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Itawa 77 th~ou~A I~ ~I11 12. COMMENT ON ITEMS 7 THROUGH 10. 1~. HAS EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE DURING REPORT PERIOD BEEN SATISFACTORY4 ~ Yas C= -~ No 14. ARE THERE OTHER DUTIES WHICH BETTER SUIT THE EMPLOYEES OUALIFICATION54 lRacommand appropr at? rears gnmant~ possible.! 15. IN WN71T SPECIFIC WAYS, OTHER THAN ENUMERATED ABOVE, CAN THE AGENCY MAKE BETTER USE OF THE EMPLOYEE, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE INTERESTS OF THE AGENCY AS WELL AS THOSE OF THE EMPLOYEEY 16. WHAT TRAINING DO YOU RECOMMEND FOR THE EMPLOYEEY 17. ENTER HERE ANY REMARKS PERTAINING TO PARTICULAR QUALIFICATIONS OR LACK THEREOF WHICH ARE CONSIDERED PERTINENT TO THE EVALUATION OF THE EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE AND POTENTIAL. OUTSTANDING ASSETS AND ERCEPTIONAL WORK CONTRI- BUTIONS, AS WELL AS SERIOUS LIMITATIONS SHOULD BE STATED. 18. DATE SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR 19. i HAVE READ AND DISCUSSED THE ABOVE REPORT WITH MY SUPERVISOR. IComments~ if any are shown below.! DATE SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE 20. I NAPE REVIEWED THE ABOVE RESORT. (Comments if any are shown below.! DATE SIGNATURE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL 21. COMMENTS: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SECURITY INFORMATION PERSONNEL EVALUATION REPORT (See Inatructiona on Reverae Side) TXI3 PORTION TO BE DETACRED ONLY BY AUTHORIZBD OFFICIAL Approved For Release 2001/08/07: CIA-RDP80-018268000400090014-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/07: CIA-RDP$0-018268000400090014-8 ~~ SECURITY INFORMATION 1. Instruction to the Administrative or Personnel?Officer Consult current Administrative Instructions regarding the Initiation and transmittal of this report. 2. Instruction to the Employee Since this evaluation will become an important part of your record, you should give it as ^uch care and attention as you could like to have it receive fro^ your Supervisor and Reviewing Official. With respect to Itess 8, 9 and 10, you should include courses of instruction or assignments, either rithin or outside of the Agency, which you consider pertinent to your career development. 3. Instruction to the Supervisor and Reviewing Official e. The following traits are generally regarded as having some bearing on an employee's performance and .development. Although you are not asked for specific ratings, do not hesitate to refer to these or sieilar traits in your comments, which should a terse and precise. COOPERATION RESOURCEFULNESS DEPENDABILITY STABILITY UNDER PRESSURE ACCURACY ABILITY TO OBTAIN RESULTS SECURITY CONSCI?USNESS JUDGMENT INITIATIVE LEADERSHIP b. In fairness to t>be employee and in the interest of the Agency, the importance of carefully pre- pared and accurate Personnel Evaluation Reports can not be overstressed. The folloring basic principles of evaluation should be kept in mind: , (1) Base your Judgment on (a) What you have observed the employee do or fail to do. (b) Typical performance as well as critical incidents. (c) Examples relevant to the duties under consideration. ' (2) Different standards prevail in different assignments. Every effort should be ^ade to arrive at a Just estimate of the qualities of the employee as demonstrated during the report period, Avoid exaggerations and superlatives. They detract from the value of the report and are unfair to others. (3) BIASED OPINIONS BASED ON PERSONAL LIKES AND DISLIKES MUST BE SCRUPULOUSLY AVOIDED. IT SHOULD BE BORNE IN MIND THAT. THE PREPARATION OF EVALUATION REPORTS IS AN IMPORTANT RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL SUPERVISORS AND THEIR CAREFUL PREPARATION I5 AN INDICATION OF THE SUPERVISOR'S OWN ABILITY AND QUALIFICATION!.,FOR THE POSITION H E HOLDS. 4. A FRANK DISCUSSION BETWEEN SUPERVISOR AND EMPLOYEE CONCERNING ALL ITEMS ON THIS FORM IS NECESSARY I~f ORDER TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND BEST USE OF EVRRY EMPLOYEE'S CAPABILITIES. _ ___. PERSONNEL EVALUATION REPORT . Itew? I throe/h 6 w~l! 6e eompletsd by AAMINTSTRATIVB OR PBRSONNBL OFFICER 1. NAME (Lest! IFirstl IMiddlel 2. GRADE j. POSITION TITLE 4. OFFICE STAFF OR DIVISION BRANCH r~ DEPT'L. IF FIELD, SPECIFY STATION FIELD 5. PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT 6. TTPE OF REPORT ` From To [~ Initial ~ Annual - ~ Special Reassignment of Employee: ~ Reassignment of Supervisor Itewe 7 throu/h lI mill 6e eowpletsd by B1fPLOYBB , T. DESCRIPTION, OF DUTIES DURING REPORT PERIOD. (Describe fully but concisely. List most recent first. Give approx - mate dates( 8. LIST COURSES OF INSTRUCTION COMPLETED DURING REPORT PERI00. Neme of Course Location Length of Course Date Completed 9. CONSIDERING YOUR APTITUDE, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND INTERESTS, AS WELL AS INTERESTS OF THE AGENCY, WMAT TYPE5 OF WORK OTHER THAN Y OUR PRESENT JOB ASSIGNMENT, WOULD YOU LIKE TO 8E CONSIDERED FOR, IN ORDER OF CHOICE? _.. Type of Duty Unit and Location A B C Explain: 10. SPECIFY ANY TRAINING YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE TO IMPROVE YOUR VALUE TO THE AGENCY. 11. Approved For Release 2001/08/07: CIA-RDP80-018268000400090014-8 DATE SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE