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Publication Date: 
May 14, 1971
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01601R001200370001-1.pdf105.35 KB
HARTFORD, CONN. CATE Oi~ i T j? E WIease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01 MWqvqA Y~e Inter" yp; A critical review of this country's foreign intelligence organizations is'said to-be under consideration by President 'Nixon. They cost too much (several bil- lion dollars a year), and their perform- ance has too often been seriously at fault. At important turns, they have pro- vided inadequate or misleading informa- tion. The latest example of this was seen in the invasion of Laos. The preparatory intelligence indicated that there would not be massive resistance. But that is precisely what Saigon's forces ran into- 35,000 of Hanoi's troops as against 17,000 of Saigon's. The result was a rout. That intelligence failure had been pre- ceded by others. One concerned the sup- posed presence of American prisoners of war at Sontay. An elaborate and danger- ous raid was undertaken; it was fruit- less. Then, ' there was the supposed presence of a major Hanoi headquarters just over the Cambodian border. It was never found. Also, the massive Tet of- fensive some time back was altogether unexpected. Indeed, the Vietnam war as a whole may fairly be characterized as a failure in intelligence. Thus, Ambassador Ells- worth Bunker gave an interview in Sai- gon this week, in which he said, "We really didn't understand the kind of war we were engaged in. So it was difficult, it took time." And this after the notori- ous experience of the French in Vietnam, the British in Malaysia, and others' else- -where in Southeast Asia. Despite our .,costly intelligence, we just didn't know what we were getting into. But perhaps more momentous. for the future is what the Central Intelligence Agency is commonly believed to be doing in other countries, particularly those in Latin America. WEEKLY - 82,000 All kinds of chicanery and violence are arbitrarily attributed to the C.I.A. That agency is represented as pracoth', om- nipresent and omnipotent, as well as to- tally unscrupulous and malicious. It would appear that in Latin America, for example, there is a prevalent obsession with the- C.I.A., and everything adverse -with exe the ~ e Ma s4 storms C.I.A., much as, in our own country, a Communist plot is seen by some as ac- counting for anything from an early vot- ing age to alate spring. However, it is not only the feverishly imaginative and the bitterly anti-North American in Latin America who charge that the C.I.A. is interfering in the in- ternal affairs of the countries to the south of us. This is also alleged by per- sons well informed, well balanced, and well disposed to us. _ They are troubled by what they see as the intensification of Yankee economic imperialism in the Latin American world. This, they say, is what is effected in the last analysis by all our aid and develop- ment programs. Such undertakings are professedly designed to help the econom- ic, social, and political progress of the indigent Latin American masses.-But in fact they do nothing of the sort. Rather, they serve :the immediate advantage of the already highly privileged oligarchies- in the various countries, and enable North Americans to exert still more con_ more wealth from it. it? More and more people in Latin Amer- ica are convinced, 'rightly or wrongly, that the C.I.A. is safeguarding the in- ordinate North American economic in- terest in the Latin American countries by secretly acting to keep complaisant regimes in power and to destroy native reformist or revolutionary movements. The alleged means run the gamut from the arrangement of political murder to the infiltration of the universities. It has been said that a turn to the left in Chile, Peru, and Bolivia has been facilitated by STATINTL resentment of C.I.A. interference in the domestic affairs of those countries. 'Sorting fact from fantasy in such mat- ters is not easy. But at the very least it must be recognized that a popular im- pression of C.I.A. intervention in the in- ternal business of friendly nearby coun- tries is damaging to American prestige. If, while we are fighting a bootless battle { on the other side of the world, we are alienating our neighbors by meddling in ~~ 01 I T W sive 8q T #0370001-1