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CARES t PLANNING FOR INDIVIDUALS in part by the Agency attention will.b satiafaactoi7 work Each member of il CIA Career Staff is assured that with continv ixg perforce and conduct on h:..s parts Just and equitable coorded to his personal progress fl This is accomplished ementation of career planning for individuals throughout This regulation establishes Agencjr policy on career planning for staff personnel in order to effect uniform:.ty in career planning requirements, and furnish guidance to the Haadw.s of Career Services for the performance of their Career Ianagut functions as set forth in Regulation b0 To stendardl.ze the function of career planWing for individuals throughout the Agency a the "Career Preference Outline" (j ttachment A) vi l be used as the basic career planning document a Po1i.,cies and procedures for the preparation and use of the Career Preference O, tliaae are set forth herein. 2. CAREER P FERSNCE OU U]4E ae? A Career Preference Outline for an individual is a documented description 7 of his career Interests and proposed career activities for an appropriate N, NI , 11 specified time to which are appended the comme:;ata of his supervisor and his Career Service0 The proposals expressed by the individual may include suggested retention in present position,, reassignment or training,, Such proposals may be specific or general in terms of time and place,, Although reassignment Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826R000900060012-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826RQ00~00060012-8 and formal training may be proposed,, the function of career planning for individuals does not imply that such actions are Inherent in or required for career progression. c~ The Career Preference Outline serves the following purposes: (1) Provides the individual with an opportunity to express his career interests and proposals for training and assignment for the for- seeable future and encourages him to give serious consideration to his skill.,, interests,, aptitude,, and performance in relation to the needs of the Agency. (2) Furnishes the Heads of the Career. Services,, Operating Officials,, and the Director of Personnel with a guide fcr future personnel actions affecting the respective individuals with a goal of increasing the individual's potential contribution to the Agency. (3) Assists Agency officials in meeting present and future personnel requirements. POLICY a0 Career Preference Outlines will be prepared for any staff employee or staff agent,, if in the opinion of the individual and/or his supervisor and approved by the Head of his Career Service,, such documentation for the individual is required or desirable. Heads of Career Services will require Outlines for persons in their Service as considered necessary. b. The proposals expressed by the individual in the Career Preference Outline are not commitments for the individual or the Agency,, but are guides to be considered in making future personnel decisions affecting the individual. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826R000900060012-8 25X1 A / R GLJL TION Due consideration will be given to the deal :ref. of the individual, but these must be compatible with the needs of the Agency and with the indivi- dual u s known ability or with his demonstrable potential The Career Preference Outline, along with the Fitness Report and other appropriate records, will be considered in connection with the initiation and approval of personnel and training acttonk affecting the individual.. 4,3 & &PONSIBI. LITlES ax, Heads of Career Services are responsible for: (1) The Initiation and review of Career Preference Outlines for members of their Service a (2) The preparing of reports to the CIA Career Council., upon requests regarding the status of the individual career planning program as it applies to members of their Career Services a b. Operating Officials have the following responribil.ities for individuals under their administrative jurisdiction.- (1) Adopting appropriate measures to ensure continuing consideration of the career activities proposed in the Car ear Preference Outlines of individuals in connection with the initiction and approval of person- nel and training actions affecting theme.. (2) Advising Individuals of Career Service decisions which require or involve major changes from the career activities' proposed in their Career Preference Outlines. ro/0 a *DUG M4 - -01 g 00 OA A 8 1 - -~ 11, q4 Approved For Release 2001 / P80-01826R000900060012-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826R .090 00060012-8 I GULATION 25X1 A F';.il.`adkL 5 ( I 'C r URE; Greer Preference Uutlinea for members of they CiA Career Staff presently grad" GS -11 and G i::2 will be given first, priority by the respective ar Serv'i,f a s in determini ; the sequences for processing Outlines. The Career Preference Outline will be prepared in accordance with the n ettat ed,. to the form (Attachment .A).< h supervisor a c*Vur.? appropriate officals, having etih1ni.8t:rati,ve or career plawrdng is-diction Over the jrdlyiduaiA will assist as ne+ scary or desirable, n the preparation of the (; .tline The statement of the individua TL' $ propo .ls contained in t- ho Carer "reference Outline V. t-I a *xrve az a h aria of 1ct-us. for to er the ; ndivi anal as his a axperv:.Lcr s The a aper ijr> r wUJ. then add bis ca f tv on the individuaPs statement of career interests and d+ aired training the Career nrefera a Outline. He will iir ciu s oifi 'a, roco .'axaenda-? Lions f posa b . e" for the individua l"S fut:a* a utili zat,i.t n . dt The orig .nai of the Career Preference lnxtlin a, mabsequent to r iew by dead of the appropriate d er Service, will be for rd W. the a fi`f, f?e ub j eot to 1,40 approv&. of the Head of the employee s Gare ? r, filing Copies of the Career Preference tine m Ay ,:> shc.earn or di. other Career Services who may develop nt a d uti.l.,izatioaa oe~, to Approved For Release 2001/09/04: C14-RDP80-01826R000900060012-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826R00000 00060012-8 Proposals for changes in the Career Preference Outline may be initiated by the individual or the Head of his Career Se.-rvice any time subsequent to the ix?itial preparation of the Outline. Mu, jor changes or revisions i.:1 be subject to the same review as is requi.?ed in the processing of the arigInal Outline c Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826R000900060012-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826R000900060012-8 line for an individual career interests and proposed career 1 pecifiad time, to which are appended sir and his Career Service. ON: The proposals in an t tline may incle suggested retention in eaition, reassignment, or trraini. Such Pr(MO,eaJ.s stay rest and consistently satisfactory perform nce ation from area to area or function to function in career progression. Career planning "mmosals for r ssia nt or forget training are inhex t be inalnW in a Career Preference vuTiam. kA= 3-u earily hEve first priority. hft*r the Eve been met, the interests of the individual ideration. t divid .s sad supervisors mat recognize that the Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01826R000900060012-8