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Publication Date: 
November 4, 1958
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Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00040O 005-9 NOW, 4 November 1958 OS NOTICE NO. 5.8-9 FOR: All Office of Security Supervisors SUBJECT: Relation of New Fitness Report Form to Competitive Evaluation Program 1. Institution of the new Fitness Report Form on 3 November 1958 makes it necessary to point out the need for specific comment by super- visors on the employees' Productivity, Quality of Work, Personal Characteristics, and.Value to the Agency. 2. The Competitive Evaluation Program provides for rating employees on several factors such as education, years of experience, time in grade, training, etc. , the values of which are derived directly from the record without much element of judgment or appraisal being called for by the Evaluation Panels. On the other hand, the factors of Productivity, Quality of Work, Personal Characteristics, and Value to the Agency require an assessment of the record and an evaluation. of the employee by the Panel in order to arrive at a considered judgment and a fair rating for each of these factors. 3. Supervisors preparing the new Fitness Report will consider Productivity, Quality, and Personal Characteristics in rating the employee in Section C, and of course the ratings in. Sections B, C, and D will give indications of the employee's Productivity, Quality of Work, Value to the Agency and to some extent his .Personal Characteristics. However, the .Fitness Report does not provide for specific ratings of each of these elements as such. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that supervisors make particular mention.of these items in the narrative description, Section E, of the. Fitness Report. 4. Productivity and Quality should each be described so that each characteristic may be evpluated and rated on the basis of whether it is Average. or Above or Below, or whether it is Outstanding or Superior, or Barely Adequate or ,Inadequate: 5. Personal Characteristics may run the gamut from Excellent to Objectionable, with intermediate qualities of Very Good, Average or Less than Average acceptibility. The supervisor's description of the employee's Personal Characteristics should be such as to permit an accurate evaluation and rating of this important factor in. the competitive evaluation process. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : Cl - 80005=9 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0004 OQO 0005-9 6. The. element-of Value to the Agency or Potential is difficult -to assess and evaluate... ..A clear description.of the employee's potential with particular reference to his versatility or flexibility, .as demonstrated by past capable services in various. assignments, or to his expertness. as a specialist in a.very important line of work. which would be most difficult to replace, will afford some. indication. of his value. In the case of younger employees, an. analysis of their growth potential by the supervisor will be an important factor to aid the. Competitive Evaluation. Panels in determining .the value of the employee. .to .the Agency.. 7. In. summary, it is again emphasized that supervisors should always make reference to, describe, and give their opinions on the Productivity, Quality of Work, Personal Characteristics, and Value to the Agency of each employee in.narrative. form each time a. Fitness Report is prepared. 8. With respect to. what are average ratings in the new Fitness Report, it is agreed that the.following grades. and descriptions reflect "average": .Section.$. 4 "Competent" Section C 3/4 .."Performance a little more than 'clearly meets basic. requirements'" 9.. With. respect to the question "How is average' determined?" 11 the following is observed: The- criteria for performance. are established by supervisors for the work under their jurisdiction. _ Employees should therefore be graded. on the basis: of their. meeting the criteria in. the performance of their jobs and not on the basis of their performance. in relation to each other. In other words, after performance criteria have been established for a. job, the person. or group. of people performing that job may be .average, or above, or below average in varying degrees. They might conceivably all be average or all outstanding or all mediocre. Therefore, to give an example, if a group of five perslons comprising. a unit were all performing a job in an excellent manner, they would. all be rated excellent. It would not be proper to divide them into average, above average, and below average categories with relation to comparative performances among themselves.. - 2 Approved For Release 21001/08/01 : CIA-R 8~^^1R~FRann~nop 0005-9 Approved For Release_2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000400r08 005-9 Ad03 IO 3X 10. It is expected that each. supervisor will be completely objective in rating personnel under his supervision. The manner in which a supervisor accepts his responsibilities in this regard is a factor that will be considered .when he, in turn, is rated. 25X1A9a Direckct'' of Security Distribution: All OS Supervisors Approved For Release 2001/08/01: CIA- - 6 00 0080005-9