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Approved Fa Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP -800 J1826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200070003-4 Approved Ur Release 200' lA-RD$,80-01826R000200070003-4 11E July 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Personnel Operations Division SUBJECT: Qualifications Analysis Branch - Annual Activity Report for Fiscal Year 1965 Activities of the Qualifications Analysis Branch for Fiscal Year 1965 are outlined below. A. The major functions of the Qualifications Analysis Branch are: 1. The preparation of biographic profiles on Agency employees and the classification and coding of applicants' and employees' qualifications. The two systems were designed to produce timely and adequate information to assist career service panels and operating officials in selecting the best qualified candidates to meet Agency staffing requirements. 2. In connection with the above, four major operations must be carried on in the Branch. a. The Biographic Profile function requires: (1) Preparation of Biographic Profile, Form No. 1200, for each Agency employee; (2) Preparation of the Blue Book - "Principal Officials of CIA" - for the DCI; (3) Preparation of sterile biographic summaries, other than (1) and (2) above, for use outside the Agency. b. The Qualifications Classification Coding System requires: (1) The preparation of employee records (background data; formal education; experience, special skills and knowl- edges) in coded form for incorporation in the RCA-501 Qualifications Record System. (2) Classification and coding of applicant files for incorpora- tion in the EAM records system. (3) Planning search routines for new electronic files systems to locate qualified individuals possessing pertinent skills, knowledges, and/or experience to meet specific manpower +,~:~VaTa.o. requirements. NO CHAfNCE s .A i i. 9M M-4 R P'0 0`.$261000200070003-4 NEXT r:_A ed or 00/0 .,. ... .._ A!Jff I1 70-2 i1~j MAR 0 9. 7 +~ REViLWC-c Approved For Release 2000/^At'fl fl fl'?-RDW-01826 R000200070003-4 (4) Coding of Forms 444c, "Language Data Record." (5) Coding of Forms 1273 "Language Proficiency Data." (Test results) c. Preparation of Special Manpower Studies concerning employees and applicants. d. Reproduction of Biographic Profiles, Personal History Statements, and various other documents. B. Organization and Structure of Qualifications Analysis Branch. 1. Personnel on duty with QAB include: Personnel Officer (Branch Chief), GS-14 25X9 Qualifications Analyst (Assistant Branch Chief), GS-12 Qualifications Analyst, GS-12 Qualifications Analysts, GS-09 Qualifications Analysts, GS-08 Qualifications Analyst, GS-07 Secretary-Stenographer, GS-05 Personnel Clerks, GS-05 Qualifications Coders (Contract Employees) Clerk (Contract Employee) Administrative Officer, GS-12, detailed since March 1965, performing duties of a Qualifications Analyst. 2. Positions in the Branch should be reclassified at an early date, to establish positions and grades commensurate with the changes in responsibilities and duties engendered in the transition to computer oriented operations. 3. During Fiscal Year 1965 the following employees were reassigned to or from the Qualifications Analysis Branch: 25X1A9a C. The major accomplishments of QAB during the period 1 July 1964 through 30 June 1965 include: Approved For Release 20007$11!DP'80.'=04-826R000200070003-4 Approved F Release 2000/Qa &ti lr4-RDR$Q-01826 R000200070003-4 1. Bio raphic Profile System a. During Fiscal Year 1965 a total of biographic profiles 25X9A2 were furnished by QAB to meet specific manpower requirements. 25X9A2 This required the preparation of initial biographic profiles and the updating of - biographic profiles. In addition, 25X9A2 - profiles were furnished to requesting components on an 25X1A "As Is" basis. When a profile is initially prepared or updated, additional copies of the profile are prepared as follows: One reproducible copy is given to the component requesting the profile; one re- producible copy is filed (for the convenience of a component needing additional copies at a future date) in the Official Personnel Folder of the individual involved; one reproducible copy is sent to Vital Records; and the master copy is retained in the QAB files for future updating. b. The DCI's book, "Principal Officials of CIA," was updated and revised in April 1965. c. Pursuant to a special request received from the Office of the Deputy Director (Science and Technology), QAB brought up to date the DD/S & T portion of the book, "Principal Officials of CIA." d. Special narrative biographic summaries prepared: 26 (Not included above): (1) 24 for DD/S & T; "Blue Book" profiles; (2) 113 for Chief, Personnel Recruitment Division; (100 Universities Program); (3) 5 for OCR Liaison Staff, for State Department Seminar; (4) 41 "Blue Book" profiles; (5) 1 for Career Management Officer, DD/S & T. 2. Qualifications Classification Coding System 25X9A2 a. During Fiscal Year 1965 approximately staff employee personnel files were reviewed and qualifications coded under the new Qualifications Classification Coding System. b. A total of 224 applicant records were reviewed and qualifications coded under the old Classification Coding System. -jv Approved For Release 2000/4 }: 7, A-R?0R18+26R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/ 1A-RD2$0-01826 R000200070003-4 c. During the same period QAB requested 30 machine runs of applicants and employees, and on 33 different occasions reviewed manually the biographic profiles filed in the Branch in an effort to locate qualified people to meet specific manpower requirements. 25X9 d. "Language Data Records" were received and incorporated in the machine records. These included Forms 444c and Forms 1273 (claimed and tested proficiency respectively). 3. Reproduction. During Fiscal Year 1965 a total of 159,591 sheets were reproduced by QAB by use of one xerox machine. Materials reproduced included: a. 116,479 sheets - Biographic Profiles prepared and updated or reproduced "As Is"; b. 111 sheets - Personal History Statements reproduced; c. 43,001 sheets - 1,422 External requests for reproduction of miscellaneous types of material; or d. 159,591 sheets - Total sheets reproduced. 4. In connection with the Biographic Profile System and the Qualifica- tions Classification Coding System, briefings were conducted during the reporting period as follows: a. For personnel from Department of Agriculture; b. Several groups of employees were briefed individually as to the functions of QAB and its location within the Agency organizational structure. 1. At the beginning of Fiscal Year 1965 the chief obstacle to the completion of the installation of the newly designed electronic Qualifications Record System was the shortage of qualified Analysts available to perform the coding functions. However, subsequent to this date several contract employees (retirees) became available and coding of initial qualifications records has progressed at a rapid pace. As of this date approximately- employees have had 25X9A2 their initial qualifications records coded for the new Computer Record System. 2. Requests for biographic profiles on employees in grades GS-08 and below was not possible prior to 1 July 1964; however, since this date the preparation of profiles has been synchronized with the Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA RO~'80-fl1826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/4-RDP'89-01826 R000200070003-4 coding of employee qualifications for the computer with the following results: a. Biographic profiles are now available on all types of Agency personnel at all grade levels GS-03 through GS-18 including staff agent, contract employee, and military detailee. b. Duplication of effort previously involved in ordering files, logging them in and out, and transporting the files from Headquarters has been eliminated completely. Files received in the Branch in response to profile or coding requests are reviewed by both the biographic analysts and a coding analyst and both functions are completed before the file is returned to Headquarters. 3. Prior to 30 June 1964 the semi-annual language roster was produced with less than full coverage given to all or many of the dialects associated with a given language. Major revisions were made in the coding structure during this period to provide a system for coding all languages and dialects and for identifying employees or applicants possessing a proficiency in any given language or dialect. Future employee testing and qualifications reporting (annual questionnaire to be developed) will be used to identify persons with proficiency in these language variations. The EAM language system was phased out of use concurrently with the con- version of data to the RCA-501 system. 4. Due to need for more room (for a DD/P project of the adjacent floor space in the 2800 wing of Quarters Eye), QAB was forced to move to new quarters in January of 1965. E. Problems met and not solved. 1. The delays in servicing requests for biographic profiles occasioned by physical separation from Headquarters File Room. There is still a three day delay between the time a file is known to be needed (and is ordered) and the time of its arrival in QAB from Headquarters. This problem will no doubt remain the same after the move now pending to the Magazine Building. 2. There are still problems connected with identifying individuals and names, due to different persons having the same name, or due to name changes, agent conversions, etc. This problem continues to delay servicing of requirements levied by operating components. 3. The deserved promotion of recommended in FY 1964 25X1A9a and FY 1963 has still not been accomplished. It is hoped that a reclassification of positions in QAB can be achieved which would establish a proper position in which her promotion can be effected. Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018264000200070003-4 Approved Fq Release 2000/08 RDP$QrO1826R000200070003-4 ULVIMM F. Forecast for Fiscal Year 1966. 1. Emphasis will continue on Biographic Profile production on recent EOD's and lower graded employees. This will continue to be accomplished to the extent feasible in conjunction with the coding program, to achieve most efficient personnel and transportation utilization (preparing initial or updated profiles on employees whose files are obtained for coding). 2. The initial phase for installing the Qualifications Record System should be completed by the middle of September or sooner. Last year's annual report projected a completion date of 1 July 1965, but was based on assumptions of availability of ten contract employees. Considering this, work has gone faster than projected, since indi- vidual coders have attained higher production than projected. 3. Applicants now coded under the old EAM system will be screened, with recoding in the RCA-501 system of all selected for retention. 4. Testing and refinement of the search techniques designed to retrieve information from the system. This should also be done in such a way as to provide a thorough test of the system. 5. Development of an annual questionnaire to be completed by each employee (at time Fitness Report is being executed) to provide data needed on the first occasion to code Agency experience. Thereafter this form would only reflect subsequently attained qualifications and skills, and would be used for updating. 25X1A9a Chief, Qualifications Analysis Branch Attachments (4) Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200070003-4 Approved FQr,Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDPW-01826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000 - DP80-01826R000200070003-4 QAB PRODUCTION STATISTICS, FISCAL YEAR 1965 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 25X9A2 PROFILES PREPARED Initial Updated 1,1 Blue Book 23 6 1 26 Special NArratives Total 2 2 10 lb j2 96 669 5 5 128 217 119 2,5!,7 26 126 117 - ecial Requests S AS IS 98 322 172 6 216 1 133 1 11,309 p - TOTAL PROFILES h92 1,007 855 795 539 389 8011 1,303 1,580 1,19 , , CODING OF QUALIFICATIONS Applicants Employees 25X9A2 806 2 Language Data Cases Coded QUALIFICATIONS SEARCH REQTTESTS 2,050 25 , SERVICED 18 Applicant 2 6 ~- bi 1 2 3 3 12 Employees ees Manual Search lo E 7 8 1 1 h f 1 2 1 7 3 9 '5 3 33 y mp Total 2 13 12 2 z XEROX Reproduction (No. of Sheets) Biographic Profiles 5,230 PHSrs 9,968 9,269 10,539 9,413 h,701 11,111 1^,698 13,788 h2 10,941 10,698 10,329 116,1!79 111 *E,ternal Requests for 7 812 700 3 2 370 2 1,618 ).,726 63,001 of Sheets) 5 370 (N i 2 772 3,666 6,971.1 2,795 2,617 2,7 3 , , b)* , (115)* (11h6)* (161)# (1,1122)* , o. on Reproduct , (11h) * (89)# (109)* (103)* (13 (118)* (9){)* (86)* (173)* 1 , t l T 11 116 15 116 15 59 159 o a 10,600 12,7h0 12,715 15,513 12,208 7,318 13,884 13,398 17,672 13,3 , , *Figures in parentheses represent th~q~> je@JfF ~" d ~ ~ /OZs~1 b P Ar ~~'~~ 2 j s 003-4 1 downgrading and 4 Attachment A declassiiicaiica FY ` 1965 Total Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP O-01826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200070003-4 25X9A2 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200070003-4 Approved Fo.C Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP8,p-01826R000200070003-4 13. Furnished to OP/POD/PB, names of applicants who are U. S. citizens, have a PhD degree in Statistics, and are qualified to lecture in the French language. 14. Furnished to OP/POD/PB, names of applicants with a PhD degree who have a high proficiency in both speaking and understanding the Russian language, have had experience in outer space and related fields, and are capable of serving as a Computer Technologist. 1.5. Requested for QAB, list of all applicants in current EAM Applicant Register for selection of those still of Agency interest and the recording of same in the new RCA-501 Qualifications Records System. Approved For Release 2000IA-F?- Q 1 26R000200070003-4 Approved Far Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP40-01826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/0000:. CIA-RDP 0-01826R000200070003-4 MACHINE RUNS OF EMPLOYEES REQUESTED 1. Furnished to FE Personnel, names of employees having any knowledge whatever of the Buddhist religion. 2. Furnished to CSPO, names of employees qualified in the production aspects of motion pictures. (Editing, producing, directing, etc.) (For selection of personnel to be used in the production of documentary type movies overseas.) 3. Furnished to CSPO, xerox copy of machine run #8690. (Agency male employees, GS-09 through GS-15, who have had air experience as a Pilot and/or navigator.) 4. Requested for QAB use in logging, alphabetical roster of all Agency employees, as of most recent date, with two blank lines after each name, and showing serial number and name. *5. Furnished to OSA, names of employees, all grades through GS-14, who have had theoretical or practical experience in Optics. 8. Furnished to OL Personnel, names of employees who have power generating experience and are qualified to operate and maintain diesel engines. 9. Furnished to DDP/Requirements Board, roster of male DDP employees with foreign born spouses. 10. Requested for QAB use, list in serial number order of all employees whose qualifications have not been recorded in the RCA-501 system. R Vrnnr-r MEW= Approved For Release 2000/08/1 : CIy4 F [ R'$0 01 326R000200070003-4 25X9A2 25X9A2 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDR40-01826R000200070003-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200070003-4 Approved Fpx Release 2000/08 RDPW-01826 R000200070003-4 ,UKq-MT REQUESTS FOR MACHINE RUNS RECEIVED AND PROCESSED WITHIN QAB BY MANUAL MEANS 1. Furnished to EE Personnel, names of employees, GS-06 through GS-09, with at least two years of high school and with job experience in mechanical drawing, and are qualified Mechanical Draftsmen. 2. Furnished to NE Personnel, names of male employees, age 30 through 50, with MA or PhD in Political Science, having speaking proficiency in 25X1 C 3. Furnished to FE Personnel, names of Agency "D" designee male employees, ages through 45, with knowledge of Agricultural Economics, Veterinary 25X1 C 4. Furnished to OP/Admin., "as is" biographic profiles on all Agency employees, grades GS-15 and above, who have a degree in Law. 5. Furnished to SR Personnel, names of all EE or SR Division employees who have had experience as a pilot. 6. Furnished to TSD, names of employees having "equal to native fluency" or "fluent but obviously foreign" proficiency in the Vietnamese language. 7. Furnished to OTR Personnel, "as is" biographic profiles of staff employees, GS-09 through GS-13, who are graduates of Syracuse University and majored in "Programs in American Studies." 8. Furnished to TSD Personnel, names of employees having proficiency in reading Vietnamese of "elementary" or better. 9. Furnished to CSPO, biographic profiles of employees appearing on machine run listing of those who are qualified in the production aspects of motion pictures. 10. Furnished to EE Personnel, biographic profiles of employees havin 25X1 C 11. Furnished to OTR Registrar, biographic profiles of employees with a degree in Anthropology or Sociology, and who have an academic background. Approved For Release 2000I=~1' 3P$,Q Q`1$26R000200070003-4 Approved For-Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP84L.01826R000200070003-4 -011nn -r UL-Urmer 12. Furnished to FE Personnel, "as is" biographic profiles of employees 25X1 C 13. Furnished to OP/PRD, names of employees who had attended the University of Michigan. 14. Furnished to OP/Plans and Review Staff, "scan sheet" type of information, including educational background, on approximately fifteen super grade and SCS personnel. 15. Furnished to OP/PRD, names of employees who had attended the University of Illinois and Yale University. 16. Furnished to OP/PRD, names of employees who had attended Montana State University (Missoula), and Williams College (Massachusetts). 17. Furnished to EE Personnel, biographic profiles of employees having 25X1 C lg. Furnished to CI Support, a roster showing names, current assignments, and locations of all employees having bilingual shorthand qualifications (English and French, English and German, English and Russian) and/or typing ability in French, German or Russian. 19. Furnished to OP/POD/PB, as is" biographic profiles of all DDP male employees who are lawyers and licensed to practice Law in New York or Washington, D. C. 20. Furnished to SR Personnel, names of Agency "D" designee married employees, 25X1A8a who are active Navy reservists and have a knowledge of the Russian language. 21. Furnished to3upport, "as is" biographic profiles of DDP staff employees, grades GS-12 through GS-14, having an educational background in the Scientific or Engineering fields, and Line Officer experience in the U. S. Navy, Coast Guard, or Merchant Marine. 22. Furnished to OP/CSPD, names of Agency Negro male employees with a degree 25X1 C 23. Furnished to OP/CSPD, names of"D" designee employees, grades GS-11 through GS-13, who have expressed an interest in the African area. nub B i'`I i 1 VSrp 7:.? LIZ- n Approved For Release 2000/087-1k A-F DP80, O1820R000200070003-4 Approved Fgr Release 2000/08/16 CIA-RDP.$,p-01826R000200070003-4 4 T 24. Furnished to OP/CSPD, "as is" biographic profiles of "D" designee male employees, grades GS-11 through GS-15, who have a Law degree and a proficiency of at least intermediate in speaking and understanding the French language. (For possible selection in the filling of Operations Officer positions in Africa.) 25. Furnished to DD/OL, names of employees, grades GS-09 through GS-13, having a degree in Architectural or Construction Engineering. 26. Furnished to OTR/LTS, names of employees with intermediate or higher proficiency in the - language. 27. Furnished to FE Personnel, "as is" biographic profiles of male "D" designee CSCS Officers without dependents, grades GS-08 through GS-14, and ages 21 through 50, for selection of candidates for possible future assignment to Saigon, Vietnam. 28. Furnished to C/POD, a list and biographic profiles of employees, grades GS-13 through GS-15, who have an LLB degree. 29. Furnished to DD/OP, name of an employee qualified to play the organ at a noon function. 30. Furnished to FE Personnel, names of FE employees grades GS-08 through GS-l5, who have a proficiency of "fluent" or "high" in the Spanish language. 25X1A 31. Furnished to FE// names of Agency employees (Operations Officers) 25X1A8a who have a proficiency of either "fluent" or "intermediate" in the Vietnamese language. 32. Furnished to C/CI, lists of names and biographic profiles of Agency employees, grades GS-11 and above, who have either military or civilian experience or training 33. Furnished to FE Personnel, names of male Oriental employees who are U. S. citizens and have a proficiency of "intermediate" or higher in speaking the French language. 34. Furnished to Ch/AF Support Staff, "as is" biographic profiles of "D" designee employees who are former African Division case officers, male and female, grades GS-08 through GS-15, and who have any level of proficiency in French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, and any of the African languages. 35. Furnished to OP/POD/PB, names of Agency personnel having proficiency in language. Approved For Release 20 CIA-RbP86-01826R000200070003-4 25X1 C 25X1A Approved F,r Release 2000/ /16 :CIA-RDP.SO-01826R000200070003-4 UCUMPM 36. Furnished to FE Personnel, "as is" biographic profiles of Agency male employees, grades GS-12 through GS-14, who are Reports Officers in Headquarters. (For selection in the filling of GS-13 -14 Reports Officer position 37. Furnished to CSPD/Panel B, biographic profiles of male Administrative Assistant type "D" designee employees, grades GS-08 through GS-10, who have had experience in finance and class "B" accounting. (For selection in the filling of a position ) Approved For Release 2 `, It..i .d-Q 1826R000200070003-4 25X1A6a 25X1A6a