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Approved ForRNiettee ibind/htr&nielp801301139A90200010006-5 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CODIAC-D-9 1 Jkal,y? 1958 MEIVRANDAVM IAC Committee on Documentation stsarz Automation Information The attached memerandatm le circulated for your information by direction of the Chairman. WAR:potent CODIAC-D,9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP80601139A000200010006-5 'Noe FCC OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Meese 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP80B01139/4400200010006-5 CODIAC-D-9 MEMORANDUM FOR: airman, CODIAC SUBJECT : Automation information of Interest to CODIAC 17 June 1958 The following information is reported to COD:CAC in the interest of keeping each of the medbers informed of new machine developments: a. HOGAN LABORATORIES, INC., 155 Perry Street, New York, N.Y. During a recent visit to New York City, I spent several hours at the Hogan laboratories. This Company licenses most of the facsimile equipment in use today throughout the country by the wire services (A? and UT). Mr. Hogan and his staff demonstrated a new techniqne for producing a high speed facsimile transmisaion. It involves the use of a new scanning principle and accomplishes printing at the receiving end through multiple styli rather than a helix. I witnessed print-out by use of this technique at the rate of 16.2 inches ieer second. Mr. Hogan said. that with modification he felt the machine can prodnce 24 inches per second ming 8 inch width paper. The Hogan Lab. presently has contracts with Aidressograph-Multi- graph Corp. to read and print addresses from IBM cards at the 24 inches per second rate. It also Fe doing developmental work for General Electric and Lockheed. Aircraft to adapt high speed facsimile to computer output. Varther discussion revealed that the Company is experimenting elth facsimile reading of film; Mr. Hogan was confident that film could be scanned and printed out on paper et high speed even at the Minicard reduction ratio of 60-1. He later showed me satisfactory copy pro- duced at high speed with 16m, microfilm as the source document. b. TEN-NIS:TON UTILITIES CORP. This is a very small company which makes TV monitors for the large broadcasting systems. Mt. Nam, the Chief Engineer, has devised an interesting technique for transmitting documentarymaterial to a remote point by television without the use of the conventional TV camera and hot lights. He built and demonstrated. a compact transmission device the size of a small desk. A cathode ray tube: which displays a raster that is picked. up by a photocell, is meunted under the desk with its face level with the desk top. The system will recognize and transmit any kind of printed matter recorded on a transparent baseoee0onae.quently, he demon.- beeitit6d lititt printed Copy On ACetate COUld be traiiiidtted b ely Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP80601139A000200010006-5 Approved For RelfetetoillitlyAtabsicIAMP80601139A10200010006-5 -2- CODIAC-D-9 placing the copy on top of the tube; he was also able to write new information on the face of the acetate sheet which resulted in simultaneous appearance on the TV monitor at a remote point. To further demonstrate the machine's versatility, Mr. Odom used 2x2 slides as the source document and obtained very satisfactory results on the monitor. The Company is anxious to install this equipment in one agency in Washington so that others would have a chance to see it operate. For $3750 it offered to provide: (a) a 21 inch TV monitor and, (b) a transmission station for viewing 16mm film aperature cards and any printed copy on an acetate sheet. The technique appeared very intriguing for remote viewing of film files. Film material could either be negative or positive because TV transmission allows for polarity reversals at the flip of a switch. Mk. Odam saw no reason why the system could not be used for remote viewing of Minieards. He asked that we send him a sample 16mm aperature card and Minicard for experimentation purposes. c. AVCO, 750 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston 15, MEI.1313. Messrs, Louis Martin and Charles Phaneuf visited OCR on 13 June. AVCO has under development techniques for storage of microphotographic `grime information at 100-1 packed on glass panels. A direct access device permits rapid selection for TV viewing of any page of any document. Using the Cartesian coordinate scheme, AVCO believes it can position a camera to a selected coordinate station and read out the image information stored on the glass panels within 3/10ths of a second. Read out would be accomplished on a TV monitor and provision would be made for storing the video signals ilka memory so that the customer could view the images at his own rate of speed. A Lab- oratory bread-board model is available in Boston for demonstration purposes. / - / Special Assistant to the AD Central Reference FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP80601139A000200010006-5