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ApproVee For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80WO1139A000200110025-3 S-E-C-R-E-T CODIB-D-83/6 23 June 1964 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD COMMITTEE ON DOCUMENTATION Wor? mote Systems Input Attached for information, and as noted in para. 6 of CODIB-M-55 dated 23 June 1964, is a brief note from Chairman, CODIB transmitting the minutes of the 13th WGRSI meeting, particularly with regard to their decision not to pursue further a manual, input-only typewriter. GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200110025-3 25X1 25X1 Approve For Release 2005/07/20: CIA-RDP8S$01139A000200110025-3 &-E-C-R-E- T 8 June 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, USIB Committee on Documentation SUBJECT: Working Group on Remote Systems Input 1. Attached are minutes of the 13th meeting of the WGRSI. In essence, work on the input/output typewriter by General Dynamics has been under way for several months. The Working Group unanimously agreed not to further pursue development of a manual, input only typewriter in view of the technical and security problems. 2. The Working Group will convene periodically to review Navy/General Dynamics progress. /8/ 25X1 Chairman Working Group on Remote Systems Input Attachment - a/s GROUP I S-E-C-R-E-T Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B0l139A000200110025-3 Approve For Release 2005/07/20o: lA-RDP8S 01139A000200110025-3 S-E-C-R-E- WGRSI-M-13 26 May 1964 COMMITTEE ON DOCUMENTATION WORKING GROUP ON REMOTE SYSTEMS INPUT Minutes of the Thirteenth Meeting, 14 May 1964 Present NSA - Mr. John B. Capell NAVY - Mr. Edward J. Gottsman - Mr. Carl E. Parts Mr. Fred W. Fairchild DIA Dr. Maurice Kellner STATE - Mr _ Ralph Gallagher CIA 1. The Chairman reviewed briefly, for the benefit of the new Navy representative, Mr. Gottsman, the history of the Working Group's effort to have secure machine language producing typewriters developed for the Intelligence Community. He pointed out that a contract for an automatic Input/output machine was recently awarded to General Dynamics Electronics, and stated that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the technical dissertations submitted for a manual input only machine. 2. The Navy was asked to report first on the status of the input/output machine, then brief the Group on the proposals for the manual input machine. 3. Mr. Fairchild said that while the contract for the I/O device had been formally announced only recently, GD/E and the sub-contractor, MITE Corp., actually started work on the machine 3-4 months ago. Progress reports to date indicate satisfactory performance in all respects. The contractor expects the machine to exceed NAG-1A/TSEC specifications in the problem area of acoustics. S-E-C-R-E-T GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200110025-3 Approve or Release 20@5f17:fgl RDP80B 139A000200110025-3 There is even some concer. that it may be too quiet from the typists standpoint. With little or no audible soutad, she could occasionally have difficulty, it is feared, in determining whe'.Ler a non-printing key, such as a stop code or case shift, has been operated. GD/E speculates that it may become necessary to build in feedback (noise) deliberately. Members of the Working Group were of the consensus that this represents no real problem inasmuch as the typist can always check the tape when in doubt. Mr. Parta expressed the opinion that GD/E is overly optimistic concerning the anticipated noise level. Mr. Fairchild then stated that final keyboard arrangement must be settled soon and agreed to submit the proposed layout to the Working Group for comment. The Chairman will solicit and report the views of the members once they have studied the planned configuration. .ml 4. Turning to the manual input typewriter, Mr. Fairchild reported receipt of quotations from five firms: General Dynamics INVAC Connecticut Technical Stenographic Machines Info/ronics He described the devices offered by each and outlined their merits and faults, as well as developmental costs and cost per unit when in production. 5. It became obvious during the course of the discussions that all of the proposed machines (existing manual typewriters equipped to produce tape) would have serious shortcomings, both with regard to security and operation. A. None of the bids suggested an attempt to rneet the acoustic requirements of NAG-IA/TSEC. The USCSB Technical Eub-Committee on Compromising Emanations (SCOCE) studied the proposals and found these lacking in several respects, although it made no formal report to this effect. B. One of the major objectives in developing secure tape producing typewriters is to permit the remote preparation of machine language for direct input to computers. It was pointed out that these machines would possess no read-back capability whereby a typist might check the accuracy of her tape, i.e., the proper functioning of the tape producing unit. In the event she detected a serious error while proofreading her page copy, there would be no alternative but to retype the entire text to produce a new tape - with the possibility of new errors in different places. Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B0l139A000200110025-3 Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200110025-3 S-E-C?4-E-T C. The quotation cited by the most promising, and perhaps only feasible, proposal (that of General Dynamics) involves considerably more money than had been anticipated. More than $90, 000 for development and up to $1900 per unit cost. This machine too, however, has the faults mentioned in sub- paragraphs A and B above. 6. The Group concluded that pursuit of the manual input only approach does not look fruitful and agreed that this effort should be abandoned. Secretary 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07/20 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200110025-3