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Approved For Rele 7/ 2 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100160012-4 INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.G. 20,505 The Honorable Bill Gunter House of Representatives Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Mr. Gunter: I want to be as responsive to your letter of 25 February as I can, but the answers to most of your questions are beyond our capabilities and responsibilities. As you know, this problem is largely the province of the Federal Energy Office and its Administrator, Mr. Simon. We agree with Mr. Simon that the Shah of Iran was in- correct in asserting that the volume of oil consigned by the world's oil producers to the American market this year is at the same level as last year. No Arab oil is now directly con- signed to the U. S. because this would violate the rules of the embargo, as the Shah knows. The Shah might have meant that the same amount of Iranian oil is now consigned to the United States as last year. Last year our imports of crude oil from Iran were about 200, 000 barrels per day. During the first two months of this year, our daily imports from Iran have been running 37% higher than during the same period of 1973. While Arab countries have enjoined the international oil companies from shipping Arab oil directly to the U. S., statistics on U. S. imports since the embargo began last October suggest that shipments from non-Arab countries have increased. I am aware of press reporting that some firms have been diverting crude oil supplies away from our shores in recent weeks because of the allocation program. Since we do not col- lect intelligence on the activities of American firms abroad, we cannot document this alleged diversion. I suggest that the oil companies themselves or FEO would be the proper source of such information. Sincerely, W. E. Colby Director Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100160012-4 Approved For Rele 2005/07/22 : CIA7RDP80B01495R000100160012-4 Subject: Director's response to Congressman Bill Gunter re questions concerning our foreign oil supplies CONCUR: MAR 1974 Ac.?,n+ Deputy Director for Intelligence Date ADDI/PVWalsh/tb (8 Mar 74) Distribution: Original - Addressee 1 - DCI w/cy basic 1 - DDCI w/cy basic 1 ER w/cy basic 1 OLC w/ cy basic 1 - D/OFn u.1'-.t, 1 - ty-ul ? ? ~ ~?.? J v t4w711. r e: ER) w/ cy basic ~" DDI (1'i le: Congressional Relati ) ons w/cy basic 1 - DDI Chrono w/cy basic Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000100160012-4 Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000100160012-4 MEMORANDUM FOR: Subject: Congressman Gunter I suggest that our response to Congress- man Gunter' s letter of 25 February on oil be handled orally. If you do not agree, I have attached a draft letter which I think would be an adequate response without our saying any- more than we have to. Eau Walsh ADDI Attachment (DATE) Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000100160012-4 19ILL GUNTER WASHINGTON OFFICE, b 7n n! :I'7:ICT, FLORIDA A roved For Rele 2005/07/22: CIA-RDP80BO1495R0 016001 4 IAN "OU3L OFFICE BUtZAINp "App (902)..25-2175 AGRICULTUR FORES-r3 SV'3COMMRTEE LIVESTOCK AND GRAINS SUBCOMMITTEB SCIENCE ANO ASTRONAUTICS ENSRGY SUBCOMMITTEE MANNED SPACE FLIGHT SUBCOMMITTEE lei * oncrt O t e niteb Mate. ougz of 3. epre entatc'be Ul" f tt1n, -~'3. Z . 20515 DISTRICT OFFICTB, 1600 WEST COLONIAL DRIVE Y.O. Box US ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802 (305) 843_2030 PASCO COUNTY COURTHCUSE ANNEX P.O. Box 1175 N-.w PORT RICHEY, FLORIDA 33552 (013) 848-1910 February 25, 1974 The Honorable William E. Colby Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Dear Director Colby: I am requesting that you investigate and report to the Congress in whatever manner you deem appropriate the apparent mysterious disappearance of huge volumes of foreign oil in- tended for the United States which has never arrived. The reports are now too numerous of American oil customers and businessmen being approached with offers of all the oil they want, if they will simply meet a big enough price, to ignore the implications. The Shah of Iran last night was reported as indicating that the volume of oil consigned to the American market this year was at the same level as last year. The Shah suggested that if the oil is not reaching the United States.,- we might be interested in finding out why. As one Congressman, at least, I am so interested. It is time to find out who is holding up or.otherwise diverting oil that leaves the Middle East bound for the United - States but which, after being juggled from ship. to. ship -- sometimes as many as four times, according to.the Shah -- disappears, while at the same time huge volumes of oil are offered to us if we will simply meet the international black- market price. I am particularly interested in any information bearing on any involvement by American firms overseas, either oil companies or shipping companies, acting in collusion with foreign countries or suppliers, or cooperating in any way to withhold oil supplies from this country and diverting U. S.. bound supplies to an international black market instead. The statement today by Federal Energy Administrator Simon ridiculing the Shah's assertions and asserting his own agency's omniscience in determining the actual oil supplies arriving in this country by virtue of boarding ships and "examining manifests," is totally inadequate in my judgment. Mr. Simon apparently either, believes there is no black market or that Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100160012-4 THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS t f The- Ho+nnrahlo. c7.1 - r -. if there are blackmarketeers, they are of the variety keep scrupulously accurate and honest manifests for the benefit of customs officers charged with examining them and catching smugglers. .Your agency, perhaps alone among those in the Executive Department, has the capability and experience to determine the true facts with respect to what is happening to this oil from the time it leaves the Mideast to the time it reaches U. S. waters, and to account for the apparent diminution of volume inbetween; to determine the truth or falsity of rumors that Rotterdam, for example, is a key point at which U.S.-bound oil becomes lost through mysterious transfers of oil from ship to ship; to discern from aerial photographs the true volume of oil carried in tankers from one point to the next; to determine whether falsifications of manifests are taking place in large numbers; and in general to determine the extent, nature, and type of blackmarket operations internationally may be depriving our country of supplies i t n ended for us, and the extent of the collusive activity on the part of persons and companies handling oil transfers that would be required order to accomplish diversions of huge volumes of oil. in The Governor of Maryland indicated at a press conference last weekend that Maryland had been offered 25 million'gallons of gasoline, at. prices between 43 and 46 cents a gallon, from, to quqte the news report, unidentified "oil brokers" who ap- parently have access to large amounts of gasoline. News reports in recent weeks have carried a variety of sporadic and incidental but disturbing references, often quoting responsible businessmen in this country, that large - volumes of oil were available from sources outside this country if?they were but willing to meet the price. The discrepancy between the amount of oil the Shah reports .leaves the Mideast bound for this country and the volume o: oil Mr. Simon insists is actually arriving is too great to ignore without a responsible agency of our government having g the capability to determine what is transpiring in midocean or in foreign ports actually doing so. I am hopeful that your agency can report to the Congress a full and factual determination with respect to the situation as it is alleged to-exist, and I would appreciate the earliest responsible preliminary response based on information you may already have accumulated. Sincerely yours, B G/rndg Approves I-or Fteleapluuo/ut/11 : C:IA-KUI't$UtUUT4 OK0001UU1t5UU11-4 ILL GUNTER, M.C. Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100160012-4 Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100160012-4 BEST COPY A VAILABLE Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100160012-4 STAT Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100160012-4 Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100160012-4