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Publication Date: 
April 25, 1975
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NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For ReJse 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80B01622RQQ 100040001-4., 25 April 1975 25X1 C MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 1 - DDS&T 1 - D/OCI 1 - AD/OSR Approved For Release 200?J82~ TF ? f 01622R+1-900'4QOE}1- - -- Approved For Releas"002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1622R00010Q040001-4 I MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director STATI NTL . STATI NTL The attached review cautions that the Agency film, A Need to Know, will almost certainly have a negative impact on most audiences under present circumstances.- I urge that we refrain from showing the film--either to Agency or to outside groups. I have in- structed CRS to put a hold on its copies of the film, and I stron ly suggest that you ask OTR and not to use it in their programs. ere are ar better ways to get our message across. Ed Proctor 29 April 1975 ( DATE) FORM NO. IoI REPLACES FORM 10.101 I AUG 54 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1622R000100040001-4 11 Tn' e :gal Use Only Approved For Releas 002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1622R0001 )40001-4 25 April 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT : "A Need to Know" 1. You asked me to review the Agency film "A Need To Know" because you were concerned that continuing to show it to non-Agency audiences, especially during the period of the investi ations, might be counterproductive. I have done so, as has f OCI. We agree that the film should be s e ve , a' eas unti t e hearings are concluded. 2. As you know, considerable portions are obsolete: ONE is gone; the NIS is gone; and so are Messrs. Helms, Smith, Godfrey, etc. And, of course, a great many other very significant changes that have occurred in the past few years are not reflected. 3. Of greater concern are many scenes and statements that in the current context are unfortunate (and in some cases patently un- truthful). To mention a few: -- The two sequences featuring former President Nixon. These inevitably remind the viewer of alle- gations that the Agency was involved in Watergate. In one scene, President Nixon describes the Agency as a necessary adjunct to the "presidency." -- There is lavish praise for Allen Dulles. Not to belittle his contributions, he may be remembered by some as the fellow who allegedly said he would lie to anyone but the President if the situation demanded it. -- References in one or more places to stopping the export of Communist revolution to Latin America. This cannot help but call attention to the Chile controversy. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1622R000100040001-4 Internal Use Only Approved For Release?2002/027gi~rell -RYiB 6~622R000'4 040001-4 --An unqualified statement by the narrator, pointing to a map of the US for emphasis, that the Agency's responsibilities stop at the water's edge, and that the only counter-intelligence work that we undertake is in foreign areas. -- Another statement by the narrator that the Agency neither confirms nor denies allegations made against it, but that this policy poses no danger be- cause Agency people are so trustworthy. -- A statement that we are carefully controlled by the executive (PFIAB) and legislative branches. This might be greeted with considerable skepticism. -- Concluding remarks by the narrator to the effect that he hasn't told the audience everything, but that if he told more he would diminish the Agency's ability to support national security. This statement is followed by assurances that officials who need to know what the Agency is up to do know. 4. I understand a rough editing job has been done on one copy of the film and that there is a version some 17 minutes long that ex- cludes many of the items that are obsolete or untrue. I have not seen this version. I am confident, however, that what would be left after deleting all the hair-raising portions would be a film that rather obviously avoids all mention of clandestinity --- particularly covert action - and is deafeningly silent on the subject of domestic ac- tivities. It would surely be taken as a feeble PR job by a beleaguered Agency. The net impact on all but the most sympathetic audiences is bound to be negative. 5. 'Finally, you may recall that one of recent STATINTL sessions with high school students, featuring ' ee to Know , did not go as well as a similar session without the film. STATINTL Distribution: Chief DM Executive Staff,,} Original - Sent to Director with blue note from. DDI 1 - Director/CRS 0] -- DDI Chrono 1 - DDI Film file Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CL -RDP80BO1622R000100040001-4