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Document Release Date: 
July 10, 2006
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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1975
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01495R001300140007-9.pdf87.64 KB
;{?ra''':"":~:; Approved For Relea, THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20505 IC 75-1444/1 17 APR1975 opecial Assistant to the DCI for Strategic Warning Washington, D. C. 20301 I have reviewed the Strategic Warning Staff's first Monthly Report and want to commend you, and the other members of the staff for a fine piece of work. was particularly impressed by the Executive Surnmary....its crispness and clarity in identifying the key issues relevant to strategic warning. I believe the report as a whole will serve well (and more effectively than the former weekly Watch Report) its purpose of alerting the community to those international developments which have strategic warning implications. I am inclined to think that the relevance to strategic warning of some of the articles in the report.-.-for example those on Portugal, the US Trade Bill, and Brezhnev's somewhat tenuous. The line between big-W and small-w issues cannot be easily drawn, and there is perhaps some justification for the SWS to err on the side of overlap into the small-w area. I am concerned, however, that in surveying the whole gamut of international developments the SWS not lose focus with respect to its central mission. I would suggest that perhaps the best way of ensuring this focus is to make more explicit in the Monthly Report articles the relevance of each to strategic warning. in his transrpittal note accompan ing the M th y on ly Report, asked my views on its distribution outside the intelligence community. I do not thirds this would be appropriate. The primary function of the SWS, short of issuing a strategic warning notice, 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80BO1495R001300140007-9 Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80B01495R001300140007-9 is to keep the intelligence community on its toes with respect to strategic warning issues. Its "steady state" products--the Alert Lists and Monthly Reports--are not designed as finished intelligence for policy consumers and, in any event, largely duplicate current intelligence products which are designed for consumers. Of course, I have no objection if USIB principals chose to pass SWS products to their policy-level superiors. As you are aware, I have asked Sam Wilson to maintain a continuing review of the strategic warning process, and he is planning to discuss with you the points I have raised above., In the meantime, I want you to know that I am most pleased with the fine beginning you have made in carrying out this difficult task. Sincerely, is/ W. F. Co1b W. E. Colby Distribution: Orig