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Approved for Release 2000,/0?4,071:.FIA-RDP80-01826R00100009Q0.03-
.Centra -1.14edStaff Personnel fAesignment end 1Jtiltbion services
This paper covers the program proposed to provide strong and effective
centralized support to all operating offices and Career Services in filling their.
personnel requirements and i iting and developing Agency personnel assets.
The subject of employee serv es and counseling is covered separately in Tab I/I.
The program proposed herein is tailored to? Meet current .personelel Objectives
expressed in the Report to the Inspector General; "The Role Of the Director of
Personnel"e These include:
1. SUbstantial decentralization of authority to Career Services.
2. Reduction of duplication of effort (Office of Personnel vs.
Career Services).
3. More effective personnel evaluation to advance the ablesand
weed out the ineffective.
4. Adjustment of Office of Personnel procedures and practices so
as to render more effective support to the Career Services.
In addition to the above objectives, the program is concerned with meeting the
Agency-wide problem caused:by the necessity to stay within current personnel ceilings;
namely, the reqnirement for optimum utilization of our personnel assets through
proper placement, training and reassignment, to meet chanced staffing demands rather
than depending upon recruitment as in the past. This means we must increase our
effectiveness of our centralized qualifications inventory, provide an acceptable
mechanism for inter-Career Service movements of Agency personnel, and develop an
out-placement program of greater extent.
1. Personnel Representation to Offices and Cereer Services
a. With increased emphasis on the responsibility and authority of the
Heads of Career Services in administeriue their personnel programs, it be-
comes very ieportant that a means be established to keep the Career Services
and operating offices currently inforned on changes in Agency personnel
policies, procedures, and reouirements. To maintain the neceiseary degree of
uniformity in Agency personnel administration and to provide a central point
of contact on personnel matters, it is believed that Personnel Assignment
Division facilities will be most useful. As the representative of the
Director of Personeel, the Division Officers can serve as the principal
liaison officer with Career Management and Personnel Officers to keep the
latter current on new programs and requirements anti to assist in developing
implementing procedures for the Career services. Examples could include
changes in procedures on invitee travel; installation of advanced stop
rates for certain technical positions, fitness report adeinistratiepoend
the like.
Approved For Releas 8h107 : CIA-RDP80.01826R001000090003-3
Approved Fort lease 2000/08WMA-RDP80151826R001000090003-3
b. Regular, periodic sessions should be held by the Chief, Personnel
Assigement Division and his staff with Career Management Officers, Personnel
Officers and administrative personnel in which a prepared agenda of current
personnel topics could be discussed and geeeral personnel questions could
be introduced by anyone present. This system, we believe, would have the
effect of drawing more closely together all Agency personnel techniciane
and might well make for better understanding ef probleme peculiar to certain
parts of the Agency. Through these regular etinge, much could be eained
not only by operating office Personnel and Career Management Officers
but by the PAD staff and the rest of the central office as well.
2.- Su ort to Career Service Boards of the Denut Director Intelli ence
and?? eiuty r rector Zuetert
Currently, PAD Officers attend most DM Career Service Board meetings
as invited guests but participate principkily as silent Observers. With
rare -exceptions, the staff members do not receive agendae in aevance and
thus are not prepared fully to assist in problems discussed. In the DDI
area, PAD Officers do not participate in Career Board sessione. In both
cases, personnel actions have been approved by a number of Operating and
Career Service Officials before the Placement Officer receives it for
approval. At the latter stage, his technical advice on an action is too
late to be effective; any questions generally cause eyebrows to be rsised
and too freqeeptly result in the question rapidly being withdrawn.
It is understandeble"that the personnel man representing an Office or
Career Board is reluctant to request reconsideration of an action by the
Board, once the latter has approved it.
It is reeommended, therefore, that arrangements be made for the PAD
Officers to *work with the Career Board secretariat to discues the proposed
actions prior to consideratioe by the Board. This may, a full interchange
of iaformation and views can be accompliched, and the PAD Officer will be
in a position to provide more effective support. Examples:
More time will be provided for staff work necessary to
advise the Board in correct and practical terms of the technical;
ieplicatioas pf any proposed action.
The PAD Officer will be better prepared to assist the Boar
in Matters Which may involve another Career Service.
Additional information of a personal nature may be made
available on subjects of proposed actions.
Immediate help may be provided on available central assist
(Senior Placement Committee, Out-Placement activity, et.).
3. Development of a Comprehensive Eeployee Utilization Program
This part of our function, et:belinee, is most ipportant and essen
If ve are to succesefelly staff tile Agency's ever-changing program without
exceeding rigid ceilings, we must make the most of our current assets, and
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-01826R001000090003-3
Approved For elease 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP80.826R001000090003-3
When necessary provide for satisfactory out-placement for pereonnel who
cannot be practicably retrained.
a. Agency Reassignment and Cut-Placement Unit
A Unit reporting to the Chief, PAD, should be established
to be resnonsible for ell reassienment activity involving con-
sideration of an employee for aseienment to another Directorate
Career eervice. Utilizing the various sources available for
identifying eersonnel having specifie qualifications, (qua)ifi-
cations register manpower lie-tinge, continued close liaison
by the PAD Officers with the various Career Serviceo, manage-
ment development rosters, and the like) this Unit would be in
a position to locate rapidly Agency eereonnel to fill any require-
ment nerond th2 caoabflitiec of the Career';,ereice involved. This
Unit ceeld hele, discharge the eroerem of seleceine candidates for
the Director of Personnel to fill open positions as specified in
which has not been heretofore possible. In addition,
the Unit would be reenonsible for inter-Direetorate Career service
neeinaeent request; arising from Finally, the Unit
would provide needed secretariat and sueport services for the Special
Placement Committee.
It is felt, also, that with the establishment of an Agency
Reassignment Unit procedures can be better developed to do away
with the ills inherent in the system of Llind "shopping" of files.
b. ManReenent Development Program
This pro;rau van enegented by the Inspector General and
aczepted by ene Director of Personnel. We have much to Jo to
make it a reality, but do believe we can, with the aid of Ctereer
Services, develop and install a method of eeleeting for manage-
neat development a group of personnel currently in elle middle
trade range, who have unusuel eotential for assimilating special
training, Planned aseicemente, and future positions of increanine;-
ly greater reeponeiLility. This erogram, as one part, wiil in-
clude a cen_ideratien of sel.!cted former JOTie tegether with all
other individuals who have denonetrnted potential vis futera key
aseignmente within or beyond their rrent Career 3ervice.
c. Career Plan Imz:lementation
The ero,eram cf employee utilization w111 concider approved
career plans as a vital source of inforantion as to qualified
personnel who nay fili4g4Atiobl outside their parent office'to
-meet critical otaffing'reqniraments without depareing from their
approved career plans. Similarly, it may be poeaible to identify
by working with the' Career Servieee the individuals who have
limited opportunities in their Career -Service but who nay have
ouch to offer to other Career Services.
- Approved For lease 20001014E8RETA-RDP80t182614001000090003-3
? ?
d. Specia1'Placeme4 Committee
This function can be expended in usefUlnees if arrancements
Can be made to integrate .the work of this Committee with action
at the Career Boarde ao that the latter will utilize the Committee,
and likewise, arrangements Should be made fbr Special Placement
Committee referrals to be considered by the Panels. Vith the
Aprivision of improved support to the Committee by establishment
of the Agency Reassignment Unit, cases 'could be staffed more
completely before Committes consideration, and implementation of
Committee decisions would be accomplished. more quickly -and effectively.
. 4. paling:Of Vacaneies
beCcmilishinatthis function, we shall emphasize bore strongly the
necessity' for assurimg that outside endowment is initiated 014 vben no
Agency eaPloYell 1430 is qualified or can be mado se 'Whin time limits can
be made available tor the,vcoency. The program v111 bemore productive if
all open" professiddel poettions are rePorted to this Office at soon. 44
dynnt.existe that a Candidate will be Nomad within the Career aerviee con-
'eerneto Currently, the -reporting ig limited to CIS-12 and Shove positions at
BA140ext ere,
?AtotipellfIcations register service as it now operates:largely partly
AgNietive.* thAs'llPitet0 from the requirement that an ellgoYtkesr000rd eg
USt be sobwitte4 to a Career derviee in ancitbeg.pireotorate
?to1asa40115aTel1410004440., *Gettig Career Service. Obte414401WAIOPM01.1a
'91/16"---.41021614176 and bag rendered the dylitem lmatrietive.- We
that :either iog.kptie Prattled or. a recording of personae]. zalifiestione
Preixceetbi.kthe kdellatirlRossZeigament Unit be made available without relaamic.
200.005 for ftle'lieVlers or interview would cent-141m to;04P4ire the'060e-d
cure*** Of thes,parent Career Service.
In summary, we can provide optimum support to the Career Services only
Ilirlaswel Information itonorn.4? al the. ositions *duet) are to be filled
atodAsilAtteriatten about qualified Candidates for the 40%, %Ad ismounisa
1,1forltriXoting the two together. This mechanism, we ballets, consists of the
coney Reassignment Unit Vhioh will use productively genliflestions resistors,
*mainVOL close Working relationship, with the career dervicee aud with the
sPeOal nacilimedkregmmittee, and Which will adaisialMetlutlAanagament ObveloP-
meat Program,
intment Aotio
ificati Review
, a. Results on applicant testing prepared. by Asaessment and.
tvaivatiea Ortaft# Mica of Trainingi should be made available-in '
writiMg -,6"-Flaefatent ottic'ers. significant intonation
"bRating UPOU iSPP11063168\41414-ifiC81004A and abilittess obtained by ottiOa
et Securitqf darlmetbeir investigation should be made known to Office
,,c1.1!-Perfouriel.fbr use ift epplleaat selection.
Approved 'For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-01826R001000090003-3
Approved For Release 2000/ IA-RDP80151826R001000090003-3
' b. To fix responsibility for over-all ayelicant processing in
onittnit, it is recommended that the activities of the Appointment
Unitl-Pecords and Services Diviaime, in regard to applicant procese-
ing te transferred to PAD. 1410116110eing advantages would accrue:
(1) Office of Personnel responsibility for contacting
applicants and naking commitments would be accomplished by
professional persohnel technicians.
(2) PAD would be in a better position to cOntrol the
continued procesting of applicants or the entrance on duty
of cleared applteants under varying ceiling considerations.
(3) The Placement Officer would be able to advise the
Agency components at all times on the status of applicants
in process.
(4) PAD could handle better sensitive or discretionary
arrangements for invitational travel, pre-polygraph and pre-
medical examinations, etc.
(5) Certain economies in personnel utilization might
be realized.
6. Development and Maintenance of a Career Planningliandbook.
A Career Planning Handbook, perhaps a sanarste,section for each Career
Service, should be developed. by PAD in coordiaation litb 'Position Evaluation
--DiVision and the Career Services. The hook would ceatailvtal0,44kfinition of
each ot the types of positions in each Career Service togetii* with a state-
ment of the qualifications required, personal and professionallapd a resume
of the traininc, Agency or external, useful in the work. 1Phis beok would be
moat usefUl to personnel and career planning officers alike and would central-
ize in catalog form all basic information about Agency :toba.
7. 101.9t-P1acement Program
- ,
In recognition of the growing realization that the Agencyts changing
Programs do result in staffing situations in which a category of personnel
soy be in fact surplus to the Agency, out-placement must be provided for. The
prograft has been accomplished in the rest on an individual piece-meal baeis.
A' strengthened pros:re:a would call for the making of continuing contacts and
lialsehtwith private empinyersuprofessional societies, other federal agencies
and tb0 Civil Service Commission private professional placement orgnnizations,
- and the like, in order to ac4uir; information about job opportunities and to
make referral of Agency a4ployees Against these Jobe. This program we propose,
be removed from the Cautustairig Branch (amployee 'Relations Branch) a:1d located
in the proposed Agency Reaseignment7lJnit, which reports to the Chief, PAD.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-01826R001000090003-3