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Document Creation Date:
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date:
July 12, 2000
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Approverd For Release 2000/08/1,6,:.C -01826R000300100004-8
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1. I am very much aware that recent events, particularly the U-2
incident and the Cuban affair, have -provoked extensive and, in some instances,
unfavorable comment in the press and elsewhere concerning the Central Intelli-
gence Agency, its activities and organization and its future. It is only
natural that these events should have caused considerable speculation, both
inside and outside the Agency, as to the future of the CIA and some under-
standable concern on the part of individual employees about their own future.
2. As you know, the Agency has recently been forced to go through
a painful exercise in which certain personnel were separated. This should be
understood by all as a necessary realignment of personnel which was essential
to permit a more equitable distribution of grades, facilitate deservin g promotions
and improve the organizational balance of the Agency.
3. As to the future of the Central Intelligence Agency, I wish to assure
each and every member of the Agency that its basic mission and charter remains
..the same and that it continues to enjoy the confidence of the highest officials
of the Government. This confidence is evidenced by the number and character
of the requirements currently levied upon the Agency to carry on strategic
missions of critical importance to the security and welfare of the nation.
Approved For Release 2000/08/ .?? , 91826R000300100004-8
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4. Each individual can rest assured that he will be given every
opportunity to participate in the important programs of the Agency in
accordance with his or her demonstrated qualifications. I have asked that
every supervisor inform all personnel under their jurisdiction of the precise
status indicating the quality of their work.- I consider it highly essential
that all employees be aware at all times of their future prospects. All
employees who are doing a competent and effective job can have confidence
in their future career in CIA.
John A. McCone
Distribution: All Employees
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : _4A-RD 6R000300100004-8