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Document Release Date: 
July 13, 2005
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Publication Date: 
July 6, 1966
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Approved For Release 2005/0 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD: SUBJECT: Minutes of the COINS Meeting 28 and 29 June 1966 1. A joint meeting was held on 28 June 1966 with the Systems Panel of Guidance and Evaluation from 1015 to 1500. 2. The following individuals were present: a. Systems Panel of Guidance and Evaluation Members 25X1 25X1 3. The morning session involved briefings by RYE system and by on the TIPS sys 6 July 1966 on the 25X1 1+. A detailed technical discussion on current planning and status of COINS I took place in the afternoon session. 5. A regular COINS meeting was held on 29 June 1966 from 1015 to 1145. GROUP-I zxcl d (vom G1 c lowr4wtidinq &--d Approved For Release 2005/0 81 ?-WOMKOT40002-6 Approved F~or-Release 6. The following individuals were present: BQ39A000100140002-6 8. The Chairman asked if it would be possible for NSA to receive a mag tape of all messages that normally come to NSA from State. I I said he would look into the matter and report back at the next 9 The Chairman brought up the subject of evaluation of COINS I. Isubmitted an informal paper on operational and technical evaluations is paper is included as Inclosure 1. 10. Discussion followed on evaluation of COINS and the following is an outline of committee's thinking at the time: Technical Evaluation Communications Links Crypto Equipment Hardware Software Exchange (users language) Approved For Release _ "1601139A000100140002-6 A ro ed Rel a 20 11 9A000100140002-6 emote '~.~nas~ Users Language Interface Messages Use of System Queue Fault s Lost Messages Software Simulation Expandability of system # of interrogation per each agency - response time Problem. of Comparison s making an evaluation of Project MAC) Operational Evaulation User Satisfaction Interrogations - Language and format Files Classification Content of answers An in-depth survey of users How long would it have taken to get the answer by other means? Have you asked the question before? Did you derive any useful intelligence conclusions? What intelligence reports did conclusions go into? 25X1 Chairman, COINS Committee Incl: a/s Approved For Release 2005/07/203 CIA-RDP80B01139A000100140002-6 r,=WT SEIM Approve r Release 2005/0 , 9A000100140002-6 &T-- Mrac nin, Technical evaluation of a system consists of applying a series of tests to the system to see whether it meets the technical specifications established for its design and whether in fact it performs acceptably. With regard to COINS I, this would involve seeing whether programs and circuits perform correctly and inquiries, etc. are properly processed in the system. Operation testing involving evaluating whether the system meets operational requirements. In general, a system has to be technically acceptable before operational testing is feasible. Once technical testing has been completed operational testing can be initiated to evaluate the utility of the system. In the case of COINS I, this involves specifying the kinds of pay-offs such a community-wide system might have and then evaluating what pay-off (or improvement) has been achieved. A distinction is made between these two types of testing because the initial data bases in COINS I are agency selections and have not been selected to test any specific anticipated pay-off from on-line systems. Thus they are quite suitable for technical test of the system, but may or may not be useful in operational testing. Operational testing of COINS I would have to be preceded by an examination of what might be a set of improvements achievable with such a system and a selection of files to demonstrate the reality of such improvements. GROUP-11 Excluded lom,3vmow#i, &WjWgdine ea, Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000100140002-6 or*