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August 12, 1952
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Approved For Release 2
Chief Group
itY In fo,,mpfrni
Research and Planning Staff
ow of the CIA Career Service Program
ersonnel Eveluation" 1 August 1952
!CIA Career Service Program! 19 June 1952
"Steps in the Inauguration of the Personnel
Evaluation Program! 1 August 1952
!Personnel Evaluation" 1 August 1952
22 August 1952
A review of the CIA Career Service Program has been accomplished
following comments are submitted,
2. The original problem as stated in letter from the Chairman,
Career Service Committee to the Director of Central Intelligence (CIA
Notice is to devise a Career Service Program that identifies,
develops, effectively uses and rewards individuals who have the skills
required by CIA; motivates them toward rendering maximum service and
eliminates from the Service, those who fail to perform effectively.
Thus, the objectives of the Program are:
To identify the skills required by CIA
To deve1o01 individuals in those skills
To effectively utilize skilled personnel
To provide for rewarding of Skilled personnel
To motivate persons teward rendering maximum service
6. To eliminate from the Service, those who fail to perform
3. To accomplish these objectives, two types of Boards were
A, The first and to level Board is the CIA Career Service
omposed of the following members
Deputy Director rens)
Deputy Director Intelligence)
Deputy Director Administration
Assistant Director (Personnel)
Two Assietant Directors, each to se
Executive Secretary (non-voting)
for terms of six
Principal funotions of this Board ares develop general policy; supervise
CareerService Boards; establish and
Y (Iorm82;67,,,Rn00,0,4rrN020011-8
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"art Y In for _antic
maintain an Executive Inventory; approve allocation of Rotation Loan"
Slots to Office Career Service Boards; supervise related Groups or
Boards e.g. Bezardotte Duty, Honor Awards, Professional Selection Panel
etc., end prepare annual operational reports to the DCI. The Career
Development Staff of the Personnel Office serves as the Secretariat of
the CIA Career Service Board and in general will: recommend ways and
means of improving the CIA Career Service Program; perform all Secretariat
and Adminietrative functions including the maintenance of master files,
transmitting recommendations and reports to the CIA Career Service
Board' initiation and supervision of Program Improvement Studies, assisting
Office CareeeService Board's in effecting rotation assignments, sub-
mitting unresolved intereoffice board problems to the CIA Career Service
Board for resolution', coordinationOwith Office of Training and acting
In support of Boards established to handle specialized functions.
B. The second type of Board organized is the Office Career
Service Board (one for each major office), composed of the following
Director(or Office Head) ex officio
or more Staff or Divieion Chiefs or comparable
vel officials
ariat (aJministrative or Personnel Officer of Office
concerned will perform staff support for the Board)
Print:11A% unctions of Office Career Service Boards aro: serve as Career
Program advisor to Assistant Director or Office Head; execute relevant
decisions of the CIA Career Service Board; sponsors develop and execute
*emir service programs of Office concerned; review Personnel Evaluation
Reports and proposed development for each individual in terms of training,
assignment, advancement, rotation and promotion; recommend cancellation
or continuance of career development actions; participate in development.
and execution of approved extra office rotation systems; submit semi
annual Personnel Evaluation Report to sponsoring office ein each rotation
appointee; ensure that rotation appointee's receive promotion consideration;
makes recommendations regarding working conditions and other employment
considerations; reviews personnel input cd"Cdfice with view to ensuring
the acquisition of highly qualified versatile persons with long range
potentiality; and supervise supporting groups as appropriate.
, h. Although not specifically indicated in existing directives* the
principal machinery or key element designed to launch the Career Service
Program into cueration is the Personnel Evaluation Program described in
CIA Regulati CIA Notices. Before commenting
on the overall Career Service 'Program, therefore, a review must first
be made of the Personnel Evaluation Program. Briefly, this program
provides for an evaluation of each individual at the end of his first
nine months or service with the Agency and annually thereafter and on
other special occasions when required. Paragraph 2 of CIA Notice
states that this evaluation of the employee 'will be in terms of the
requirements of the individuals current position and his potential for
long term service with the Agency. Paragraph 5 A of the saue directive
1nd/tsetse that each person must understand the responsibilities and
requirements of his position; that such is an inherent condition of
Appeartighisot litudelproS000/0110,21160A-VDP8VOVW2tAtkift4OR)
Security Informattot,
Approved For Release 2C WEI:raENTIA-1011826R,,ipi , 20011-8
te supervisor any problems o uncertainty eh obscures
about his works that this does not minimize the responsibility
r for ensuring that those whom he supervises are provided
tion about their jobs. Such policies establish clearly
he employee will be evaluated in terms of the duties,
responsibilities and requirements of his Jo:b and appraisals will be made
concerning the person's performance of his major duties his aptitude for
the work, need for self improvement and potential for carrying greater
5 Criticisms of the Personnel Evaluation Program
A. Although Personnel Evaluation Program directivesdelegate
responsibility for fully understanding duties, responsibilities and
requirements of jobs to both the employee and immediate supervisor, the
assumption that under present methods of operation this delegation will
be carried out represents the major deficiency of the progran? Industry
and government expend considerable effort in making certain that every-'
one understands just exactly What his job consists of In Indust
very precise job analysis and evaluation programs and constant
of Labor Stewards are continuously examining the job structure and job
descriptions to keep them current. In government, both Military and
'civilian job analysis programs are evally extensive to insure that job
descriptions are adequate and current. These programs are so important
because the description of the job influences so many aspects of personnel
such as training, placement, grievances, utilization, wages etc. It is
the practice in both government and industry to provide considerable
training for supervisory personnel in regard to analyzing jobs and preparing
job descriptions' k.thin CIA, neither the supervisor or employee ever
see a copy of job descriptions. Further, no job analysis training is
ever given to supervisory personnel and though the supervisor is expected
to guide advise and develop his employees, he is unable to find any
job standards for the jobs under his supervision, which would tell him
what are the reqeirements of the jobs in qnestion. The supervisory
training program scheduled for October is aimed primarily at standardizing
interpretations and educate supervisors as to the meaning of specific
items in the Personnel Evaluation Reports *kilo helpful, this will not
be a major contribution in correcting major deficiencies.
B. Career Development programs for both executive type and
and file personnel have recognized that the immediate supervisor
s base on which the program is founded. Further, that; recognize
BINGEONSIMetema to do a good job in isolating and recognising
raining deficiencies, identifying need for homogenous and heterogenous
occupational rotation, determining aptitudes required for successful
work performance and estimating potential for carrying greater responsibility,
the supervisor should have some personnel tools placed at his disposal.
Specifically, he should be aware of the results of a testing program which
is aimed at isolating aptitudes for work he should understand the basic
ingredients of how to conduct on-the-job training programa; he should have
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occupational information showing both vertical and horizontal job oit
career patterns and the revirements.ein terms of education, experience,
traieing, physical and mental for each job shown therein. By and large
neither the Pareoareil Evaluation Program nor the Personnel Office at
large, provides superAsory personnel with a sufficient number of these
personnel tools to ensure satisfactory accomplishment of the career
development mission.
6. Will the machinery thus sot up accomplish the Career Be
Program Objectives?
A. That aspect of planning in the Career Service Program
Which provided for such top level management to determine major policy
and steer the program was excellent in every sense. Many programs
leUnthed on a said foundation fall flat because top management did
not baek them wholeheartedly. However, to further analyze the question
posed in this paragraph, the following illustration should be examined:
To identify skills required
by CIA
To develop individuals in
those Skills
To effectively utilize
skilled personnel
To provide for awarding of
skilled personnel
To motivate persons toward
rendering maximum service
6. To eliminate from the Service
those who fail, to perform
Imo.. fee id
of the above illustration will show that each
e development objective actually represents a personnel or
tion that supposedly is a service currently performed. It
Ilay reasonable to assume that if all of the personnel and
OdeCtions were discharged expertly and in the fullest sense of
tten mission, a career progreft would, in effect; be operating.
t would still exist for a high level staff to persuade and
level support and to synthesize the various personnel and
training functions in order to ensure that proper overall coordination,
tion and direction is being given in terms of present and long range
CY Plans.
7. HOwevers it is understandable, that the tremendous Agency
expansion, accompanied by under staffed offices, necessity for operating
exigencies And other related factors that the Personnel and other depart
bents were unable to accomplish their full mission. With the future
representing somewhat of a leveling off period, more time will be
Beoogr4ze4 as a Personnel
Classification de
Training (Formal and an-
Placement and Assignment.
4?' 4
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afforded to planning, program formulating and examination of basic
missions and initiating the necessary action to ensure full accomplish
mint of missions. With regard to accomplishing the specific Career
Service Program objectives, the following comments and recommendations
are offered:
The medium through which is reflected the Agency's skill
requirements is the Classification system. It is the opinion of the
writer that the system now used is thoroughly inadequate to meet this
need. For the past several years, considerable occupational analysis
and classification research has been conducted and this research has
resulted in 'very meaningful and modern coding and classification systems
Which offer management many uses such as'
Modern methods of ceding akin requirements
Functional method of grouping, thus aiding development of
career patterns
Functional method of writing job descriptions
Development of sound standards, including information on
education, training, and physical and mental requirements
Provision for mobilization expansion
Job relationship to e031tary
Althoughthe Agency is absolved from the Classification Act of 19149, it
uses the same cumbersome coding system developed by the Civil Service at
least twenty-five or thirty years ago.
? ion: That a research project be initiated by
search ? Staff for the purpose of developing a more
nt job coding and classification system. This is a No. 1 priority
really represents the base on which many related personnel and train-
ing actions revolve, e.g. Personnel Procurement requires detailed knowl-
_ot obs and job requirements; Testing needs to know what the jobs
b roridemombe data; Training requires information on the
Ageney skill requirements as expressed by the job or classification
system in order to know what basic courses are required, when consolidation
is desirable and what specific skills require training; Placement or
Assignment functions require informationatlithe requirement: of jobs in
order to effect practical manpower utilization practices; lastly* supervisors
need to 'know detailed knowledge of jobs to appraise qualifications and
recommend regarding lateral or vertical career progression. Finally, a
good sound classification and coding system will greatly facilitate the
jOb of top planners who need a meaningful system whereby the skill picture
of CIA may be readily expressed and understood in consolidated language.
t ve 2. To dev
e uired b CIA
Success in this objective depends on how well supervisors
know how to develop and administer on-the-job training programa and the
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=tent to which they are familiar with CIA formal training programs,
eligibility criteria, quota's etc. Also, success will depend on extent
of knowledge supervisors have regarding rotation policies and opportunities
and specific categories of jobs considered to be within specialized or
generalized career areas.
geeRmme tion; That in eanection with the research project
suggested above, the basic system resultid from such research be used to
determine career progre S on patterns for the Agency at large. Also,
that the Offices of Training and Personnel coordinate in this undertaking
so that minimum on-the-job training and formal training standards be
Waved for each career progression pattern.
To effectively utilize akld sersormel and
ve i fo e Ior rewar o.t s J ed. onne
Ames --I
FInactionally, Placement Branehes are mmmootelmmtsy with
these reaponsibilities, i.e. maintain within service promotion programs
and de effectiveness of placement program. The crucial need here
is the development of an Agency wide promotion system. The promotion
system used is for the most part on a hit or miss basis and results of
mast recent vain this area indicates that morale is highest in
those places all personnel meeting qualification standards have
An opportunity to compete for advancement.
systems and
Agency wide basis.
That a study be undertaken of promotion
e wo out a plan whereby promotion will be on an
D. Objective
To motivate ersons towards renderina
Status of morale, for the most partiodepends on the success
in accolishing objectives 1 through 4 inclusive. Needless to say, with
the heavy investment that each person represents, it is most important
to maintain a high state of morale.
ye 6 T a e from the Srvice thoewho
ect vs
If we have a modern system of classifying CIA skills;
ctive procurement techniques; a good onetheejob-training and formal
icing programs; sound performance standards and an objective method
praising performance the rejeots should be few. At the present time
paration of rejects may be a small concern. However, in the event
dtrenOhment program, serious planning will be required to develop
able eeparation program, since the Agency is legally obligated
standard Civil Service procedures related hereto.
b. Summarizationi That the two Career Service Boards set up to
supzise and administer the CIA Career Service Program will enjoy success
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