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. ., ~..F Approved Fo~~ lease 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826iip~000900060005-6 INStI'RUCTION SIIEET ' CAREER PREFERENCE OUTLINE FORM NO. 1030 CAREEN PREFERENCE CIUTLINE GENERAL DEFINITION: A Career Preference Outline for an individual is a documented description of his career interests and proposed career activities for an appropriate speci- fied time, to which are appended the comments of his supervisor and his Career Service. DESCRIPTION: The proposals in an Outline may include suggested retention in present position, reassignment, or training. Such proposals may be specific or general in terms of time and place. Continuity of career interest and. consistently sat- isfactory performance rather than rotation from area to area or function to func- tion are basic in career progression. Career planning does not imply that pro- posals for reassignment or formal training are inherent or must be included in a Career Preference Outline. PURPOSE: The Organization, through the career planning program, maintains an inventory of employees' preferences for use in planning utilization of manpower. Preferences are reviewed and evaluated by the employee's supervisor and his Career Service in terms of his potential and the needs of the Organization. Individuals and su~iervisors must recognize that the needs o.f the Organization necessarily have first priority. ~.fter the needs of the Organization have been met, the interests of the individual will be given full consideration. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE IMPORTANT -- Read These Instructions Carefully and Complete Items 1 through 14. PREPARATION: An employee is encouraged to discuss his career interests and. proposals for training with his supervisor, Career Management Officer, and~or Training Liaison Officer. Specific instructions are listed below: Items 1 through 4 -- Self-explanatory. Item 5 ORGANIZATIONAL TITLE -- Indicate the title you use in signing official correspondence. In icate "None' i nd organizational title is assigned to you. Items 6 and 7 POSITION TITLE -- OCCUPATIONAL CODE -- Indicate position title and code, e.g.> Administrative icer GS-0301.03? osition title and code appear on the "Zb" side of SF- 52? Item g OFFICE OF ASSIQ~IIVIF~'T -- Indicate component, Division and Staff, and Branch or Section, e, g., uppor Branch. Item 9 GENERAL TYPE OF ACTIVITY -- Indicate the general area of work in which you are int~r~e,~~d?T L e. g., rocuremen an upply, Communicating, Personnel Administration, Reports ana lls~h~~IIV etc. Item 10 SPF~CIFIC TYPE OF ACTIVITY -- Indicate the r t e of assi ments which are your imme late an on -range objectives, e. g., Placement Of- ?T?T,~,T, ficer, Finance Officer, etc. (Use, the Occu tion Titles Item 11 ORGANIZATIONAL EXTERNAL AND Cl`I-T'l~-TOB TRAINING -- Indicate what training you believe you s ou ave in or er to increase your va-due to the organization. For organizational training use UTR Catalog of Courses, if available. Example: 73asic Uri entation h-3, Reading Improvement I-7, Operations Familiariz~ifi~.prTINTL nurse and location. Item 12 ADDI.TL(]IYAIs90p~1V~,S -- In of a t iv n elsewhere which might be usefu in ,. Il~~i~'~~~~4tr~$sA~Su~61~QQ0090~QQ60005-6 Items 13 and 14 -- Self-explanatory. ,y // ~~ gkrG ~ ~//~ R~~~ Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-018268000900060005-6 INSTRUCTION SHEET CAREER PREFERENCE OUTLINE FORM NO. 1030 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUPERVISORS AND CAREER SERVICE OFFICIALS Supervisors and officials assisting in the preparation of Outlines or reviewing pro- posals for future personnel actions should ensure that the real needs and potential of the individual are coordinated with the present and future requirements of the Organization. Specific proposals for reassignment and training included in Outlines are not to be considered as commitments on the part of the individual or the Organi- zation. The expression of the individual's career interests and proposals made in the Outline is a guide for future major personnel and training actions affecting the individual and. must be subsequently considered by officials when approving such ac- tions. This is not intended to restrict desirable flexibility of action but rather to ensure that major actions which deviate from the proposals in an Outline are taken after serious consideration of all pertinent factors. In 1ine~taith this requirement, Career Preference Outlines are made a part of an official record (i.e., placed in the individual's Official Personnel Folder) so they are available to all officials 'res.ponsible for initiating and approving subsequent actions affecting the individual. COMMENTS BY SUPERVISOR Items 15 and 16 - The supervisor should comment on the employee's statements of his career interests and desired training. He will include specific reconmendations, if possible, for the employee's future utilization. The Outline should serve as a basis for a discussion with the employee of his strengths and weaknesses. The Career preference Outline with items 15 through 20 completed should be forwarded to the Head of the employee's Career Service promptly. Items 17 through 20 - Self-explanatory FOR USE OF CAREER SERVICE Ytem 21 - Career Service officials will review the employee's statements of preference and the super- visor's corrnnents in terms of the needs of the employee and the Organization. Items 22 through 25 - Self-explanatory DISTRIBUTION The original of the Career Preference Dutline will be forwarded to the Director of Personnel and filed in the employee's Official Personnel Folder. Copies of the Outline may be shown or distrilxtted, subject to the approval of the Head of the employee's Career Service, to officials In other Career Services who may be concerned with his development and utilization. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-018268000900060005-6 ~. Approved For a ease 2001/09JS$~DP80-01826F~0900060005-6 (When Filled In) CAREER PREFERENCE OUTLINE This Outline, when completed, is a documented description of the individual's career interests and proposed career activities together with the comments of his supervisor and his Career Service. The original will be filed in the employee's Official Person- nel Folder and will serve as a guide for future personnel actions affecting him. Im_ plementation of career preferences must depend upon the needs of the Organization. - CONSULT ATTACHED INSTRUCTION SHEET PRIOR TO COMPLETING THIS OUTLINE - SECTION A. GENERAL 1. NAME OF EMPLOYEE (Last-First-Middle) 2. DATE OF BIRTH 3? SERVICE DESIGNATION 4? GRADE 5. ORGANIZATIONAL TITLE 6? POSITION TITLE 7. OCCUPATIONAL CODE 8. OFFICE OF ASSIGNMENT SECTION B. CAREER INTERESTS 9. GENERAL TYPE OF ACTIVITY 10. SPECIFIC TYPE OF ACTIVITY (Including assignments) A. IMMEDIATE (Within next 1 to 2 years) B. LONG-RANGE (Within next 3 to $ years) SECTION C. TRAINING 11. ORGANIZATION AL, ExTERNAL. AND ON-THE-JOB TRAINING A. IMMEDIATE (Within next 1 to 2 years) B. LONG-RANGE (Within next 3 to 5 years) 12? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS I RECOGNIZE THAT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MY 13? DATE COMPLETED 14. SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE CAREER PREFERENCES MUST DEPEND UPON THE NEEDS OF THE OR GA I-ZATION. UNDER TAND ~ ~ ~ 2001 /09/04 CIA RDP80 0 8268000900060005 6 THAT MY PERFORM AN ppr ,ol~ Base : - - - INTERESTS WILL BE GIVEN DUE CONSIDERATION. FORMrNO^ ~03U rl~lu~'I' ~ Career Outline (el SECTION D. S 15? RELATIVE TO CAREER INTERESTS OF EMPLOYEE ? I6? RELATIVE TO TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEE 17? TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF SUPERVISOR IB? SIGNATURE lg. TITLE 20? DATE SECTION E. FOR USE OF CAREER SERVICE 2I? COMMENTS 22? TYPED OR PRINTED NAME 23? SIGNATURE 24? TITLE 2S? DATE LEAVE BLANK se 2001/09/-RDP80-018268000900060005-6 (When Filled In) .,~ InlrKna~ n CONF`I~NTIAL UNCLASSIFIEDr` ~?' ~ Re~" 2001/09/Od ~ CID-RIP 0-0182CR0 - _ ?~ FUTING AND RECORD SHEIrT SUBJECT: (Oprionap STATINTL ~~~,~- ~~~~, ~`,,~`~r~_~ FROM: N o. ~~ ~ '~ ~ Re~2~tic~s Control J DATE ~. ~~ ~~. TQ; (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATjF, OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECD FWD'D INITIALS To whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) ~. J~49~+~,I3$ ~,~Ltt~' ~~.r~C`'~;E?1" ~~ ;art} S ATINTL ~"'O~Ei~ )z ~,'c 4w011t~G3t: ~' ~,~ ~ ~ y 2. t 4a~ .~l~~Li,3.4'~ {a~{~!i ~C~~.i 4ritJ~L s.~7 trr:3. 3 ~la~it~.'~;~.~31~, Control u~~ for ~'ubliC:.$icaz. ~~ 1~'~L~6~iC ~. 3. This j)r~;.~c~1., ~ ~. ~. ;>G::,Y'~:ct, ?~y t1~4 4i~i~ off' 1^'~rsU23?~~l -;;c3 ~,~~,~rc~vec3 'try t~ ~?u?~cil c~t~- ~& J'f~,jr a. 1g~6, h '~O cr~~acurrence:s off' the ~irectar c~~" ~r~3.~~3~ag Sri the ~nl~ 5. Thy ~i3~~t3f3L C3~" '1, b~irC7~,U3~tI i8 ~- stxe~i~Ce is ~p ryst~~lish ~vlic;~ d 6. pr ocedtzres ~i~h rc:s~~et c~trr pl#.r~ fc~r s~~~f ~~crsar~s~el, to establisY~ uni~or~i~i~y i:. cE~,Gr 7. pliYlg requireits, ~t~. tc7 grovidr: ~tid~tace to ~icat~~zs of I Cere+~r Services ~'or ~~c yx:rPc~r- ' s. ance of tb~ir esreer xn~axi~.xxt fluictiI pec ss 61 ~ EDITIONS F ~ CONFIDENTIAL ~ CIA INTERNAL ucc nrri v ~ UNCLASSIFIE.,,/