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Approved For. Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-
22 Na' 1970
.U. hiies
death #
MOSCOW ? "'Me latest -
:exposure of CIA activities in
-Chile, Bolivia, Peru and other
v. Latin American countries
'show one of the aspects of the 1
4.41.J.S. policy of 'partnership'
,with Latin America," said a
recent news article, in the
Soviet newspaper Izvestia.
"IF THERE is anything new..
.in Latin American policy of the "
/, U.S.,'' writes political
icolumnist Busland Tuchnin,
is only that the American
'monopolies have to act in that .
, area of the world much more
carefully and cautiously than
they did during the days of
'.''gunboat diplomacy'. Anti -
I .imperialist feelings have now
L; reached such a level that
rarmed intervention can lead to
L'teal revolutionary explosion.
.. IOW 1.%...A1A1ZIA.C.01i144,0
.Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP8001601R000700220001-3
Approved For ReleaS62404763?0412r6RifF'80-01 6
1 7 FEB 1970
IL ? . t.,"
,k 1:11(1(..'S 1 n America
. Haring Traublo DiNtingnishing Ilottreen Wow!' /Ind .413a(1" Military Regime.% ;
But how can the Latin American military regime
1.r 11?mtb. s1
' meintain law and order, respect American interests!
and carry mit battle reforms nil at .the same time?
U.S leitin American eeperis ha 6
ve 4%we
:el their Thls feat would be tentamount to turning a circle
ettennue from the Caribleem to the Andes, The -in,' into rt square. A *ellen of studies has been initiated).
creasing stability of Fidel Castries revolui Iona ry . by official and unofficial U.S. intelligence eervicesc
* ?
ri Nliat?rel
Government in Cuba nod the telzttive 5erority if
the pro-American regimes in Nlexico and brazil go
far to explain this change.
At the same time the challenge trom the Perniii
an junta determined to reduce that countreee ece-
nomic dependence on the United Steles, the leftist
orientation of e 11, Mire&
Ovando Condia's fiee-month-
old Bolivimi Government, the
fitiid political sitnatIon in
Chile and the emergence of a
military pressure group there, ?
together with moves toward
? closer economic integration of
the five Andean states (Col-
ombia. Ecuador, Peru. Bolivia and Chile) are of
growing concern to the men in Washington respon-
sible for working out and carrying out Latin Ameri-
can policy.
An analysts of the charred situation in Latin
America makes It possible n understand the. policy :-
developed by the Nixon Aeministration following
Nelson Rockefeller's Latin A eerican trips.
Mr. Rockefeller returned home. convinced that
Latin America was ripe for revolution. Antl-Arnoti-
1, can revolutionary forces are "on our doorstep," he
confirmee Washington's primary concern, he in-. ?
misted, should ho to maintain order on the conti-
nent. Past distinctions between "representative de-
rnocracles" and military dictatorships Wore out of e.
? .1; date. Addressing Congress on Nov. 12, he warned.
that a "chaotic revolution" could break out if the
! United States did not step up its military aid to Lat-
in American governments, including the military
regimee. "
? e
, Washington's decision to stop discriminating be-
tween democracies and dictatorships in'Letin.,?
America was n serious blow to Latin American
eral lenders like Romulo Betancourt. The former:'i;!?
. Venezuelan President was the author of a doctrine'. PI
calling for the non-recognition'of tovermnents
that come to power by force. This distinction is ee
considered "too rigid" by the orient; Venezuelan
. ? . ?? , .
The alirror
Peddle Opinion
to try to answer the question.
The coda name varies, but the technique remains
- the same. In Chile the U.S. Embassy was forced to?
apologize to the Government two years ago afteri
the details of Project Camelot were revealed. The,
project which was undertaken by an American uni-
versity for the Pentagon was aimed at determining
the political sympathies of various sectors of the '
'Peruvian population. Recently the Chilean Senate!
held a closed-door session to discuss a Christian!
? Democretie Senator's indictment of CIA activities,
and pressures la the country.
The. policies of the agency and the Pentagon dce,
Poi necessarily Coincide. Sometimes they compete?
Met one another in the field. For instance, a studyi
to Project Camelot was conducted by thei
-Defense Department of the Chilean Army. Officers1
?were queried about. their satisfaction with living 1
.ecindltions and asked in what circumstances they!
might consider Intervening in public affairs.
To stave off a Peruvian-type coup in Chile, U.S.'
intelligence circles naturally encouraged the
ary rightists. Naval and air force officers as well
es .the colonel commanding the Black Berets are
..ke:y,figures in this group.
. Peruvian Army leaders are upset by the dieelo-
sure of the American Protection Nen, although the
. affair has not yet broken into the open; A Rand
Corporation study carried out for the Pentagon
prior to October MS predicted any move by the
Peruvian military would be motivated by social!
.rather than personal considerations.
Since that date the plan set up to protect Ameri-
can installations in Peru in the case of disorders
has served as a framework for espionage, govern-
ment leaders charge. Peruvian intelligence seized a
card file containing several hundred names, and
sonic members of the U.S. Embassy staff were
? asked to leave the country.. Only the conciliating
,titude of the American ambassador has prevented a
Trhe ci s no question that some Bolivian leaders ,
want to free their country from dependence on the
United States, Tho La Paz branches of several
American organizations?malnly operating, out of I
the U.S. Embassy?have been placed under Boliviq
Government, headed by President Rafael Calderaei
, I
. ?vItich his nbronioned it.
I Nevertheless, t h e continent's ntiti?Communist
enti-Cnstro, anti-militarist and pro-American lead...,
'firs win) long for the "gam old itilyrin of the Kent02-1
: dy Adminivtraticin and the Alliance for Progress
would like to see it revived.
1 Yet while Latin American liberate protest. at
being placed on an equal inciting with the military
leaders who were their enemies a decade ago, It
seenis that the State Department, the Pentagon end'
the CIA are having 't rouble distinguishing the
"1"'''t415i13118.1Pardnrafilttlafi- 2001/b
an Government control.
Ilnlivia is undoubtedly viewed as a "marginal I
country" In terms of U.S. interests, although Che
Guevara's guerrilla activities In If)67 make It Into a
test cote Certain U.S. circles will no doubt be die-
pleased to tate the men who defeated Gitevare's
band with the aid of the (*.men Berets adopt an
"anti-lumeriallst" attitude.
"What's happening in Bolivia has little In corn.
mon with our revolution," Gen. Velasco said recent.
Nevertheless Bolivia has supplanted Peril it thy
111)4VeliRDPI)80-01301R00411.002 20 0 0 1-3
Lie ? wit en bars c Nye watc, .
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R0
Y.7 211.e.
rent '
,rruatt Ez.:11 ONizr
Papa Paila ?
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Latin American politicians
are finding that they have to ? support is declining, in most
',do more than wave the anti- cases they panic.
? imperialist, the anti-U.S., flag That is what seems to be
to get and keep popular sup- 'happening at the moment in
po .Peru, Bolivia and, to a lesser
True', it may help, for a
time. They may gain a respite
1- by charging that the Central
t Intelligence Agency is behind
a conspiracy against them, or
that Washington is plotting
their country's economic ruin,
or that American companies
are ruthlessly exploiting their
, natural resources.
Talk like that does quickly
! rally the 'extremists behind
nti-Yankee Epithets L sing Their Stint
when they become aware their
Copley News Service
At several stages? in the ne-
gotiations, .the Peruvian ?
:armed forces lashed out at
their critics. They informed
, the Peruvian newsmagazine ?
Oiga, which opposed any
nationalizing the Bolivian Gulf , ?
Oil Co., the biggest U.S. in- -
vestment in the country; last-
ed only as long as he casti?-?
gated the company for ex- .
-ploiting Bolivia, But when
extent, Chile. agreement with foreign mm- Ovando refused to go along .
The Peruvian military man- ing interests, that they did not with the demands that the
aged to get along pretty well need lessons in patriotism,
remnants of the late guerrilla ?
for about 14 months, buoyed And they banned the eireula-
leader Ernesto (Che) Guev- I
up by the wave of nationalistic tion of the hemispherieally.1 ara's band, be released from :
. fervor they stirred when they circulated Spanish language .. prison, the extremists turned .
expropriated the U.S.-owned newsmagazine, Vision, which against him,
International. Co. .. favored the project, for daring
, - .
? But a nation like Peru, to report what everybody ? Anti-junta feeling within Bo- .
- : whose wealth is in its subsoil- knew: that there was a divi- . ' livia has reached ? the point ;
resources, its agriculture and .- sion within upper level's of the. . that. in one speech Ovando
. its mean depths, needs a eon-- -.government on the Cuajone7..
i.suggested that he might send ?
them. And it does fuel the . - tinuing flow of foreign T1.:. matter, . the Bolivian revolution's
,. before the firing 1
, fires of the students and their .; '? vestment for further develr . ' But, apparently to stifle crit- enemies
c Marxist-Leninist mentors. Butopment. 'leism that they expected from ?',', squad: The reaction 16 that-. ?
1 It also creates future problems' ' - '?. I anti-capitalist sectors, the',. .threat, in Bolivia . and from ;
, by whetting appetites of active : The biggest pending foreign -.... Peruvian junta decreed ? a , ...abroad, was so . stiff that !
lists who refuse to be placated ....7 investment was a $355 Million !,; press law that, in the words or Ovando' subsequently backed:
1 by anything less than contin-, ..-' project involving copper .de- ?, :the Confederation of Workers off, saying that it was just a ;
'tied, rabid, revolutionary gov,' posits in Cuajone, in. southern..,; of Peru, "substantially modi- figure of speech.
,ernmental action. Peru, near the Chilean border.,?:, lies the right of freedom of ex- .1
' The extremists, however, And only U.S. mining interests pression and subordinates it to ! . From Chile, reports are .that
! erous, in Latin America, as. The Peruvian military had . will signify open coercion in political observerS say that
:are the minority, though vocif-
I Sooner er later, the increas- -
Ingly sophisticated majorities
demand some sort of proof of
the wild accusations, When no
substantiation is forthcoming,
!,the self-appointed leaders boo':
(gin, to, lose. credibility and
were ready to tackle it. ?
? a Series of procedures that
? to tread carefully in negotiat- its exercise."
Ing with the foreigners, both ; , With that, the Peruvian mit-
-to preserve Its zealously culti- .itary managed to enrage vir-
vated revolutionary image tually the entire press corps.
and to avoid being so obnox- In Bolivia, junta boss Gen,
bus to the investors as to Alfredo Ovando Candia dis-'
scare them ?,and their ? covered that the support he
? million?away. !"
drew from the extremists by
Radomiro Tomie. the presi-
dential candidate of the ruling
Christian Democratic party,
has done hi cause consid-
erable harm 1 repeatedly -1
criticizing thc Unit Statci
and by his insistence on the
"non-capitalist road to dev el.
It was in Chile, too, that
Sen. Rene Fuentealba spoke
lengthily in the upper house of
:congress. on reports of a Cen-
?.'.tral Intelligence Agency plot
against the government.
Eventually, though, the sena-.
1. tor admitted that he had no
evidence to . back up...his
" charges.
n' A Spanish version of t.hts.'
Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA:RDP80-01601R0gle
appears elsewhere an
00011-3 '
U.S. Social Science
Special to The New York Times
Legislation to set up an inde-
pendent Federal institution to
finance social science research
will be introduced tomorrow in
the Senate.
The bill, which was drawn
up by Senator ,Fred Harris of
Oklahoma and the staff of his
Subcommittee on Government
Research after informal con-
sultation with the Administra-
tion, has strong support in the
Among its 20 co-sponsors are
.the majority leader, Mike Mans-
field of Montana; the assistant
minority leader, Thomas H.
Kuchcl of California; Senator
? John 0. Pastore of Rhode
? Island, and other influential
? Senators. '
One main purpose of theLbill,
which would establish a -Na-
tional Foundation for the gc7C,Ial
Sciences modeled on the Na-
til Science Foundation, is to
devise a means for using Fed-
eral money to support research
in politically and socially im-
portant fields without arousing
a suspicion of academic impro4
? Over the last two years, dis-
closures that social science r
arch work Vias financ
? I 'ej,tils
gency Proposed
by the Central Intelligence
Agency and the .Defense De-
partment have created a con-
troversy that has' jarred the
academic community and, in
one instance, has prompted
Presidential intervention.
The most ceiebrattd case in-
volved Operation Camelot, a
study of the causes of insur-
gency in Latin America and
other developing areas that was
conducted by an office con-
nected with American Univer-.
When the project came to
light In Chile, and it was dis-
closed that the United States
Army was paying for it, there
was an explosion in Chilean
political circles that resulted in
acute embarrassment at the
State Department. President
Johnson ordered the Army to
cancel the project.
.Mr. Johnson also ordered the
State Department? to screen all
Federally financed ? , research
projects abroad for propriety
and ...,potential political diffi-
f'r -Another Army-baclted study
in Colombia, called Operation
Simpatico, was disclosed. This
was followed by reports of
C.I.A. involvement in a South
Vietnamese technical assistance
project conducted by Michigan
State University.
For the last year, the ques-
tion has been discussed at a
series of meetings of scholarly
'societies, in academic journals,
at specially organized seminars,
and in a series of hearings be-
tore Senator' Harris's subcom-
mittee.' ?
The burden of the complaints
Voiced by leading social set-
'entists was that research into
subjects such as social change,
;when funded by'. "operational"
,agencies such as the Army and
the C.I.A., was ?inevitably sus-
? ,rpect as to its motives, ?
?accepting such support,
'? lespecially ? if an attempt: was
Imade, to conceal it,. cholars
Were , said to . discredit:, theft.
selves and to block the accessi
of other scholars to their;
sources, especially abroad.
Shortage of Funds Cited
Other scholars and academic'
administrators cited an acute
shortage of funds for social?
as opposed to physical?science
research. To ask the academic
world to reject an important
source of funds was perhaps to
ask too much, they said. . ?
The bill to create the social
science foundation is designed
to help solve this dilemma.
? The foundation would be in-
depepndent of all.other Federal
agencies, and it would be for-
bidden to allow interference
with its personnel or policies
from any other Federal official
or department.
A 25-member board Of truS-
tees made up of leading figures
In various 'areas of .the social
sciences would supervise its
work. It would have a director,
and deputy director named by
the President and approved by
the. Senate.
With an annual buget,of $15-
million to $20-million, it would ?,?
finance research in political sci-
ence, economics, psychology, So- ?- ?
ciology, anthropology, law, hisa
tory, statistics, geography, de...
mography, linguistics and inter, '
national relations. ? .
; ?
The foundation would be 'al-. ?
lowed to accept contracts for 2
research from other Govern-
Inca agencies, including the
Defense Department the C.I.A.,
but the connection would be an-
nounced and all research would
be made available to the public,
The foundation would retain
complete control of personnel
selection and research strategy:
Furthermore, it would not be
lowed to accept contracts Worth'
more than a quarter of its own
reesarch - budget from. any
. All projects would be screened
by the foundation's ' staff and
consultants for scientific inter-
est and possible political roper's.
missions especiallyiabroadf-%
,t ?
Approxiedf'gr.:1:;e1e4se 200 11G3104 OtiA-R6P8Q-(11.601iRo00700216607