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Approved For Release 2001/11111111111W9P80-01826R000300,140044-0
MEMORANDUM PORI Depot, Director for Support
SUBJECT Current interest Items
1. Securitv Clepoliticeticp et
As a resat Of reviesHof Eata
the Bureau of Arderal Credit Wane, a determination eme made to
1963 report. (le previous years, the report ems submitted es an
document.) The Regional Office of the BUreau has refused to accept this re+
Port, first on the grounds that they did not agree that a classification is.
required and second on the grounds that they had no appropriate facilities
for receiving, prommaslag4 and storing elassified meterial. Bureau ?Modals
and the Director at Seourity for NEW (the parent Department over the Bureau)
will meet with repreeentetives of the orrice of Security and the Renefits and
Services Division on Zamedely, 31 Mora, to discuss this problem and its solo
tions. Tentatively, our proposal will be to establieh arrangements similar
to those me have with the ANC and CSC 's Retirement Division. Such ermines-
emote vill be to supply safe+hesping equipment to the Bureau of Pederal Credit
Unions and to arrange security Checks for thaw individuals who must have
access to classified reports from the Agency.
We will report the results of this meeting to you.
2. VACierittAagin
to part the impact of the &moisten not to 00P107
clericals on a summer.only basis, plena are being developed to accelerate
the DOD of clericals destined for assignment elselhere in the Agency for
initial temperer, mosignment to RI Division. Under this proposal, swab on
playees woad be officially Charged to IAS Chile detailed to RI bat RI would
reimburse the 1AS cost center for the salary and related charges involved.
A formal paper is being written on this proposal and will be forwarded for
3. Use of PreminailavOlaNge
The Personnel Baermitmemt Division hos
using freaked envelopes for sending and receiving
wort correspondenoe to and from field recruitment
Office of sommemy nor the Office of Logisties bee
These envelopes can be used only then the Agana!, oso
sender or recipient. Wen so,
we believe some savings
envelope now wed for sendingepplication forms umoak, oasts
the fee for a fradbileenmOane of this sive is 150.
In addition to possible modest sowings in poste., charges, we expect
tvo other benefits to result:
e. Applicants who do not intmod to complete OPPllostioo
forms are mare libely to return the blank forms to us if they do
oot bows to PAY 450 Postage to do so. Tbis will notify us that
be doe* not intend to *pay end thus:044a* the number of pending
ase 2001/070.1tP0-01-826R000300140044-0,
Approved For Release 2001/07 P80-01826R000300140044-0
MOM Current Interest Item
cares in the file. Also as smatter of princiPle, it las been
held over the years that sets of our appliestion terms Should
not be scattered all over the country in en uncontrolled distribm
tion. Return of unused forme vill relieve this problem.
b. Applicants expect governmemt agencies to provide franked
envelopes for the return of application forme. Although the amount
of gooey involved is inaftnifieszit, there will be, ve bellow*, an
intangible barefit in the applicant's reaction
4. Personnel Beeords 1Pores
The Depoty Chief, ami Iterview Staff has been nd to choir a
task force to "Wirth* basic purposes served by Personnel reoorda and the
scope and signifiesnoe of the dmts recorded. it is anticipated that the
Tisk Force's conclusions will warble bases for improving our recording
procedures and our reporting wets's.
The Tisk Farce vill be comprised of fell-time representatives from
the Office of Personnel Mimledxemamost dirertlyamemermed and *Aviary repro
eantatives from other OP Divisions. The group vill meet monthly with an
advisory group comprised of OP Division end Staff ChieTh to report progress
and dleauss problems and solutions. At a later stags, representatives of
each Directorate will also be asked to meet with the Teek Norco in en advisory
5. alaimal
high Agency average grade ineamparisoo
sating primarily from a higher grade structure
Series, he considers it desirable to review clerical
types to determine Which can properly be reduced without serious effect on
employees or morale. The Agenny's average grade is increasiag with gradually
rising levels of professional categories and the elimination of clerical
positions to cantors to ceiling limitetions. This increase is likely to grow
with the reduced demand for clerical personnel under present ceilieg restric
tions and the neosesity for more effective utilisation of clerical personnel.
Initially, the Chief, OWD, believes it would be desirable to under-
take a review of registry and mail and file positions in the Agency; for the
present, exclusive of RI Division. The retire could later be extended to
include other clerical position categories, such es typists and stenogrephers.
This viii be consistent with practice in other agencies. Sines the Civil
Serviee Commission lowered the recruitment levels for tilde* end steno-
SreiPheve to 0S-2 and 08.3 an l Jemmy, upon authorising travel psi, there
is now greater emphasis elsembere in the Government on more realistic levels
for suca Jobs.
SVD viii audit positions throughout the Ag, detanwOUntartreetive
ond elleProwlete graft* imettaleme; and develop a report listing all, positions
Approved For Release 2001/0 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000300140044-0
Approved For Release 2001/07/1 ('I ARDP80-01826R00030014 y
SOBACT: Cturent Interest
lobiob would be efteted, with
on employees; 'Object, of course,
before action.
)'1rat Service
25X1A9a 6. ra :yr
attemded a special
presentation given by the Civil Service Commiselon on Women in the Federal
Service for Personnel Officers and their staffs. This presentetion was an
expended version of one given to the later-Agentgr Miriikary Grow in October
1.963 and eovered the findthg. of statistical studies Node by the Commission
on the relative turnover and relative advencement of women in the Federal
Service. (Theme studies haws been publiehed by the Commission and we have
a reference copy.)
7. Fitness ort ora
aeiers of the Personnel Ativisagy Wig, Agency Officer*
have been advised of the decision to defer adoption of special Form 453
Report of Supervisory Abilt4rend, Executive Potential. They have also been
advised that special attention will be given over the next siz mouths to the
effectiveness with Which the molar Form k5 is used for this purpose as a
basis for setablishing the need, or lack of it, for a special form. Our
target date for reporting on this study is 5 October 1961.
Division visited the State De
their employee association comducts and fends
proposal for the establishment and the financial and
an expended Agency program will be Whetted shortly.
9. lynx old PIETA
As of 27 Nerch, the
coverage, applications for
tions had been received.
25X1A hes reschedill
10. Lenten
At the
were as follows:
Protestant Service
Catholic Service
TOWs for the Lenten
Protestant Services
Catholic Services
U follow
Approved For Release 2001/07/1111.1M-01826R000300140b44-0
Approved For Release 2001/07/12 : 1ADfl0001826R0003
SUBJTC'T Current
U. Fune
11 the close of business 27 March 5 issued
for the Rat4ona1 Health Agencies and Joint Crusade returned
Kaymou have been urged to turn in all remaining envelopes by31 Mereb.)
Results es of 27 March:
mittional nasal
reamed v can
Average Contribution
Mount contributed
$18:207.50 *10,866.59
filhat_t_Aistal :
Participortice 25X1A
Averege Contribution illailliii
Amount contributed $31,03.4k $15,924.49
0 & 1 - Addressee
1 - 25X1A9a
Oilers subj
1 - D/Pers ehrono
25X1A9a orpars (30 March 1964)
Monett D. *hole
Director of Personnel
2 -
Approved For Release 2001/07/1 . - . DP80-01826R000300140044-0