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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 24, 1998
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Publication Date:
September 12, 1974
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Approved For ReIe- 2000/08/30 CIA-RDP80BO15
'oz,,,: Director of Central` * lliZence
The is EZP Procesa
FY 1)75 Objectives, we haste established a syste . whereby we suben=s
the K=a i oar isyatei- . by tak-4=3 themes coAlLeratioit when writing
needs cf major irnporaace. As ycu ow from your approval of our
2. This Directory welcowe $ the Key f 3igerece Questions
( ms) for )Fiscal Year 1875 as an I,I,.atis of , eUisence info atio
la the cane of the I)-'S lE a, we have diseerniaated therm tout
the specific Objectives, noting which a.IQ.s are ref cted in each Objective.,
.~ ? - s -rte. . p w - -t ..l ! + -- ft. _ a"U - titer
C.S AL3 "'Ad # tt$X C.Lf1\. 6SR i>Lr[O r." +tlL.vVX V 1-3ii-+ID Y.'Jg w., wrMNVrI'a? A W YKy'.,1J-
la elliseace Q iestions of primary importance to the Go nnzic :t. We
the n-y4 in order to priori all Directorate eiemezts of the latest Key
thia action, the Y..1 s win suppl eit the very specific operati$nal
guidance provided I=- the
3. Bearing in mind the fact that t. !-;Ms are only parftaly.
applicable to clandestine collar oa and the fact that yos:t. previously
roes several aonths after our M BO meetings and decislons resullins
. or csa.mple. the schedUll for the 3asuaace Cr new I" a each. year
tore bashing of s in t c E*ectora does preset come problems.
a proved oiaz zauasezaent of our Pros an according to the 2LO concept,
therefrom which represenA oar Ps oaraA submission to you. In- fact .
your decisions on our Pro r axr . Deapi.e this, they serve as valMable
Ch e R s will probably reach as each year after. you have already made
a ~.pleme~t to the Ob}ec-tives, and we plan to Laid a them in that way.
Approved For Re1e1W 2000/08/30: CIA-RDP80BOl 500ROCW01 10047-0
4. The ` proved ea, on the c r hand, give is serious
l,-l" r`. a 'e =4e.: stand what the IC Staff and NIOa are say -S about
_.his process, it req-j.ires financial aceouatLn3s of exp+ t' es .gaiost
sSeci ie s. Sys staxted the 2LiIZX3O s- stem a year ago, we i,a e
ceu:p ly rzrvixed our Ezancis1 actoi=ting system to report opera oza1
e : endit;:ras by Objective. Our ezer ierce bas conraced ue that f aocial
accot g can only be done in ..esaingsui terms, when we have broad.
s;3h1e objectives. It also shows that :t is practicaLly iz .po isib a to do
when the objectives t u rely are narrow and f,quently chamging. 'war
caict satiate the fi clal regsii.en- nts of t' EE system wit's-
cor plesely scra_ piag aril are-wiz U10 work of the paat year b=silt armed
r eporti by Objectives or establ.i g a parallel system to satisfy the
;.EP process. This, I belie , is beyond he capability of our Field
as oaratus to absorb. Any attenpt at specific accounti short of t -hose
ale tive courses would result is data. w hlcli are meaningless for decision
5. i he ZEP presents the sates prole m is the field of exalt tioa.
`=? a XP p:ocedoree wiU require ICs to evaluate speci tc Prom.
pr!orma.^.ace against each b . T h-19 is f=: fr. the a en3i e e atiosi
oys em w Bch believe z :ust be used =aaager-fte-aza er; of clanda4ti e
o: eratiaaz3. As you of course reco ni::e, the nature of Chun-de,3ti-n-S
orerattona requires .LYest=`ient of resources in the eatak1is' ?rient of
etir es precede and al aya are ~n more
_oile c,ra- cap abilliit}}yIaa whicsoc
cc; .pre t~ sii+ort } Sewin Intell tg- e y a erAir4m}~ YS. h*.i-t tbe1
=? to . ~ is re i ~i a cnta 9i?ch a the 1L.iQa is =111 ely to b, a
? re iec :~'+i iii ii 1,3. ~` L ~ ~1a~ .i.?. i3'r7. peri .'.:^: a.': si -C;.i is '.''vee s wily
_:.:2 ten= and targst-or i-ent'ed i atu e.
Approved For Rel
2000/08/30: CIA-RDP80801500R0CW0110047-0
c, For the above .as* s, I request re iris oA Of your
cQUccx a :ce in Our :a ir:g aI the EX-Z-3 *= der o:= 2$$EO syste aad-
an eze a tioa aI thl& Directorate fro= Paaticipatue In tha K process.
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