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Approved For Release 2, Pp!Q: C 0-O189frR000300060009-8 14 ove1ber 1961 25X1A9a 1. At 9:15 Z. on 14' ~-c:a: r I;61 t in the o"; ice of gr. E trYtrd B.:Ac^,istr:n`"c Vice presiacnt for prrconne of the A: ~_ _c n Tcle,,aona and TelcY;;ra CO 2a..y, ~ S 'ac ~~a;r, I e r York City. An _ to ,. J. I.J. Cods;,-,11, ins~ouucc 3 to trail 25X1A9a Q- ~ un3r , ,at in on thej ~C/ate -:tcu' c:-i cutli'Zo of the AT T Exncutiv8 25X1A9a 1that c'o h,. ? a. si.ecial interest in their treatt:.:ent of yozio i of exec tivc caliber as ro1ate;l to training and devc? opaont . ,,pp .~,, 2. A t-v,-o and a hour c:iscucsiOn took i~_ccc relative to -=rconnal do vtcio: .,llt and trail \i . Mr ? ::mailer ex-plE'.'-:no: t..r:t becauc e of the brood seo e c~- t}`.e vholo ractla=, it could be nocc,;:=-j to oktlin? t'h concept they folk,:-: anti that if zt:cess .ry 4etail.s could be c?ise-~;.ysec: at a later ti^..e. He :? .::-a his convcrae.tio:.s on the sub. act wk-;h the s..taternnt that AT did not ha rc a foi n ;i. or wr ittcn Sz ogram for the develolriant and trainhti of crsornol but hay a F1 cad irhich outlined general concept, and rc 'air ~.ents . A copy of this 1.i: n, v'-:ich has a very limited c:lis-Gri: ittcn within r",, j i-.-e given to C/S 25X1 A9 .~.o,~rec (.,tea per-cons wit: re CIA. ~'r1_i.i ~~l C.'.1 called "A for relay to the C .rl;r I4entifieation :LL C~ ntzir3 ~v^1o-ertt of rl;_i for, Ac:iievin; the : . ? rives of responsibility o~.:- s= m .is ie arcs for i:- e -.';he s e- cn lc ae1e of '. e?kt,"+ %nt of the 11 1:i con'.n. In the 4rcz of o for each of the six levels co.sider _atio1 . is ivcn to the the Fari'orz ::?cj w I : e1O r;; the :'otential of r;.. e-::,cnt Pr0'~x1L ., otential of !hna!amnt " "1+~pr2iSiY:~ who PciloP:'',~C People", and ":u; ossin3 the Activity" . A coy-,f of this plan : e> been filed a 12- ? Chief of Contract 25X1A9a 25X1A6a and. a co - was for-a:rd.cd to u :_.t c plan above i n %, . ,,~D.: ,r.isian. M-- ii-r::t level of ~.::.:~ i.t at n-:.rl net given in the first step into the ,:;.:",N,mcnt catc:C ~r-s?. Relatir- t`_1ie le'-el to the O.Lfice of Operation of CIA, this could bo cor:sidered con.-. ra'. = tort e in-, tro~ actor-; period of on intcll:i ;canoe officer in the Junior Cf. ice.. s Training +'-'o,;re of CIA or the period. of ncv your i italligence off ice: e in the OCi 3. The foll.ouin; is a. brief, general outline of the roi.=ts raised by Mzra :rs . Bruner and Co ;swell relating, to the develo ... nt and training of AT&T na ement personnel comaoncine with this first level: 25X1A A. Selection of Personnel 1. From F:on-;; -ant group t: itha n the AM cowponies . 2. From the Collc a Camv=. The latter is the largest because the Bon- ;ement croup is unable to supply their needs. Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000300060009-8 Approved For Rele se 200, t., 8240000300060009-8 -2- MAXIM DUM FUR F=,F3 14+ yovember 1961 B. Conce*_.*s AL'X's old. co':ccot w--- to place e. college graduate.. after suitable rxocurc ;:ants techniques had been follow :d, in a job for training and durin. the first and second year evalu.RtinS his proccs . After this period the non can be cvaluatca for a s_ce f to jc ; et the conir;.xy h e s little about hiz pots.{t;iel for later n^rogcn...t reason- c ibilitics . The ? con y conr'_uctcd a ctu,3.y for about 6 years on mans ccr' nt pro; reso because they were concerned that college ran they cclocted for the first level of m.tl'aCement did not roach the levels to tact the core.nies wads. With expansion, their needs increased and yet the yield of L;ood r. rc.,ce rt peo le vr-a not as great as they oaT,cctcd. This resulted in ATM's need for another ~p~. i LrV 2. The ne-j cones-at now in effect is basically: Evnluat+_n; the of the ron in each level. IAirin~ the first of the d^,rr?.o nt the coil focuser-, attention on the in- d.ividurl, shi; i,i,,n *i fl. hi special f.1aein =L ats- and n~)~ V'. _'t _ ?'~ CJ ? All of thin is to enable hi,,,ber ~~!.z: to learn the n, his atrci2 hs and van'-:o that by the and of one or two years a fairly r. ,l picture of the individual's potential can be Unrer the old concept a first level nan was exneetei to develop to the third level in 3-1 to 13 y^e^.rs . Ai C: pests the now concept will result in a re:?uction of this by three or four years. C. Group Discussions or A-^r--aisal This is the method used to evaluate a tan; what he loss, ho-a he does it, job performance and his d?avei opmnt. Mr. CoS5,rd11 outlined six steps used in croup, arpraicals Step 1. Job StsnCard (u hat the Job is and the le-.for once C::::: Cted ) Step 2. Results individual achieved. Step 3. Results not up to the Standard. Reasons vhyr, etc. Step 4. Evaluation of :,=. Step 5. Determine what to do if job requires changes or L= does. Approved For Release 2000/08/16 CIA-RDP80-01826R000300060009-8 Approved For Reheete 200p4,8fl6 : CIA-R, DP80-01 WR000300060009-8 -3- I ',?:,~i.T,W,+S FOR FILS 14 tdover. r 196]. Step 6. Work out with the man procedures for che.^es if needed. It was pointed out that t';e : c: Is d: eeu:3sion ; :d c p eggs]. procedure is follow::d e::tcr zi`, tiu^ou?hout the Loll S3 item from the first le-701 on un to the high ?Lvels. it is conducted in an inforzzsl a ar. ner, minimizes co 'TM,z"'ri.,on with th., r.-,nos predecessor cad curbs "emotional jud cats" . In the c; e of first level personnel, a group of level tree people do the appraisal. D. Dcvelorxaent PnilosoVny ATwi uses tuo: L ividuels as un?crstudies and prepared for specific jobs, and the :nol coacopv. T .c latter ne2zes more people available for divertin,- to other jo::e a; :K? ed. This, bovever, may result in over IU= e ficer;, are colected from the pool. The Ball S;rsLu, havin, many differ(-a co:'_:;::ics, offers wide opportuni- ties for dc-,relo eat of .r.=