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DO/ 62 -J77 Approved For Release_ 2000/08/ -RDP80-01826R000300100002-0 %m li4SMORANDIL/h4 POE /70/( /-7 Kirk: I apprwiete the opportusity to pr.. kne the report of the T.,61L For?, on Personae! Mitnagenient. $.i. of the change. sumptoted are very fundamental and important and ought to receive the most careful ronekheration. I thlni Mat the depth of the study is tasefficieat to anticipate all of the problems whida are likely to I* encouneeredir carryieg out the recon.frended changes. fore nlakinii ntala Con.ctlestio I versid want an opporumity to .oaaider it are- hilly with [XV: office heads. TiverefOre. I "Mad 1?4111640t that the.. remarks be eccepted as immediate resc-tioisa rather than a carefully coseidered position. Recbrameadaties.No. Cktecur. As you knew. this is being done. Reconanendation No. 2: Concur. Study bas been completiod and subedited to the Recommendation So. 3: While I have no objection to such a study, I am not prepared now to share the belief of the Task I 9rce that the 'Isreer Set vle syutem has served to dissipate the cowman-1 reaponsibilities of line taw:Lathes. I believe that this statement can be challenged. Recommendation No. 4: Mere I think that your reel remnrreedatioe is .ontainad in peree,raph 5 rather thea in Recommenciatkei N4. 4 as stated. concur in the principle which I think you are after, but this needs to be studied in srester depth. The supervisor who n akes Out ttw hadividual's fitness report Ie. In many Instances, unable to advise the individual Of exactly where be steeds in competition with his contemporaries. To be effe,:tive, I (WAS that this probsbly wuj NG Vid to be doe at sum* higher level - is we are now organi4ed by some higher heloo in the Career Service. Recommendation No. 5: I hays serious reserved*** as to the wisdom of Issuing such a sed. 1 beiieve that there are other ways to sCe ere LT SATS sy 1Z9115 rug COSIP ?PI TY" -1?;1(----r% T ES REV CLASS _Noe_ SOS RelMOM6001931. 111 16-2 au?CaNIF4114E4 Approved For Release 2000/ 141.40atik 4,f VfAll Approved For Release 2opo 0i01826a000300100002-0 r f el, sit al ikon of an I ,..risteoli,hwtot of an adm of all empleyedli most I*r. There *re pst toe it ham distributioo to coisolde with the hotireti?al. It.?;t:31z.l!v,t,plikticita, No: 7: INItils E have no objectioe to changing the current titnesb rAXtrt form , the ink is hardly dry on our latest effort lit this tw,gard. 'Thiti form requires supervisors to he rated on this cape. t of their perform ' r. TM.,ii ot to say that this or any other form 4. annOt be improved kiPoo. hui I do nix task that 01.2 Eons is resity thil key to the problem. 'Mut you MIPS to * Is to to *It peeolis to be honest and objective in mei Lig out fitness reports on *sty tot Eli and through anY eyetetti. I doubt vtry seriously that?new foray veil in anti at itself secosrpilah the desired result . pteay t in gistent with the that I,ertililla per.entsgt? upper category. low the actual Itecorrenidation 8: Here again I coelutir ID the selective, but I subsi,tt that tt.itt supervisor-(r6de* ottLer), to meet cases, is not in a position to advine an employee of his relative steodio11. Rtt,on msndation. Stk.. 9: I beileve asked* "mist of your recommendation is 'mood in paragraph 10 rather thaw In18,t utint,etnistion No. 9. 1 concur lieu tnendation No. 9 lb priacipie; however, there is it greet deal of "Ark to be doss before it can be etisictively implemented. Soul I would like to see a /rotes., devised sud approved by the MCI before tritestipting istiple- meauttios. commendetiot, No. it): I would went to He a much deeper study on this putt alar r. ommotiodatiOn before concurring. My inorediate reaction ir that thih should not and probably ()mild not epply across the board. I think that there probsbiy ere n any positions upon whi?h there As a definite and in which fit plOyees vsry definitely can continue to do a superior job without promo:Con. R.,:inpolitridetlas No. 11: This is floe, but the Director of Personnel is not to a position to establish larger sepanition elloisames. Assuming that our present regulation an separation ..onpensation is a sound pre,:edent ? it 2, Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : ciA-Ngielifeifeeplopmerr2-o .4mul ,4414.4441441 44 .4441104,4144411410 004401?414.4041,1a4104,4:1411041tlaitia. t -114 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/ P80-01826R000300100002-0 requires clearances with thu thareall ot the Budget. Clvil Service Commis- sion, President's Personnel Advisor, Attorsey General, Comptroller General, sod four Conikressional Committees. If we are successful la implementini Recommendation No. 1, this will be pretty well taken care of. Recotr.mendatiou N. 12: 1 4:oacur in the recommendation. Ilowevere I am firn ly convinced that in the final analysis, no matter what the Agency does, a eurplus employee will or will not get a Job elsewhere depending to a very high degree on his personal qualifications and the impression *hi h w t able to make upon a prospective employer. Every prosopective errployer is going to seariA for the answer to his question, -Why did CIA Let this man stir . Assuming that we can provide a good anawer to this question, ninety per cent of the problem still rest., with the individual and hie a. Lity to corn Ince a proapective employer that he has **(nettling that ttic err plosie r needs. R.-corrinsoniintion No. 13: k seems to me that the primary recommendatkon here ts o!,tnined in paragraph 14 rather than in the spe,;ific recommends- tion, anti I believe that this Is a problem which needs mak. h deeper study. I hare .4e t tout, reservations about the effe.t on the morale of eolployees other that, a if ea...h JT is earmarked as belongint to that elite group fron wtih are to be c.losen people to fill the Agency's key jobs. I think1 also, that re JOT'. might well be disillusimsed at a later date Pet crrn 4.ndation No. 14: I think you recognig.e In paragraph IS that all supe, grader, are not r,Ailly generalists; and, therefore, 1 would like to see thibrotLcrmtudied rtu:h more thoroue,fily. P oii I ndation No. IS: Non-t ur. 1 an gratified to st?e that the theine throop,ti this paper would strt ngthen the hand of the Dire?tor of P raonni 1. , r:r. in the hand:lug of supergrades, I beii,s,e that the puty Llr tors should p.ritoiia1ly play a strung mi.:: and 1, far one, %wield not be willing to be by-psai?ed by the Director of Personnel and have these 1,:%poilt-Iiiii1ttc-ds taken over y a board. W just c11niiia d the Supe r R,:view B ard. lhia would rrerely reestabliets It under suotnLr name. Rei-On.irtadlItiOn N, its: First we have to settle the question of whether we mint to riot up this new ?:ategory of 'Creneralist-. It so, then the Director of P,.c.sonnel should deviee a ystem of identifyi. these people. 3 "C5Pkinirilr Approved For Release 2000/08/3.1110DP80-01826R00030010 0 -0 Approved For Re!eau 2000/08/16 P80-018264.000300100002-0 Recommendation N. 17: 1 think that die prindple al a mid-career course is fine, regardless of who finally attends it. '4l:040,10r, I don't see haw it would help in identifying the middle *C1101011 supervisors who should be marred generalists, sad I cautious against approval of this re,00rmendatioa without full understanding of whet it means and what it is loin to take to Trak.. it work. We can eet up a course in the office of Training with little diffieclity. A conree Is no good unless somebody attends it. To make it work, It may require eon.e increased facilities and staff In tin. More Important, however, is the fact that Agency components will have to send people to the course. In short. there are budgetary and personnel ceiling implications here; and, unless we are prepered to provide this kind of support, approval of the recorrmendation will mean little or nothing. lite?.on merxistion No. 19: I have no objectioa to the study, but at lbs ....... mon cut I question the advisability of periodic issuances to announce promotions. Recommendation No. 19: 'This recommendation needs more study. In order to Larry out the responsibilities proposed for the Director of Per- sonnel, he will have to have support from the COO. 14.'fore the Director al Personnel is given this reeponsibillty, a procedure for carrying it out should be devised and approved by the MCI. Pteconirnendation No. 20: While I am in favor of a Personnel Development Board. 1 MI not sure about establishment of the "generalists"' category; sod, here again, before we establish a boatelwe should make up our minds selat ft is going to do. You may recall that following the IC Inspection of our eater Scryice in 1960 u Personnel Development Board was established and, as far as I an' concerned, it has produced practically nothing. Re mendation No. 21: I am strongly in favor of a proven- which insures Alettee off lc r n id-career, and senior officer training at certain stages of the I r car c' However, as I have already said. there is no point in the endorsement of this as a prinapie unless it is prepared to support the prooarn with nietwy and personnel ceilings which will ii ake it poasibie :n 'terry it out. In connection with Atnar specific recon rrendstipn,, we will worm Lompitte a paper on this subject, which you requested attest VaiiellUi Rconmendatlon No. 22: Concur in principle. However, lam not sure nist 'flat is if,eant by "We feel that top caliber personnel technidana must be obtaieed " need some clarification or this ) 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/1 Approved For Releue 20001b ,80101824R000300100002-0 0111120 ti or, various parts out at our vibrato roMptire,s, over -a titederdimod . litre Ie. appropriate limos/is a mutt arid cId.,at ate and have it syprOtod by the DIXi bettors the Director to carry out this roctowisestilitias. Reconureixistion i4o. 24: Cairo% &coo rt.,tadailoo No411.: Do.* PlillfraPlb3 well dui the OD& bee doess better job of persona* maleagentoot Wit OtbiSt Aviracy 0011Prits? The details of any plan to provide more oentraliceil morel is matters Geed to be stadia* bitifoie a filial peoldoa cis be taboo recocamatiatios As the ustatiosa I sell bellow dim the Ailios Okapis mods a Personae& Ottioor. DOI'S :LICW:sbo Distribution: 0 - Addressee 1 - DID/S chrono s I - DO/S subjects tc rase Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CI DP 0008001000Q2-0