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Approved For$.lease 200 d1f~ . CIA-RDP80*I826R000200150013-4 ANNUAL REPORT PLANS AND ANALYSIS DIVISION OFFICE OF PERSONNEL 1. Planning and Forecasting - Fiscal Year 1969 Accomplishments a. Fiscal Year 1969 Advance Staffing Plan was originally issued in March 1968, and updated in June, October and December 1968. The final tally for GS personnel requirements was: CT PROF CLER COMMO TECH TOTAL 25X9A2 Actual accessions were: CT PROF CLER COMMO TECH TOTAL 25X9A2 Starting in January 1969 we began to predict a year-end ceiling underage. There were several contributing factors. The components had set their re- quirements at a level lower than the estimated losses since many were faced with getting down to ceiling. There were also unallocated ceiling spaces held in reserve and a hesitancy in the components about putting people into process when available due to lack of ceiling. In the fourth quarter of the fiscal year the decision was made to hold Agency strength to the FY 70 ceiling, which was 176 less than the FY 69 ceiling. This action reduced the expected underage predicted earlier in the year. b. Fiscal year 1970 Advance Staffing Plan was produced in March of 1969 and turned over to Placement Division for implementation in June. This Plan, which will be updated in July and August by Placement Division, showed these GS staffing requirements at that time: CT PROF CLER COMMO TECH TOTAL 25X9A2 "I Due 1 Excluded tram 80800 Approved For Release 2000/08/ - DS ~tti~ 2 R000200150013-4 a= CT Approved For Release 2000/0 P80-01826R000200150013-4 NW The increase over 1969 was estimated by the components and by the Plans and Analysis Division as required to offset the downward slide of Agency on-duty strength. c. Future Developments -- Manpower Planning and Analysis. The transfer of responsibility to the Placement Division for preparing and using the Advance Staffing Plan marks the close of one period in our planning efforts and the beginning of another. Now that the ASP is operational, we can con- centrate on other personnel planning areas, particularly on the problem of movement and flow of our people within the system as seen in the perspective of the decade ahead. Agency personnel management trends and contingencies during the next five to ten years will be studied to relate the known sepa- rations in the senior ranks to the successive middle and junior officer groups. While these studies will have an impact on the question of the numbers and types of people who should be entering the Agency in the years ahead, their main purpose is to provide a further basis for evaluating personnel policies and processees in the development, promotion and flow of personnel within the Agency during the 1970's. 2. Regulations and Review -- Fiscal Year 1969 Accomplishments a. Administrative Authorities. The eleven recommendations of the Admin- istrative Authorities Task Force submitted towards the close of Fiscal Year 1968 were acted upon in FY 1969 as separate propositions by the Deputy Direc- tors. All were approved in principle except two (one was rejected because of insufficient need and the other is still pending). Although the box score is high, there were considerable objections and non-concurrences that had to be resolved during the year. PAD's staffing load in preparing draft regula- tions and supporting ODDS and OD/Pers actions to implement the Task Force Approved For Release 2000/A P80-01826R000200150013-4 Approved For Release 200 IA-RDP80 -826R000200150013-4 proposals was a major continuing effort. Although the changes are too numerous to enumerate here, the Agency's personnel and overseas assignment programs have been materially altered by new policies concerning overseas tours, home leave eligibility and administration, retirement travel benefits and death travel benefits. b. Notable progress was made in the Regulations field during FY 1969. (1) Updating of OPM's. The project to update Office of Personnel Memoranda was largely completed during the fiscal year. Twelve OFM's remain to be published of those requiring revision and all obsolete OPM's have been eliminated. (2) Clean-up of Regulations Backlog. The backlog of a number of regulations which had been in various stages of development has been worked off. Particularly difficult regulations, some of which were 25X1A seven years in process, which were published during the year include E Personnel Policy Objectives; Separation Compensation; Marriage of Employees; and Shipment of Foreign Manu- factured or Assembled Vehicles. Agency overtime policy was reviewed and regulations drafted for management approval in support of the Inter- Directorate Committee on Overtime. (3) Staff Support. Considerable work was put into the subject of Hazard Pay Differential although it was decided not to adopt a Regulation on the subject. The Handbooks on Employee Conduct and Discipline and on Contract Personnel were rewritten during the year, the latter being a very major task. The booklet, "You and the Central Intelligence Agency" was updated. 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200150013-4 gna-Aniump -)LM I ET Approved For F,elease 200 CIA-RDP80-G3826R000200150013-4 c. A study was prepared for the Director of Personnel which advised him of Agency personnel policies which deviated from or represented non- adoption of statutory and Federal administrative policies. d. A recap of regulatory material published during the year and of that still in process follows: Published or In Process Approved on 30 June 69 25X1A Booklets 2 Total 81 e. Plans for Fiscal Year 1970. While staying abreast of current affairs we plan to make further progress in updating Handbooks in the Personnel Series and to index and maintain Office of Personnel Memoranda. The adopting of Administrative Authorities outside of Agency Authorities places emphasis on alertness and decision in responding to statutory or government-wide admin- istrative developments. We plan to furnish the alertness, but the decision- making process whether to adopt or non-adopt is beyond our purview. It is still a long drawn-out process resulting in lengthy delays in publishing Regulations changes. 3. Major Special Studies. Attrition: In an endeavor to identify and rectify personnel problem areas in the Agency, the Staff undertook an intensive inquiry into personal needs, as evidenced by the causes of personnel turnover. Two studies were issued -- 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200150013-4 -Militl grnnrT Approved For R lease 200 . IA-RDP80-Q 826R000200150013-4 one, a comparative analysis of _ separations in FY 66-68 (among fiscal 25X9A2 years and among Directorates and major Career Services) and the second, a detailed review of the multiple reasons given by terminees for leaving the Agency. These Studies have contributed to our understanding of the impor- tance of job and job-related reasons as the principal causes of employee dissatisfaction and turnover, and the Studies offer significant clues as to the types of corrective action that need to be taken. The Deputy Directors were briefed on the findings in the first Study, and OP plans to submit to them the findings and recommendations of the second Study as primary sources for considering future personnel changes. Project MEN: Following the personal recommendation of the Assistant Deputy Director for Support and the Director of Personnel, PAD arranged an Agency Headquarters Orientation Tour and luncheon on 11 February 1969 for ten male students of the Bertie Backus Junior High School. The CIA was the first governmental unit to sponsor a group under the Project MEN Program (objective: To acquaint eighth grade Negro youths with a variety of occupa- tional goals to which they might aspire) sponsored by the District of Columbia Citizens for Better Public Education. In the governmental sector, the Executive Director of the U. S. Civil Service Commission had strongly recommended that each Agency support this program as a means of introducing more Federal employees to volunteer services. Twenty-five Agency Negro male employees in various career fields served as volunteer hosts and discussion leaders during the course of the day-long program, and will follow up with further career and personal guidance to these young people as desired. Approved For Release 2000/08/16 ? IA-RDP80-01826R000200150013-4 Approved For (lease 20 CIA-RDP80-j826R000200150013-4 Midcareer Study: An unpublished study of "What Happened to the First 450 Midcareerists" was drafted. While it was an exhaustive statistical study of the mobility and progress of these Midcareerists, the findings were inconclusive. It is planned, however, to explore several significant ideas that did emerge from this study in terms of their impact on Agency professional manpower problems. Areas will include planning for greater horizontal and vertical mobility as a possible resolution to career "drift"; refinement of a statistical approach -- the Career Review Index -- to enable management to focus on senior careerists whose career progression may have reached a plateau; the adequacy of competitive promotion or an alternate promotion policy that would better enable the Agency to meet its manpower requirements in the next decade; and the identifying of normal career expectations for the various categories of our professional manpower. Personnel Assignment and Reporting: The current personnel ceiling reporting system cannot furnish sufficient information on the composition of our on-duty strength relative to authorized position requirements. This proposal is to assign to the employee an appropriate occupational code and title as a qualification code so that clerical and professional strength can be distin- guished in our reporting system and movement from clerical to professional categories reviewed. Office of Personnel History Project: C/PAD was assigned as the office of Personnel Historical Officer on 1 November. Since that time plans for a central narrative to tie together the various component histories and mono- graphs were firmed up and the draft narrative completed covering the period up to 1956. The majority of the individual division histories had been completed in draft form by the end of 1968 but a number still require extensive 6 Approved For Release 2000/0811 RDP80-01826R000200150013-4 }, Approved For V e ease 2000/9 'S". CIA-RDP80-Q.i826R000200150013-4 editing as well as substantive additions. Monographs on Fitness Reporting in the CIA and on the Retirement Counseling Program, the latter prepared by the Chief of that staff, were submitted to the ODDS for comment and review. The program has become almost solely a PAD operation with one staffer assigned full-time to the project since December of 1968. 4? Administrative PAD finished the year at a low point in strength. There were four pro- fessional employees on duty in addition to the Chief, one of whom was devoting full time to the OP History project. Productivity was high since all were senior people free temporarily of the necessity of training and guiding young officers. However, the latter is recognized as a very important function of PAD and we expect to add one or two middle and junior grade officers in due course. Clerical strength remained at three. 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200150013-4