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31 January 1957
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Personnel
SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Report of Progress and Program Plans
1. In.compliance with your memorandum dated 11 July 1955 on the
above subject, there is submitted herewith the Report of Progress and
Program Plans of the Personnel Procurement Division for the first half
of Fiscal Year 1957.
2. Statistics covering interviews, recommended cases, security
initiations, and EODts for the first half of Fiscal Year 1957 are appended.
In addition, a brief statistical report of the Detailee Recruitment program
conducted in the spring of 1956, is .attached.
1. Clerical Recruitment
a. The activities of the Clerical Recruitment Branch were divided
equally during the, July-December period between clerical and communica-
tions recruitment.
b. Initially, CRB was assigned responsibility for the recruitment
of "monitors," a low-skilled communications worker, and for such com-
munication technicians., radio, cryptographic or electronic a.s it might de-
velop. By August the monitor needs of various special projects had been
satisfied. However, CRB recruitment of the communications, technicians
continued to the end of the period. A. total of_interviews for communi_25X9A2
cators was conducted;=cases were recommended;. were referred to25X9A2
PAD for consideration, by the Office of Communications. Combining Commo
and Clerical has been ideal since the USES office is used in both instances
for interviews.
c. The staffing of CRB changed slightly during,the period. Two
recruiters were assigned to other Branches of the Division for more ef-
fective utilization, reducing the staff of field recruiters to eight. This
reduction led to a re-evaluation of field. recruitment territories. Present
deployment of-the eight is limited to those states. from which. we are most
sure of productivity at the minimum cost. These states are located on the
seaboard from Maine through North Carolina and. west to West Virginia and,
pon REV DATE BY erb C
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SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Report of Progress and Program Plans
eastern Ohio. It has been our experience that, with some few exceptions,
recruitment for clerical beyond this area is too time consuming and expen-
sive to be presently justified.
d. The chief source of clerical and commo personnel during the
period was advertising. Response to advertisements for clerical types
was generally low to moderate; response to communications advertise-
ments was moderate to high. The difference in these responses is attributed
to the attractiveness of the communications advertisements which generally
featured direct overseas employment opportunities.
2, Departmental Recruitment
a. In order to more efficiently utilize the personnel assigned to
the Division, an additional recruiter was assigned to North Building from
CRB. This was done to permit DRB to more aggressively approach the
colleges and high schools in the Metropolitan Area and to meet the increas-
ing load of interviews. This realignment of staff has proved most effective.
b. During the past six months the four recruiters and the Chief
25X9A2 attached to DRB accounted for- security initiations and=EOD's. 25X9A2
This represented 44 per cent of the EOD production of the Division. This
Branch also accounted for 37 per cent of the JOT security initiations during
this same period. The work load of the Branch has increased greatly over
last year with the assignment of the responsibility for both professional and
clerical external recruitment in the Metropolitan Area being added to their
duties of interviewing approximately =persons annually at 100 North 25X9A2
Building. In the accomplishment of the above figures, advertising programs
were used as needed to fill certain specific types of personnel needs for both
25X9A2 the District and Virginia locations Included in this were such programs as
25X9A2 the effort to staff RI/DDP withwhalf-time clerks and clerk-typists. For
this project =prospects were interviewed, -completed cases sent to 25X9A2
25X9A2 RI for selection, of which have been put in process.
c. Continued efforts were made to cultivate the local universities
for JOT recruitment purposes; this responsibility was added to the Branch
during the calendar year. Interviews have been conducted at some of the
universities and the dates for further interviews have been set with the re-
mainder during early 1957. It is now under consideration to establish a
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Approved For I lease 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP804'826R000100060003-6
SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Report of Progress and Program Plans
university consultant at Many referrals of local 25X1A5a1
prospects coming from Headquarters and overseas Agency employees and
associates as well as write-in cases were contacted by DRB personnel and
interview appointments made in the Branch office.
d. For quite some time it has been felt that the space facilities of
DRB are inadequate, both from the standpoint of proper security standards
and public relations effects. A request has been submitted to increase the
space at the present location or move the Branch to another building where
more space is available. This request proposed that consideration be given
to establishing a residence for DRB in the District well in advance of the
Agency's move to Langley, Virginia. A floor plan was submitted to Chief,
Space, Maintenance, and Facilities Branch diagramming the requirements
under the limit of 900 square feet. Our present space is considerably less
than 100 square feet per employee.
3. Professional Recruitment
a. The professional recruiters have had two major points of
emphasis during the first half of Fiscal Year 1957. During the first three
months clear priority was given to recruiting radio operators and technicians,
cryptographers, and electronics engineers for the Office of Communications.
During the ensuing three months, when college recruiting began, major ef-
fort was given to the JOT Program. In addition, they have made a continuing
search for certain specialists in demand by various offices.
b. A major change in Agency recruitment of professionals appears
to be coming. Now that the Agency is close to full strength, the professional
recruiters are concentrating on certain hard-to-get categories and attempt-
ing to raise still further the quality of their candidates. The JOT candidates
and electronics engineers are difficult to locate and difficult to EOD because
they are in such great demand by many firms. When the point is reached
whereby recruitment is primarily directed toward filling normal attrition,
more time can be spent on each case.
c.' One of the outstanding developments of the past six months is
the increased cooperation given PPD by various operating offices. The
Office of Communications has sent five men to the field, sometimes with
a PPD recruiter and sometimes alone to interview electronics engineers,
since applicant engineers hesitate to make commitments without an in-
terview with another engineer. WH and-have also arranged trips in STATSPEC
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SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Report of Progress and Program Plans
coordination with this Division for people for their specific offices. These
trips for specialists accomplish two purposes: they make an early meeting
possible between the operating office and the candidate and they help our
recruiter to gain an understanding of the office for which he will continue
to be seeking people.
d. The JOT brochure, mentioned in the last semi-annual report,
has not developed. A draft describing the program was rejected and the
writer in OTR was requested to prepare a pamphlet describing the general
professional needs of the Agency.
4. Special Programs
a. Volunteer Recruiters
1. With a view to meeting the requirement of 100 new JOT's
without increasing the recruiting staff, we requested the DD/P, DD/I,
and DD/S to nominate people who might volunteer to recruit at colleges or
universities where they had studied. We then selected 30 on the basis of
their connection with institutions not already intensively exploited by the
nine full-time professional recruiters.
2. In the interest of economy it was decided that, besides re-
cruiting at his own alma mater, a volunteer should ordinarily be asked to
visit two or three other schools for the purpose of exploring possible new
3. By 31 December 20 volunteers had been equipped and
briefed. Eight had already completed their itineraries, visiting 40 colleges
and universities which for the most part it had not been possible to reach
at all in the last two years. They had interviewed 161, recommended 71
for JOT and 22 for other positions, including 19 scientific and technical
jobs. The volunteers also provided data useful to the regular recruiters
on special conditions prevailing in certain areas and on particular campuses.
4. It is proposed in the coming six months to send out the re-
mainder of the 30 volunteers selected, and possibly three or four more.
5. Office of Communications Recruitment
a. During the past six months the results of intensive recruiting
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SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Report of Progress and Program Plans
for the Office of Communications were realized in the increased number of
EOD's. At the time of the writing of this report the Office of Communica-
tions was within 19 of ceiling (almost entirely engineers) with approximately
25X9 in the pipeline. This amounts to a net increase of new employees 25X9
and a gross of Wmployees since last March. With the professional staff
25X9A2 now heavily engaged in JOT recruitment and the clerical staff at the schools,
this pipeline figure will not be too large to meet the constant attrition, and
we will have to return to quite heavy Comma recruiting starting in June.
1. We hope to have the clerical brochure which was prepared during
the last six months approved for use in the 1957-1958 campaign. This is
also true of the professional brochure.
2. We will continue the volunteer recruiter program through February
and thereafter as long as it seems profitable.
3. In order to meet the competition from the other employers of
this area who have been emphasizing their interest in participating in the
Vocational Office Training Program with local Virginia high schools, we
are promoting plans to recruit via the VOT during the spring recruitment
season. We will limit ourselves to 30 VOT's for the pilot program; these
will be assigned to the various, divisions in the Office of Personnel on a
one-half day, five-day-a-week basis. It is hoped that this method will
open the doors to these schools which otherwise will be closed to us.
4. Upon completion of the spring clerical drive we intend to return
to the joint practice of recruiting commo technicians, radio operators,
cryptographers, radio technicians by clerical recruiters. This proved
highly satisfactory during 1956 and contributed greatly to meeting Commo
5. Continued emphasis will be given to JOT recruitment throughout
the coming months.
6. As soon as we are able to get over the hump on JOT's we will
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SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Report of Progress and Program Plans
have to put increased emphasis on physical science types at all grade
levels. These physicists, engineers, and chemists are in extremely
short supply and considerable time is required for each case.
Chiet, Personnel Procurement
Statistical Summary of Production
for PPD
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Spring Drive, Fiscal Year 56
This is a statistical report on the clerical recruitment detailee pro-
gram, which because of insufficient data by COB 30 June 1956, was not
reported on in detail in the Annual Report of Progress and Plans, FY 56.
DRB : Interviewed 563 CRB : Interviewed 987
In Process 180 In Process 213
Interviewed 1550
In Process 393
Ratios: In the DRB recruitment, approximately 1 out of every-persons
interviewed, EOD'd. In the CRB recruitment, 1 out of -persons inter- 25X9A2
viewed EOD'd. Overall was 1 out of =people seen E.OD'd. 25X9A2
Cancellation rate in the Washington area was 40. 3 per cent; other recruit-
ment areas, 52.1 per cent among detailee cases. Average runs about 50
per cent.
Initiations EOD
Prof (includes
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