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Los ANGELFS Ao fteved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R0008g951 . 9
OCT 26 1972
Nixon's Nazis Use Asians
In 'P'dssin6143r C G_~~ Pot
KAMPALA, Uganda-The Nixon gang of Nazi exploiters under the direction
of the dangerous Super-Suave fascist Henry Kissinger, have plotted the nest move
in a strategy to pit the people of color in the United States against each other.
Then so-called-sacrificing,, pronouncement that the nowontrolled AnA
would resettle 1,000 East Indian Asian being kicked otit of Uganda for neo-1
the fast growing Ugandian con-
trolled economy.
East Indians imported into
Africa by the British colonial
rulers were used as the middle-
class elite to maintain a slate
aclc and Mexican American
professional labor market al-
ready hard hit by the Nixon
regime's Big Business Money
Kissinger-controlled NI x o n
sow the seeds of dissention
hold on the African people. among the Blacks and Chicanos.
After years of struggle and Seeing the slow progress being
bloodshed, African a ations , t made, the Nazi plot-makers
ousted the colonial exploiters; !decided to use the East Indians
only to be left with v, eil-trained i as pawns in their dirty chess
neo-colonialist. economic East I, game of divide and rule.
Indian saboteurs.
The American agreement to
take in these East Indians is
seen by many countries of the
world as being too little since
Canada has agreed to take tip
to 6,000 out of the estimated
40,000 left of the Black Asians
who refused to repractiale to
their original homes in India.
Britain, the ultimate respon-
sibility holders for the displac-
ed Indians, has the task of ab-
sorbing an influx of unskilled
labor in Its already highly +m-
employed island of decadence.
General Idi Amin, President
of Uganda, has ordered all East
Indians out by November 8,
and curiously enough, no one
for. If convicted, let run free
`during years of appeals. If
is questioning the fact that
none of the Indians and Pakis-
tanis have the slightest desire
to return to their own coun-
tries of poverty and disease.
America has not only agreed
to resettle just 1,000, but has
put a condition on those enter-
ing the U.S. America will
screen and accept only those
East Indians with professional
skills and high employment po-
tential, a direct threat to the
East Indians who have rob-
bed and exploited Africans for
decades, will now be allowed
to come to America to assist
the Nixon regime in its con-
tinuing effort to rob and ex-
ploit minority Americans.
Part of the Nixon plan has
backfired, as darker skin East
Indians who still refuse to rec-
ognize their African heritage,
have expressed fears of com-
ing to America because of the
well-known treatment accorded
darker skinned Black, Chicanos
and Puerto Ricans Americans.
The U.S. in its financial prop-'
pings of racist regimes like
South Africa, Rhodesia, Moz-,
asbique, Angola and Guinea-?
Bissau, have added another',
form of aid, not for the thou-
sands of East Asians caught
up in a vacuum of colonialist !
tricks, but aid to the clever
elite East Asian tricksters.
Once again the I-IERALD-
DISPATCH is alerting the
community to the threat of j
further exploitation and ag-
gression, and once again time I
.will prove the validity of that!
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000800250001-9
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T{met Staff Writer
In late July, Dr. Thomas Patrick
Melady, the new U.S. ambassador to
Uganda. met Gen. Idi Amin for the
first time. The ambassador quickly
sent his impressions to WVashington
in a confidential cable. While his
opinion of the Uganda ruler was low,
the ambassador urged the U.S. gov-
ernment to try not to antagonize him.
"Not antagonizing Amin" has been
the hallmark of U.S. policy toward
Amin. not only since the arrival of
hielady, but long before, in the view
of many outsiders. -
The United States has stuck to this
policy even though Americans have
been abused far more by Amin's sol-
diers than any other group of
foreigners in Uganda except Asians
with British passports.
. Since Amin took power by coup in
January, 1971, three Americans-a
journalist, a university lecturer, and
a Peace Corps trainee-have been
killed, one Peace Corps trainee
wounded, the wife of a U.S. diplo-
mat molested and almost raped, sev-
eral Americans thrown in jail with-
out cause, and numerous American
tourists searched and roughed up.
The response to this has been a
helpless wringing of the hands, a
few mild attempts at pro-
test and a furious expenditure of
energy, particularly by Melady, to
try to prevent U.S. readers from
finding out just how badly Ameri-
cans have been treated in Uganda.
The rationale for all this has been
concern for the safety of almost a
thousand Americans who live in
Uganda. U.S. officials insist that if
the United States offended Amin in
some way, the erratic general might
go into a rage and harm the Ameri-
eons there.
But the practical result of the pol-
icy has been to hide from the Ameri-
can public just how much security
has deteriorated in Uganda. Nothing
would drive that home to Americans
like an outcry from Washington.
Moreover, it can be argued that
the policy has hurt more Americans
than it has saved. Keeping quiet
about the treatment of tourists, for
example, has only trapped more
tourists into entering Uganda and
being mistreated by soldiers. Stern
talk and public protest might be a
up the case of the Ameri-
This sounded so incredi-
ble that some newsmen
assumed Ferguson, fear-
in the embassy phones
were tapped. simply did
not want to discuss the
matter by telephone.
A few days later in
Kampala. however. Fergu-
son confirmed what he
had said by telephone.
Amin had called Ferguson
and the Chinese charge
d'affaires together to an-
nounce Uganda's approval
of Mr. Nixon's visit to Chi-
na. Ferguson believed this
was not the right time to
bring up the case of Stroh
and Siedle.
Ferguson finally d i d
meet with Amin two weeks
after the disappearance.
By this time, it was clear
that Stroh and"Siedle were
Pressured by the Stroh
family, which owns a
brewery in -Michigan and
h a s important political
connections, the State De-
partment began a cam-
paign of petering Uganda
officials about the case.
The matter was raised
whenever an important
Ugandan official came to
Briton Meads Inquiry
In response to all this,
Amin agreed to an official
inquiry. After s e v e r a l
false starts, a commission
finally did complete its in-
quiry. The commission
was led by a former Bri-
tish judge of the Uganda
Nigh Court-Justice Da-
vid Jeffreys .Jones-who
was frightened enough to
leave Uganda and mail his
report from outside.
.I o n e s concluded that
Ugandan soldiers of the
Simba (Swahili for lion)
Battalion at Mbarara had
murdered Stroh and Sied-
The government of
Uganda, in a white paper
accompanying the report
told newsmen in Nairobi last J u I y, agreed t h a t
better protection to Americans than by phone that he had seen Stroh and Siedle had been
The chronological record, pieced
together from public and private
sources, both in Washington and
East Africa. tell; the full story of
how the U.S. government has react-
ed to a tyrant in a little country in a
part of the world that the United
States usually ignores.
The first and most serious injury
to Americans came in early July,
1.971, when soldiers at Mharara Bar-
racks in southwest Uganda killed
Nicholas Stroh. Z.3, and 11ohert. L.
Siedle, 46. Stroll, a free-lance jour-
nalist, and Siedle. a lecturer at Ma-
kcrere University, and formerly on
the University of Miami, Fla., fac-
ulty, were investigating reports of
a tribal massacre within the bar-
Stroh and Siedle were
probably killed Friday,
July Q. The L.S. Embassy
did not know they had
been taken until the next
day. U.S. officials could
not have prevented the
A political appointee,
Clarence Clyde }'erg eson
Jr., was ambassador a: the
time. Ferguson is now
deputy assistant secretary
of state for African affairs.
Ferguson decided that
the best way to free Stroh
and Sicdle unharmed was
to ma' :e little fuss about it.
For that reason, no embas-
sy officer vas sent to Mba-
rara. Later, Ferguson ex-
plained that he feared that
Col. AV. F. Ali. commander
of the barracks, might pa-
nic at the arrival of a U.S.
official and kill the de-
tained Americans.
Consul Given Job
In the meantime. Fergu-
son assigned a relatively
junior officer, Consul Phi-
lip Klein, to try to contact
the Uganda government
about the missing Ameri-
cans. This was done de-
spite the conviction of ex-
perienced diplomats that
African governments do
not take a foreign protest
or concern seriously un-
less it comes from the top.
About 10 days after the
disappearance Ferguson
secret hand-wrin proved For Rele a l2t0O 8a/O4t IA-RDP80-01601 R0008002500%laPtinued
Approved For ReleaseSL01%0364 CIA-RDP80-,
19 AUG 1972
U.S. Helps Evade
Ban on Israelis,
Uganda Charges
KAMPALA (UPI) - Presi-
dent 'di Amin accused the
t/ i nited States of sending Israe-
lis into Uganda disguised as
V.S. citizens.
-: He warned U.S. Ambassador
Clyde Ferguson that U.S.-
-Ugandan relations could suffer
if the alleged practice were
not stopped, American offi-
cials said.
Israelis have been barred
from Uganda since Amin
li r o k e diplomatic relations
.with Israel in April. But the
president said he had reliable
information that Israelis were
still entering with false U.S.
. Ile also threatened "drastic
action" if the United States
sends U.S. Central Intelligence
,Agency agents here "dLs-
guised as Peace Corps volun-
teers," officials said.
' ? "If any American or other
-foreigner makes an unauthor-
:ized visit to an Army barracks
or restricted area here it will
:not be the responsibility of the
-government if he is harmed,"
Amin told the envoy.
He was apparently referring
:to U.S. freelance journalist Ni-
cholas Stroh, 33, a writer for
The Star, and university lec-
turer Robert Siedle, 46, who
may have been killed by
troops at a southwest Uganda
-barracks a year ago.
-. The Ugandan government is
:awaiting the report of a judi-
cial inquiry into the disappear-
ance of the two men.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000800250001-9.