
doves). And the mighty U.S.
eagle is trying both to get into
the act and to stand on the
This first special session of
the OAS General Assembly is
seeking some solution to var-
ious acts of terrorism, includ-
ing kidnaping of diplomats and
hijacking of planes. And the
diplomats face the added com-
plications provided by two
even hotter issues: the status
of Cuba and the issue of politi-
cal asylum.
In Latin America, the prac-
tice of granting political asy-
lum is virtually sacred ? a
right that is beyond negotiat-
ing, as far as most Latin offi-
cials are concerned.
On the other hand, all 23
nations participating in this
assembly want to find a genu -
inc solution to the problem of
These two factors are pro-
ducing conflicts at the assem-
bly be the Cuban-
sponsored terrorists of Latin
America so often follow up
their acts of political terror
with requests of political asy-
Distinctions Difficult
The OAS foreign ministers
, are asking themselves how to
distinguish a criminal from a
political dissident, a criminal
act from a political act. If an
opponent of a regime hijacks
an airplane to Cuba, how is
the crime of hijacking separa-
ble from the act of political
escape? If a band of terrorists
? kidnaps a diplomat to obtain
freedom for political prison-
ers, where should the line be
drawn between the crime of
abduction and the act of forc-
ing the relaese of political dis-
The issue, of course, in-
volves Cuba, the nation that
trains, finances and en-
courages many terrorists and
where they often find refuge.
On the question of Cuba, the
hawks and the doves collide.
There were collisions as the
OAS conclave opened last
week. Peru's Foreign Minister
Edgardo Mercado Jarrin, in
the lead-off speech, included
Cuba among the nations to be
thanked for helping earth-
quake-scourged Peru. He said
in general terms that it is
time for the Cuban nation to
be returned to the inter-
American fold.
Costa Rica's Foreign Minis-
ter Gonzalo Facio, a tough
anti-Communist, followed with
what he intended to be a
rebuttal of any kind words for
Cuba. He said Costa Rica does
not feel that measures to pun-
ish terrorism would affect the
right of asylum. He added that
he would support any resolu-
tion that would suppress these
terrorist crimes.
Dialogue Possible
Facio will be a key man in
the arduous 'search for an OAS
solution because, although he's
hawk on Cuba, he represents
a democracy. For that reason
he can have a dialogue with
the minority dove faction.
The leading hawks, Brazil,
Argentina and Paraguay, are
firmly fixed in their approach
to the terrorism issue and can-
not expect the doves to accept
any proposal that is either too
tough on Cuba or too much in
violation of the tradition of po-
litical asylum.
There are perhaps five na-
tions that would like to resume
diplomatic relations with Cuba
now. The five are considered
to be Chile, Venezuela, Bolivia,
Jamaica and Trinidad and To-
bago. Peru might hc sixth,
The irony of t1Ir2 sqo 4,ion is
that Fidel Caste?
would no return to f,,,??1,
ipation in the OAS at this time
if the invitation were extcnc--
ed. An overwhelming majority
of the OAS nation-, sorely
would oppose any p1y fore
rapprochement with _ Ct::)a
but Havana would not 'In in-
terested in any event.
Mexico In Rare Role
The interesting thing about
this session is that Mexico, thr:
only member which now Tins
relations with Cuba, finds itvf
closer to the hawk line than it
has ever been before. Foreign
Minister Antonio Carrillo
Flores almost had an agree-
ment hammered 'out with
Cuba last year to set up rules
for the handling of common
criminals (i.e. hijackers) as
opposed to political exiles.
However, Cuba's Castro
dashed the negotiations by in-
sulting the Mexicans with
charges that they had engaged
in collaboration with the CIA..
Normally, Mexico might be
expected to abstain from any
resolution affecting Cuba. But
this time the Mexicans might
go along with a counter-terror
resolution if its contents are
The OAS will be trying be-
tween now and July 8 to come
up with language that com-
mits each nation to punich ter-
rorists without impinging on ?
, political asylum.
In the long run, it is not
what the resolution says but
? what the OAS governments
themselves decide to do that
counts. The likelihood is that
the OAS will find a way to '
condemn terrorism and en-
dorse asylum in the same res-
olution. If member, nations
then follow up by voluntarily
cracking down on terrorists,
even on those who are politi-
cally motivated, the exercise
will be worthwhile.
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well-played baseball and the sportsman- will be of interest. I ask unanimous con- forto d ofl Ctl fht-hidsee,t.rhCiry: nwlollh Rat titd100:1100.;: msOueubarnv :t'''nlye activities
'welicl6c7tiat nil.
ship so characteristic of participants in sent that it be printed in the REcotta,
leYxp tacorted o by Castro, both in the U.S. ana
this worthwhile program. There being no objection, the article
I congratulate the officers, directors, was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, elsewhere in the hemisphere.
and board members of International as follows: Not only is this right supported by our
Babe Ruth Baseball as well as the leaders MCCLOSICRY DISTORTS POSITION: WHAT IS domestic law; it is thoroughly rooted in in-
of the program in Nevada?Mr. Jay OFFICIAL U.S. POLICY TOWARD Cuss?ternational law. In 1962 the Senate Foreign
Relation's Committee commented on this
Kump, of Elko, who selsves as State di- (By Senator STROM THURMOND)
official spokesman
rector, and Mr. Bill 'Yogic, of Carson City,
the assistant State director.
At the same time, I offer a special
tribute to the thousands of parents and
other adult volunteers who have given so
generously of time and effort to insure
the success of Babe Ruth Baseball. Their
unselfish contributions have been princi-
pally responsible for the rapid growth
of one of the finest programs in the en-
tire spectrum of competitive aniateur
Mr. President, Babe Ruth was the epit-
ome of excellence in the sport of base-
ball. He was the greatest home run hitter
of all time. He was also, earlier in his
career, a great pitcher. He was colorful
and exciting, and he remains a source of
' inspiration to countless youngsters who
aspire for success in baseball.
I think it entirely appropriate that the
name of Babe Ruth is perpetuated today
not merely in the record books, but in a
program that offers millions of boys the
opportunity to play the game he loved.
Of all the memorials saluting his achieve-
ments, I think he would have treasured
this one most of all.
provision as follows:
t only
Tho State Department's . These aspirations are no yinherentlyto Robert J. McCloskey, has gravely distorted legitimate In any people, but the right
official U.S. policy with regard to the libera- self-determination in embedded in the Char-
tion of Cuba. ter of the Organization of the American
At a press briefing on May 12, McCloskey States and in the principles of the inter-
assailed the Cuban exiles in Miami who have American system. At the Punta del Este
announced the first successful raids against Conference in January 1962, it was rec-
the Communist regime in their homeland. ognized that the Communist regime of Cuba
McCloskey is the deputy assistant secretary was incompatible with these principles!'
of state for Press Relations. There is no excuse, then, for the State
McCloskey said; "The government of the Department to take an anti-freedom pos-
U.S. has noted with regret the announcement ture. It is not necessary for the U.S. gov-
from Miami made by a representative of a _ernment to take a public stand on the mat-
Cuban exile group, that members of his orga-
nization have sunk two Cuban fishing vessels
and are holding 11 Cuban citizens as host-
The State Department spokesman went on
to remind "all persons who reside in (the
U.S.) that the U.S. laws forbid the use of
U.S. territory as a base for any military ex-
pedition against a foreign country."
But there is absolutely no reason for the
U.S. government to "note with regret" at-
tempts by Cubans to regain their homeland.
In the first place, the Cuban exile groups
, did not claim that their attacks were
launched from U.S. territory. The State De-
partment admits that the government has no
evidence that the attacks were launched from
the U.S. Why, therefore, "note with regret"
an event which every freedom-loving man
should applaud?
The reason is that McCloskey, appointed
to his post by President Johnson in 1964,
Is simply parroting the old State Depart-
ment line on Cuba. Like many another hold-
over, he is able to maintain the status quo
in areas which have not been demanding
much attention lately. The President has his
hands full on many another front, and men
like McCloskey and the boys on the Cuban
desk go on their merry way.
In the past four weeks the Cuban eitua-
tion has changed dramatically. The Cuban
exile group, Alpha 66, and its allies have
successfully infiltrated Cuban territory three
times, landing twice and sinking the two
boats the third time (see Human Events,
May 30, 1070, page 20). Spurning involve-
ment with the CIA, these groups of freedom
loving Cubans have proved that they have a
dedicated, viable operation, willing to make
the necessary sacrifices.
What should U.S. policy be toward such
attempts? The policy is already spelled out
in U.S. statute. It is a matter of law, PL
87-733. effective Oct. .3, 1962, that the U.S.
is determined:
To prevent Cuba, by whatever means, in-
cluding the use of arms, from extending
aggressive or subverolve activities to any part
of this hemisphere;
To prevent the creation in Cuba of an
externally supported military capability en-
dangering the U.S.; and
Mr. HA 11.1E.LD. Mr. President, last
May 16, I addressed a community forum
at McArthur Court at the University of
Oregon in Eugene, Oreg. After my speech,
I was presented. with petitions including
57,414 signatures supporting the Amend-
ment To End the War, of which I am
a cosponsor. I also received 3,000 signa-
tures there opposing this amendment.
As of this date, 80,238 Oregonians have
signed petitions supporting the 'Amend-
ment To End the War; 6,949 have signed
petitions indicating their opposition. In
addition, 8,628 Oregonians have written.
letters to me urging that this amend-
ment be passed, while 2,818 have used
this means to request that I withdraw
support for the amendment.
Mr. President, in this time of increas-
ing polarization I commend these peace-
ful and orderly methods of expressing
opinions. On both sides of the issue there
have recently been violent protests which
cannot be condoned. I believe that we
in the U.S. Senate must encourage our
fellow citizens to participate in the dem-
OCratie processes, as then Oregonians
have. Our responsiveness will prove t:iat
this system can work.
? TO work With the Organization of Amer-
ican States and with freedom-loving Cubans
to support the aspirations of the Cuban peo-
ple for self-determination.
This legislation was a joint resolution
passed by both Houses of Congress, and
b,;ned by Pre,,, , ? . Nennedy shortly be-
Mr. TOWER. Mr. President, I invite
fore the Cuban ... : ,s. It is still on the
books today and .. ,.I represents of-
the attention of Senators to the article ficial U.S. policy.
by the distinguished Senator from South But as circumst.... ,
Carolina which appeared in Human day, it is not necef..e?: , .
Events on June 13. We are all vitally con- directly involved. Our
earned with the problem of Cuba, and I work with "freedom-b..
believe t,hat Senator Tiluamo;;-.1'a article port; the asp1 rator
ter at all, and certainly not against it. All
that is needed Is a little "benign neglect"
and perhaps some indirect arrangements
whereby the Cubans can get needed arms
and equipment. The Cubans are chiefly ask-
ing the U.S. not to intervene on behalf of
The President has all the authorization
needed to implement such a policy. He has
a group of dedicated Cubans who have not
been neutralized and corrupted by CIA aid
and assistance. It could be a textbook case
of applying the Guam doctrine right in our
own hemisphere. Let those who want their
freedom fight for it themselves, but let us
give moral and material assistance without
getting our own military personnel in-
volved. Such a response is proportionate
to the present situation.
The Cuban freedom fighters have a plan.
If they succeed, they will be doing an im-
mense benefit for us as well as themselves.
If they fall, the situation will remain un-
changed. But by all means, let us not con-
tinue the perversity of protecting a brutal ?
and bankrupt Communist regime on our
It is time to reactivate PL 87-733. It is ap-
propriate to say once more what I said on
the Senate floor while this resolution was
being debated in 1962:
"The establishment of a firm and clear
policy position has not always meant that
there would be firm execution of the policy.
For instance, it is quite obvious that the
(Monroe Doctrine has not been enforced in
the case of Cuba. ?
"It is always possible to find some excuse
not to take affirmative action which a law or
established policy demands, if those charged
with the execution of the law or policy ap-
proach their responsibility with a spirit of
unwillingness and timidity. It is imperative
that both the Congress and the President
take whatever steps are necessary to insure
that once this joint resolution is passed and
signed into law, it is executed faithfully and
precisely and without any footdragging."
Note: Alpha 66, under heavy pressure fromM,
the State Department three weeks ago, re-
leased the 11 Cuban prisoners they had seized
in an earlier raid.
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us to
to sup,
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, the
Special Subcommitte on Indian Educa-
tion, of which I was chairman during
last year, conducted an extensive inves-
tigation into the education of Indian
children and found that by almost any
Indicia, they are the most educationally
deprived children in this country. We
found, for example:
That the Indian dropout rates. are
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-0
14 June 1970
) L,:. Aapiture by ra-bis is latest ? ' : Two weeks ago Bobby Joe wrote his ?
' brother and told him to forward all his
. ? ? mail to Anchorage, Alaska. ?st
radventure in Valleyite s ife' . . brother until news reached him Wednes-
day4) night that Bobby Joe was being
i 1 That was the last Ike heard of his 3,
' s
V By HOWARD E. BOICE JR. . ,. held captive in Jordan..
'? ' ? - _ . ? .: 1 .1 "I hope they don't find those paperg, An appetite for excitement led Bobby ,;t Ile testified at his trial that the dcser- (t go to Israel) on him or, he's a dead
.Joe Keesee of Phoenix from the relative . tion and other criminal acts were partl $ck," Ike Keesee said before Bobby Joe:*
'safety of a service station attendant's, of his CIA cover story. He was told to doas released. i
. job in south Phoenix to the depths of the it by the agent that recruited him, he Apparently they didn't. 3
said. . ?
'Mideast war last week.
Keesee served two years of a five-year /17,77.77.77377.77107,77,7,,
- -
, federal prison sentence 'on the stolen car.:.' ' '? ? vi ; ,?,"?' ::,?444'ir ?,
?? For more than 36 hours the Pampa, ,
Tex., born airplane pilot was held hos- .. transportation conviction. The other 152 : . 4,
? hos-
tage in an Amman, Jordan, hotel by' I charges were dropped.
gun-wielding guerrillas. I
He reportedly was released with 57 "He always loved fighting and flying,"
other captives after King Hussein of Jor-
? , his brother, Ike Keesee, told The Arizo-
! i
'den bowed to insurgent demands and. ; kid."
na Republic, "ever since he Was a little
i fired a royal uncle and cousin from ..
'their high army command posts. ? Bobby Joe Keesee lived next to his?
brother in a trailer at 8825 S. Seventh
f Keesee, a husky 35-year-old bachelor' 'St. after his release from federal custo-
,has frequently succumbed to his yearn- dy.
ing for adventure, his friends reported
"He ne,,ver talked much about his ex-
periences," Ike Keesee said. "Always'
. . And had the insurgents learned of his zl- kept things inside himself. ,
real purpose for journeying to the Mid-
east, his fat might have taken a dras- "The only thing he ever said was,
) tic turn for the worse. . ? ?IDon't go to Cuba unless you like horse
......, ,
meat and rice! . . . that's all he would
; "He said he was going over there to ?
kill some Arabs," said Keesee's former - S. . . . % ?
'boss, Robert Fulton, manager of the ; Bobby Joe told his older brother a ,
!Baseline Shell station at 7440 S. Seventh month ago that he had a flying job in
liAve. 'Alaska. After that he was going to Is-
talked about going for "four or
(his brother told him.ract to fight the Arabs, Ike Keesee said
'Jive months," Fulton added, "but I
'didn't really believe him." . 1. Bobby Joe had converted to the Jew- ? ., ' ,:t4
: Friends were disbelieving, too, 'in.; ish faith several years ago, Ike Keesee ....F,,
'March 1962 when they learned that two said.
months previously Keesee, then an I% He added that Bobby Joe, a 15-year
Army veteran, loved the Army and
'Army staff sergeant, had piloted, single-engine Piper Comanche to';
;Cuba and had asked for political asy-
,. wounded there and earned the Purple Zaii)u,i,,..,,,?,,,i4,,,, .,,,,,4:iti. ,4.t.izia,
laid combat in Korea exciting. He was
ilum. ' ,Heart, three Korean battle stars and. a ..,. ...i.:,.... .Bobby Joe Keesee 1 j
, Refuge was refused by Cuban authori- : good conduct medal. , I
,. .. ?
.ties and, after 49 days in a Castro pris-
on , Keesee was returned to the United i, After the war Bobby Joe became an .,
,States to face 153 criminal charges con- -evert skydiver and, while stationed at 1
- neeted with his escapade. The charges Ft. litrachuca, operated a parachuting ;
ranged from desertion to cashing bad
school out of Nogales in his spare time. 1
I cheeks to transporting a stolen car More recently; he had gone to Alaska i
i across state lines. 'during the summer to pilot light aircraft 1
across the rugged northlands for oil ex- ?:; .
? 4
: Keesee said the Cuban episode was ploration companies, Ike said.
volving the Central Intelligence Agency "He sure liked money, too," ex.boss
(CIA) and the parachuting onto Cuban 1
: part of a cloak-and-dagger operation in-
.Fulton said. "Excitement and money."
- soil of two anti-Castro guerrilla leaders. In addition to pumping gas in south :1
),(--- -
He asked for political asylum as a Phoenix, Keesee worked for Precision,
- Components Inc. at 1820 S. 35th Ave. and
1 ruse at the point of a submachine gun flew "sniffer" planes along the El Paso
after his plane was forced down by Cu- Natural Gas Co. lines for that firm into:?.;
ban fighter planes as he attempted to New Mexico. ,,....1._.,..,..? ,......,.: ...... -,,c.......s
, escape the islarel, Keesee told authorities ?-? "
' on his return Appropiv0 ,For.Rglease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R
13 JUNE 19T0
McCloskey Distorts Position
Mai is
-Towaugol: ibci?
? The State Department's official spokes- In the past four weeks the Cuban rooted in international law. In 1962
man, Robert J. McCloskey, has gravely situation has changed dramatically. The the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
distorted official U.S. policy with regard Cuban exile group, Alpha 66, and its commented on this provision as follows:
to the liberation of Cuba. allies have successfully infiltrated Cuban "These aspirations are not only in.
At a press briefing on May 12, Mc- territory three times, landing twice and he
Closkcy assailed the Cuban exiles in sinking the two boats the third time
Miami who have announced the first (see Human Events, May 30, 1970, page
successful raids against the Communist 20). Spurning involvement with the CIA,
ently legitimate in any people, but
right to self-determination is embed-
ed in the Charter of the Organization
f the American States and in the_prin-
regime in their homeland. McCloskey is these groups of freedom-loving Cubans ciples of the inter-American system. At
the deputy assistant secretary of state have proved that they have a dedicated, the Punta del Este Conference inJanuary
for Press Relations. . viable operation, willing to make the 1962, it was recognized that the Corn-
McCloskey said: "The government of necessary sacrifices. munist regime of Cuba was incompatible
the U.S. has noted with regret the What should U.S. policy be towardswith these principles." .
announcement from Miami, made by a such attempts? The policy is already
representative of a Cuban exile group, spelled out in U.S. statute. It is-a mat- There is no excuse, then, for the
that members of his organization have ter of law, PL 87-733, effective Oct. 3, State Department to take an anti-freedom
sunk two Cuban fishing vessels and are 1962, that the U.S. is determined.
? posture, It is not necessary for the U.S.
holding 11 Cuban citizens as hostages." ? To prevent Cuba, by whatever government to take a public stand on
The State Department spokesman went means, including the use of arms, from the matter at all, and certainly not
on to remind "all persons who reside extending aggressive or subversive ac:tivi- against.ruen neglect" and perhaps some it. All that is needed i a little
s ki-
ln [the U.S.] that the U.S. laws forbid ties to any part of this hemisphere;directgarranggements whereby the Cubans
the use of U.S. territory as a base for ? To prevent the creation in Cuba of can get needed arms and equipment.
any military expedition against a foreigtran externally supported military capabil- The Cubans are chiefly asking the U.S.
country." ity endangering the U.S.; and ? not to intervene on behalf of Castro.
But there is absolutely no reason? To work with the Organization of The President has all the authorization
for the US. government to "note American States and with freedom-loving needed to implement such a policy. He
with regret" attempts by Cubans to Cubans to support the aspirations of the has a group of dedicated Cubans who
regain their homeland.
In the first place, the Cuban exile
groups did not claim that their attacks
were launched from U.S. territory. The
State Departiment admits that the govern-
ment has no evidence that the attacks
were launched from the U.S. Why,
Cuban people for self-determination. have not been neutralized and corrupted
? by CIA aid and assistance. It could be
This legislation was a jointresolu- a textbook case of applying the Guam
tion passed by both houses of Con- doctrine right in our own hemisphere.
gress, and signed by President Ken- Let those who want their freedom fight
nedy shortly before the Cuban mis- for it themselves, but let us give moral
sile crisis. It Ls still on the books and material assistance without getting
today and hence still represents of- our own military personnel involved.
therefore, "note with regret" an event fieial US. policy. Such a response is proportionate to the
which every freedom-loving man should
applaud? eve1 But as circumstances have d d
ope present situation.
today, it is not necessary for the U.S.
The reason is that McCloskey, ap- to get directly involved. Our law en-1
pointed to his post by President Johnson courages us to work with "freedom:,
in 1964, is simply parroting the old loving Cubans to support the aspirations
State Department line on Cuba. Like of the Cuban people for self-determina-
many another hold-over, he is able to hon." Our law allows us to do this
maintain the status quo in areas which "by whatever means." We ccrtainlyface
have not been demanding muchattention tlie rising tide of subversive activities
lately. The President has his hands full exported by Castro, both in the U.S i our doorstep. -.
on many another front, and men like and elsewhere in the hemisphere.,
McCloskey and the boys on the Cuban'
, Not only is this right supported by It is time ..
' to reactivate PL 87-733.
desk go on their merry Witie ? ? ? ' - . tour domestic law. it orplye!er 41 0 11QC768t-t t 6%-neat
200vosio4 : c
The Cuban freedom fighters have I
a plan. If they succeed, they will
be doing an immense benefit for us
as well as themselves. U they fail,
the situation will remain unchanged.
But by all means, let us not continue
the perversity of protecting a brutal
and bankrupt Communist regime on-
kpprOVed-ForRel-e-ase tore what
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP8
30 May 1970
Will U.S. Extend Guam
The capture of 11 Cuban militiamen
by an Alpha 66 infiltration mission
should cause President Nixon to extend
his Guam doctrine to the Cuban freedom
The Nixon doctrine holds that those
fighting against Communist aggression
may receive military and economic as-
sistance if they fight their own battle
and leave American military personnel
out of it.
The Alpha 66 group has demon-
strated that it and its allies are
worthy of such assistance. It is the
one group which has consistently re-
jected overtures from the CIA, and
which has never received one penny
from the United States.
Now, for the third time in as many
weeks, anti-Castro fighters have suc-
cessfully broached Cuban territory. Two
of these were directed by Alpha 66,
while the other was launched by the Na-
tional Christian Movement. These in-
cursions, the first of any consequence
since the Bay of Pigs, prove that the so-
called "invulnerability" of Castro is a
? myth.
? These incursions were made without
U.S. help, and, indeed, in desperate.
' fear that U.S. policy would intervene to
? stop the attempts.- So far there does not
appear to be any policy in Washington
either for or against the raids.
octrme to
ban \0.-De s.
in Miami are jubilant over the success
of the guerrilla missions, and for the
first time in nearly a decade have again
raised their sights to the real possibility
of overthrowing communism.
For the first time, too, the Cubans
themselves are making the real sacrifices
?necessary for the liberation of their
homeland. They are supporting the
guerrilla training camps, at unnamed
locations, with record contributions.
Most of the Cubans are in the lower in-
come brackets, but in the past three
:weeks thousands have donated the equi-
valent of a day's pay to support the
Alpha 66 is undertaking to train the
, guerrillas?and most are young men be-
tween 18 and 21 who left Cuba as young
children, but want to return as free men.
They also are seeking to buy weapons
while they are supporting dependents
left in the U.S. Considering the avail-
able resources, the Cubans are making
a tremendous effort, and donating their
own blood.
The fact that these raids are successful
?and there are many more to come?
puts pressure upon the Nixon Admin-
istration to act. For the first time there
is an indigenous Cuban movement that
has a practical operational system. It
is not the creature of some outside in-
,telligence operation. It is a group of
practical and dedicated men that refuses
to get involved in another country's
The first request of Alpha 66 and
its allied groups is for a firm policy
The first landing on April 17 was led
by the fabled Alpha 66 commander,'
Vincente Mendez. In 1960 Mendez was
the first to break with Castro over the,
Communist issue and went to the hills. ?
In 1961 Castro had 10,000 militamcn
-searching for Mendez for three months I
before Mendez ultimately gave himself !
up in Havana with three bullet holes in .
his body.
These depradations against the
Castro regime show that Cuban corn-
munism is not invincible. They are
only minor skimishes, it is true, but
Castro himself started in the same
way. Moreover, conditions in Cuba
today are at a low ebb. The lack of
comm, necessities of life has de-
morali,ed the people, and made them
more restive than ever for overthrow
of the regime.
This is attesteAppirOVINPIF*Welease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
, of refugees arriving daily on the rescue
' flights from Havana. i ,,e Cuban exiles
of U.S. non-intervention. Such a
policy need not be announced pub-
licly, but some sign must be given
that there will be no interference. In
the past the U.S. Coast Guard and
U.S. Customs, acting under orders
from above, have been the chief ob-
stacles to action.
The non-intervention policy should
also apply to funding. The Cubans want
no U.S. money, even for subsistence of
dependents. The Cubans want to do this
one alone.
The one thing that is needed, however.
. is a source of arms and equipment. So
: far, the Cubans have been spending
? their skimpy funds for guns at inflated
prices. The need a practical source of
? supply. There are ways the U.S. could
accomplish this without direct
involvement. ?
? Thus the President has a golden oppor-
tunity to test the Nixon Doctrine in the
Western Hemisphere. Vietnamization is
working in Southeast Asia. People will
fight for their own freedom when given
a chance. The Cubans have now set up
their own movement which is operational
. and staffed with dedicated men.
Is the U.S. going to take advantage;
of this volunteer movement, and en-
courage these efforts to get rid of a Com-
munist government in the Western i
Hemisphere? Since we are beginning to
apply the Nixon Doctrine successfully
half-waY 'around the world, it certainly
should work 90 miles from our shores.
Appriwcwi For Release 2001/0 aitaggihAtigaltgaatet01941":5
11 - 289,385
S - 322,763
MAY 2 o 1970 ?
1Tie Amejxr as
11\h Alpha 66
vs Castro
Fighting Cuban exiles have
drawn blood from Fidel Cas-
tro's forces.
In one encounter on Cuban
Soil they have killed five Cu- ,
.ban soldiers.
? In a clash in
Cuban waters
they have cap-
tured 11 Cuban
fishermen, who
were later re-
But the ex-
iles have paid?
with at least 14
men dead or in
prison in Cuba.
They have been warned too'
that from now on to land on)
Cuban soil with a rifle means
They have been notified too
by the United States that
their adventuring must stop.
The U.S. moved in with ad- '
vice and cour*el after a fiery ,
exchange between the exiles
and Castro himself.
swarmed to Alpha 66 head-
quarters in Miami. A spokes-
man said more than 500 vol-
unteered. Many others, It was
said, contributed to the Alpha
. 66 war fund.
When Alpha 66 sent 13?pos-
sibly more ? Men into Ori-
ente Province of Cuba in
;April, Castro charged they
;had come from the U.S. Guan-
f ta na mo Naval Base on Cuba. ,
"He said they had been in con-
",tact with the Central Intelli-
gence Agency and the Federal
'Bureau of Investigation.
The U.S. State Department
denied the invaders came 1
? from Guantanamo. It said
;didn't know where the mini- 1
:invasion was launched. I'
copter last Tuesday. A Cuban
plane picked them up In Nas.
sau, the Bahamian capital.
ALPHA 66 said the fish-
ermen were not really fish-:
ermen, but spies. It said two'
had confessed to being in-
telligence agents. It said they
interrupted an Alpha 66 mis-
sion and ,that the exiles sank 1
two boats and captured the 11'
t prisoners. .
I The exile-Castro detate ,1
over prisoner exchange ''
brought the p tate DepartmentP,'
into action. Its spokesman, r4
,Robert McCloskey, said:
I "U.S. laws forbid the use of.i
IU.S. territory as a base for
any military expedition .1
against - a foreign country.
The U.S. government will
take appropriate measures to
insure that the spirit as well
as the letter of these laws Is?
observed." 1
McCloskey said no action,1
had been taken against Alphal
66 for what it had done so far
because there was no evi-i
dence that any raids had
been launched from U.S. ter-
FEDERAL aides in Mlarn1?
said there was no interest In
arrests, but merely in "rear-1
firming a standing policy." .
A government source was,
quoted by the Associated:;
Press as saying that the at-
tacks are ineffective and pro-
vide grist for 'Castro's propa-
ganda mill. The source wasi
' "Castro's sugar crop
ready is failing and these pin-
prick raids only provide him,:
with a diversion."
Castro admitted the sugail
failure last week. He said IC
would be hard to reach 9 mil-
lion tons. Until then he had.:
sworn to harvest 10 million",
tons by July 26. As the U.S.'
official had implied, it would',
be natural \ for Castro to:
seize on any available pretext
to draw attention away frotn2.
ALPHA 66 denies any con-
nection with the CIA. It
denies operating from Ameri-
can soil, At first it denied its
prisoners were heldson either
American or British soil. But
last week it abandoned them
in the Bahamas?British ter-
ritory. After Castro had re- !
,'fused to trade, the 11 men ;
were a drag on Alpha_66.. 1
April in Oriente''
p ?
IN A LATER communique, ;!
astro changed his Guanta-
namo story. He said the Al-?II
pha 66 men had visited Guan-
tanamo, then returned to the
U.S., then made their thrust
into Cuba.
Castro charged that Alpha
66 was organized several
year ago by the CIA.
The first Alpha 66 pene-
tration of Cuba was led by
Eloy Monoye Gutierrez in De--
cember of ,1964. He was cap-:1
'tured and is reported to?be in ,
rov nce prison in Havana. .
Alpha 66 has not argued with, The current military leader,
1, indicate the "many" were ac- Cant V 1 c e n t e Mendez, 39,
4 tually 13. was at the head of the group
that hit the coast kttCoriente
It Is knowfl that In '
near Baracoa on April 17, the
? lier Ill-fated attempt to enter ninth anniversary of the Bay
' Cuba In January, Mendez had iof Pigs invasion.
t 14 men with him. Their boat , Alpha 66 spokesmen 'said
turned over, one drowned the Mendez force numbered
, 4 "many" men.
and Mendez and the others ,
'returned to Miami, Fla. ?CASTRO'S rep or ts, which '
i -
The April 17 invaders man- lur i .1
aged to kill five Cuban sol.-. may encounter n
their landing. On April 19 ! Cuban waters i
; ALPHA 66, the exile group
1. which lost the '14 men and
captured the 11 Cubans, pro-
? posed a trade:
The 11 Cubans for nine_A1-1
pha 66 men Castro said he
diers within a day or so of i
, Castro went to a cemetery at , e 'episode in which the,
' Gran Tierra, an Oriente vil- : Cuban fishermen were cap.'
i lage, to deliver their funeral i, tured came May 10. Alpha 66;
' oration. In the oration he said '
there would be "no clemen- ,it. people did not say where thel
captured i A n pril ?
Castro's blazing refusal was
cy" for anyone landing in capture was made or where
Cuba with a gun
?I the captives were taken. They
were not on U.S. or 13ritish( BUT CASTRO said last 4',
-his sugar troubles. ?
also an indictment of Alpha
/66 and the U.S. He called the
offer "blackmail by the Cli..k..11
and its agents."
He said, "Cuba holds the
. United States responsible for
the lives of the fishermen and
demands their immediate re-
turn as well as the cessation
ccf such villainies from , U.Se;
?,tenitortagalnat , ??
FOUR DAYS later, on April `soil, Alpha 66 spokesmen said. ' Tuesday night, on welcoming:
23, he announced the invading 'They sif6wed a picture of men ' the 11 fishermen back to Ha- '
force had been wiped out. Him,
April 23 figures were con- in a tropical setting. i vana, that he would not blame
fusing, hut an April 27 report I Castro on May 13 charged; the exiles for the sugar'
Indicated four were killed and! that the Bahama Islands, ' failure.
, which are British, have been ? He threatened at the same'
nine were captured. ? rused by the CIA for the in- ? time to foment revolution ini
W h e t h e r those captured :, v a s i o n operations against the countries helping the exile I
have been executed has not 'Cuba. One of the bigger is- ! invaders. He named the coun-.-
been reported. Whether Capt ' lands, Great I n a g u a, : is ,l tries?the United States and,1
Mendez is alive or dead hal about 65 miles due east of Ba- I England.
not ine0 rf P9r.telii....4.1'41.,"\;.,:'..i4. racoa, where theApril land- 1 Alpha 66 spokesmen said/
lIng was made. ? 1- that, despite the threats .froniK
d For Release 2001/031114, tiOlkaRIIIP8600 60ttRie, ?106?00401c)0*5
i captured May10 were in factr0,..L11410 2_,?:?.4..?..,,ii
"left on a small cay off Andros- ???
;Island. the biggest of 'the Ba- i.'
Approved For Release- 2tterm04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
The U.S.-based anti-Cuba group Alpha -66 was
forced to release 11 Cuban fishermen it
'held incommunicado for two weeks when thoit:,Ands
of Cubans blocked a Swiss diplomat in the Sv.iss
embassy in Havana. Round-the-clock negotiations
were thus forced between the Swiss embassy in
Cuba?which represents the U.S.?and Cuban officials.
The 11 men were i based on a small island off the
Bahamas May 18.
The Miami-based Alpha 66, which Cuban premier
Fidel Castro says is financed by the CIA. sunk. the
two fishing vessels and kidnapped the, men in an.
attempt, said Castro. to force the release of eight
Alpha 66 members c;ivtured by Cuba- during the
group's invasion April 17. The Cuban government
also charged the British government allowed the CIA
to use its small islands off Cuba, as a base for
anti-Cuban operations.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Releaser2001i231034 : CIA-RDP80-0
22 MAY 1970
Castro says Cuba can hit exile bases
HAVANA ? Cuban Premier Fidel Castro said Tuesday night that
Cuba has the means to strike back at bases from which gusanos (mer-
cenaries organized by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency) launch
terrorist raids against the Cuban people. The Cuban leader spoke at a
Havana meeting welcoming back home 11 Cuban fishermen seized by
? the CIA-backed gusano group, "Alpha-66," and later released in the
Bahama Islands.
Premier Castro also {. he British, who govern the Bahamas,
of complicity with the U.S. and the gusanos. "If England cannot take
care of those islands, then let her give them their freedom, or allow us
to watch over them at least against counter-revolutionary forces," Cas-
tro said before a cheering crowd.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Release ?MAW : CIA-RDP80-016 TATINTL
2 1 MAY 1970
Kidnapped Cuban fishermen return home
HAVANA ? Eleven Cuban fishermen, kidnapped by the U.S. Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency's favorite Cuban exile group, "Alpha-66,"
!Live returned home to Cuba. The fishermen stepped off a Cuban Air-
lines plane in Havana amid great rejoicing. They waved their ship's
Cuban flag, which they had refused to give up to the CIA group and had
defended all during their captivity.
After strong protests by Cuban Premier Fidel Castro and the Cu-
ban government last week, "Alpha-66" released the fishermen, dum
ing them on a small tay near Andros Island in the Bahamas. The Cuba
airliner flew to Nassau, the Bahaman capital, to bring them home. .
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Re!eau00103104 : CIA-RDP80-0
1 0 MAY 1970
CIA-backed Cuban exiles free Cuban fishermen
MIAMI ? Alpha-66, notorious as a CIA-supported Cuban exile group,
on Monday released 11 Cuban fishermen on a tiny cay in the Bahamas
near Andros Island. The 11 were captured last month after an Alpha-66
invasion of Cuba left nine gusanos (CIA mercenaries) in the hands of
the Cuban people.
The Miami-based exile group evidently wanted to trade the fisher-
men for the gusano prisoners. Cuban Premier Fidel Castro strongly
denounced this attempt, and the government of Cuba produced material
evidence (arms, ammunition) that the Alpha-66 group which invaded
Cuba earlier had been supplied with the most modern U.S. equipment,
..available only to U.S. government agencies. A Soviet naval squadron
also mimed into the eastern Cuban area where the gusanos had.
attacked. The U.S. government suddenly began a b,hiy publicized.
"crack-down" on Cuban exile groups in Florida, follow, lg which Alpha-
66 just as suddenly decided to release its prisoners. An Alpha-66
spokesman said continuing to hold them "would be an obstacle to our
? future operations," meaning the CIA decided to call the whole sordid
affair off.'
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601
16 May TO
Hands off Cuba!
Like a vampire, the appetite of the CIA for blood
is insatiable. Unsatisfied with the havoc it brought
Cambodia and Southeast Asia, the CIA has its eyes on
Cuba again. The kidnapping of eleven Cuban fishermen
by that CIA creature Alpha 66, is the latest outrage.
Capping crime with gall, the CIA stooges demand
that Cuba exchange eight bandits the republican forces
captured during the latest foray for the kidnapped fish-
Several weeks ago we warned that the CIA would-
step up its criminal attacks against Cuba in an effort to
sabotage an epic-making ten million ton sugar harvest.
That campaign is clearly underway.
Americans should be forewarned. We cannot alford
to forget the almost fatal events that resulted twice in
the past decade when the CIA tried to murder the new
Socialist land.
? Who can forget the Bay of Pigs invasion in
The thundering defeat U.S. imperialism ?
echoed around the world. It was also the iirst Lime its
bloody program for Latin America was smashed.
Scarcely a year later the entire world trembled on
the brink during the missile-crisis.
Now we see the menace of a third criminal effort,
the overhanging pall of another Caribbean crisis.
It is not at all accidental that the CIA's claws are
cut off each time they reach out for Cuba. For that
brave socialist nation is not only strong in its own right
it has the support of the entire socialist world, of all
progressive humanity, and of most governments the
world over.
It is significant, too, that these new efforts to create
trouble on our very doorstep come on the heels of de-
clarations by many U.S. commercial interests as well
as by such figures as Senator Fulbright, seeking to
establish normal relations with our Caribbean neighbor.
It would of course be of mutual advantage commercial-
ly. More than that, it would be morally just and it
would advance the cause of world peace. ?
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Approved For Release 201921/3/ftkicIA-RDP80-
1 6 MAY1970
Hands off Cuba!
Like a vampire, the appetite of the CIA for blood
? is insatiable. Unsatisfied with the havoc it brought
Cambodia and Southeast Asia, the CIA has its eyes on
Cuba again. The kidnapping of eleven Cuban fishermen
by that CIA creature Alpha 66, is the latest outrage.
Capping crime with gall, the CIA 'stooges demand
' that Cuba exchange. eight bandits the republican forces
captured diming the latest foray for the kidnapped fish-
Several weeks ago we warned that the CIA would
? step up its criminal attacks against Cuba in an effort to
sabotage an epic-making ten million ton sugar harvest.
That campaign is clearly underway.
Americans should be forewarned. We cannot afford
to forget the almost fatal events that resulted twice in
the past decade when the CIA tried to murder the new
Socialist land.
Who can forget the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961?
The thundering defeat U.S. imperialism justly suffered
echoed around the world. It was also the first time its
, bloody program for Latin America was smashed.
Scarcely a year later the entire world trembled on
the brink during the missile-crisis.
Now we see the menace of a third criminal effort,
the overhanging pall of another Caribbean crisis.
It is not at all accidental that the CIA's claws are
cut off each time they reach out for Cuba. For that
brave socialist nation is not only strong in its own right
it has the support of the entire socialist world, of all
progressive humanity, and of most governments the
'world over.
It is significant, too, that these new efforts to create
.trouble on our very doorstep come on the heels of de-
clarations by many U.S. commercial interests as well
as by such figures as Senator Fulbright, seeking to
establish normal relations with our Caribbean neighbor.
It would of course be of mutual advantage commercial-
ly. More than that, it would be morally ' just and it
would advance the cause of world peace.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Release 21399i,140N1i6: CIA-RDP80-016
14 MAY 1970
Castro blames CIA for exile raids
HAVANA ? Cuban Premier Fidel Castro on Wednesday sharply
rejected .an offer to exchange prisoners with the Miami-based gusano
'exile group. Alpha-66. Alpha-66 sank two Cuban fishing boats and took
? II Cubans prisoner. It offered to exchange the fishermen for nine pris-
? liners captured in the CIA raid on Cuba last month. Castro said he was
holding .the U.S. responsible for the lives of the Cuban fishermen anci
that he '?would reject any type of blackmail for their safety. The Cuban
? government will flatly reject any blackmail by the CIA and its agents."
Castro dealt with the Alpha-66 claim to have captured the fisher-
men on May 10 and said: -This organization, as is,well-known, was one
of those created by the CIA several years ago as'fa screen, to cover its
, pirate attacks on Cuba. '
The Alpha-66 raid on eastern Cuba last month came almost im-
mediately after Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman J.
; Viilliam Fulbright D-Ark' Suggested steps ought to be taken to devel-i
op friendly relations with Cuba.
A Soviet naval squadron is due to dock in Cienfuegos in eastern
Cuba on Thursday. to refuel and resupply. The Soviet vessels include a
pided-missile cruiser and destroyer. submarines, and other craft.
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Approved For Release 2001/03/04: C.IA-RDP80-0
MAY 1 4 1970
LI _ 375,469
, ?
Reject _'iisi
Of Our Latin America Stall a rn4 es or ay on
Fidel Castro a n g r i ly
? spurned an offer to swap ,
,prisoners with the militant ! tro had indeed crushed the THE BRITISH ambassador, partment issued a stiff warn.
,Alpha 66 exile organization expedition, it would move to ? Castro said, also was sum- ing against military strikes
:Wednesday and blamed the ' exchange the fishermen for moned by Dorticos because on Cuba from U.S. soil. i
U.S. for the group's raid ear- the commandos. "ttz CIA besides using U.S. ' "U.S. laws forbid the use:
her this week in which two . Instead of agreeing, Castro.vterriMhas repeatedly used of U.S. territory as a base for
Cuban fishing vessels were chni god Alpha was a CIA op.' the Bahamastays and British , any military expedition!
sunk and their 11 crewmen ' . eration and blasted the U.S. , possessions north of Cuba to , . against ,n foreign country,"
, seized as hostages. I.: and its intelligence organize- ? perpetrate these deeds," a a I d State DepartMenti
? Cuba, said Castro in reject- ' tions for aiding and abetting Dorticos, according to the- spokesman Robert McClos4
ting the proposal, "would not ! ! exile forays against Cuba. ' communique, asked the Brit..), ' key. I
laccent any type of b I a c k- "The government qf the ,ish to "adopt the pertinent "The U.S. government willl .
rna,l'' for the return of the i? United States .cannot evade . measures so as to prevent : take appropriate measures to;
; fishermen held by the Mi- ' the responsibility for this act such violations and aggres- , insure that the spirit as well?
, ami-based group "somewhere 1. organized and carried out sions against our people as the letter of these laws is:
; outside U.S. territory." . with ,impunity from North ,which are being carried out, l' observed." "1 '
C:I.slro's refusal to ransom American territory, with u s in g British posse IT 1 IT WAS speculated that;
the ,fishermen with nine North American weapons sions . . ." , .
,.'flie "spirit" portion of the!
? 'Alpha 66 commandos ? and boats registered and : \ The communique said Dqr- ? statement might signify a.,,
worded communique !'
, said.
based in Florida," Castro ' ticos warned both ambassa' forthcoming crackdown on.
Castro said Cuban Presi- ' quest is heeded, "Cuba will" armed from U.S. territory,
dors that unless Cuba's re- '., exile groups who leave un-
sharply'Whose capture he announced ?
last month ? came in a
! read over Havana Radio and dent Osvaldo Dorticos had ? take the necessary steps on ' pick 'up their weapons en'
: monitored here. t told the Swiss ambassador in , ? its own to prevent such . route, stage raids on the is-I
ALPHA 66, which sent the 1 Havana, who represents U.S. deeds." . land and then return, again!,
raiding party into Cuba on , interests there, that Cuba The latter was seen as a unarmed,?to the U.S. 1
April 17 to open a guerrilla i "holds the United States re- veiled hint that Cuba might ', , 'One of the two Cuban fish, '
i front, m a d e the proposal , . sponsible for the lives of the d e c i d e to launch raids .ing boats Alpha said it had:
Tuesday, saying that if Cats- fishermen and demands their ? against Cuban exile groups ' i sunk in the action, was re-i
immediate. return to our.,: which may be operating from ported to be .abandoned ini
: country as well as the cessa- 'Bahamian islands. ? ? shallow water near a kepi
: tion of such villanies from Hours' before Castro's bit-, about 20,,miles off the Florida;
' U.S. territory against Cuba." .,?, er retort, the US. State 'De;' Coast..., ,, ? ..:: :. ? . , 1
? ? .11761201t1g4,tiii..Z.LY..:L.i .
Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-0160114000500040001-5
eicrOli STAR
Approved For Releas-e 20011/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-0160
1 3 MAY 1970
Castro BarsTrade
Of Captured Exiles
Special to The Star'
MIAMI?Cuban Premier Fidel Castro, charging "blackmail"
by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, today rejected any ex? ?
change of captured exile invaders for 11 Cuban fishermen taken:
hostage by the Miami-based exile group Alpha 66.
He scorned a State Department expression of "regret"
over news of the fishermen's capture, claimed the U.S. govern- ,
ment knows where the men are
being held and warned that he Dorticos also summoned the
will hold Washington "respon- British ambassador.
sible for whatever measure on Castro called the Alpha 66 ac-
whatever terrain that the Cuban tion in Cuba's territorial waters
government feels obliged to take "a repugnant and cowardly at- ?
if the fishermen are executed." tack against two completely un-
Castro's hard line, in a corn. armed fishing boats." He said
munique broadcast by the Ha- his government did not know' ,
vana radio, was in response to why the vessels had failed to
yesterday's announcement here return, until Alpha 66 cleared up
by Alpha 66 that its "naval the matter yesterday.
units" had sunk two Cuban fish- In proposing the prisoner ex-
ing boats and were holding the change, ? Alpha 66 leaders dis- ;
11 crewmen to exchange for patched a cable to Castro yester-
guerrillas whom Castro claims day, warning him that he was
to have captured. "responsible for the security and
Castro left unclear the fate of
future of our men in your custo- -
the Alpha 66 infiltrators who dy, and of your men in our
landed in eastern Cuba April 17. hands."
A .
He said previously there were Alpha 66 leaders dispatched a
13, and that four had been killed 66 secretary general, said he
, and nine captured. Since he has was appealing to the Interne-
failed to produce the prisoners, tional Red Cross to arrange a
Alpha 66 leaders have claimed trade?"prisoners of .war for
at least some of the men must Prisoners of war."
' still be at large. Nazario said the hostages "are
now well taken care of, and so-
"Quckly Liquidated" cure, outside the national terri-
Today Castro said only that tory of the United States." He':
refused to say where.
the guerrilla band was "quickly An Alpha 66 communique said
located and liquidated by revolu- the encounter with two 65-foot
tionary forces." boats of Cuba's fishing fleet took
"The Cuban government will Place last week in Cuban terri-
blackmail of the CIA and its torial waters but did not specify '
the location. Alpha's "naval
\i reject flatly and positively any
units" captured and sank the
agents" involving the fishermen two vessels, the communblue
and hostages, Castro said. "The said. The units "were carrying
U.S. government knows perfect- out a mission in Cuban territory
ly well where the fishermen are, and the two spy ships of Coin-
who has them and with what inimist Cuba d e t e c t c d our
means they carried out the act boats," it added.
of flagrant violation of U.S. Other sources, however, said
laws," he added, the mission was specifically to '
Castro said Cuban President obtain hostages and apparently
Osvaldo Dorticos y e s t e r d a y was carried out by a single arms
"summoned the Swiss ambassa- boat.
dor, who represents U.S. inter- The U.S. government reminded
ests in Cuba, to tell him that the exiles in a formal State De-
Cuba makes the U.S. govern- partment statement that "United
ment responsible for the lives of states laws forbid the use of
the fishermen, and demands United States territory as a base
their immediate return to this for any military expedition
country, as well as a halt to such against a foreign country." ,
villanies from U.S. territory Spokesman Robert J. Mc- ,
against Cuba." Closkey, reading the statement,
The Cuban leader charged said the government will take
that !Tritish cays and posses- "all appropriate measures" to
iga..northAfGuba" we
WI) ralifielieSiSe /04tdrCitINURatP86-11b1 01k000500040001-5
that the "spirit as well as
welt as .US. lerritory, lie said served.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-&1T660-91141600500040001-5
12 May 1970
Havana (LNS)?A group of mercenary ,
soldiers whose point of departure was the
? ' United States and who come equipped ?
with modern U.S.-built automatic weap-
ons, landed near the Yumune River, 14
miles east of the Cuban city of Baracoa,
at dawn on April 14.
Members of the Cuban rural militia,
? joined by regular soldiers and units of the '
border patrol, made the first contact
, with the invasion force, whose exact
numbers could not be determined. Three
invaders were captured, and two auto- .
matic rifles, 200 bullets and numerous
packages of plastic explosives were seized.
The Cuban revolutionary forces began
an exhaustive hunt for the other invaders,
who landed at a wild and almost unpop-
ulated part of the eastern coast of Cuba's
eastern-most province, Oriente. The area
Is important historically. In 1895,
Antonio Maceo landed there in an
invasion aimed at liberating Cuba from
Spain. Later, it became an operating
point for part of Fidel's revolutionary
Four members of the Cuban govern-
ment's forces lost their lives and two were
gravely wounded in the invasion, which
took place nine years to the day after the
abortive, CIA-sponsored, Bay of Pigs
invasion. Alpha 66, the Cuban exile
organization which was responsible for
the Bay of Pigs invasion, has also taken
credit for the latest attempt to set back
the advances of Cuban communism.
Spokesmen for Alpha 66 in Miami
indicate that the organization decided to
attPmpt the invasion based on "infor-
mation" that the Cuban people were
dissatisfied with the revolution and would
I 1
..? :r.
rally to the side of the counter-
? revolutionary invaders.
The area in which the invaders landed
was an extremely poor, underdeveloped
, region prior to the revolution, and has
. benefited enormously ['tom the Fidelista
social program. People who have spent
extensive amounts of time in Cuba
?recently report that the vast majority of
. Cubans?almost all the young people?are
still very much on the side of Fidel and
the revolutionary socialism which Cuba is
actually building today.
? Part of that process is the attainment
? of the "Ten million Ton Sugar Harvest,"
the largest ever. Cubans from every part
of the country and from every level of
? society are working perhaps harder than
, ever before?but definitely with more
enthusiasm than ever before?to cut
enough cane to make the ten million to
? break out of economic underdevelop-
ment. Fidel emphasized that the logical
goal of the new invasion force would be
to sabotage the sugar harvest. That is
what the Cubans are worried about?not
that the people are going to desert the
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
sPi-iiIFLD, ILL.
E - 24,907
MAY 9 1979
T hal' Was A
THE LATEST disastrous at-
tempt by Cuban refugees to "in-
vade" their homeland from a base
in Florida was an exercise in futil-
f.? but its timing coincided with
Fidel Castro's need for an issue to
bolster his standing with his peo-
The force ? consisting of 16 men
? was met by troops led by the
Cuban dictator himself, and
promptly decimated.
Castro took to the radio to de-
nounce "imperialist plotters in the
United States," President Nixon
n Invasion?.
-and the Czaral Icjjjnce
cy.?, for an attempt to "obstruct and
hamper" the sugar harvest.
With the President currently
finding his hands full with prob-I
lems in Vietnam, Laos and Cam-1
bodia, it is absurd to believe thats
he was aware of the idealistic ef-
fort of the unlucky 16.
The Castro harangue, however,:
may draw Cubans' attention away;
from the fact that the sugar har-
vest is already far behind schedule
and the 10-million-ton goal for the
year as unrealistic as previous
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For e ease
3 0 APR 1970
it , the reluctant young Americans with the CIA or something
chairs by their laughing hosts
and rnade to dance to two?
year-old Bcatle music that
blared at full volume from a
small record player. -
Bothered by Visit
One of the American visitors
to Aguacate explained later
that he had ambivalent feelings
about the way he was received.
paid he was moved ;by the
'genuine warmth" of the recep-
tion, but bothered by the fact
that the Cubans didn't seem to
take the Americans seriously.
"I came as a worker to help
with the revolution and I'm
treated like a tourist." Ile said
be also didn't know how to
react to the dozen or more
children who followed his group
, at the University of Ilavana for
and begged for pens and gum'" three years to learn a trade.
Americans who also ventured Tells Ills Disappointment
into Havana found the reaction ,
to their presence generally He said he was somewhat
more restrained. It , was, there I disappointed in the attitudes of
that one group met their first some of the Cubans who lived
in Havana, that "too much of
" st a nGeorgia,o. '
a well dressed America" remains in the city.
young man in his midtwenties, "There's still a lot of material-
said he once got as far as the istic attitudes. Some people will
airport in Havana where he had spend 50 pesos [$50 at the
hoped to fly to the United Cuban rate of exchange] for a
pair of jeans. And a watch is
really a big status symbol.
Some people will pay up to 500
pesos-for them."
Eventually, he said, he hoped
to return to the States
"clandestinely," get a job and
continue his political work.
The other hijacker, a Puerto
Rican, was encountered by the
group near a sidewalk cafe
later in the day. He said he had
'jacked a jet from Kennedy
airport several months ago.
[He did not provide enough
details to make it possible to
confirm his story.]
Hits Burocracy
CI2 Exiles' Views. Vary; were being pushed out of their ' th t "
t:pn, Existence 'in Cuba
... I Randall Richard, a reporter Hits Disenchantment
. , for the Providence IR. I.1 Jour- He cooled off visibly as he
; nal-Bulletin, accompanied the continued talking about the
Vencerenios brigade of young many Cubans who had become
? Americans who went to Cuba disenchanted with life in Cuba:
to cut sugar cane. Nearly the "They just don't' understand
entire Spectrum of radical-left that they niust endure the
, groups was represented in the ?shortages and work for the
group. This is the fifth of six revolution to make a better life
articles by Richard.] for their children and grand-
., Kopyrighl 1170 by The Providence Jour. --- Most of the 700 youhg Amen-
Pal Co.; dialribulecl by Newsday Specia11.1' can radicals of the Venceremos
Amado Rivero stared con-
brigade didn't meet a so-called
temptuously at t h e small
"counter-revolutionary" during
? throng of his fellow Cubans vv.t1P... the initial weeks of their
...1 huddled in front of the tall, two-month work-visit to Cuba
- wrought iron fence at the that began on Feb. 19.
Mexican embassy in Havana.
While the Cuban "direction",
' .
? The men and women, mostly ' of the camp avoided setting any
in their 30s or older, were well policy on excursions outside,
, dressed by Cuban standards they made it clear to the
altho the suits were somewhat 4cuericans who had come to
.worn and out of style, the cut cane for the record '10-
dresses were well below the million-ton sugar harvest that
0 ? knees and 'the nylons had 'they frowned upon such trips.
''.i seams. , 'The Americans were told that
In a' rare display of anger
. Amado threw open the trunk of
P' the government's special serv-
ice 1952 Cadillac which he had
, driven to the embassy, and
? turned again Co look at the
Cubans who were peering thru
..f.the fence at a large bulletin
board covered with names.
Search for Names
i'. Tbe Cubans a n x i du sl Y . Aguacate and even Havana.
searched the board for their 'What some found was a series
names and the long awaited ? of contradictions?most
I , news that they would be able to Cubans, when asked, said they
. ' leave their homeland for the loved "Fidel" and the "revolu-
United States. tion" while a few others' freely
Am ado declared bitterly that but quietly said they would
'.. the "gustanos" [worms]?will . leave Cuba at the first op-
j? ? be your problem pretty soon. portunity.
I, ' Our country doesn't need them Several of the young "Norte
} ? and we're glad to be, rid of Americanos" who ventured into
' them. Their heads are filled
with garbage."
:, Altho he looked much older,
Amado said he was 19 years old
and within a few months hoped
to become a member of the
L'!..' Young Communists of Cuba.
Amado spoke English well and
'.. a claimed he had lived in Holly-
0 .. ? wood, Cal.' for eight years
! ? before his family returned to
? ' Cuba just before the United
The cell, he said, was only a
few feet wide and several feet
long and his on:y contact with
.the outside worid was a small
opening thru which his food
was sent. "The guards didn't
mistreat' me," he explained,
"but I couldn't talk to anyone
for two months and I almost
went crazy."
Hamilton said that after it
was determined that he was a
"poltical exile," he was given a
room in the Havana Libre? I
formerly the Havana Hilton?
where he lived in relative
luxury for several weeks. Ile
said he then volunteered to cut
sugar cane in the 10-million-ton
harvest and now plans to study
two weeks had been set aside States with his girlfriend. His
for a tour of Cuba and that they girlfriend, he said, was allowed
would have all the freedom to leave the country, but he
they wanted to talk to anyone was picked up and sent to an
about the Cuban "revolution." agricultural work camp for
Groups Defy Ban
"repatriation." ,
But small groups defied the Hijackers Tell Views ?
unwritten restriction and
Similarly conflicting r e a c-
. "split" from the cartip on their
tions 'to life in Cuba were
own for the nearby town of
provided by, two ? men who
claimed they had hijacked
planes to come to Cuba.
- One young man identified
himself as Binnie Hamilton,
Black Panther who said he had
been in "trouble" with the
police for his political activi-
ties. He said he hijacked a jet
from San Francisco on Dec. 2.
fA check with news-files later
1.,. States
? relatio? ?
h frfa 'MU
, :regime on Jan: 3, 1061. His
father, he said, h;?(: owned a
Aguacate one afternoon
in the States showed that a
' greeted enthusiastically by two T. W. A. jet en route from San
Cuban teenagers who paraded Francisco to Philadelphia with
them from house to house
29 persons aboard was hijacked
the town where 800 persons on that date. An air lines
lived in crowded and drab spokesman said at that time
stucco buildings on several' that a black man identified as
narrow streets.;
"B. Hamilton" used a knife to
? , ' 1 ?
' One of the girls sat the young hold a hostess.]
"Americans in straight back 1iarry-1 t old the small
p,roup cf Americans that he
' chairs and .on a worn sofa in
trt: ;1 ! , arrested when the plane
one . of the apartments before foods the country can produce
:laded in Havana and that he
she dasheddattereturi..?., ., ' id4oliorted. It's good to try
19AA042-0 xtuillibiCiA4qpiy2ucti totRa
. from miming, with a record so i rY on ineil.e.,L ViTtejj
The second hijacker said he
found the Cuban government
too "burocratic" and in some
ways "more inhumane than the
government o f the United
The Cuban people, he said,
"are . told year after year to
work hard to develop the
country's economy?that a bet-
ter 'life will come if only now
they struggle. But each year
the shortages and rationing
continues as the best fruits and
o1r,15 out of under-
i'cvelopment, but the ?pcoplo
, Within a few " officials "eie-ked mc % A can't eat proirk's "
'if I 1V4:, ,-,y;irlectecti$
Appromg For RI07iAelease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01
APR 2 3 A70
E ? 113,781
C.I.A. Business? .
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro made a
serious charge in blaming the United States Central
ence Agency and the PentagoriThrfErfel'ent
landing o anti-Castro guerrillas in eastern
Cuba. The United States did launch the Bay of Pigg
invasion of Cuba in 1961, so Castro has a reason to
be suspicious.
The United States government denied involvement
in the 1970 invasion. But Alpha 66, an association of
Cuban exiles in Miami, says it trained the guerrillas
at a secret base in the Florida Everglades and sent
them to Cuba.
If so, this too is a violation of international law by
the United States. All governments have an obliga-
tion not to permit armed bands to use their territo-
ry as a base to attack a country with which they
are not at war. The United States has made some
efforts to enforce this rule since the Cuban missile
crisis of 1962, though the State Department does not
accept the Russian thesis that the U.S. made a
binding promise not to try to overthrow the Cuban
government by force.
It would be possible for Alpha 66 to train and
launch a small force without getting caught by the
United States ? and apparently this is a small
force. By Wednesday Castro said his men had killed
or captured nine and that only four remained.
But large operation or small, the legal principles.
are the same. Since the C.I.A. got found out for the
Bay of Pigs and boasts leaked out about similar
operations in Guatemala and Iran, it has been
harder for the United States to deny convincingly
its role in coups and guerrilla strikes all over the
map. Americans just don't know whether to believe
their own government or not. Many foreigners sim-
ply assume the United States is guilty. , .
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80001-5
2 1 APR 1970
7` 0
Q% U12. a ?.ogingere. E.YDV/CiSii?171
fiey rep0 SEilasil-'DGe
HAVANA, April 20 ? Premier Fidel Castro charged yesterday that a band of H
"counter-revolutionary bandits" from the U.S. attempted to invade Cuba, according to
? Radio Havana. Army, rural militia, and frontier (coast) guards routed the attackers, kill-
ing two and capturing three in two clashes, and are pursuing the survivors in the moun-
Four Cuban soldiers were
killed and two severely wounded
in clashes Friday and Saturday
night. Two automatic rifles, 2,000
? rounds of ammunition, and many
plastic explosives were captured.
These were weapons of the "Yank-
ee army," Castro stated.
He reported over the radio:
"The imperialists are again smug-
gling hirelings into Cuba in order
to spill the sacred blood of the
sons of our people."
The were also trying to obstruct
the sugar harvest, though in vain,
he said.
He indicated that the invaders
came from a point in the U.S. and
were Cuban emigres.
The language of his broadcast
indicated the invading force was a
small one.
The attackers landed at dawn
Friday morning 15 miles east of
Baracoa, an isolated area in Or-
iente Province. This is on the
eastern tip of the island, across
from Haiti and on the opposite
side from that of the Bag of Pigs
invasion. In the first clash two
emigres were killed and two cap-
tured. In a second one, another
was captured. The rest fled into
the mountainous jungles where
Castro and his band had fought
on landing in Cuba.
Castro's broadcast spoke of
the mercenaries as "being paid
by the U.S.," and as coming from
the emigre colonies there.
Since 1961 there have been a
.dozen landings by emigres, involv-
ing groups of from five to thirty.. '
All were repulsed. In the Bay of 1
Pigs invasion in April 1961. some
1,600 Cubans, together with others -
from the CIA, attacked but were
crushed within three days. The
current attack was on the anni-
versary of that of 1961. ' ?
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
Prerm International
Newsmap identifies city of Barocoa (arrow) where a U.S.-sponsored in-
vasion of Cuba was launched.
In Washington the State Depart:
ment denied that it knew anything
about the invasion. It said no agen-
cy of the government whatsoever
knew of it either. After thus pro-
testing too much, the spokesman
went on to say that this meant all
levels of the government. He said
nothing about the open mobiliza-
tion of emigre forces armed and
trained in the U.S.
Reports in the Spanish-language
press of New York City, gave
, some additional information. For
, example, one paper recalled that
in the attack this last December,
? a group of eight landed near, if not
on the U.S. base at Guantanamo,
also in 'Oriente Province. One
drowned. The report said that
strong winds forced the invaders
upon the coast at the naval base,
and that a U.S. Navy vessel from
the base took the others back to
Maimi. There the Cuban colony
numbers 300,000.
El Diario reported (April
20 ) that the leader of one force of
invaders was Vicente Medina,
director of the Military Dept. of
Alpha 66, the emige armed
group. He was an army captain
who fought with Castro's band in
the original revolutionary attack
on the Batista government.
The paper intimated that two
landings were made this weekend.,...,
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al7 xora Ti;cEs
2 1 APR 1970
Exile Group Says Its Members Landed in Cuba
Sitecral to The New tart Tin.
MIAMI, April 20?A Cuban
exile organization declared to-
day that its members landed in
eastern Cuba on Friday.
In a public statement, Alpha
66 said that "various guerrilla
groups are at this moment
fighting in different parts of
Cuba" against the Government
of Premier Fidel Castro.
Mr. Castro, in a communique
broadcast yesterday by the Ha-
vana radio, announced the
landing of what he called a
group of heavily armed "mer-
cenaries" who came from the
United States.
The communiqu?aid that
four soldiers and two of the in-
vaders had been killed in
clashes. Two of the mercenaries
were reported to have been
Alpha 66 said that its guer-
rilla force was operating on
,"two basic fronts," and that
'other guerrilla groups were
being formed.
,r Commander Identified
The operation is commanded
by Alpha's military coordinator,
Vicente Mendez, who at the
: time of the landing was given
the rank of colonel.
"The revolutionary and hu-
' manistic war of the Cuban peo-
ple has begun with the revival
of progreessive elements inside
the country and the entry into
Cuba of the Alpha 66 guerril-
las," the statement said.
"Our men are not of the
C.I.A., nor of the North Ameri-
can Government, nor are they
reactionaries or mercenaries,"
the statement added.
Andres Nazario Sargen, sec-
retary general of Alpha 66, said
that for "obvious reasons" he
could not give any information
about the size of the invading
force nor the area of its
planned operations.
Associated Press
Col. Vicente Mendez
of Barocoa in Oriente Province.
He also distributed a photo-
copy of a letter, signed by Colo-
nel Mendez, reported to have
been. written shortly before the
landing. Mr. Nazario said that
the letter was brought to Miami
by an Alpha 66 member who
accompanied one of the landing'
According to its text, the
one-page handwritten letter
was to have been released a'
month after the landing. It ap-';
peared, therefore, that the}
group had planned to remain as
inactive as possible for at least
a month to consolidate its po-1
In his letter, Colonel Mendez
said that his presence in Cuba
"breaks the myth of invincibil-
ity" of the Castro regime.
Colonel Mendez, who is 40
years old, is a veteran guerrilla
fighter. A farmer in Manica-
ragua, Las Villas Province, he
ioined Mr. Castro's fight against
the dictatorship of President
Fulgencia Batista, But he broke
with the Cuban Premier in early
1960 because he was opposed
to Communist influence in the
Cuban Government.
Mr. Nazario said, however,
that "several" landings had
been made in the general area
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2 1 APR 1970
Exiles Say Guerrillas
I Open 2 'Fronts' in Cuba
MIAMI, April 20 (UPI)?The
militant Cuban exile Alpha 66
organization claimed today it
has landed "many" guerrillas
.in Cuba and opened "two
.basic fronts" of military opera-
:lions against the Fidel Castro
:regime since last Friday.
The claims, made at a news
conference by Alpha 66 Secre-
tary General Nazario Sargen,
;were not otherwise substanti-
ated. They followed Sunday's
; dramatic announcement by
'Premier Castro that four of
.his troops and two invaders
were killed in skirmishes last
,Friday and Saturday.
i Havana Radio, which broad-
cast Castro's announcement,
said that Castro was attending
the funeral for his fallen
' [State Department spokes-
man Robert J. McCloskey said
he had "no information" on
? the Alpha 66 statements.
Other officials said they had
no way of gauging the scale of
the landing, but found it inter-
esting that Castro had an-
nounced it personally.)
Sargen, while refusing to
say exactly how many men
had landed in Cuba, empha-
sized that military activity is
not limited to the area around
Baracoa, on die eastern tip of
Oriente Province where Cas-
tro said a landing took place.
"The contingents of Alpha
,66 in Cuban territory are di-
vided into two basic fronts,' a
written release said.
? "They are guerrilla front
No. 1 'Julio Cesar Ramirez'
and guerrilla front No. 1 'Ev-
erardo Salas' along with di-
verse guerrilla focal points."
It said "many Alpha 66 men
are already in Cuba and oth-
ers will not delay in arriving
there . . . our men are not
from the CIA, nor the U.S.
government, nor reactionaries,
nor mercenaries."
Earlier Alpha spokesmen
confirmed that their guerrillas
had clashed with? Castroite
forces near Baracoa. They said
the military leader of dm ex-
pedition was Capt. Vicente
Mendez, 39, a one-time fol-
lower of Castro who turned
against him.
Castro reported Sunday that
three of the invaders were
captured alive and that the
rest?no numbers were given
?were being hunted down.
Alpha's claims of a "two
front" attack were in sharp
contrast to the prevailing im-
pression among reliable,
sources that possibly not morel
than a dozen men were in.
volved in the,landing.
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CITCAGO 11111711TE
5 APR 1970
by Robert Wiedrich
' ? THE INSIDE SCDOP: Like many others in this changing
world, the crime syndicate gangsters who long have. monopo-
To:lized the international drug trade
suddenly find themselves in a con-
frontation with a new force that threat-
ens their orderly and well-greased
r existence.
t? For the first time in decades, these
;I peddlers of lingering death are being
T. challenged thruout the eastern half of
ki the United States by en emerging net-
work of narcotics merchants led large-
ly by Cuban refugees, some of ? them
ex-cops under the regime of Ftdgencio
0.;.Batists. Lek.
I In brushes with undercover invest'. ?-
? Lois Nettletoo
gators, some of these exiled sadists have
? claimed the mantle of patriots, CIA trained for a victorious, I
return to the island some day. Whether that's true remains
to be seen, but meanwhile they're not letting grass grow
? under their feet,
For the fact remains that their Gestapo-like roles under
1 Batista have served them well in the jungles of the narcotics
trade. And to their crime syndicate gangster opponents, they.
Are a yet-to-be-fathomed and much-feared-enemy, largely be-
cause of quick resort to the trigger.
In the Chicago area, we're told this new breed refuses
to deal with local narcotics peddlers in less than quarter kilo
' lots of heroin. They headquarter in the Spanish speaking areas .
of the city, often using motels for their transactions.
Recently, two men known to be couriers for the Cubans.,
were observed with Portuguese passports bearing stamps
. from France and Mediterranean countries, reasonable proof
? of the international flavor of the drug routes that lead :to
? Chicago.
?It would be comforting to think that the two groups
'might annihilate each other in a clash for the multi-million
dollar racket. But the odds favor more their eventually reach-
ing an accommodation. ?
And that means the narcotics policeman's lot will be
even tougher in that same changing world that now befuddles
? the gangster, a world in which some knuckle beads see no
more harm in hallucenogentcs and heroin than in hamburger.,
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M - 57,6%
S - 84,706
MAI? 4 1970
What Comes Next? 1
AS OF THIS WRITING, mystery still sur-'
di rounded the seizure by Cuba and the
w reported release of the U.S. treasure
ship Jocelyn-C.
It remains, to be seen whether the whole
affair will be hushed up or an issue will be
made of that action by Cuba.
It is certain that the Jocelyn-C had elec-
tronic equipment on board. There was some.
speculation, but denied, that the ship was v
an instrument of the
In any event, it wilithighly interesting
to see what, it anything, happens next.,
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.45 Feb 1970
By Ruby Hart Phillips
Ruby Hart Phillips was for 25 years the full-time correspondent of the
New York Times In Havana, where her day-to-day reports on Cuban affairs
established her reputation as a careful, informed and accurate reporter.
Mrs. Phillips later saw her chronicles on the minuscule Castro revolutionary
force downgraded by her editors. They relied more on the Instincts and
glowing commentary of a colleague, Herbert Matthews, who played the
role of a kind of unofficial public relations man for Castro. Matthews hasn't
changed, and neither has Ruby Hart Phillips.
She wrote of her experiences in Cuba, Island of Paradox (Obolensky,
1959) and The Cuban Dilemma (1963).
Mrs. Phillips resigned from the New York Times in 1963 and has travelled
throughout Latin America for five years, writing columns for Long Island's
Newsday. She now lives In Miami, and has excellent contacts within the
Cuban exile community there, as well as in Cuba, and she draws from both
sources as well as her own rich background, for this report:
Will Communist Fidel Castro's Cuba
be brought back into the fold of the
Organization of American States (OAS)
and its members, among which is the
United States, and will the U.S. renew
relations with this small Caribbean
For years a portion of the American
press, radio and television has pictured
Castro as a great revolutionary leader,
who saved Cuba from the Batista dic-
tatorship, raised the standard of living
of the peasants and provided them with
educational facilities. The image is re-
mote from the truth.
Now we see Communist propaganda
taking a new turn, since Castro's des-
spiritually can no longer be hidden. Ad-
mitting Castro is having tremendous
economic difficulties and admitting
that the people are suffering, the pro-
pagandists arc appealing for U.S. help
to Castro on "humanitarian" grounds.
It is alleged by these vocal supporters
of Castro that Cuba today would be a
prosperous and happy country if the
U.S. had not cut off relations and im-
posed an economic embargo on the
country in 1960. In reality, the em-
bargo has been a colossal failure. So-
called friends of the U.S.?Great Brit-
ain, France, West Germany, the Nether-
lands, Belgium, Canada, Japan and oth-
ers?have not only been trading with
The facts of Castro's bloody dicta-
torship----his firing squads, inhuman
treatment of thousands of political pris-
oners, slave labor, and methods of ter-
rorizing the people of Cuba?have
been published in the United States.
But the great American public does not
seem to have believed any of these
things which go on only 90 miles from
their shores. The Kennedy and John-
son administrations chose to ignore the
situation in Cuba, and it appears the
Nixon administration is following in
their footsteps. This despite the reports
of U.S. intelligence, which detail these
facts and point out that Fidel Castro,
backed by the Soviet Union, is not only
a menace to Latin American countries
but to the United States.
Recently, Unidad, one of the Cuban
exile publications in Miami, printed the
statistics compiled by Jaime Cladevilla
Villar, who served as information coun-
sellor to the Spanish Embassy in Ha-
vana. Cladevilla, a university professor
and journalist, gave figures during a
speech in Madrid. He said:
"Since Fidel Castro seized Cuba Jan-
uary 1, 1959 to April 1969, 20,161
Cubans have been executed by firing
squad and 2,300 have died of torture
in the headquarters of the G-2, mili-
tary intelligence."
The trials of the thousands who were
rt5Veefilltir P I ea2h f7tJ4t :ct1RD P80-0 1%&iAtitlbglilktar6blefe with-
Combat, February 15, 1970 Vol. 2, No. 4
9 crr. 1370
Approved For Release 200gdMithisc1681M30-01601R000500
15 Feb 1970
In Grim Cuba/ Everyone Cuts Sugar ane
By Henry Miller
North American Newsnaner Alliance
S Castro Pushes For Record Cro
. HAVANA ? In his 11
JL ars as Cuba's dictator,
Fidel Castro has tried to Fonts left, complete with
show the world his nation bedroom trinkets, wedding
pursues its own independent photographs and children's,
Commit n st course. And keepsakes.
while he has made a strong "It cost a million dollars.
effort in this direction, his . in 1928," declared the.
nation relies more heavily Cuban. "Today, it is worth
on Moscow today than ever-. eight million but it is being
One thing obvious to the
observer in Havana is the
unhappy atmosphere that.
, pervades.
Americans, who once
could not get enough of the
capital city, probably would
not enjoy themselves today.
Even if they were welcome,
, their money could not buy
i any of the pleasures it for-
merly did; those pleasures,
simply no longer exist.
The extraordinary beauty
of the harbor and the city is
one of the few surviving
links with diversions of the :
. past.
? Reminders of the former
American influence remain,
notably the skyscraper ho-
.?tels and office buildings
which rise as sombre monu-
ments to investment losses
of perhaps $1.7 billion.
There are ancient Ameri-
can limousines, miraculously
running long after Detroit
, or their original owners had
hoped. And soft-drink signs,
although almost collectors'
, items now, provide the
, greatest nostalgia of all.
It was with almost morbid
delight' that a Cuban govern-
ment guide took me to the
sumptuous former home of
the DuPont family at Vara-
, dero, 60 miles from Havana,
- to try to drive home the con-
: trasts between Cuba before]
the 1959 revolution and now. I
The house, on the tip of a1
' delightful peninsula, has its;
own golf course, still immac-
ulately grOomed but unused.?
ence a e ec niq e
' The ground floor of the year ? has some jostifica-
being pursued is in urgent
! building is now a rather pre- tion. He believes that if the
need of reappraisal, or at
tentious restaurant but the, , goal is reached (which is
least t.
remainder is preserved just doubtful), it will encourage
as it n01414481 idarDltelatsttengovavigilhlatiA
plenty of money (one Peso ! nullify the -effects Of the
=,? one dollar) can be an ar- !. American trade blockade.
duous exercise. When .you ' The Russians are doing all
eventually get the food, it is they can to help him with
so unappetizing you tend to ? equipment, 'technicians and
wonder whether the effort ? moral sooport. Russians and
was worth it, however hun-,i their families are every-
gry you might be. And the swisess. So arc East Germans,
eujoyed by not just one f am- .price, even by New York.
ily but by all the Cuban i standards, is outrageous. , ' Bulgarians, North Koreans,
people." . i There is some comic re-- North Vietnamese and as-
This is the "piece de rests-, lief. Many of the waiters in
tance," the perfect symbol the hotels and restaurants
of the revolution's justifica-, were expertly trained to,
tion. Of course, the house is please the American visitors
not being enjoyed by all the
Cubans. Most of it is kept and they still go through
roped off for occasions when flamboyant antics while
certain visitors need to be
given tangible "evidence" of
the wickedness of capitalism
to reassure those Cu.
serving perhaps only a plate
of rice and a cup of coffee.
There is consolation, too,
bans who may be harboring, in the fact all tipping has
some doubts of their own. been abolished, an inevitable
Mueli of the population of revolutinary development
' that many might appreciate
Cuba seems to have been, in the United States.
persuaded that Castro's corn- ,,
munism is right and it is fer- Empty Buildings
veWly opposed to the ideals
being pursued only 90 miles More seriously, Havana is
away across the Straits of . a depressing city because of
Florida. its basic emptiness. There
are hordes of people but
"We shall forge ourselves empty shops, empty offices
in the daily action, creating and empty buildings de-
a new man with a new tech- signed for all forms of-
nique," promised the greatly human activity. Several
mourned Ernesto "Che" years ago, the government
Guevara. Pictures and post- proudly began to erect a
ers of him in shops and 1 showcase multistory block of.
homes outnumber those of I- apartments on the Havana
Fidel by about 10 to 1. A waterfront 'as part, of its
Cuban government acquaint- ! housing program. The build-
ance told me this was be- ,housing
close to what once was
cause tly., people wanted to , ':the US Embassy, remains,
show that "Che is in their : ,like others, unfinished and
hearts," .1;ut somebody more ' thousands continue to live
cynical judged it as a sign
in slums.
that dead heroes were basi-
: Other buildings in Havana
cally safer propositions than , are suffering from neglect
live ones. that effectively reflects Cas-
But what of that "tech- tro's order of priorities: Let
nique" Guevara spoke of? At, the city crumble but cut the
the moment, it does not ap- sugar cane at all costs!
pear to be all that success- , Castro's preoccupation
ful. In Havana, the constant ' with getting 10 million tons
queues for food at shops and of sugar harvested by July
restaurants peovide the best '
- . ? double that produced last
sorted Communists from
other parts of the world.
But they have non-'
Communist companions, too.
The Japaneiss are teaching
the CUlTallS, who have lived
so long with their backs to.
,the sea, how to fish.
Frenchmen are helping
them to build a fishing fleet.
Britons are building Castro a
fertilizer plant and provid-
ing him with more buses and
equipment for his factories.
And the Italians are com-
pleting a deal to give Cuba
'modern refrigeration-ships..
Russian Presence
The prominence of the
Russians and their contribu-
tion to Castro's agricultural
and industrial progress, such
as it is, are the most appar-
ent symbols of his reliance
on the Soviet Union.
Much less obvious are the
aircraft, guns and tanks that
Russia has put up Castro's
Cuba has a military
strength today that must be
the envy of all small coun-
tries. Recently Soviet de-
fense minister ? Andrei
Grechko arrived in Havana
? with a delegation that in-
cluded five generals and an
admiral ? for talks that
clearly had military signifi-
cance. But all the Cubans
would allow to be shown
publicly were solidarity pic--
tures of Grechko and Castro
' cutting sugar cane together.
Their secrecy was naive.
Ten days later, Moscow an-
nounced through its armed
forces paper, Kransnaya
Zvesda, that the Soviet
EtPippiele5000400.10-Selping Cuba to
. =In rim , urtner equip her-armed forces with
"the newest weapons and
...I. Any, 4- wn ?
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5 ,
military ei-litipment avail-
able" and that "Cuban mili-
tary expert:- were complet-
ing the mastkri hg of formi-
? dable modern weapons and
military equipment.
Since the 1962 mi cri-
sis, there has been an, as-
- sumption that neither Russia
nor Castro would dare to
compromise themselves
again so blatantly and so
close to American shores.
.Yet it would be surprising if
any new arms deals between
Moscow and Havana did not
include surface-to-air mis-
siles and some short-range
ground-to-ground missiles.
Russian ships steam in
and out of the Port of Ha-
vana daily like Caribbean
pleasure craft.. Soviet fishing
vessels have facilities to un-
load their Atlantic catches,
'refuel and go to sea again
withOut the inconvenience of
a long haul back to home
ports. As has been estab-
lished before, Russian fish-
ing ships have functions
other than fishing and it.
must be sheer joy to Moscow
:that such facilities exist." )
? Russia is giving Castro aid
of considerably more than
million a day. Ever since
.he decided to endorse the
:Soviet invasion of Czecho-
1,s1ovakia, Moscow has been
i bestowing him .with tangible
and intangible "rewards" for
his loyalty.
? The visit of - Marshal
Grechko capped all this and
obviously the Russians are
feeling more benevolent to-
ward Castro than ever. They
are sending him trucks, tray
tors and machinery for his
ports, factories and mills
and placing him in steadily
greater indebtedness to
them. The arms supplies are
not obvious, but they are
When I happened to spot
a Russian tank being moved
at dusk on a trailer 30 miles
from Havana, a Cuban gov-
ernment companion tried to
ignore it. He said later that
it was equipment for drilling
holes in the earth for citrus
trees and then added, with a
grin: "You weren't really
supposed to see that."
Apart from the rather pa-
thetic infiltration attempts
made from time to time by
Cuban exiles from Florida
? for which the Central In;
tell'Egrica_Agency automa -
lTy gets tlieTranie ? there
have been numerous acts of
sabotageories and
farms, a reminder to Castro
that he has by no means won
the support of all the people.
There also is "passive re-
sistance," a significant
weapon, among many work--
ers. The government , was
compelled recently to re- ?
mind them that "sloppy
work, absenteeism and other ?
antirevolutionary practices'
were seriously affecting
productivity in. the country.
There is no better indica-
tion of the degree of disen-
chantment with life in Cuba
than the endless stream of
refugees pouring out on the
daily flights from Varaciero.
I vias told that as many as
700,090 of the island's eight
million are waiting to loin
the half-million refugees
who have already left. They
are - called "gusanos"
(worms) but Castro ob-
viously feels they are better
out of his way, once they
have signed over to him ev-
erything they possess. At the
present rate of departure,
however, many of the
would-be refugees obviously
will be too old or dead by
the time their turn arrives.
No young men are allowed
to leave the island. They all
must spend three years in
e army. Up to 100,000
roops are presently assist-
ing in the "Zafra," the great
mobilization in the sugar-
cane fields.
?iCastro is telling the Cu-!
bans that the magical 10 AMP-
lion tons of sugar has to be
produced by July 26 at all
costs. He even has post-
poned observance, of all pub-
lic holidays, including
Christmas, in his frantic bid
to see that it is.
Almost everyone is being
roped into the pane-cutting
operations. Even officials in.
his ministries are having to.
do their share in the fields..
It is hard, hot work and they
do it on inadequate diets.
Yet, on the surface they
seem to be bearing it all
, with remarkable good grace
What will happen if Cas-
tro does not produce the 10
million tons of sugar? Even
if he does, how will the
Cuban people benefit?
Double Price
Russia has promised to
buy five million tons at
6 cents a pound, double the
present international market
rate. But even disposing of
the remaining five million
tons will not solve Castro's
enormous economic prob-
lems and certainly not
give him mystical overnight
power to improve the living i
conditions of his people.
On the other hand, if he
pulls it off he will have
scored valuable points with
those countries (Communist
and non-Communist) al-
ready trading, or contem-
plating trade, with him.
- ? ? ? -
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21 JAN 1970 ---
Virginia Preweil / Castro's travail
CUBA'S potential for dis-
turbing the world's very pre-
carious present balance is
growing again behind the vir-
tual news blackout that as
curtained Cuba from the U.S.
public in recent years.
Here is why: ?
? Leonid Brezhnev's Jan 15
revelation of severe Soviet
economic stresses confirms
earlier reports that the Krem-
lin must get a better performance out of Cas-
? Fidel, in a Jan. 12 speech, confirmed what
objective observers already knew ? that Cuba
? is falling behind on Castro's schedule for pro- '
Iducing 10 million tons in sugar for '1970.
Most significantly, Castro for the first time
publicly blamed, along with the weather, his
own command-apparatus. These are the people
? ? upon whom both Castro and Russia depend to
a large degree.
? ? ?
,WORLD sugar experts say Castro's great
travail will come later when his command-ap-
paratus fails to squeeze the final two or three
million tons of sugar out of Cubans and the
canefields. Two possibilities for trouble will
Fidel may squeeze so hard that his own ap-
paratus turns or cracks. Or Russia may decide
to eliminate him. He might be kicked upstairs ?
,in world communism, die in a phony "CIA
:assassination." sicken,or just vanish. .
, . ?
In any of these situations, Russia's hold on
Cuba will run a tremendous hazard. Latin
American people long enslaved have often
erupted in fury when just a crack appeared in
their oppressors' armor.
With the Vietnam peace talks and the Strate-
gic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) going, Rus-
sia may figure the United States will do notlf-,
ing about Cuba in new crisis. But it misjudged
President Kennedy on Cuba and may well mis-,.
judge President Nixon.
? ? ?
IF and when Fidel faces his inexorable desti-
ny, we shall face it with him. We may have to
accept another Czechoslovakia in the Carib-
bean, with inevitable world-wide consequences,
or resist.
We shall have to deal with the emotional and
political upheaval in Latin America that a ,
blazing crisis in Cuba would cause. Even Latin
Americans on the left deeply resented the
Czechoslovakian invasion. Latin America will.
certainly react strongly to any parallel in the.
Caribbean. ?
Our news media flood is with details about
Vietnam, the Middle East and even Biafra.
Yet Cuba is the only situation where the great
nuclear powers, the United States and Russia,
stumbled into a nuclear age confrontation.
Both. powers claimed victory after the ex-'.
treme tension subsided. Sucha convenient out-
come will not be so easy a second time
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2 JAN 1970
J. i? 0 Cr o?
The race ahead%
THE ill-fated ouster of Pan-
ama's Brig. Gen. Omar Tor-
rijos should warn us to stop
allowing ourselves to he talked
out of the secure U. S. zone
protecting the Panama Carnal-
- Senate Foreign Relations!
Committee Chairman J. Wil-
liam Fulbright notwithstand-
Our taxpayers have invested
$S billion in the Canal Zone.
. And as a spokesman for changing the zone's
, status to Panamanian, Sen. Fulbright is,
' again, and as usual, muddleheaded.
' Such worried men as Chief of Naval Opera-
tions Admiral Thomas H. Moorer could tell ,
you about the canal's global strategic impor-
tance. And as for Latin America, SO per cent. of
Peru's and Chile's imports and exports pass_
thru it. The dependency is equivalent along
the entire Pacific side of the continent.
? ? ?
THE Republic of Panama is threatened by
communist guerillas internally and on either
side of its two frontiers. How can anyone ig-
nore the fact that Panama (population 1.4 mil-
lion borders on chaotic Costa Rica and Col-
ombia? Is it news that imported Red guerillas
are staging a horrible shooting war in nearby
Et Salvador? Are we blind to the Red-instigat-
ed eruptions in neighboring Guatemala and
? Honduras?
I dined with Nicaraguan Preident Anastasio
Somoza Jr., who spelled out for me the Red
attacks closing in on Panama. Except Nicara-
gua, our 10-mile-wide Canal Zone is the only
, zone of stability in the entire region.
: Demagogs abound in Panama's faction-rid-
.f den political jungle. Their most popular sport
Is to kick Uncle Sam at every opportunity.
1, Worried Admiral Moorer finds that Fidel Cas- ?
tro's guerilla fleet is moving fighters and
their arms into Panama. Their embarkation'
point is La Colma, Cuba ? Soviet-occupied.
? ? ?
THE CIA, in turn, finds that air deliveries
are from the Soviet air base at heavily-guard- .
ed San Julian, 90 miles southeast of Havana.'
The CIA also finds all deliveries growing
steadily and that they are paid for by Soviet
gold. The propaganda support comes ? and at
a new high pitch ? from Castro's powerful'
Russian-built radio station on Cuba's key'
Breton peninsula.
Havana-based Costa Rican Julio Sunol is one,
of Latin America's most famous communists..
Bloody-fisted Sunol often presides in Moscow
at the annual "conference of the peoples," the ,
party's assembly of guerilla revolutionary
cadres. Castro has now 'reinstalled Sunol in
Costa Rica, on Panama's border, as the oper-.
ation's director.
Castro's resident agent in charge in Pana-
ma, communist Thelma King, won her spurs
in 1964 when four U. S. soldiers were killed in,
the riot in our Canal Zone. In fact, Thelma..
King herself led the rioters into the Canal Zone.,
and has been boasting about killing these U. S.?
soldiers ever since in Panama City.
The real question we face is not the surren-
der in U. S. control of the canal versus Pana-
manian control. The 'real question- is .U.S.
control versus Communist control..
;It should'be..debated In?thil' Senate OA that;
' basis ? ? ?? ? ?
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500040001-5
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-Fidel Castro said
this American bomber was shot down in the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.
Associated Press
VI e
Fe A I 5 6?
Dual Role?Intelligence and Action
Is Called Underlying Problem of C
The United States, says a former top-
ranking Central Intelligence Agency offi-
cer, learned an important lesson in the
Bay of Pigs fiasco:.
, That "it is seldom possible to do some-
thing by irregular means that the United
States is not prepared to do by diplomacy
or direct military action."
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr. in "The
Real CIA," also says that the underlying
problem in Congress as far as the Central
Intelligence Agency is concerned does
not deal with intelligence but "those
other things that the CIA may be directed
to do by the policy makers." He implies
that the clandestine Bay of Pigs operation
was such an instance.
Employment of the CIA for "back-alley
fighting" in the political-action arena
has damaged the agency's image and
? credibility, Kirkpatrick says. It is his
, view that such undercover action for
the implementation of foreign policy
should be used only as a last resort
before the employment of military action.
Still, Kirkpatrick believes the CIA
should have the dual capability of con-
ducting operations or "action," as well
as producing intelligence. But he cautions
that where the CIA combines both func-
tions, great care must be taken to see
I that raw intelligence is evaluated and
11/4 analyzed by experts, and not ufteiesilettlibityl.pttalswo
operators who have neither the neces-
sary expertisp nor the proper objectivity..
This was one of a multitude of reasons
why the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion failed,
Kirkpatrick contends. In the abortive bid
to overthrow Cuba's Fidel Castro, it was
essentially twhe same group of people
The reviewer is a member of The
Times local copy desk who served as
an intelligence officer in the Marine
Corps for more than five years during
World War II and the Korean War,
processing the intelligence, planning The
operation, "selling the project to the
policy makers and, finally, directing the
final effort."
The Bay of Pigs debacle is only one
of many episodes cOvered in this work
by a man who spent almost 23 years
in intelligence work and who rose to
the No. 3 post in the CIA despite a
polio attack in 1952 which left him
confined to a wheelchair. He is now
a professor at Brown University.
Pinpointing reasons why the Bay of
Pigs operation failed, Kirkpatrick adds
tion" by CIA operators of what was
required to do the job.
ro President Kennedy, upon taking of-
fice, scrapped the National Security Coun-
cil mechanism and, as a consequence,
got a one-sided picture of the chances
for success of the landing.
The author disputes the notion that
the CIA does pretty much as it pleases
in launching an operation such as the
Bay of Pigs. Actually, he says, the CIA
.does what the National Security Council
tells it to do.
While Kirkpatrick is of necessity foggy
about many details concerning the CIA,
his is an important work on the most
misunderstood phase of the federal gov-
ernment. His work has an authentic ring;
it is one of the few books published
by senior officials with inside knowledge
of the CIA.
Because he has taken an autobiographi-
cal approach, there may be those who
will say somewhat euphemistically that
the book might more appropriately be
titled "The Real Lyman Kirkpatrick Jr.,"
but his approach has the virtue of making
an intricate topic readable.
THE REAL CIA. 13y Lyman B. Kir
patrick Jr, The Macmillan Comp ye
Approved For IReleaselaftWitharrW-RDP80-01
J1461 2 9 1968
Communist Party Uncovers
Anti-Castro Faction
Havana, Jan. 28 (A?Cuba's
Communist party announced to-
day it has uncovered an anti-
party group within its ranks,
including two members of the
party Central Committee, and
will try some of the group as
The announcement said the
anti-party faction was led by
Artibal Escalante, once among
the three top members of the
original Cuban party director-
ate and a Soviet-line Commu-
nist. It said he and eight others
would be tried before a revolu-
tionary tribunal.
Political observers in Havana
believed the trial of the nine,
announced in a communique
after three days of closed-door
Central Committee sessions,
would demonstrate a trend in
Cuban policy still further away
from Moscow's line.
2 Ousted Ppm Party
The two incriminated Central.
Committee members were ex-
pelled, but there was no indica-
tion they would be put on trial.
Escalante, in his 50's, has
been in and out of trouble with
the Government for about six
years. He was reported arrest-
ed several months ago for al-
legedly plotting against the
Government.. Word of his arrest
and a crackdown against sever-
al others leaked out last De-
The committee accused Esca-
lante's group of."intrigues," dis-
tributing propaganda against the
party, giving false information
to foreign officials with intent to
da,nage Cuban foreign relations,
and possessing secret \docu-
ments of the committee and of
the Ministry of Basic Industries.
Aided The CIA
It said Escalante's position
aided the United States Ce.
ti-al Intelligence Agency and
"pseudo-revolutionaries of Latin
America"?a reference to other
Latin Communists Prime Min-
ister Fidel Castro has attacked
for shunning his guerrilla war-
fare policy.
Ousted from the Central Com-
mittee were Ramon Calcines,
head of Cuba's fruit production
program, and Jose Matar, for-
mer chief of the 2,000,000-mem-
ber Committees for the Defense
of the Revolution.
The committee charged Matar
Calcines were involved with
? _
. _
Escalante and that there had
been .an anti-government faction
in Fruiticuba, the state export
company headed by Calcines.
The communique Made no
mention of party reorganization.
Speculation that some sort of
reshuffling was in the works
was generated last week after
an official reference to Castro
called him general secretary Of
the Cuban Communist party in-
stead of first secretary, his cus-
tomary title. ?
Today's communique referred
to Castro as first secretary.
The .committee also declared
solidarity with North Korea over
seizure of the United States in-
telligence ship Pueblo. And it
announced that Cuba would not
send a delegation to a world
meeting of Communists ar-
ranged by the Soviet Union in
Budapest, Hungary, next month.
A headline - in the official
party paper Granma said the
Central Committee had "un-
masked the microfrktion" of
old Bolsheviks will!) oppose Cu-
bars militantly pro-guerrilla for-
eign policy and favor the milder
Soviet line..
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