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July 6, 2000
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Publication Date:
May 21, 1952
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Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP,80-0)1826R000300150024-1
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21 May 1952
Sezuray Information
Personnel Director
Acting Assistant Director/Personnel
Clerical Employment Operations
1. Considerable study has been centered around problems experienced in
connection with the selection and placement of CIA clerical personnel, and
particularly the role of the Personnel Pool in these processes. The findings
and recommendations included in the various reports which have been developed
as a result of this study reveal a sound basis for issuing at this time a set
of principles to
a. govern the objectives, organization, administration and
functioning of the Personnel Pool, and to.
b. outline certain procedural requirements for assigning clerical
personnel to. Agency positions.
2. Effective immediately, those activities of the Office of Personnel
concerned :with the recruitment, selection, placement and assignment of
clerical personnel will be conducted consistent with the following policies:
a. The Personnel Pool will be operated by the Office of Personnel
with the objective of maintaining a constant reserve of support-
clerical personnel for assignment as regular turnover replacements
and to supply expanding staffing requirements. The Personnel Pool
will serve as the medium through which the Agency holds such support-
clerical personnel through the period of their security clearance,
and, subsequently, until requirements for their specific assignments
b. Composition of the Personnel Pool (except permanent overhead
staff) will be limited to support-clerical and skilled or trade
c. As long as slots are available within the Personnel Pool T/0,
clerical personnel selected for employment in the Agency will be
slotted against Pool positions rather than positions on T/Ofs of
operating offices. Clerical personnel recruited by members of
operating offices will, of course, be slotted directly to those
offices (unless this is not desired by such offices). Placement
and assignment to fill vacancies in operating offices will be
accomplished through selection of qualified available persons who
have been initially slotted to the Personnel Fool*
d. The Office of Personnel will enter on duty for the Personnel
Pool (for support-clerical positions) only persons who meet the
standards of proficiency for the grade for which they are recruitec
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Approved NroRelease 2000/08/16: CIA-RDP84,01826R000300150024-1
f,,-P?,,upitv 1 -in ?lon
or those whose capabilities are definitely determined by the Office
of Personnel to be at levels which assure that acceptable standards
of proficioncy.will to reached through the training which will be
conducted during their tenure in tho Pool.
e. All support-clerical personnel assigned to the Personn,A Pool
must participate in a full-tine training course of at least two
weeks' duration) conducted by the Office of Training. Satisfactory
completion of the course will be a prerequisite to placement within
tho Agency. Whore an employee fails to attain adequate capability
levels) the Office of Training will determine the feasibility of
providing additional training. If a determination is made that
additional training would not be profitable) the Office of Personnel
will ascertain the availability of another position not reouiring
the skills which the enolayee is unablo to develop; if such re-
assignmont po.bility does not exist) the individual uill be
separated for failure to qualify. Personnel will be excused from
attendance at all or part of the training course only in those
cases whore the Office of Training decides that an individual'
attained proficiency justifies such action.
f. Since certain portions of the full-training course content- are
of a classified character) each employee nust have at least two or
three days of training after full security clearance is issued) such
training to be given prior to the employee's release froathe Per-
sonnel Pool
g. Support-cierical personnel who are entered on duty only after
full security clearance must- complete the same training as that
(Paragraphs 1 b. and f.) required of persons who are -assigned to
the Pool while awaiting security clearance. This training require-
ment must be satisfied before the Office of Personnel :will give
clearance for personnel in support...clerical categories to report
to the operating offices for their regular duty assignment.
h. Provisionally cleared support-clerical personnel in the Pool will
be detailed to perfora work projects at such times as they are not
required to participate in training programs in accordance with the
foregoing statement of training standards. The Office of Personnel
will accept work projects from operating offices only if such projects
do- not entail deadline completion dates. In addition) the Office of
Persamel will accept such work projects only in an amount consistent
with the Pool's capacity to bring suCh work to completion in a reason-
able period.
?&way Inforrrlion
Approved For Release 2000/08/1 b : GIA-RDP80-01826R000300150024-1